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Constructing Love

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She laughed and stared up into his deep green eyes overwhelmed with happiness that she never thought she could ever feel, and that no one ever came close to giving her but these five men.

  Chapter 6

  “You were definitely onto something, and Jimmy, too,” Felix said to Broaden. They met in Broaden’s main office in Dallas.

  “Shit, what did you find out?”

  “Well the second I started investigating, I get a call from a colleague. A guy in the FBI. He asks why I’m looking into Bentley Smothers and Pierre Felt. Turns out they’re being investigated in money laundering, tax evasion, illegal gambling, and have been basically making threats to certain businessmen and investors in order to land construction jobs and other things.”

  “Who is this guy you know, a Federal Agent? Can he be trusted?”

  “Well I always like to ensure my information is accurate and my sources legit. I wouldn’t give him anything unless he proved to me that he wasn’t working for any of these thugs. He says I’ll introduce you if you have anything that can help us pin these guys to further crimes. Anyway, I meet them, and it’s legit. They have a task force. They were working with Scapio who the feds had approached about Banks construction and Pierre Felt forcing hands for certain contracts.”

  “Banks construction? They were up against us for the big job in Warriorville.”

  “Yeah, and Randy Banks’ cousin is a fucking whack job. They live in Warriorville as well. Mo Banks is the cousin’s name. The Feds have some info on them and they said Mo was the last person seen with a woman who disappeared, and then later showed up, raped, drugged out of her mind and no memory at all of what happened to her. They think it was this dick Mo.”

  “Wonderful. So why can’t they arrest him, or any of these assholes right now?”

  “Scapio is missing and they think that maybe Mo or another hired heavy took him out or are keeping him under wraps and forcing him to make a deal.”

  “Scapio won’t do that. It won’t matter if there was a knife or even a gun to his neck, he won’t budge.”

  “That’s what the feds are afraid of. Apparently, Scapio has been working with them for some time. They even investigated you and saw you were legit. When chatter came through about the fire at the construction site in Warriorville, and even the fear of sabotage, the feds immediately though it could be Mo.”

  “Well they all don’t know me, what about the Construction company I hired? Lantern construction?”

  “I’ve been looking into them. All military backgrounds and they hire retired military as well. A great company and most importantly legit. However, Pentura, Lovera, and Dom have had some problems in the past with the Banks family. They’re also antimilitary.”

  “Well why the hell do they live in Warriorville then? It’s a military town.”

  “I don’t know, but the feds are asking us to sit tight. They’re getting closer and they really want to find Scapio. This deal can’t go on without him so they’re going to have to release him sooner than later.”

  “And in the interim, what if these guys try to do more harm to the construction site in Warriorville to seek some kind of revenge or whatever?”

  “You said you spoke to Pentura and his brothers, and you informed Madeline about surveillance cameras and things? Make sure those are installed and security is stepped up a notch for the time being. And Broaden, these guys are way more dangerous than the feds thought. When Scapio disappeared, they didn’t know that Mo was in town besides Bentley. Jimmy’s information saying he saw Bentley talking to Scapio and Scapio being agitated right before he disappeared is not coincidence.”

  “Bentley is an asshole. He’s been trying to screw me over and even destroy my business on the downlow because I hired Madeline.”

  “What does Madeline have to do with this?”

  “She dated Bentley for a while. It was pretty serious until the dick cheated on her.”

  “He is an asshole. Madeline is beautiful and has such a great personality.”

  “Yeah well, this dick attacked her, struck her, and told her he would destroy her life. He even spread some rumors about her so I wouldn’t hire her. But turns out she fought back, broke his nose and had information on—"

  “Oh shit, Madeline has information on Bentley that could get him in trouble with the feds?”

  “Shit, she does, unless it’s stuff they already know?”

  “Can you call her and find out?”

  “I can, but I don’t want her name involved, or for any feds to let on it was her. You don’t know who Bentley may or may not know.”

  “Of course, let me know if you get anything. The feds may want to talk to her themselves.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk to her.”

  Madeline was in her office at the showroom and sales office in town when her cell phone rang. “Hi, Broaden,” she said as she answered it.

  “Hey, sweetie. How are you?”

  “Doing well. I was going to call you in a little while. I’m heading to the construction site to see how the surveillance cameras are coming along.”

  “I thought I said I didn’t want you going there.”

  He seemed agitated. “What’s wrong? You didn’t exactly explain why and tried to say it was because of the excavator fire.”

  “There’s more to it than that. It’s complicated, as I explained about Scapio going missing and how someone was seen talking to him and putting pressure on him.”

  “Who was it? You know? Is it someone that is trying to hurt the Lantern family?”

  “It’s complicated and they aren’t my first concern, you are and this company, and of course Scapio. I’ve known him for years and we go way back, you know that.”

  “Of course, Broaden. Whatever you want or need you know I’m here for you.”

  “As I’m here for you, too. I need some information, and when I tell you who is being investigated in connection to Scapio’s disappearance, I need you to be calm and ready to help me.”

  “Oh God, who is it?”



  “Bentley has been trying to assist a few others in taking jobs away from our company, while also being involved in money laundering, tax evasion, and some other crimes.”

  “He’s going after you and your company because of me, isn’t he?”

  “I don’t think it’s just because you work for me and I hired you after he fucked things up with you, Madeline. He’s always been jealous and he has a hatred for soldiers and anyone military. The fact that my entire family is military, and we are so successful, obviously pisses him off. He has friends around Warriorville that he must have hired to cause those issues, or perhaps did it willingly because they hate soldiers as well. The feds are working on it. I called in Felix.”

  “Oh my God, Felix? This must be dangerous and a real threat. If the feds know so much, then why can’t they arrest Bentley and whomever is helping him?”

  “They don’t have enough evidence quite yet, and they don’t know who took Scapio or where he might be.”

  “What do you need?” she asked.

  “I know it’s tough, and you’ve been trying to get over Bentley for so long.”

  “Oh God, you want me to talk to him?”

  “No. I want to see if you remember any other information that could help the feds to put him away, to lock him up, and perhaps even lead to the arrest of the others or maybe where they have Scapio.”

  “I don’t know too much.”

  “You knew enough to make him drop charges of assault against you.”

  She took a few unsteady breaths. “I may know some names and some meetings that took place and a location they would use for those meetings.”

  “Great. Anything you have.”

  “Well, do you have a pen?” she asked, and then spent the next hour going over several things with Broaden, even locations and some names of other people who aided Bentley with some of his illegal deals. When they were finished, Br
oaden shocked her.

  “Maybe it’s best if you head back here to Dallas. I would rather you be safe and under my protection here then out there in some town where you hardly know anyone.”

  “I’ll be fine, and I’m not alone.”


  “I’m not alone. I’ll be fine.”

  “You’re seeing someone? Who?”

  “More than one man actually.”

  “A ménage, Madeline?”


  “Did you tell the colonel, and your brothers?”



  “They’re running them through the system, what do you think?”

  He laughed. “Damn it, it’s awesome news and I can’t wait to meet them. Wait, how many?”


  He whistled. “What do they do?”

  “All Marines and one is the sheriff.”

  “Wait Tatum Lantern? Him and his brothers, the ones whose fathers and uncles own and operate the construction company?”



  “What’s wrong?”

  “Well it could be a problem. Felix mentioned that there are these guys, another construction company that may or may not have been involved in trying to take Scapio, or at minimum get him to use their construction company could be involved, too. They think that this guy Pierre Felt could have been orchestrating this whole thing with Bentley, and that Felt has these low lives working for him.”

  “No one has notified the Lantern family or the sheriff though?”

  “No, because they don’t have enough evidence and the feds don’t deem it necessary right now. Their focus is on this current construction job that Scapio and I met once about.”

  “The one on the border of Warriorville and Casper? The high-end mansions?”

  “Yes, and when we were supposed to meet again, he didn’t confirm. I was telling Jimmy about it, and he said he saw Scapio at an event on the weekend and saw Bentley talking to him and Scapio seemed agitated. Anyway, that’s what led to me calling Felix and the feds calling him.”

  “So they sound like they’re onto Bentley and also his associates?”

  “It seems that way. Maybe this info you had might help.”

  “Well keep me posted.”

  “You stay safe and around those five men and especially that sheriff.”

  “Got it. Talk to you soon.”


  “What the fuck do you mean federal agents raided the place?” Bentley asked over the phone in his SUV. Pierre told him.

  “Someone told them about the warehouse and the small meeting room at the bar in town. There are feds all over both.


  “Fuck is right, Bentley. A lot of your associates are pissed off and being investigated, arrested, never mind several other men you’ve been working with and someone else knew exactly who you were dealing with.”

  “Who? Who the fuck would give up that information?”

  “Maybe someone in Broaden’s company.”

  “No, fuck.”

  “What?” Pierre asked.

  “That fucking bitch Madeline. Holy shit. Broaden probably got her to talk.”

  “Who the hell is Madeline?” Pierre asked.

  “The brunette I used to fuck. She’s also working out there on the construction site with those assholes your buddies can’t stand, the Lantern family.”

  “Jesus, Bentley. What the fuck were you thinking, comprising something like this so close to home?”

  “Pierre, I didn’t know she was working on the other site. This deal was about closing in on a contract for those mansions in Casper on the border of Warriorville.”

  “She could know more than what she’s already spilled.”

  “She could, but I haven’t been approached by the feds yet, and neither have you.”

  “Well I’m not going to take any chances. I’ll have them grab her and take her to a secluded location. We’ll find out what she knows. Can you handle that?” Pierre asked.

  “Need you fucking ask?”

  “Do it, and no loose ends. Scapio can’t be found either.”

  “Looks like you’re going to get your chance after all,” Mo said to Jerry.

  “My chance at what?”

  “Shooting the sheriff. We need his bitch, alive, but sedated until we get to the location,” Mo told him.

  “Seriously, what the hell did she do?”

  “Probably fucked some other rich dicks and now they want her back. Who cares, this is going to be sweet. We’ll take Madeline right out from their hands, and they won’t know shit. We’ll get her to Fort Worth.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then they question her, beat the piss out of her, and he can play with her before we kill the bitch and bury the body.”

  Nice,” Jerry said.

  “Hey, don’t tell Bucky. He doesn’t have the balls like we do,” Mo said.

  Jerry chuckled. “Let’s do this.”

  Madeline walked to the café and then back to the showroom. She had just stopped at the corner when Tatum pulled up in his truck. She gave him a wave and waited on the side street as he got out to greet her. Taking in the sight of the sexy sheriff who everyone in town knew was her man, she couldn’t help but smile. She was involved in a ménage relationship with five men. She loved each of them so much, and enjoyed learning about their personalities, their likes and dislikes, while also preparing them to meet her parents and brothers. They were all arriving in just two days.

  She had felt uncomfortable about her phone call yesterday with Broaden and she decided to tell Tatum about it. Which was why he was here right now. He expressed his concern and she gave him Broaden’s number to call as she headed out of the showroom to grab coffee and get some fresh air.

  It was late in the afternoon. She hurried to him and just as she hugged him tight and they kissed, she heard the gunshot, then felt the strike to the back of her neck and shoulder. As she fell down, she saw Tatum fall backwards. Two more shots rang out as a masked man shot him and another grabbed her. He lifted her up and said they needed to hurry. People screamed and she could barely focus on what was happening. Her head throbbed, tears fell, and she saw Tatum laying there on the ground. Was he dead? They shot him? As she was thrown into a van, one drove and the other tied her wrists and her ankles. Then, he covered her eyes with a blindfold. She lay on the metal bottom, moaning in pain. Her stomach lurched and she vomited. He cursed, then kicked her and as she continued to throw up, then dry heave, she heard the guy driving yell out. “Just deal with the smell. When she passes out, get a few feels. It’s going to take a little time to get to Fort Worth,’ he said and chuckled.


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