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Darkroom Saga Omnibus 2

Page 6

by Poppet

  Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy 2:11

  It's in black and white, women are flawed, easily led into temptation and away from god's grace, and it is our role as men to redeem them, to bring them back under our command, to save them. They defy god's laws, they follow satan's subversive agenda.

  The male populace is beyond reproach, we are without sin because we know whose image we wear. When we look in the mirror we see god, and we know it. We feel his power flow through every muscle, in the engorging of a penis readying to cleave nubile flesh. Women have endless self-esteem issues because they do not look in the mirror and see god, we don't share their satanic drama because we have no shame or sin. We know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the evil one. 1 John 5 vs 19.

  So distracted, I finally realize I'm standing at home, closing the door on the bedroom, turning the key and containing my hostage. Throughout the Exodus god sent men out to conquer lands, to take the women they liked. Even the angels took the women they liked, owning them completely, having children with them. Genesis 6:2 What I'm doing isn't kidnapping, it's sanctioned by the most high himself. They kidnapped thirty-two thousand virgins to warm their beds in Numbers 31:35. I'm not that greedy, I just want the one. Maybe two, we'll see. But I'm fussy and I know what I like. I like my China Doll, my petite and feminine Caine.

  Each of you take a wife by force from among the girls… each of them chose a wife from the girls who were dancing at Shiloh and carried her away. Judges 21:21-23

  Take her by force, yes lads, it's biblical. She has not His authority to fight you on this. She doesn't have the authority to tell you no, she was made for this express purpose and why should you deny yourselves of god's divine plan for you because of manmade laws which deign to give satan's sluts equal rights. We do not follow mankind's rules because they will not gain us access into heaven, we follow god's instructions as laid out in his holy book, and it says to take the ones you want.

  It isn't human trafficking or kidnapping, Moses supplied the Most High's priests with virgins, and they took them from the lands they plundered. Women were made for men, they have no rights. In this you are fully entitled. You don't send her flowers and fawn all over her, and then suffer her rejection. No, if you want her you have his permission to take her! Fuck them, take them, rule over them, save them from sin and deliver them from evil. Bring them home and keep them prisoner if need be, as Moses and the Levite priests did, and fuck them until they have not the energy to argue or scream, until they submit to your authority and do what is right.

  Look online gentlemen, read erotica blogs and look at the evidence that women across the world have rape fantasies, to such an extent that there's an entire market writing it as escapism for women pining for the way things were, pining for divine order in a world gone mad.

  They can't escape their inherent desire to be owned, to be fucked, held down, restrained, in bondage to god's infallible will. Women dream of it, they lust for it, and they are wrong, it isn't rape, it's us doing god's divine duty. They want it, secretly they crave it, and we are wrong to submit to society's laws (which are in error) when women need us to deliver them their innermost desires, to be freed of sin; and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by her husband. We must consecrate them, sanctify them, we must answer their prayers manifesting as lust for rape novels, we must redeem them!

  Laughing out loud, I know I want this one. Never has a woman fit me the way Candace does. She submitted the second I held her to the wall with my hand around her throat, she recognized god's authority in me by my commanding grip, and she became wet with the desire for my redemption. She's so little, so easy to manhandle, her willingness so plaintive and obvious that my soul is screaming to deliver her from evil.

  But first, I need to make sure she can never go home again. That's where Duke comes in. He will plant the cocaine and contraband around their apartment, our hacker and techno-whizz Jude will plant records that show that Candace left for Sudan yesterday, freeing her from accusation.

  Jan will be caught red handed, Sodom's bouncers will report her to the cops, giving them the tip that she's a dealer, she'll be arrested and her adherence to having an alibi will be nullified because her alibi wasn't even in the country at the time of her visit to Sodom. And the evidence all over their home will damn her, making her a liar.

  I'll get the security boys to record it all, giving Candy proof that Jan's a dealer, that the apartment is under surveillance, that she will ruin her life if she goes home and gets herself caught up in that mess. I will be her guardian in a time of strife, I'll separate her from her previous life, providing for her, and in every way she will be under my authority and dependent, and she will be grateful because her subconscious will recognize my altruistic motivation.

  She will believe it is love. And it is love. Love conquers satan's hold on female bodies and minds. I will set her free from the sin weighing her down. And if she ever thinks she can leave me of her own free will I'll expose the sweet fact that to the world she's now a porn star. No matter where she runs she will be shunned and shamed for screwing for an audience. But until that day she'll believe the glib half truth I'll feed her. And she won't question it at all, because men are naturally more intelligent than women.

  Women who have orgasmed and been aroused the right way become instantly docile and willing to please. They become stupid in every way. They latch onto us because they are slaves to pleasure and dominance. She won't question my motives at all, and I'll make sure that the problem friend is locked away and can't intervene, not for a long long time.

  Maybe Jan will die in prison, perhaps that will be best. I am decided. I will not waver on this, Candace is mine and I will not share her with an outsider. Not now, not ever. I am simply exercising my authority over the woman I have chosen to be mine. God gave her to me and now she is subject to my authority. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands. 1 Peter 3:1

  I grew up in His house, I am one of his angels, and I have authority to take the ones I like, just like the angels before me have done. We are sanctioned, like the Levites were once his chosen priests, now we, the Sons of Cain, we have his authority to go forth and rectify this inequity on Earth.

  Like the son of god, Victor, who died for us. And I decide that Jan is no good, she will interfere and distract Candace from worship, filling her head with doubts, conflicting Candy's soul from converting to god's laws and grace. She has to go. I'm doing this for Candace, because love removes temptation from a convert, from an initiate.

  After securing my agenda, Duke doing as I requested, the eradication of Jan already unfolding, I recline outside to savor my victorious day. I love night, I love the quiet, the majesty, the mystery. God put the stars in the sky and I am in awe of the beauty displayed in the dark cosmos. Meadows of light are in full blossom as they float their blooms across the ecliptic. The hare sits obediently at Orion's feet while he points his weapon toward the solstice. Ticking off the constellations I can see, lying on my back, I laugh at the ignorance of humanity. Fiction has always offered parables of wisdom but the world's population doesn't look for needles in haystacks, for to do such a thing they believe is futile, too much effort, yet a wise man would undertake such a task with a magnet and a metal detector.

  The rabbit is in the sky, the March Hare, Neo's white rabbit shining brightly for him to follow, and yet so many can see Orion's belt but they ignore the rabbit at his feet. They ignore the symbolism of Easter right there in the sky, the birth of spring. The March Hare indeed.

  They think all is a tale for them to indulge in for entertainment, not once understanding symbolism burning through the night for them to comprehend.

  You will listen and listen and not understand; you will loo
k and look, but not see, because this people's minds are dull. Acts 28:26.

  The royal stars were called the watchers of the heavens by the Persians, used as markers the four watchers watch. Antares is just such a royal star, burning brightly in the scorpion's body, anciently known as Shiloh. It's also the most evil. No one will tell you that. So many ignorant parrots of scripture will tell you Shiloh is a place of great peace. Misdirection is a stunning scythe to harvest the human crop. We take your intelligence because you're so busy judging your neighbor that you can't see what's up there, every night, in front of your blind eyes. We, here in god's camp, are the chosen; he has enlightened us to the mysteries of his divine ways.

  The Lord your God has chosen you to be a special people to Himself out of all the peoples on the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 7:2

  The next royal star is Aldebaran, once known as Stella Dominatrix. She is the gorgeous queen of hearts. They used to call Mary, (mother of the savior), Stella Maris. Stella is just their word for star, for watcher. Unlike Shiloh, Stella Dominatrix brings good fortune, but when conjunct a malefic aspect such as Shiloh she brings catastrophe. So many fools think that this knowledge is occult, that divination is an act of demonic evil, when in truth it's scriptural. And Joseph said, “What have you done? Didn't you know that a man in my position could find you out by practicing divination?” Genesis 44 vs 15 / 1 Samuel 14:41/ Leviticus 16:8

  How many parents are aware that subversively their children have learned astrology through fairy tale? Not modern, but so ancient only the wise men could comprehend it. God's ways are indeed mysterious and he has many avenues with which to speak to hungry minds, to developing minds. I am well versed in the secrets of my society, I understand the hidden in the obvious because I was raised by god, in his home. I see the symbolism because the four royal stars creating a cross in the night make it so blatant that only the willfully blind could miss it.

  I know that God guided the three wise men with a star, a watcher he poised in the sky. Astrology predates astronomy and is a sacred tool we may use at our discretion, for we are schooled in his ways, we do now cow to the ignorance of mankind. We are his chosen.

  The third royal star is Fomalhaut. The symbol now being the fish, but once it was known as the first frog. And the scriptures say, And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. Fomalhaut rules secrets. The frog footman. Off with his head. The fairy tale says a fish in footman's livery knocks on the door, and a frog answers the knock. So many frogs, and they lie. Yes, they lie. The final royal star is Regulus, the star of Judah, from which we get the symbol for Judas' home land, the lion. Juda-ism is the worship of God in the language spoken by angels.

  Regulus means Little King and is known to rule the affairs in heaven. The Greeks named it Basilica, from which many a religious dwelling has been named in acknowledgement of the ancients and their words. What most do not understand is it is a most violent star, but if you do as you're told it bestows on the obedient great glory.

  The royals wage war up there in the heavens and yet millions do not see the battle for supremacy. The only love up there is the Queen of Hearts. A dominatrix. How apt. The Persians called it the center, around which all else revolves. It is the lion's heart. The lion and the unicorn, yes indeed.

  I look up at the velvet Elysian fields and see meadows of illuminating light, the tales of childhood represented there, the words of wisdom from my handbook shining their sparks from heaven's forge. Ignorance, it makes fools of men, especially men who claim they know the will of god. I know the will of god, and I do it, daily.

  As an adolescent I wanted to be a writer but instead I'm a porn star. The pay is a thousand times better from what I hear. Not that I'm complaining, not now that I have my own Delilah to discipline.

  Your time had come, the time for love. I spread my cloak over you and covered your nakedness; - and you became mine. Ezekiel 16:8

  It's time to enter phase two. Tomorrow I will seal her dependence on me. I will divide them to conquer, for God. Hebrews 4:12

  ~ Chapter 6 ~

  You hold all power and might in your fist.

  ~ 2 Chronicles 20:6


  She's asleep on her stomach, and staring down at her naked on my bed, in my kingdom, her body calls to me, beseeching me to grant her salvation. I'm grateful to Vicar Matthew because he has sermons of such profound wisdom, explaining how easy it is for us to coax them into submission. Force is only to be applied when satan rears up in her attitude, and must be subdued swiftly and without mercy. Doing as Matthew instructed in a previous sermon, I slide my hand carefully between her legs, in that perfect gap at the top that god created for this purpose. He made ease of access paramount. Stroking her, ever so softly so as not to wake her, her exhalations adjust after a few minutes, deep in slumber arousal is upon her, invading her dreams of supplication to the dark lord.

  Prying her vaginal lips apart, I look at the succulent passage readying for redemption. To be on the safe side I continue stroking her genitals, pleased when lubrication oozes slowly from her carnal corridor.

  Stealthily bracing myself over her, I slide in, quickly, thrusting into her and pinning her down, adjusting so my elbows support me and I'm blocking all struggle with my weight. And I piston, my morning glory delivering glory to the sinner.

  God almighty! It's so warm and smooth, so tight, wrapped softly around my penis, exerting pressure on every inch of me, the sensation clenching my balls and giving my spine a sharp frisson of ecstasy.

  I don't want to cum, it feels so fucking amazing that I want it to last and last and last. I want to fuck her so long that she can't walk, so that she crawls, reminded of her subservience to me. Oh Christ! Fuck! I can't help it, my toes curl, my heart throbs, sweat prickles my shoulders and my mind goes numb. Deep inside it fountains, the Holy Spirit bubbling up, coursing up and widening my penis for ejaculation, the catharsis so sensational that I am lost to the experience, wallowing in the surge of power, the friction on the rim of my penis so acute that I'm grunting against the sweetness of her snatch swallowing my penis with juicy adoration.

  So hot, so hot, so… oh god! Every muscle clenches on release, the fire in my veins a reflection of the fire of the Holy Spirit, a reminder of my inherent power. He made her just for me and she is so fine! So fine. Anointing her in my rapturous purge I do three more deep thrusts, squeezing the last vestiges of cum into her, pushing in hard to bury it so deep inside her even satan can't reach it. It's a secret, I give her life, I plant it inside her. I am under her skin and excavating out the sin.

  Buried within her I rest on top of her soft skin, squashing her, trying to catch my breath, to clear the fog of orgasm, to not have the urge to kiss her and praise her. She only feels this good because she was created by the original artist for this express purpose, for my pleasure. And it is pleasure, such wonderful and addictive pleasure. All she did was lie here and accept absolution. She didn't do anything worth praising. God deserves the praise, not her.

  Oh sweet lord, I want to do it again. Just thinking of her vagina open to me, leaking lubrication at my touch, readying her for salvation, I'm getting hard all over again, and I press up off her, this time nailing her as efficiently as a vampire in her coffin. Staking her over and over and over again, shunting her knees wide and battering the body beneath me, relishing the viscosity of her sensational cooch. Holy fuck! Yes, it is a holy fuck.

  Hard and fast I savor the friction shimmying up and down my penis, the build this time slow, beginning as a dull ache in my abdomen and inching deeper and lower until my balls are throbbing with heaviness and my cock is twitching in involuntary spasms.

  Rolling off her I give her ass a loud slap, “Gorgeous. Now come sit on my chest, sugar. Bend over me so I can look inside you, so I can touch you and examine the perfect body god provided for me.”

  She sits up, her hair dishevele
d, her cheeks stained with rosy spots. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said straddle my chest, Candace. What are you, deaf?”


  “Because I'm not done, that's why!”

  She just looks at me, as if considering it a proposal instead of a direct order. Fuck that.

  Energized with rage I bullet up, bending over her and forcing her body into a kneel, then without warning I slam my fist into that tight pussy, so deep and so fast that she yelps both pain and surprise. Punching in and out of her in an untraditional cunt punt, loving the wet sexy juicy tightness of her delectable twat, I whisper in her ear, “Do as I say in the bedroom or you will feel the fist. Understood?”

  My god, why is fisting so goddam sexy? There's something immensely empowering in this act. I love having her hot body squeezing my fist, I love feeling the pressure give when I'm deep enough to touch her tubes. This is my body, it belongs to me now, and I will make it submit to me when I order it to submit. I will own my power.

  “Jesus, Ken! Stop it!”

  “No, you owe me an apology. I take the time to wake you up by making sweet love to you and you thank me with attitude. You take something thoughtful and romantic and throw it back in my face. This is exactly why men have issues with women. I think you have to make it up to me baby, big time.”

  She sags, burying her face in the linen, flopping her head to glance back at me, “I'm sorry. I didn't see it that way. I'm not used to waking up in bed with a man.”

  “Will you suck me and swallow me and make it all better? Will you kiss it better? Will you, Candy?” I demand, still holding my hand inside her, halfway up my forearm. Daddy's little poontang puppet.


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