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Darkroom Saga Omnibus 2

Page 56

by Poppet

  “Where did you see my son? In a dream?”

  I wish to not cry, but I cannot help it. I cannot pretend I am strong now. I have no more words, but I know what the word hypocrite mean.

  Like a prayer, I whisper to the cavity they prison me into, “Until we mark the servants of our God with a seal on their foreheads (Revelation 7:3), Each one will mark the name of the Lord on his arm and call himself one of God’s people. (Isaiah 44:5). The beast forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. (Rev 13:16:)” … with all the air left in my body, I shriek, “You are the beast! You are not the God! You are a liar! You are a thief! You are the abomination! You burn the angel! Only the beast make mark on body!”

  The whip becomes furious, slicing pieces of my heart right out of my chest, my tears crying out my spirit, my world too battered and broken. Polina suffer too much. Polina is in the dying.

  “Oleg called you Manda! It means cunt. That’s what you are Polina. With this blood I christen you Amanda. You are nothing more than a cunt. You are so repulsive not even a dog would fuck you!”

  He pinches the manda, so hard, and I hate the naked. I hate the skin on my body and the nerves, because all they ever give me is pain. He punches me between the legs, over and over, yelling for me to repent, and I try to curl into myself but the straps hold me flat. The vomit rises to fill my mouth and I can no breathe. I float again.

  Polina fly with angels now.



  I’ve lived my life eating the dust under my father’s boots. I’m done being hunted, I’m fucking done running. They want to fuck with me? Awesome, fucking awesome. Let’s fuck you shitty cocksuckers. I am fury and have rage to burn. They have underestimated me for decades. I did as told, never pushing back. They don’t know what I’m capable of when I push, when I go on the offensive. I’m coming for the one who thinks he’s supreme. My father, Alpha, god. He’s not god, but if he is - it makes me the understudy. What would they do if I destroyed my father? Would they follow me? Would they try to fight me like the angels fought Lucifer?

  Those fuckers tried to murder me on my wedding day.

  It was an act of war, and now I’m taking the war to them.

  They have my babe, the one who’d die for me. She’s a true heart, beating to the bass in mine. She lives for me, she’ll die for me … and hell she’s probably being tortured for me.

  If so much as a hair on her head is singed I’ll cut their eyes out, after taking a blowtorch to the optic fluid until it pops. They think they know how to inflict suffering on sinners, oh how naive those fuckers are! They have overlooked that I am Vengeance! I was born for retribution.

  I was moulded and formed to destroy. I am an annihilator, it’s my nature, desecration is my craft, slicing life out of a body in slithers of agony that is my masterpiece. I am the master of suffering.

  I’m proud of what I’ve done, of the lives I’ve realigned for the greater good. I’m a reminder that sins end badly, alive or dead. I am the man embodying instant karma. If I see you sin I will rain down hellfire in your life, I will make you eat the shame of failing the supreme commander. The irony is my father is the greatest sinner of all. My pater, the delusional.

  Speeding through the night I know where I’m going and I don’t plan on stopping for sleep.

  I’m a fucking angel! I don’t need sleep, I need blood to wash away the sour taste of this life. Crushed dreams, withered hope, cursed in the womb, that’s my daily bread. My manna is not the opiates of my father’s heaven, mine has been the denial of who I am. I am not his minion, I was born to dominate! He’s kept me in the dungeon of his disgrace for so long that I forgot how powerful I am.

  I failed myself, I failed my world, I failed this planet. I gave them a flawed leader who whips those who serve him, who makes them so high they don’t care when they splinter minds in the name of rebirth. I made them honour a man who murdered both of his sons. He planted bullets in me and did nothing but approve of the sentence.

  What was my crime? What?!

  Serving him. That was my crime. That was my fatal negligence.

  Watch me now, because one thing god did right was give me the autonomy to exact vengeance on any who have fallen under the seduction of the ego, under the sway of nefarious greed. My father is an abomination and those who follow him are in grave error. They worship an impostor. I did not die for mankind’s sins, I died for his!

  I don’t even slow the motorbike when I enter the runway, I keep gunning after the Hercules behind Jude, right up the ramp and into the belly of the beast.

  Let’s go. I have a craving for blood and retribution.

  Swinging off the new Ducati I bought on my arrival in the States, I remove my visor when Jude runs to me, handing me his phone with the live feed from the Sinnergog. He says nothing, but then he doesn’t need to.

  Staring at what is unfolding, I bellow my fury into the deafening roar of turbines cutting air. I’m done, I’m just done. My body is so pumped that my muscles throb.

  He’s going to die.


  S … L … O … W … L … Y

  ~ Chapter 16 ~

  For a long time their judge has been ready,

  and their Destroyer has been wide awake

  ~ 2 Peter 2:3


  ALPHA STOMPS AROUND, yelling, “There is no other god but me!” The scalpel comes back to chest, pressing into soft tissue, and he say to Polina, “Need I remind you that I am a jealous god and I do not permit rebellion! You want to call me a liar again, Amanda?”

  “You are,” I gasp, hoarse, tired to my soul. I am in the exhaustion with no more energy, but I know the truth and my heart demands I speak it. “You said in your b-book, I g-gave them laws that are not good … a–annnd commands that do not bring life. Ezekiel 20:25. I r-read words, I see the h-hypocrite. If you were g-god you not need proof of loyalty or good heart. Only man n-needs proof. Only man gets pleasure from misleading simple minds.”

  Polina never learn to keep mouth closed. I struggle with Mikah to do the same. It is too late for me now because God do not like to be called liar and hypocrite. He put me on floor when drown in vomit and now he kicks me so much that I see no more. The agony is in every cell, in every thought, in every breath.

  Coughing blood on his boot, I mumble in shudder, “I quote for you how you call you God, with your marks on forehead and right side like all ucheniki (disciples), but it says at the end this is what the Beast does. You not god, you beast. All you do to Polina with pure heart, to angel Polina, it proves you are not god.”

  Alpha go berserk. He more crazy than Polina.

  “Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shalt deliver his soul from hell.” Proverbs 23:14.

  Assault with foot and fist. The Alpha rages against my innocence. He forget Polina is Russian. Never surrender, it is better to die than submit.

  He shouts, and I croak argument because I will die resisting his shit, “Love is patient and kind. There is no love in you –”

  Alpha bellows, “Let him submit absolutely!” Lamentations 3:29-30.

  I know black book, Polina read, Polina forget nothing but murder. Choking, tasting only the blood, I spit. “You hypocrites! You c-clean the outside of your cup and p-plate, w-while the inside is full of what you have obtained by v-violence and sssselfishness.” Matthew 23.

  Polina puke again, screaming, but not for the mercy. Polina shriek for the death. He snaps bone and I feel the end is close again.

  Madman shout to dying angel, “He shall rejoice destroying and bringing you to nought!” Deuteronomy 28:63.

  Polina break inside. He kicks head over and over, but Polina hold stomach for the pain, curling up, chest too agony to inhale no more. Shaking breath and bile, fire erupts like volcano in head, my eye see no more.

  In the dark I hear my heart beating, like a switch it goes on off, on off,
until the light and noise go silent.

  Polina win.

  Polina never say where is Victor, if he real or in mind.



  This chick has a death wish. She has no sense of self-preservation, she takes his abuse and trauma and just keeps throwing his own deficiencies in his face, all while quoting the book they made us all read. He went batshit when she challenged him, asking why the angels fighting in heaven and casting out Lucifer isn’t in the book.

  He replied because God works in mysterious ways.

  Her retort was classic. “You are god, so why don’t you tell me, suka?”

  “Because my greatest disappointment shouldn’t be part of the marketing campaign! That’s why!”

  I have to hand it to her, she has my respect. I read that book so many times looking for the loopholes, but in just days she’s memorised the entire thing. I’d say she’s a genius with a photographic memory, but right now he’s delivering it out of her.

  Powerless, I watch him do his utmost to give her brain damage. She’s right, and she’s calling a spade a spade.

  In mental anguish I stand rigid, waiting for an opportunity to intervene. If I can take him down I will, for all our sakes. Her lips are split and swollen, but still she curses him with the mandate of indoctrination, “Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie … “

  He’s trying to punish her into silence because she’s making him a fool. I think I’m in love.

  “Shut up you unholy whore!”

  She slumps onto her back, wavering in and out of consciousness, keening in excruciating suffering her final words, “... behold, the son of god will make them come and bow down before your feet.” Isa. 43:4; 49:23; 60:14.

  I want to start clapping applause. If words were nails this dude would be as crucified as his so-called son.

  Alpha turns, finally looking my way, his chest heaving with exertion, his breathing ragged, his roided body pumped and drenched in sweat, and his gaze meet mine.

  Shit. He witnessed my approval.

  The whip lifts so fast I have no time to shield, and the onslaught continues.

  “False prophet, I’m done with you!”

  Taking a page from Polina’s book I launch for him, ready for this battle like I’ve never been ready for anything in all my life, bellowing, “Who is like the beast? Who can fight against it? Me you murdering motherfucker!” Advancing faster than the whip’s reach I smash into his face, kicking into his knee while headbutting, ripping into him like a zealot, delivering immaculate contact and scoring for team freedom. The dipshit’s strong and brutal, pummelling my kidneys, when Peter-John cheats. The electricity flowing into my body from behind my nape into my brain seizes me, rendering me powerless.

  This is how they captured me. Tasers are an abomination.

  Rattling in my head before unconsciousness rides away with my mind, her words when we met repeat on loop: I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9 My children, keep yourselves safe from false gods! 1 John 5:21.

  This chick is so fucking brilliant. She can see what most of the living and dead cannot. Every church which is not a Synagogue devoted to the Jew’s god and operating as wholly Jewish, is not holy – it’s the synagogue of satan. That makes every christian alive today a satanist. The hypocrisy of their finger pointing is lost on them. The blind follow without question, calling it faith and belief, devoting themselves to the very thing they were warned against.

  I know, I’ve met them all. They ignore the truth, and this maniac laughs because it gives him the power to destroy.

  It’s always given the power to destroy, which is why their sins are called inquisitions and crusades. What a loving god.



  Jude is efficient, so much so that I think my father chose the wrong apostle to be Vengeance. Jude makes me look incompetent, despite having spent the last decade preparing for this very day. He tells me that Polina has murdered thrice in her life, but in each instance it was self-defence. I can hardly judge her for that, can I?

  The scourge is en-route to the Sinnergog, and my trusted are here. Jude, Stephen, Bradley, each with seven hundred men under their command, ex military for hire as mercs, some are my own black ops that were mobilised three days ago – and who have that hellhole surrounded and under surveillance as we speak. The battle trumpet has sounded and our factions are spreading out across the globe like a plague sent to cleanse the land of abominations.

  Suited up with body armour this time, including headgear because I wouldn’t put it past my father to plant metal in my head to make sure I’m dead, I watch the live feed, yelling to the driver, “FLOOR IT! We’re out of time!”

  I think he’s killed her. I swear on all I am that my father will pay for every hardship he has ever delivered.

  With my comms in I give the command to my team to breach. They can’t wait for me a second longer.

  Jude, Stephen and Bradley do the same, following my lead. The order is simple: Shoot to kill. We will free the seventy-two in the Sinnergog, but every follower of my father will die today. Every single last one of them, no matter where in the world they live.

  Polina is the one. She has eyes that see and ears that hear beyond the lies and illusions. She read the book once and in that time discerned with logic every truth. My father is not god, and neither was the beast. The lord who demanded sacrifice and slaughter is an imposter, and just like the axe of swift deliverance she chopped away at the rotten root with words of truth.

  I know now without a doubt that she is my soulmate. My twin-flame knows you can only fight fire with fire, so she quoted the book to him, and his response was visceral. Those who are guilty always attack with force when their power is threatened and when their lies are exposed, that’s why politicians dig up dirt on anyone who can threaten their addiction to coin. If they were good men they’d not fight dirty, they’d not ruin lives to keep their seats of prosperity.

  It is a sad truth of this world that liars hold power, and power loves wealth, yet wealth ordains power. Where there is wealth there are good folk in poverty. The good man is punished, evil is rewarded.

  That’s why they murdered the son of god. They never wanted love, it didn’t deliver worldly riches. It threatened their hold over minds and hearts. Maybe I am the son of god.

  After what Polina said I’m wondering now who my father really is.

  It takes ten minutes before we reach the Sinnergog, rushing in after the first wave of mercs to breach with our crew of thirty-three men, armed and ready for war. Sweeping from room to room it feels like an eternity has come and gone in a million dimensions while I look for her. She had one champion and he is in as much pain as she is. Are they dead? ARE THEY?

  Speaking low and harsh with urgency, I tell my comms, “All doctors in the team report to the operating theatre on the top floor. If any of you locate Polina or Evan, one and sixty-six, remove them to the operating theatre immediately.They have their numbers branded on them, look on their right arms. All doctors and surgeons get to the top floor right now, you have one duty today, save those lives.”

  I’m agitated, moving through the swarm of inmates being checked over by my men, gathering intel, trying to find where the fuck Alpha and his henchman have gone to.

  My three stick with me, protecting my 6, 12 and 9.

  Gunfire resounds from the upper floors and the lower. I don’t care, I’m running for the midlevel stairs, seeking the room of persecution and tribulation.

  “Affirmative commander. Target obtained, evacking to the highest level now.”

  Who are they evacuating? “Which target?” I snap, knowing we all share the same comms.

  “Polina,” says someone else.

  “Secondary target secured,” says another voice.

get them to the surgery, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Proceed without me. I can’t save lives until I’ve taken two.”

  The time has come for payback.

  ‪Burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.‬ Exodus 21:25

  ~ Chapter 17 ~

  A man’s worst enemies will be

  the members of his own family

  ~ Matthew 10:34


  SPRINTING FROM ROOM to room, level to level, I hunt the father of fear and suffering. I’ve had years to fester. My fury is putrid with loathing for him … for me.

  There is no way to the father but through his son. The only one who has truly seen the father is the son. Only I have seen him behind closed doors, before any of his disciples were chosen. I know the truth of him, only me and my closest family. All these strangers in our lives, they are not his sons. I know who he is under the narcissistic mask of superiority.

  I hate him, which means I hate myself.

  To the uninitiated this will make no sense, but this evil feasting on my soul belongs to him. He gave it to me, he broke me before I could speak, walk, or reason for myself. It’s as much a part of me as he is. His DNA poisons my veins with blood, with the curse of being his firstborn.

  I am Victor because I triumphed from his loins first into this world. He gave me a cross to carry, and it deformed me. Where your eyes cannot inspect is nothing more than an abyss of infinite despair. It’s the part of me I hide within when I must torture the women he chose, when I must break my brethren and rape their spirits. I am the fallen, the favourite cast from his heaven, with only his words as stitches to hold me together.

  Gospel. He fed me gospel, not love, he loved me with fists, not hugs, he made me bleed if I cried, because blood washes away sin. Oh yes father I am your spawn, and it’s nigh time for judgement day.


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