Page 20
‘Where she is now, God knows. Your Daddy couldn’t hold her down for long either. Like I said, there was always that restless sadness about her. Always that inexplicable, unwarranted misery. If you told me she’d overdosed in a dark alley or Chapeltown brothel, I wouldn’t be surprised.’
Daddy kept his knives in that drawer. Every Sunday evening he took them one by one from that drawer, sharpened them with a whetstone and returned them one by one in their particular arrangement.
Mr Price did not select the largest. That was a long, thin filleting knife with a gently curving edge. He chose instead a paring knife with a walnut handle and a stubbed, pointed blade roughly the length of my index finger.
He stepped towards Daddy. He stood close to him, such that they could inhale and exhale each other’s breath. The air entered Daddy clean and left him with a bloody mist, and Mr Price breathed in that mist, the blood with it, and returned it dry.
Mr Price raised the blade and placed the point at Daddy’s shoulder. He struck through. The knife pierced the skin then went further. Mr Price had cut right through to the bone like he was jointing a stag. The blood gushed. Deep burgundy like thickened wine from deeper, more abundant vessels than the thin bright crimson blood splashed and smeared over his skin and candid white vest. The flow dribbled down his chest and arm both, soaked into his armpit.
Still Daddy’s breath did not catch his voice box. He could not muster a scream. He sighed and looked upwards at the ceiling, though his face relaxed into a serene expression like he could see past it, up to the clouds and up to the stars. I did not know whether or not Daddy believed in heaven and hell. I did not think I had ever asked him. And if I had asked and been told, I had forgotten the answer.
Mr Price unplugged the knife. Another red spill.
‘He’ll bleed out,’ Mr Price said to another man.
‘Slowly,’ said the other man, ‘he’s a big one. He may need another for good measure.’
‘Oh I know it will be slow. And I’ll put more on him before I’m done. But that one should be enough to do it.’
It was almost as if Mr Price was irritated by the advice, like he wanted to show that he knew what he was doing, like he, as much as any of the men here, could deal in matters of the body, in matters of slow death.
I watched Daddy as I had watched Cathy.
I wondered if he had come back for us and if that was why he had been found. I thought on what Vivien had said. And on what Ewart had intimated.
There was quiet from the other room. A silence that was unnerving. I cursed myself for being such a coward.
Then a whole lot of waiting. Mr Price leaned on the counter and he watched Daddy as he tried to keep his eyes open.
Then he came back and he stuck his blade into the softer place beneath Daddy’s left kneecap. And then his right. Long, red socks. Price returned to the counter.
Tom’s eyes were wide open now. It seemed as if he could not blink at all. Everything about his countenance was dry, parched, and guarded. His eyes were open wide but his mouth was shut tight. His lips were white: the outermost, cell-thin layer of skin had died and crumbled while we had been standing here. If he smiled the dead skin would crack. If he licked his lips, the dead skin would form a pallid, sticky paste.
Blood was pooling on the floor at Daddy’s feet.
The door swung open.
My sister cast a long shadow. It was heavy, the colour of charcoal, the kind of shadow that can only be cast by fire. It flickered and spat. Its source, held in Cathy’s left hand, had been hidden behind the door frame. She pulled it into view: a rag, doused in oil, tied around a bed post that she had pulled clean off its frame. Looped over her wrist was the wire handle of a tin bucket that swung dully as she moved her arm. It was filled with oil, and but a precarious two feet from the flaming torch.
In her right hand she held a shotgun, its butt locked to her side by her elbow, two thin fingers resting on its trigger.
Her hands and arms were coated with a thick layer of blood. Not her own. It was deepest red at her thumbs and fingertips, and lightest and brightest as it moved up her forearms.
It was as if she had plunged her limbs deep into that man’s guts.
I imagined him stretched out on the bed exhibiting a rough, gaping, bloody hole.
I could not imagine how she had done it.
She stepped into the room. She was still naked. She had found the bucket, the oil, the shotgun. She had not stopped to clothe herself.
And she shone. She had poured oil onto her own skin, and over her head onto her face and her thick, now slicked, black hair.
The man holding me loosened his grip. He recoiled like a spider from the light. I took my chance and leapt to the other side of the room, away from Mr Price, his surviving son, and his men. I took a place between Daddy, bloody, pinned to the oak board, and Cathy, her back as straight as the two barrels she pointed at Mr Price’s breast.
The scene had changed: the tempo, the climate, the aspect. The presence of the flickering flame shifted the saturation. Reds were now hot. Blues became muddy. Whites took on a tempered orange sheen. The skin of men’s faces, pulled back in dismay, tarnished and bruised in the new shadows. The slate tiles rippled between matte and satin like a frozen-thawed-refrozen layer of black ice.
‘One of you will untie my father,’ she said, simply.
There was silence. Nobody moved.
‘She doesn’t have the first idea how to use one of those,’ said a squat, bald man who had not spoken before.
Cathy shot him.
At that range the shrapnel had little time to spray. The full cartridge tore through his stomach and took out a cupboard door behind. The man dropped to the ground and shook a violent shake.
Her aim was natural. I expected no less.
Tom’s jeans darkened at his crotch as his piss spread. One of the men rattled the handle of the back door. It was locked. Cathy shot him. He too crumpled on the floor.
‘Stop!’ shouted Mr Price. ‘Tony, do as she asks.’
Tony was a tall man with faded tattoos the length of his long torso. He took the knife from his employer’s hand. He used it to cut through Daddy’s bonds, beginning at his ankles, then moving to his wrists. It was slow work. The knots were tight and the ropes were tough.
Free, Daddy fell away from the table top and shrunk against the back wall. Blood rubbed against the paintwork and soaked through to the plaster. Tony returned to his master’s side.
‘He’s already dead, Cathy,’ said Mr Price. ‘He’ll bleed out. There’s no helping him.’
‘I can see that.’
The torch was burning lower, closer to the bucket of oil.
The crowd quaked. Men shifted uneasily, dancing on the spot with a desire to run but with no chosen nor possible direction.
Keeping her eyes on Mr Price at all times, Cathy said quietly, only to me, ‘It’s your time to leave.’
I glanced at Daddy. He was fading fast, slipping between states.
I saw the door behind my sister, open, and from there just a few steps to the front door, then the outside.
I remembered what she had said to me earlier that evening. I remembered my promise.
In a single, smooth motion Cathy flung both bucket and torch into the air on a trajectory towards Mr Price.
As flame and oil converged at the height of their arc I slipped through the open door and threw myself out of the house into the cool evening air. Fire erupted behind me. I could hear it and feel it. I could see its luminous contours on the damp grass at my feet.
I ran. I ran and I ran. I ran through the night and noted nothing that I saw. Not the pools of water lying about the land, nor the dark storm clouds in the sky, nor the droplets of rain shooting sharp and fast, spitting at me then dripping down my face.
I ran as quickly as I could, as quickly as I had ever run before, through this landscape that I knew but did not in this moment see. I might have run for hours. I ran until I fell.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Smoke moved over the water. The shadows were long, thin teeth, and light curled around the trees, between trunks and crooked, clad branches. It made parchment of the leaves. It made dust of the morning dew. The water below shone brighter than the sky above and it illuminated the smoke from beneath like a vivid moon behind papyrus clouds.
There was murky water on my tongue. It flowed into my cheeks and out again and the taste of wet then drying earth lingered with each flushed mouthful. The pool padded against the left side of my face and entered my nostrils and eased down my throat. I sipped on dirt and tasted iron blood.
The fire had been built of many parts. It had been built of gas and light and sparks, of flames and ripples and currents. It had devoured damp air and sapless wood and engulfed a small pocket of the cool night. I had run a long way. I had stopped here and settled. I had stooped for water, any water I could find, and raised it to my lips with two cupped hands, trembling, and I had lain my head on the shore for a while, just for a while, and I had slept, it seems, and woken, before I had noted the place.
I could still smell the fire though I was far away. Resin from the burnt embers stuck at the back of my throat, from the rafters of the roof and the ash floorboards. And the sight of it, too, was stuck somewhere at the back of my head, behind my eyes, the sight of those curling, forked tongues licking familiar figures. And the sound of it still thick in my ears: a hiss, a groan, a beat, as beams bent and broke. My skull was full.
The smoke was mist, not smoke at all. It rose from the reservoir in the morning calor. The reservoir was five miles from the copse, perhaps nearer on a direct path, over hedges, ditches and planted fields. That was the route I had taken, I think. My course had been as straight as a train track. I had not swayed from side to side one bit, I think, though my steps had undulated as I had jumped over banks then down to the boggy parts to trudge through acrid organic tar, the aggregate sludge of every autumn rotting. Either the night had been caught with haze or it had been my memory that had reduced solid shapes to spectres. All was unknown, I recall, though I had trodden those tracks many times before. But the levels look different after dark, and the world is distinct for each individual, and I had been made new as I had walked and I had seen the land like it had been new too.
I must have slept again: my eyes were shut. I must have slept without stirring despite the brightening horizon. I slept until I felt another wetness on my cheeks. Damp bristles moved over my brow and caught on my eyelids. A new smell met the igneous residue. A musk. And lips. These were lips. Coarse, meaty, jagged lips, but kind, somehow inviting. And teeth that knocked at my scalp as the lips drew in lumps of my hair. And a tongue – long, viscous – moved down to my neck and wrapped itself around my jaw.
I opened my eyes. The head of a horse. Two large brown eyes, like snooker balls, rolled to scan my face, then the world around, then my face. The horse snorted and tossed her sooty forelock. The sun was full in the sky now, though not high, and as the horse swayed, her head moved in front of it, making a dark silhouette of her otherwise rusty fur, and a stilted halo around her otherwise silky mane.
‘Who are you?’
It was a question to the horse. In my state of half dream, it was a necessary question.
The horse continued to ruffle my hair. Her rider answered, ‘It’s Vivien, Daniel. It’s Vivien.’
If relief were a thing it was possible to feel when the full gush of dread was still swilling within, casked and stoppered, then I might have felt relief. But as it was, the sight of this friend, without much reason, put fear to boil. She did not dismount.
‘There’s been a fire,’ she said.
‘A fire at your house.’
‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I was there. I ran away.’
‘I had hoped …’
‘How did you find me?’
‘I’ve been riding for two hours,’ she replied. ‘You look ill.’
‘Not ill,’ I said.
Vivien rearranged the reins in her gloved hands. The horse stepped to one side and planted four hooves such that she stood side on, and Vivien turned too to look upon me. I raised myself up out of the dirt with the palms of my hands, then stood up.
‘Have you found anyone else?’ I knew that nobody had made it out, save for me.
‘I saw a figure.’
‘I saw the fire last night, all the way from my house. At first I thought it was a bonfire and wondered why I hadn’t been told so that I could come up. And then I saw that it was too big. Far too big to be a bonfire. And I put on my coat and left the house and began to walk up the track. The wind was blowing in my face, so the smoke was too. Directly at me. For a while I stopped being able to see the flames, the smoke was so thick. But then I got closer, as close as I could get against heat, and saw your house. It was on fire. And I saw you, what I thought to be you, rushing down the hill away from me, running as fast as you could. I would have followed but, somehow, I couldn’t. I remained. I watched the blaze, I watched as the house fell apart. I thought I saw figures inside, but I couldn’t be sure. I couldn’t see well enough. I think the smoke had scorched my eyes, I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s possible. And when it was almost over, such a long time later, I thought I saw a figure emerge. But it couldn’t have been. But I thought I saw a thin figure emerge. As the dawn was coming up.’
‘I couldn’t say,’ she said. ‘I don’t know if it was real.’
‘Could it have been my sister?’
‘I don’t know. I don’t really know what I saw. I just had the image, and now just the memory of the image.’
‘But it could have been.’
‘Possibly.’ She peered down at me but I could not seem to hold her gaze. I looked out towards the reservoir.
‘Why did I run?’ I asked.
‘Running was the only thing to do.’
‘I left them.’
‘It was the only thing to do, Daniel.’
‘Cathy told me to.’
‘She was right to.’
The reservoir appeared to lilt from side to side. I stared instead at a sickening ash tree on its far bank. It was too brittle to sway with the wind.
After a while, she said: ‘You could come home with me.’
This time I looked up at her. It was a kind offer. ‘Thank you, but I have got my own family.’
We stood for a moment: Vivien, the horse, and a lanky lad, barely fifteen.
‘Which way did she go?’
‘Daniel, I don’t know. The figure I thought I saw, I thought it moved towards the tracks. I ran soon after, back to mine to get Daisy, to come and find you. I saw nothing clearly.’
‘Towards the tracks?’
‘Then where?’
‘I didn’t see.’
I nodded. I looked about me, to see if I had left anything on the ground. There was nothing, just an indentation where I had lain. I had brought nothing with me. I had nothing to bring. For no reason at all, I scuffed the marks in the sand with my foot. I would leave no trace, no tracks. No hunter would find me.
‘I’ll be going then,’ I said to Vivien, and, in part, to Daisy.
Daisy blinked feather lashes. Vivien let out an agitated sigh.
‘Remember what I said, Daniel.’
I walked away from the reservoir, and away from the woman and her horse, following approximately the route I must have taken the night before.
Needless to say, the idea of returning to our house on the hill was suffocating. I watched my feet take each step, one then another. Their tilt, the way they slapped the earth, the way the toes bent.
I did not look back, though a couple of times I heard the horse’s hooves stamp and drag, as Vivien kept there to watch me go.
After around half a mile, I came to a wooden, slatted bridge, barely more than four planks thrust together and stitched with rusted, hooked nail
s that led across a thin dike. The furrow carried excess water after heavy rain. These parts flooded regularly. In winter, and after summer storms, great torrents rushed from the nearby hills to the flat lands.
There had been rain last night, I remembered. It had rained as I had walked, though I had hardly noticed. It had been all around. I remembered suddenly: fattened, matured plugs of rain had cascaded past me and bounced at my feet. A summer storm. I had walked in it then slept in it. My clothes were still damp. And the reservoir had been high, too. High enough to slap my face, though I had rested on an upper bank.
I quickened my pace. I had to run. The whole landscape was wet.
The figure Vivien had seen. There was more than a chance it was Cathy, saved miraculously from the fire by storm to walk through the smoke to the only remaining landmark she could find in the gloom: the railway track.
I ran and ran. A cloud of smoke, soot and heavy steam rested on the hill. It filled the void where the house had been. I was thankful that I was spared the sight of the absence where, for a blissful year, there had been a home.
As I got closer, I saw baked ribs, the empty structure’s blackened frame. I saw cinders that stood precariously from the ground to the branches of charred trees, burning wood on a scale I had never witnessed. I saw a kind of black that was new to me, condensed, compacted, opaque.
I walked on. I had no desire to inspect the remains: there was no telling what I would find. Besides, the railway track, and the possibility of my sister, lay ahead. But as I walked on past the burnt house, past the burnt chicken coop, past the slim charred vegetable patch, past the ashen copse, I was harried by glinting sparks, the biting revenants of a shredded inferno. They swept and swirled about me like gulls at a trawler. I was their last scrap, their last taste of living tissue and hope of supper before they fell like those before them to the damp earth. I walked on, and they fell.
I came to the tracks. Two sets. Four cords of iron, running as straight as rainwater falls, from north to south. Iron stretched between magnetic poles. The wooden sleepers were dark with damp. The stone ballast was slick. I climbed the embankment, though the grass was slippery, and stood upon the cess. I looked to my left and I looked to my right. I saw no one. But if Cathy had fled the house and come to the tracks she would have continued, and she could be a long way off by now. I looked left and I looked right. North to Edinburgh or south to London. I made my choice and walked.