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Wanting You

Page 25

by Nan Ryan

  His hands at her waist, he effortlessly raised her to her feet, while he remained kneeling before her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, placing her hands atop his broad shoulders.

  “I can’t finish undressing you while you’re kneeling,” he explained. He then tugged her blue dress down over her hips and let it fall to the floor. At only a look from him, Anna stepped out of the dress and he swept it aside. Her petticoats came next. Then her slippers and silk stockings.

  She shivered with giddy delight when, after peeling the last stocking off, he raised her foot and kissed the instep, then her toes, one at a time, before lowering her bare foot to the floor.

  Now that she wore only her lace-trimmed underpants, Anna experienced a quick flash of embarrassment. She was almost naked, while he was still fully dressed. She didn’t understand why. And she didn’t understand why they didn’t get into his big comfortable bed, which had been turned down for the night.

  “Brit—” she began.

  “I want,” he hoarsely interrupted, brushing heated kisses on her delicate ribs, “to smell and touch and taste every precious inch of you, baby.”

  She flushed hotly at the brash statement, and her breath grew short. She was sure he didn’t mean it and if he did mean it, she wouldn’t let him, of course, but it was thrilling to hear him say it. She felt her underwear sliding down her belly, and her breath came out in a loud rush. His lean, dark hands gently, but surely eased the last remaining garment from her now trembling body.

  Feeling suddenly too exposed, too vulnerable, Anna grabbed futilely for the underwear. But he withheld it, tossed it out of her reach. Her heart now pounding, she stood there totally naked before him, both excited and frightened by the passionate look in his midnight eyes.

  She shuddered when he cupped her hips in his dark hands and laid his hot, handsome face against her bare belly. His silky black hair brushed against her sensitive skin and his warm cheek, in need of a shave, was mildly abrasive, tickling her. Exciting her.

  His breath was furnace hot, and when he began to kiss her stomach, her hips, her thighs, her knees, his mouth felt like a flame against her skin. She couldn’t stand still. She squirmed and stirred and murmured his name and wondered when—and where—he would stop kissing her.

  His tongue made a teasing swirl around the small indentation of her navel, and he said in an enticing tone that sent the blood scalding her veins, “I want to love you in every possible way a man can love a woman. But remember this, sweetheart, I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  He put out the tip of his tongue and slowly licked the fine line of pale baby hair going down her belly to the thick triangle of curls between her thighs. He added, nuzzling his nose in the springy coils, “But I’ll do anything you want me to do for as long as you want me to do it.”

  “I…Brit, let’s go to bed now and…”

  “We’ll go to bed,” he promised. “In just a minute.”

  “Well, at least take off your clothes,” she urged, not wanting to be the only one naked.

  “In just a minute,” he repeated.

  His hands slipped down to wrap around the backs of her knees, and he tipped his head, gazed up at her and said, “Look into my eyes, sweetheart. Tell me what you see there.”

  Anna looked into his flashing obsidian eyes and trembled. “Hunger,” she stated. “Passion. Desire. Lust.”

  “All of those,” he readily agreed. “But you left out one thing.”

  “I did?”

  Brit nodded and said, “Love.”

  “Love?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Love. I love you as I’ve never loved anyone else. I love you, baby, and I’m sorry that I—”

  “Oh, Brit, I love you, too,” she eagerly interrupted. “I love you, I do, I do. I love you more than life itself.”

  “If you love me,” he whispered, his hands tightening on her legs, “you also trust me. Don’t you?”

  “I trust you completely.”

  “Then let me show you all the sweetness of love,” he said, and released her legs. He brought a hand up and spread his long, tapered fingers on her quivering stomach. Touching her lightly with just his fingertips, he said, “Will you do something for me, sweetheart?”

  “Of course, my darling. Anything. Everything.”

  “Move your legs apart just a little.”

  “But, Brit, I—”

  “For me, baby. Do it for me.”

  Anna took a shallow breath, pressed her shoulders back against the solid, heavy door, and moved her bare, slender legs slightly apart.

  “All I want is to make you feel good,” he whispered, and letting his hand slip down her bare belly, he swept apart the thick golden curls. She gasped when, with only the tip of his middle finger, he tenderly touched that most feminine spot of all. Gently caressing her, he asked, “Feel good, sweetheart?”

  She couldn’t lie. It felt good. Marvelous. Enjoyable beyond belief. “Yes, yes it does.”

  But then she winced in shock when Brit bent his dark head and put his lips where his finger had been. With his lips completely closed, he kissed her there, just as if he were kissing her mouth. The soft butterfly touch of his warm lips on her tingling flesh instantly brought on an involuntary throbbing of that ultrasensitive flesh.

  Brit took his lips from her, raised his head and asked, “Doesn’t that feel even better?”

  She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. She couldn’t breathe, much less speak. She couldn’t believe that he had actually kissed her there and that it had felt so scarily wonderful. The kiss had caused a strong pulsating sensation that now surged throughout her entire groin. She was stunned to realize that she wanted to have his lips back on her, wanted him to kiss her there again. She didn’t dare ask him to do it, but she hoped that he would.

  She felt as if she needed it badly. Had to have it.

  Her face aflame with the shame of her forbidden desire, Anna pressed her flattened hands against the door when Brit—as if he were reading her guilty thoughts—cupped the twin cheeks of her bottom and slowly bent back to her.

  Anna gasped with delight when she felt his beard-stubbled face pressing between her legs before his hot, smooth lips settled on her again. She shuddered violently when he opened his mouth and warmly enclosed that highly responsive nubbin of flesh that was throbbing between her parted legs.

  Sure that the tingling ecstasy she was feeling could rise no higher, could get no better, Anna soon changed her mind. With the first masterful stroke of Brit’s tongue on her swollen flesh, her joy increased. It felt so good. Too good.

  “Oh, God, no,” she begged, wanting him to stop, or thinking she did. “Please, Brit, I can’t stand it.”

  Brit’s reply was several long, loving licks that made her moan and squirm against him as she tried to free herself from his teasing, tormenting tongue. Her nervous hands went into his thick raven locks and she anxiously drew his head up. Obeying her wishes, Brit pulled back and looked up at her, his lips gleaming with the wetness flowing from her.

  “If you want me to stop,” he said softly, “I will. But if you’ll let me love you this way for just a few more minutes, I promise you’ll experience a wonderful kind of wild ecstasy that you have never imagined.” His dark eyes flashing with desire, he blew his hot breath on her as he waited for her decision. He watched the golden curls dance before his face and caught a fleeting glimpse of the slick wet flesh he had kissed.

  “You…you’ll stop if I really want you to stop?” she asked, trembling, undecided, torn.

  “I will, sweetheart,” he vowed, leaning close, brushing kisses to her trembling belly, her prominent hipbones, her luminous thighs. “Whenever you say the word.”

  And he waited no longer. His face was back between her legs, his mouth and tongue upon her, giving her immediate joy. Moaning with surprise and with pleasure, Anna no longer fought the building, blinding passion, but gave in to it, offering herself com
pletely to him. Brit sensed her total yielding and began to give her what she wanted, what she needed.

  He licked her lovingly, slowly, very gently. He languidly circled that pulsating button of flesh that was the source of all her sexual pleasure. Unhurriedly, he made bold, burning love to her with his mouth.

  Sighing and swallowing anxiously, Anna looked down upon the handsome, dark-haired lover stroking her so expertly with his talented tongue, and her growing desire blazed out of control.

  What a powerfully erotic vision it was: her standing above Brit, totally naked, her legs parted to him; him fully clothed, kneeling between her legs, feasting on her as if she were a delicious banquet of which he couldn’t get his fill.

  The sight of them together this way was so incredibly arousing, Anna wanted to stay right where she was forever, gloriously naked and shamelessly open to her lover. She wanted to keep Brit’s dark, whiskered face buried in her for all eternity. She longed to stand here in the shadowy darkness of his room and gaze down upon her one and only love as he so exquisitely pleasured her.

  But the vision was too erotic, the heat of his slightly abrasive face and the masterful touch of his tongue too thrilling. The sight, the feel caused her to ignite with a raging, all-consuming heat. His tongue and lips were fanning the flames, spreading the blaze, setting her body on fire.

  Where she’d once been afraid he wouldn’t stop, she was now just as worried that he would. She grabbed him by his temples and pressed him closer even as she bent her knees slightly and thrust her pelvis forward.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she begged, near to tears of erotic hysteria. “Please, Brit, don’t. Don’t leave me, don’t stop!”

  He didn’t.

  His mouth opened wider. His tongue stroked faster. His whiskered jaws flexed against her tightly gripping thighs. He licked and lashed and loved her until she was calling his name in a frenzy, frightened by the intensity of the waves of carnal pleasure buffeting her, shocked beyond belief at the height of the euphoria he was bringing her to. So potent was her pleasure it bordered on pain. She moaned and tossed her head and flung her hand over her mouth to quiet herself.

  But she couldn’t be quiet, couldn’t be still. His flickering tongue was magical. It whirled around and around her tiny bud of pure sensation until she quivered with jolts of stunning joy over which she had no control. She felt herself erupting helplessly in a volcanic response, coming again and again.

  Her hands gripping his head, she frantically pressed Brit to her, terrified he would take his marvelous mouth from her before her stunning, startling climaxes had fully ended. It was he who had made her burn this hotly, and only he could put out the blaze.

  Sensing her anxiety, Brit buried his face more deeply in her and carefully guided her all the way to the top until she was bucking and quivering and crying out in absolute orgasmic ecstasy. Making certain she wouldn’t hurt, even for a second, he lingered until all the little aftershocks had washed over her and she finally slumped against him, her weak knees folding beneath her.

  Only then did he raise his head. He caught her before she could fall, swung her up into his arms and rose to his feet. She trembled in his arms, crying with happiness. She looked at him through tear-filled eyes and saw that he was pleased with himself. He had every right to be. She was certainly pleased with him.

  Brit brushed a kiss to her damp forehead and said, “If you didn’t like that, I’ll never do it again.”

  She sighed and said, “I can’t lie to you, Brit. I did like it but it was so thrilling, so intense, it frightened me. I was afraid that…that…”

  “You never have to be afraid with me, sweetheart,” he told her as he crossed the room and gently laid her in the very middle of his bed. “I’ll always take good care of you.”

  She sighed, flung her weak arms up over her head and stretched against the silky white sheets like a contented feline. “In that case, will you please do that to me again sometime?”

  Brit smiled and began undressing. “As often as you wish, my love.”


  And so began a long night of loving that neither Brit nor Anna would ever forget.

  Content, so well satisfied she was sure she couldn’t be aroused again anytime soon, Anna lay on the bed, sublimely lazy. She placidly watched Brit undress and was struck anew by the magnificence of his lean male body.

  Her gaze slowly traveled down his broad chest to his flat belly, and she flinched inwardly. He was fully aroused, while she was totally sated. The prospect of having that rock-hard flesh thrust into her right now was not pleasant. It would surely hurt, because she was no longer excited.

  He had seen to that.

  Still a novice at lovemaking, Anna wondered what she could do to give him the same kind of unequaled joy he had given her—without having him inside her. The answer came to her as Brit put a knee on the mattress and started to climb into bed.

  “Wait, darling,” she said, and rolled up into a sitting position.

  “What is it, love?”

  She smiled at him, came up into a kneeling position and moved across the bed to him. She put her arms around his neck and said softly, “You trust me, don’t you, Brit?”

  “With my heart,” he said.

  “And with your body as well?”


  She pressed a quick kiss to his lips and said, “Then do me a favor.”

  “Name it.”

  She released him, scooted around and jumped off the bed. He turned about to face her, giving her a questioning look. She said, “Sit down on the edge of the bed, please.”

  Brit shrugged his bare shoulders and sat down. Anna stepped between his spread knees, laid her hands atop his shoulders and began kissing him. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed his temples, his cheeks, his mouth, his chin.

  His breath short, his hands eagerly caressing her bare bottom, Brit said, “Baby, let’s get in the bed.”

  “In just a minute,” she said, and continued to kiss him.

  Her lips slid down over his firm chin to his throat. She placed several plucking, sucking kisses there before moving on down his chest. As she kissed and teased him, Anna slowly began sinking to her knees.

  “Oh, God, baby,” Brit rasped, as her warm face nuzzled in the thick black hair covering his chest and she put out the tip of her tongue and licked his right nipple.

  He held his breath as her golden head continued to move lower and lower down his tense, bare body. Just as he had done with her, she swirled her tongue around his navel, carefully nudging aside his throbbing tumescence. But her soft cheek was against it and her silky hair was tickling it.

  Abruptly she lifted her head, then bent and kissed his right knee. Slowly, tormentingly, she kissed her way up his hair-dusted thigh to the warm inside. She stopped an inch short of where the thick, raven-black hair swirled around his pulsing erection.

  She repeated the erotic exercise, kissing and licking her way up the inside of his left thigh. She nuzzled her nose and mouth in the dense black curls of his groin, and Brit felt as if his heart was going to explode. She put out the tip of her tongue and dabbed at the crisp springy coils. She blew her warm breath up and down the hard, jerking length of him.

  Brit was now at the stage where he’d had her earlier. If she didn’t kiss it, if she didn’t take him in her mouth for just a moment, he wouldn’t be able to bear it.

  As if she had read his thoughts, Anna raised her head, swept back her long hair and, boldly wrapping her hand around him, asked, “Doesn’t that feel good?”

  “God, yes,” he managed to answer.

  She smiled at him, took her hand away, bent and kissed the throbbing tip, opening her mouth slightly to touch him with her tongue. Again she raised her head and, looking like the cat that got the cream, asked, “Doesn’t that feel even better?”

  Brit shook his head, unable to speak. He was momentarily terrified. His heart hammering, his blood pulsing, he felt that he would
surely die if he couldn’t feel her warm, wet mouth on him for just a moment. At the same time he was worried that he would immediately explode if she kissed him again.

  Anna didn’t wait for his permission. Led by instinct, she held him with one hand and slipped her open lips down over him. She heard him groan, but knew it was with pleasure, not pain. Very, very gently she sucked on him and heard him groan even louder. Wanting to excite him as much as he had excited her, Anna took a lesson from Brit. She raised her mouth from him momentarily, then put out her tongue and licked him lovingly, starting at the very base and sweeping all the way up to the jerking tip.

  On fire, so aroused he was beside himself, Brit allowed himself the incredible pleasure for only a few short minutes. He looked down on the golden head bent to him and almost climaxed. What an erotic sight the two of them made. He, Adam naked, sitting on the edge of the bed with his knees spread. She, as naked as he, kneeling between his legs, her head down, her lips on him, her golden hair spilling over them both.

  How incredibly thrilling to watch her love him like this even as he felt her soft, sweet lips tugging at him, her sleek tongue spreading liquid fire. He wished the two of them could stay like this forever. He wanted to keep her just as she was, naked and kneeling between his legs, for all eternity.

  But as he fantasized, the vision became too electrifying. He felt himself slipping dangerously close to an erupting orgasm.

  Brit put his hands in Anna’s hair and gently raised her face from him. He bent and kissed her and said into her mouth, “Let’s get in bed.”

  To her surprise, Anna found that she was aroused again. Pleasuring him had had a similar effect on her. Her skin felt feverish. Her nipples ached. And a gentle throbbing had begun between her legs.

  When Brit stretched out beside her on the bed, she happily lifted her face for his hot, probing kiss. By the time the kiss ended, Brit had moved between her legs. His weight supported on a stiffened arm, he put his hand between her legs, touched her gently and found her hot and wet and ready.

  He glanced at her face and she blushed. “I’m a shameless wench, aren’t I?”


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