Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) Page 11

by P. Macias

  Christian is alarmed to think that Monique has lost all faith in him. Damn it! No way can she think for even a minute that I don’t love her, thinks Christian, dismayed.

  “Monique, I did not lie to you. I omitted to tell you that I’m a Navy SEAL. I didn’t tell you because of this very reason. I didn’t want to risk losing you. I wanted us to wait until my duty was done. I tried hard to wait and go slow,” says Christian, peering into her eyes, observing her reaction.

  Monique narrows your eyes contemplating what he says.

  Damn, I pray that she recalls that I was willing to wait, ponders Christian.

  “I wouldn’t have rushed into marriage if I didn’t feel that I love you. Monique you’re my only amor. I know that you’re carrying my bebe. I can feel it. I want you and my bebe to be taken care of if anything happens to me in the next six months. I can be sent on a mission in any minute,” says Christian, watching her expressions.

  Oh yeah, she loves me, look at her fear and anguish, thinks Christian with alegria. “That’s the only reason that I told your papa. He feels the same as I do. He didn’t want us to risk not getting married next Saturday.”

  “My papa knows this! I did not know, but you told my padre? This is unreal!” squeals Monique, immensely pissed off. “How can you do this to me?” she strides away from him and starts to dress. I cannot discuss this being naked, thinks Monique, furiously pulling on her dress.

  Christian grabs his pants and pulls them on. He strides over to her and attempts to hug her. She moves away from him.

  “I’m not happy with you right now, do not touch me!” says Monique with rage. I can’t look at him because I’ll forget why I’m pissed off. Dios mio, what a mess and I’m so furious!

  “I don’t know when I will see you again. As far as I know, you could be sent out on a special private dangerous mission, and I can be a widow manana! Geeze, Christian! You should have told me that you’re a Navy SEAL!” yells Monique, sitting down on the sofa, putting on her shoes.

  She starts crying again, What if I lose him? Her lips tremble with emotions. What if I’m pregnant? My bebe will not know his papa, ponders Monique.

  “Baby, manana I will talk to my officer. I will see how much leave I have available. I haven’t taken my leave in my entire career. Maybe I can be released a little sooner than six months.” says Christian, sneaking up closer, attempting to pull her into his arms.

  Monique hears him and hope starts to take place in her heart. She contemplates Christian. She wipes her tears with the back of her hand and pushes her hair back. She squints and bites the right lower corner of her lip. “Could that really be possible? You’re not lying to me?” asks Monique, looking at him with some disbelief. “I will die if something happens to you.” Her lower lip trembles with emotions.

  Christian studies her. He realizes that she’s angry because of her fear of him getting killed. Now I understand the reactions of the mujers. Wow, my baby truly loves me. I’m so lucky to have found her, Christian grins with alegria.

  “Christian I don’t see what’s so funny. You lied to me,” says Monique with anger, raising her chin higher.

  “Baby, I haven’t lied to you. I would never lie to you. Te amo, you’re mia, only mia forever. Everything that I ever said to you is true. I have been honest and up front with you. I knew the moment that I saw you that you were the one, my alma gemela. My only sin, my fault has been my omission of being a Navy SEAL. This is absolutely the only fact that I didn’t mention to you,” states Christian grinning.

  Monique gawks at him and ponders what he asserts. He’s correct. “Christian, I have the right to know everything about you. You omitted something that’s immensely important. How am I going to ever trust you? I will always wonder if you’re keeping something from me,” says Monique. She is hurting and tears are rolling down her cheeks.

  “My Cielo no, I don’t want you to ever think that I will lie to you. I’m honest, hardworking, and a familia man. I decided to marry you and only you. I want to start our familia. I will love you and my bebe forever. I will never betray or hurt you. Te amo,” says Christian, creeping up closer to her.

  Hmmm, Christian loves me. Si, I can see and feel his amor from the moment we met. I need to trust him. I need to believe what he says. If I don’t believe him, if I don’t believe in him, and then I would never be feliz. Our marriage will not work. This is important. I need to give him a chance to prove himself and his amor, ponders Monique. Si I will forgive this omission because lo amo, he’s my alma gemela. He better never ever do this again.

  “Christian, I’m going to believe you, but I want you to take this to heart. I will not forgive you next time that you omit or lie to me. I will not tolerate it. Te amo, but I will not live with lies, deceit, or abuse of any type,” says Monique with firmness, glaring into his hermoso green eyes.

  “My Cielo, I promise that you well never experience any type of omissions, lies, and I will never abuse you. I’m not that type of hombre. Si, I’m a macho Mexicano, but I also value my mujer,” says Christian, gazing into her eyes with all of his amor shining. Damn, my mujer is toda mujer, thinks Christian proudly.

  “Ok, I will believe that until you show me otherwise. Where am I supposed to stay while you’re away? I can stay at mis padres when you’re away and I can stay with you at your padres when you’re on leave. But I don’t know if mis padres will go for that. I don’t know your padres and that makes it awkward to stay with them now,” states Monique, pondering their situation. I wonder what we should do.

  “Baby, I want you to stay with your padres until Friday. I’ll take you with me to mis padres’ casa when I’m on leave. You will meet my familia. I don’t know if I will be on leave or training,” says Christian, studying Monique, creeping closer.

  Monique contemplates what Christian says. This means that I have met some of his familia in the interview. “Christian in my interview I met Bella and Paty De La Cruz. Are they your hermanas?” asks Monique, wondering if she did meet at least one of his familia.

  “My Cielo, Bella is my hermana and Paty is my prima. Remember Ricky in the hallway, he’s my primo,” answers Christian, smiling, flashing his beautiful dimples. “You see, you do know some of my familia.”

  “My primo Jose Enrique is the CEO of the familia company. He’s the one that requested that I inspect a job site and write up a report. That was the same report that fell out of my hands when we collided,” says Christian. “My primo Jose Enrique asked me to consider working as the job site manager on Friday. He wanted to know if I was going to re-enlist. At that time I told him I would think about it. After being with you on Friday, drinking mocha, I knew that I will be marrying you, and that I would not re-enlist in the Navy. I also told mis padres that I was marrying you in six months. Did I not ask you to marry me in six months?” Yeah, I’m reminding her of our conversation this morning. Dios mio it feels like a long time ago.

  Monique ponders everything that Christian says, staring out the window. She chews the right lower corner of her lip. He’s right. He did ask me to marry him in six months. I was the one pushing him to make love. He did what he felt was right to protect me and the bebe. He feels that I’m pregnant. There’s a very good chance that I am. I understand his actions, but it still makes me mad.

  What should I do? Should I stay mad at him and waste the precious hours that we have left together? Should I forgive him and spend our time together loving each other? She turns to gaze into his beautiful green eyes. I do love him. He does love me, muses Monique.

  “What do you want to do now? Where do you want me to stay until you’re on leave?” asks Monique.

  “I want you to stay with your padres if that will make you feel better. On Friday, I will collect you from your padres, and take you to mis padres’ casa until we get our own casa,” replies Christian, gazing into her eyes with amor.

  “Christian, you’re going to be real tired manana when you’re in class,” says Monique, thinking about herself
going to work at a new job as a newlywed mujer. “I have to be at work at eight manana.”

  “My Cielo, I asked Ricky to tell Bella and Jose Enrique that you will start on Tuesday. I told Ricky that I didn’t want you going in all tired from our rush wedding,” says Christian, smiling, flashing his dimples.

  “Oh, okay, thank you,” says Monique, thinking about the new job. She stares out the window at the neon lights, but not really registering what she sees. She turns to look at him with her eyes narrowing. “You didn’t have anything to do with me getting the job, did you?” asks Monique, observing him, starting to get pissed off again.

  “Monique, I didn’t have anything to do with you getting the job. You did that all on your own. The only thing I did was call you for a date. I knew that you had gotten the job, but I didn’t interfere with the process. I waited until Bella called you. I knew when I saw my hermana. She told me when I was asking about you. They had already made up their minds about you,” replies Christian, proudly, grinning.

  “You know it makes me real proud that you got that job all on your own. I had nothing to do with that,” says Christian, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

  Gracias Dios mio, she’s not mad at me anymore. I never want to get her mad at me again. I will die if she never lets me touch her, love her, or If she leaves me. She’s everything to me, she’s mia, only mia, whimpers Christian, thinking about losing her.

  I learned my lesson real quick, thinks Christian, falling onto the sofa, pulling her onto his lap, moving his hand up her dress to touch her. Oh dios mio, she’s so wet and hot. He moans, feeling his shaft get hard.

  My Baby is hungry again, thinks Monique, shifting from his lap. She lowers his pants zipper and pulls him out. Monique turns and straddles him, impaling him deeply into her hot waiting heart, grasping him tightly, making him whimper.

  Christian unties the dress top and starts to kiss her breasts, taking small love bites all over. She rides him hard and fast holding onto the sofa, moaning her delight.

  “Baby, you feel so good,” says Monique, as she went up almost completely off his hot shaft and takes him deeply, quickly, and makes him groan. “I love loving you.”

  Christian is going out of his mind with the exquisite feeling of her tight hot heart squeezing him tighter as they reach their release together as one complete alma. Christian moans, devouring her nipple, sucking it deep, and taking tender bites. He yells out her name as she grips his shaft tightly and goes crazy. He buries his face in her soft beautiful breasts. All mio, thinks Christian, only mio.

  Monique hugs him to her, loving every moment loving him. He is mio, only mio.

  Wow, we had our first disagreement. We talked about it and worked out our issues. Monique pulls back to look at him. She gives him lots of besos all over his face. He’s my esposo, thinks Monique with felicidad. He gazes at her with awe

  Chapter Thirteen

  The entire De La Cruz familia are relaxing and enjoying their gathering. In the background you can hear playing the romantic Mexican love songs. The night is beautiful. The sky looks like a navy blue velvet and sparkling diamonds.

  The comadres are happily finishing cooking the dinner meal. Los hermanos, los padres of la familia’s are happily chatting, playing pool and drinking their Coronas.

  All of the primos are sitting down chatting about the week and the pact that they had agree to on Friday night at the club.

  “Yes, primas, thanks for thinking up the pact. It will really make our lives easier,” says Jose Enrique, grinning. He looks at his novia.

  “Yes, primas, I second that,” says Ricky, looking at his Reina on his lap.

  “Who knows what happened to Christian, he’s late,” asks Tony, looking for his party primo. “We always go out after dinner.”

  Ricky looks around and didn’t know if he should say anything. Christian might want to tell them himself, thinks Ricky. He looks at his Reina who shrugs her shoulders, smiling.

  “I know that he has a novia,” says Bella smiling, thinking about Monique.

  “No way, not another one falling,” says Alex. “Who is she and where did he meet her?”

  “Hermano, she’s really muy cute, cute. I know that she’s perfect for Christian. I think that he’s truly excited about her,” says Bella, nodding.

  Yeah, he’s so excited that he married her, thinks Ricky, trying not to say anything yet. I do have to tell Jose Enrique and Bella about Monique not coming into work manana. He takes a sip of his Corona looking around. Yeah this is awesome. I don’t think that even mis tios know what he’s up to.

  “That’s right, I saw his novia and she is cute,” says Ricky, smiling, looking at his bella reina.

  “Are we talking about Monique Acosta?” asks Paty, looking at Bella and Ricky for confirmation.

  “Si prima,” replies Bella, nodding. “He ran into Monique after the interview on Friday in the hallway, just like Ricky and Jacki. Hmm, is the hallway a matchmaker?”

  The primos start to laugh with amusement. “If it is, I will make sure to walk it every day hoping that I run into my amor,” says Paty, grinning with delight.

  “Si, prima, and I will join you,” says Claudia, grinning.

  “You’re both silly,” says Veronica, looking at her hermana and prima, shaking her head.

  “It looks like he’s not showing and we will not see him until next weekend if he gets off,” says Alex, looking around for Gabriel to see if he knows something.

  Gabriel and Erica are far away at another table. They’re talking, making wedding plans. Gabriel is also a Navy SEAL. In fact, he’s Christian’s SEAL bud. It doesn’t look like they even know what’s up, thinks Alex, shaking his head looking at his primo Jose Enrique.

  It looks like slowly we’re all getting married, thinks Alex, taking a drink of his Corona. He looks at his primo, Tony, shrugging. “Let’s go primo. It’s just the two of us tonight,” says Alex.

  “Adios, primos,” says Alex and Tony, walking towards their padres to say adios.

  His Mama Maria asks if they know where Christian is. “Mis niño’s, do you know where Christian is at? He has not shown up?” asks Mama Maria, looking at their faces for any type of answers.

  “No we don’t. I was just asking los primos and nobody has heard from him mama,” answers Alex, looking at his mama with concern. “Do you think that something happened to him?”

  “No, I pray that nothing has happened to Christian. I know that he went to see his novia this morning and has not returned,” says Mama Maria, looking over at her esposo. “It’s still early and maybe he’s still with his novia.”

  “That could be it mama, he just lost track of time,” replies Alex. Yeah, like if I believe this for a minute. My hermano, being a Navy SEAL, is always aware of time and everything that’s going on around him, ponders Alex.

  “Okay, my hijo, dios los bendiga a los dos,” says Mama Maria, nodding.

  Las Tia’s Queta and Lupe also gave them their bendicion.

  “Mis niñas we need your help to clean up,” calls out las Tia’s. Las prima’s immediately start to clean.

  “I’ll help to clean up the tables,” says Bella, at her primas, looking at Jessy and Jacki. They also stand to help clean up.

  Bella takes some plates over to the sink and returns to get some more. Jessy and Jacki are also picking up the plates on the other tables.

  Ricky takes this opportunity to tell Jose Enrique and Bella all about Christian and Monique.

  Ricky scoots closer to his primo Jose Enrique. He looks at both his primos. “Jose Enrique, Bella, I have to tell you something real quick before the others hear,” says Ricky, looking around to make sure nobody else is around.

  This really catches Jose Enrique’s interest. He waits to hear what Ricky has to say. Bella sits down next to them to listen to Ricky, who’s speaking real low.

  “Christian called me early today,” says Ricky, looking at his primos before proceeding. “Christian is at this very momen
t in Vegas getting married to Monique Acosta.” He sits back to contemplate their reaction.

  “I don’t know if he wants me to tell everybody or not. I believe it’s better to stay quiet and let him take care of this,” says Ricky, observing los primos.

  They both look surprised and don’t know what to say, thinks Ricky, grinning.

  “He wants me to tell you, Jose Enrique and Bella, that Monique will start work on Tuesday. He doesn’t want Monique to start working manana being tired,” says Ricky, grinning. Yeah I know what he means. I didn’t want my Reina to start working the next day either.

  Jose Enrique looks at Ricky. “You’re serious?” he asks, not believing what he heard.

  One more primo takes off and elopes. Yes this is awesome, now I definitely will not be the only one changing diapers, thinks Jose Enrique with felicidad, grinning wickedly. I know my primo. He had to have taken her innocence to want to rush to get married. The wild primo would not marry just anyone. It sounds like he’s all into this chica.

  Bella can’t believe what Christian is doing. Monique, the cute young chica managed to catch the hot and wild De La Cruz. He’s worse than Ricky, ponders Bella, grinning. Yes!

  “That’s okay with me,” replies Bella, nodding. “He’s part of the familia company and now, so is Monique.”

  “That’s right. I’m sure that Monique will be a hard worker and that she has the skills and education that is required for the position. Jessy had nothing but good things to say about her designs,” says Jose Enrique, smiling. “I know that Christian is doing the right thing. He would only be marrying Monique if he has strong feelings for her.”

  “Si, my hermano was all into her. He saw her on Friday for mocha and all day on Saturday. He went out early this morning to see her,” says Bella, smiling, thinking of how feliz Christian was this morning when he was leaving to see Monique.

  “Yes, primos, Christian sounded real excited when he called me to get the information on the hotel that I used for my wedding. He wanted to make sure you two understand about Monique,” says Ricky, grinning. “Shit will hit the fan manana when everybody hears about this. I don’t think that the news media will notice because they did not know about Christian.”


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