Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) Page 12

by P. Macias

  “We need to be supportive with Monique. Remember that Christian will be returning to his base for training manana. Monique will be on her own the entire week,” says Bella, thinking of Monique’s position. I know that I would be sad to have my esposo leave me so soon and especially being a Navy SEAL.

  “Remember it’s even worse that he’s a SEAL. She is not used to that and will be real scared for Christian,” says Bella.

  “Si, we do need to make sure that she feels welcomed into the familia and especially at work. She’s one of us now,” says Jose Enrique smiling, looking at his bella novia. “I know that Jessy will be okay with her starting on Monday.”

  “Okay, we need to keep this to ourselves today anyway until he tells the tios,” states Ricky, looking around.

  “That sounds great,” replies Bella, smiling at her primos.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Christian arrives at Monique’s padre’s casa. It’s late, almost four in the morning. I need to sleep, thinks Christian.

  He parks in the driveway and assists Monique out. They enter the casa and Monique takes him to her room. She quickly pulls back the bed covers. It’s a good thing that I changed the sheets this morning, thinks Monique.

  He falls on the bed and immediately falls asleep. Monique takes off his shoes, pants and shirt. She then went into the cama with him, hugging him close to her. This is a wonderful feeling, thinks Monique smiling. She falls asleep.

  Christian unconsciously pulls her onto his chest hugging her close. Christian wakes up at six and looks around. Good thing I slept a few hours. I was exhausted. The training that I have as a SEAL has helped me rest efficiently and to regain my strength in a short time of sleep, thinks Christian. He looks at his esposa with lots of tenderness. She took off my clothes and shoes, thinks Christian. I need to get ready to leave.

  Christian stands and takes care of his needs. He steps out of her room and doesn’t see or hear anybody up. He walks out to his carro and brings into her room the gown, photos, cd and bags with her new clothes.

  He remembers everything that he bought her and smiles. I can’t wait to see her in those sexy lingerie and outfits, thinks Christian, bending down to give her a beso before leaving.

  Christian is leaving la casa, when he hears someone behind him, and turns to see his bella esposa, sleepy and smiling at him.

  He spreads his arms out. Monique runs into him, he scoops her up close as she wraps her arms around his neck, giving her a passionate beso.

  I love her and it is so hard to leave her, thinks Christian, deepening his beso, devouring her lips. He’s bestowing all of his amor and pasión into that beso.

  I need to leave or I will be late, thinks Christian, pulling back, smiling at her. “My Cielo I have to go now or I will be late,” says Christian, with sadness in his beautiful green eyes.

  She nods, understanding that he has to leave, and tries hard not to cry, she blinks and smiles. “Dios te bendiga Christian, te amo mucho, please take care. I will be waiting for your return. Will you be able to call me later?” asks Monique, wondering if at least he can call her.

  “My Cielo, I will call you later,” replies Christian, with emotion closing up his throat, making it difficult to speak. He attempts to swallow the knot in his throat.

  She gives him one more quick hug and steps back, knowing it’s also hard for him to leave.

  “Te amo,” says Christian, in a raspy voice trying hard to stay strong.

  He walks out going to his carro trying not to think of leaving his amor. I will be back for her, thinks Christian, driving off to get to his base.

  Monique stands at the door and watches him leave. She allows the tears to fall down her checks. I never knew that I can love so deeply and so quickly, thinks Monique, closing the door. She returns to her room.

  Monique dresses and starts to unpack her new clothes, shoes and lingerie. I need to a make a special drawer for my new lingerie that my Baby bought me with so much amor, thinks Monique.

  She then looks at the photos and selects one to frame. I want to put my photo on my nightstand, she thinks. My Baby is so hot, sexy and such a bad boy. Yeah, he’s a certified bad boy. Si he’s one of the all-time famous Navy SEAL.

  Wow, that’s amazing! My loveable, sweet Baby, can also be mean, tough, and also probably a killing machine, thinks Monique. She attempts to grasp the concept of him being one and the same.

  She walks to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Her padres and hermanas are there.

  “Buenos dias familia,” says Monique, walking over to her mama and papa to give them a beso. She looks at her hermanas, smiling.

  Her Mama Ana looks at her, smiling. She’s contenta to see that her niña is feliz. I’m real concerned with the pain she must be feeling not having her esposo here with her, ponders Mama Ana.

  “My hija, are you feeling okay? Did Christian leave already?” asks Mama Ana.

  “Si mama, my Baby left to go to his training. He’ll call me later when he has a chance,” replies Monique, looking at her padres.

  “Mama, look at my wedding rings. My Baby picked them out and I think that they’re beautiful,” she extends her arm to show her padres and hermanas her rings.

  “Gosh hermana, those are huge diamonds. I think that your ring is beautiful,” says Gabriella, grinning.

  I’m so feliz for my hermana, thinks Gabriella. I want one just like Christian. Yeah, I had one but, he ran away. Damn it, I don’t want to think about Javier.

  “Yeah Monique, it looks like you won the lottery in lots of ways,” says Eva, looking at Monique with envy. I wonder how in the hell did she get him. Why didn’t I meet him instead?

  “Oh yeah, my baby is awesome. Lo amo, he’s my alma gemela,” responds Monique, smiling. “Do you want to see my wedding photos? My baby made sure that we had photos and a cd of our wedding in Vegas,” says Monique, looking at her familia.

  “Of course mi hija, I want to see the photos. Where are they?” asks Mama Ana, with felicidad looking around the room.

  “They’re in my room,” replies Monique, striding out to get the photos and cd for her padres.

  “Mama, he purchased an extra cd for you and his padres,” says Monique. She looks at her padres, smiling with alegria.

  “Mi niña, these are absolutely beautiful. It looks like a real nice wedding. Of course it’s not the church ceremony, but it’s nice that he went all out to make it nice for the legal ceremony. It looks like everything cost a lot,” says her mama, looking at her hija. “Your gown is beautiful. Did you select the gown?”

  “Si mama, my baby had the concierge arrange everything for us. When we arrived to the Bridal suite, the gowns, rings, shoes, veils, clothes, lingerie were there waiting for me to select what I wanted. Christian also bought me some clothes, shoes, and lingerie,” says Monique, blushing, looking at her mama with a dreamy smile.

  “Mama, there was at least twenty gowns for me to select from. There were so many wedding rings sets, that I couldn’t pick one out. I had him select our wedding rings with the matching band for him. Mama, he selected the ring that had the largest diamonds,” says Monique, grinning.

  She looks at her ring. She remembers his smile and his hermoso green eyes full of amor sliding the ring onto her finger. The wedding ceremony was awesome. Her eyes started to water, missing him already.

  A tear drops down her cheek and her mama stands, to hug her. “My hija, why are you crying?” asks Mama Ana with concern, gazing at her esposo.

  “Oh mama, I’m scared, and worried for him. You know that he’s a Navy SEAL and that’s very dangerous,” replies Monique, looking at her mama.

  Her padre also stands. He approaches his niña, and hugs her. “My hija, you have to be strong and believe that he’ll be okay. He will return for you. He told me he’s in training this week. That’s not bad,” says Papa Luis, gazing into his niña’s eyes and seeing how much she loves her esposo.

  I’m feliz that she married him last night. I have peace o
f mind knowing that she and the bebe will be taken care of, ponders Papa Luis.

  “Si papa, mama, you’re correct. I will pray for my Baby. Everything will be okay. Mama you want to see my wedding gown? I have the gown packed up and I will wear the gown for our church ceremony,” says Monique, smiling.

  “My hija, I will wait until the church ceremony. I don’t want you to unpack the gown and risk getting the gown ruined,” says her Mama Ana, rubbing her back. I’m so feliz that she’s ok now.

  “My hija, so did you and Christian decide where you’re going to stay? Are you staying with us?” asks Papa Luis, looking at her, wondering what’s happening next.

  “Papa, Christian wants me to stay here this week since he didn’t have time to introduce me to his familia. He thinks it will be more comfortable for me. He wants me to stay with him at his padre’s casa when he returns on Friday,” replies Monique, smiling.

  Good, that means that he wants her with him. I don’t want him to get used to not having her with him. Marriage is hard enough without getting into bad habits. Okay he just wants to wait until he returns to install her with him at his padre’s casa until he gets a place or leaves the Navy. I like how he thinks. “Okay, it sounds right to me. I want to see the cd my hija,” replies Papa Luis, looking at his other niñas, smiling.

  They haven’t said much. I know my eldest niña real well and I know that she’s just burning up with envy. She always wants to be first and have the best. Christian is not for Eva. Christian wants a noble, sweet chica. I can see that he really likes how my niña Monique is. Monique suits him good, I can see it.

  “Si papa, let me get the cd so you can see how nice the wedding was,” replies Monique with felicidad, smiling she runs to her room.

  He turns to his niñas and asks why they’re so quiet. “Why are you two quiet? Is something wrong?” he asks, looking at their facial expressions, trying to see what they’re thinking.

  “Nada is wrong with me papa. I was listening to everything that Monique is saying,” answers Gabriella, smiling.

  “I was also listening papa,” answers Eva, smiling. The smile didn’t reach her eyes. Monique looks just like me, except that her eyes are hazel and mine are light brown. Why couldn’t I have met him instead? Of course Monique met him, ponders Eva, with anger.

  “Let’s go to the familia room to look at the cd. I’m so excited I can’t wait to see,” says Mama Ana, walking out of the kitchen nook area.

  Monique returns with the cd and she inserts the cd. She sits back onto the love seat where her Baby had sat.

  Her lips tremble and her eyes water. He looks so handsome and young. I don’t want anything to happen to him. Our wedding was beautiful even if it was a Vegas wedding. He tried so hard to make it special, reflects Monique.

  “Geeze hermana, Christian looks so handsome in the tux. He really did a good job making the wedding in Vegas look that good,” says Gabriella, grinning with felicidad. She turns to look at Monique.

  Gabriella immediately goes to Monique and hugs her. “Hermana don’t worry. He will be okay. He has been a SEAL for a long time. He must be skilled, tough, and able to be a SEAL,” says Gabriella, smiling. “Just think of all the hard work he had to go through just to be a SEAL. He has probably already been on lots of missions. Christian is still looking good,” she grins wickedly, turns to look at him on the cd.

  Monique hears and contemplates what she said. Gabriella is right. My Baby must be tough and have the skills to survive. He will be okay. He will be out of the Navy soon, thinks Monique, relaxing.

  “Oh Gabriella, I’m okay. Thanks,” says Monique. She continues to look at the ceremony where Christian slides the ring on her finger with a huge smile, flashing his dimples. The amor shines from his hermoso green eyes. Yep he’s my Baby, my esposo, thinks Monique, with felicidad.

  “Mi hija, Christian did a great job in making your Vegas wedding so nice. I’m extremely feliz it wasn’t a cheap fast wedding. You can tell that he had them do the wedding right and didn’t stop on the expense,” says Mama Ana. I’m so feliz that Christian loves mi hija so much.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Christian arrives at the base, showers, shaves and changes into his uniform. Yeah, this shower has taken some of my weariness away. Yeah, now I need to talk to my CO.

  Gabriel walks up to him, wondering where he had been all weekend. “Hermano, where were you all weekend? You didn’t even go to la familia Sunday dinner. Everybody was asking me where you were,” says Gabriel, observing Christian.

  I can see that Chris is tired. I wonder what he’s been up to, thinks Gabriel, waiting for his answer.

  Christian looks at Gabriel. Damn, this is what he had meant last Monday when I asked him more or less the same question. No wonder Gabriel was pissed off. I understand the feelings now. Okay, thinks Christian, nodding.

  “Gabriel, I got married this weekend in Vegas,” replies Christian, grinning, flashing his dimples. He enjoys the stunned look on Gabriel’s face.

  “You’re fucking kidding, right?” asks Gabriel with disbelief, looking at Christian. I don’t believe this, my best bud got married, ponders Gabriel, shaking his head.

  “Who did you marry? I didn’t even know that you had found the one. You were talking to me about going too fast, right?” says Gabriel.

  He shakes his head in wonder, studying Christian. Is there something wrong with Christian? Is he not feeling well? Damn, he’s acting weird, different.

  Christian grins. Yeah, I did get on his case for rushing through everything with my hermana. I understand now. When you know she’s the one, you only want to claim her. I get it now, thinks Christian.

  “My esposa is Monique Acosta and you don’t know her. I met her on Friday. We had some mocha on Friday and talked for several hours. We went on an all-day date on Saturday. On Sunday, we went on a date in the morning and next thing I knew I was getting married in Vegas,” says Christian, chuckling. “It’s officially eight hours since I married,” he smiles at Gabriel.

  Gabriel stands there staring at him with amazement. This is fucking unbelievable. What got into my bud? The Christian that I know would never run off and get married. “You got married,” croaks Gabriel, in disbelief. This is unreal.

  Gabriel sees his wedding band. Wow look at those diamonds that Christian has on that band. You can see them a mile away. He really went all out. He must really love the chica. I just can’t wait to see the chica that caught the wild Christian, ponders Gabriel, in amazement.

  “I plan on not re-enlisting and I will be working for la familia as the manager for the construction sites,” says Christian, looking at his amigo with amusement.

  “You really did decide to settle down with this chica. You’re not re-enlisting, that’s huge,” says Gabriel, shaking his head in wonder. Damn! This is awesome. “Do your padres know that you got married?” asks Gabriel, looking at his face. He observes how frustrated he is.

  “Gabriel, I’m so frustrated with not being able to be there with my Cielo. I left her with her padres until we get out on Friday, if we get out on Friday. She was upset as it was. I couldn’t tell her that Friday was not a for sure thing,” says Christian, running his hands through his hair.

  “I told mis padres that I had intentions of marrying her in six months. I have not called them to tell them that I got married last night. I called Ricky to get the information on the hotel that he used. They really do a great job. The wedding came out real nice and my Cielo was feliz,” says Christian, smiling.

  “I know what you mean about not being able to be with your amor,” replies Gabriel, nodding, looking out the window, thinking about his sweet angel.

  At least Christian has officially made her his. I still have to wait a few weeks, contemplates Gabriel, with frustration.

  “I want to talk to the CO to see if I can take my accrued 75 days leave as terminal leave. All the out processing from service would need to be accomplished prior to my terminal leave date. That will be enough t
o leave the Navy earlier than six months. I’m asking for a three day liberty for my honeymoon,” says Christian, finishing getting ready.

  “Yeah, well good luck. I don’t think that they will allow that. We’re still owned by the Navy until our duty is over,” replies Gabriel, shaking his head with frustration.

  “I have to try. I have accrued 75 days and my duty will be finished soon,” replies Christian. He strides quickly towards the class rooms.

  Christian enters the room that is still empty. He walks over to the CO. “Sir, I would like to request an approval for terminal leave to use at the end of my separation date,” requests Christian, standing in front of his CO.

  “I see no reason to deny your request, De La Cruz. We need to get all of your out processing from service completed prior to your terminal leave date,” replies the CO, looking at Christian straight on.

  “Sir, I’m also requesting a three day liberty leave starting on Friday,” asks Christian standing straight, looks at his CO.

  The CO looks at Christian. Hmm, it must be for a special reason. De La Cruz never has requested a liberty pass, contemplates the CO. I think I will allow De La Cruz three day liberty starting on Friday. “De La Cruz, I will grant you the three day liberty pass starting on Friday,” says the CO, nodding.

  “Thank you Sir,” replies Christian with relief and takes his seat. The room has started to get full of SEALs.

  Yes, this was easier than I thought. Thank you dios mio, thinks Christian.

  Later in the day after his training, he calls his padres to tell them that he has gotten married.

  “Mama?” says Christian, waiting to hear his mama. I know that my mama will be surprised, but I also know that she will be immensely feliz, thinks Christian.


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