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Change of Plans_An Echo Ridge Romance

Page 7

by Cami Checketts

  “Kaitlyn, meet Johnny.”

  Johnny stuck out his hand. Kaitlyn shook, but he held on, tugged her close, and tried to plant a kiss on her lips. Kaitlyn turned so he only caught her cheek. Axel said he was a weird dude, but this was more than she’d planned on.

  “Hey.” Axel protested.

  Johnny grinned. “You must feel like the luckiest woman in the country.”

  Kaitlyn pulled out of his grip, reassured by Axel’s arm quickly surrounding her waist. “Why’s that?” She challenged.

  “This guy is like a monk. I throw beautiful women his way, and he just politely declines anything more than dinner.” He winked at Axel. “Now, I know why.”

  “That’ll do, Johnny, or we’re leaving.” Axel warned him.

  Johnny chuckled and gestured toward the house. “Come in, come in. Brit is out on the deck.”

  They walked up the front porch steps and through the two-story foyer. The house had huge windows and an open floor plan. A few steps into the entry, she could already see the spacious living area and kitchen with the views of Lake Erie and the 18-mile creek. Green trees, grass, blue water, and sunshine. She loved it.

  “This is unreal,” Kaitlyn said breathlessly.

  “Thank you. Julius Yates designed it.”

  Her face must’ve looked blank because he laughed and said, “I forget you know clothing designers not home, right? Brit will love chatting with you.”

  Kaitlyn hoped they would connect and that she could maybe get some insight from the reality TV star about what she considered to be the next great thing in fashion.

  The patio doors were all open, so they walked right through. Brittney was tapping away on her phone.

  “Lover.” Johnny strode to her side, grinning. “Look who I brought.”

  She glanced up coolly until her eyes focused on Axel. “Yay!” She squealed. She jumped up and threw her arms around Johnny’s neck, planting a kiss on his lips. Then she pulled away and dashed toward them, throwing her arms around Axel’s neck and trying to kiss him. Kaitlyn cried out in dismay. What was this lady doing?

  Axel released Kaitlyn and used both of his hands to gently push Brittney away. She grabbed onto his hands. Her smile almost cracked the thick makeup on her face. “You brought me my favorite,” she said to her husband, her eyes sweeping hungrily over Axel.

  Axel arched an eyebrow and tugged his hands free, wrapping his arm around Kaitlyn’s waist again. “This is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn.”

  Kaitlyn hoped her smile wasn’t as plastic as it felt. She could hardly enjoy Axel referring to her as his girlfriend with this yucky lady ogling him. “Nice to meet you.”

  Brittney glanced at her then away quickly. “You as well.” She moved to Axel’s other side and looped her arm through his. “So, Axel. Did Johnny tell you I’ve had a huge crush on you for years.”

  “Years!” Johnny guffawed. “You didn’t know what lacrosse was until you met me.”

  “But it took you years to talk me into marrying you, and ever since I saw Axel, I just knew I had to get to know him better.” She winked boldly at him.

  Kaitlyn was feeling decidedly sick and uncomfortable. Had Axel had any clue these people would act like this? She didn’t think so, but she really just wanted to leave.

  “Excuse me,” she said to Johnny. “Can I use your restroom?”

  “Oh, for sure.” Johnny directed her back into the house. “It’s right through here.”

  Axel cast her a pleading glance as Brittney trailed her French manicure along his arm. She shouldn’t have walked away from him, but this Brittney chick was ridiculous. Maybe Axel could set her straight while she was gone. A more sickening thought filled her. What if Axel succumbed to her obvious advances without Kaitlyn and Johnny around? No. Axel was nothing like these people.

  Johnny gestured her down a back hallway off the kitchen. She spotted the open bathroom door and headed for it. Johnny grabbed her arm before she could get there and whirled her around to face him. “You know, Axel is a very good friend of mine.”

  “Oh?” She hadn’t gotten that impression from Axel at all, and right now, she really hoped it wasn’t true. She didn’t like this guy. Kaitlyn tried to pull her arm free, but he held her tight.

  “We’re friends that share everything.” He pumped his eyebrows and took a large step forward, coming right into her personal space.

  Kaitlyn scurried back but ran into the wall.

  Johnny kept advancing. “Britt has been dying for a piece of Axel, and I thought I’d be bored tonight, but I can see I was wrong.”

  Kaitlyn’s eyes widened, her heart beating hard and fast. She jammed her fist into his abdomen, which was hard as a rock. He grunted and then laughed. “Yes, I should’ve known Axel would have a gorgeous, feisty one for me.”

  Kaitlyn’s stomach churned. Worse than this married guy trying to proposition her was him insinuating that Axel would be fine with the arrangement.

  “Don’t touch me,” she screamed.

  He grinned. “Ah, don’t be like that beautiful girl. I’m a good guy.”

  Kaitlyn could smell wine on his breath. She pushed at him, but he didn’t budge. “Axel!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Footsteps pounded their way, and Axel was there before Johnny could do much more than release her and take two quick steps back. Axel’s eyes swung from Kaitlyn to Johnny. “You hit on my girlfriend?”

  “Hey, she’s hot.” He shrugged. “You were supposed to be distracted by my wife.”

  Axel pulled his arm back and slugged Johnny in the jaw. The punch knocked Johnny into the opposite wall. He straightened and rubbed at his jaw. Kaitlyn tensed, waiting for the jerk to come after Axel. He shook his head and smiled, not looking the least bit upset or repentant. “No hard feelings, man?”

  Axel stared at him. “Tons of hard feelings.” He wrapped his hand around Kaitlyn’s and directed her through the kitchen where Brittney stood next to the counter glowering at the two of them. Axel ignored her and ushered Kaitlyn through the foyer and out the front door. The summer sun embraced them, and Kaitlyn felt like she’d escaped the devil’s lair. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Axel put his arm around his waist. The warmth of his touch helped dispel the unsettled prickling of her spine.

  “I’m sorry,” he muttered.

  “There’s something very wrong with that house,” Kaitlyn said as they hurried around to the passenger side, and Axel swung open her door.

  Axel cast a dark look at the mansion. “The people.”

  She giggled. It turned into a chuckle then a full-on laugh. She couldn’t believe she was laughing about the nightmare they’d just escaped, but it was the release she needed after feeling so uncomfortable around Brittney then completely terrified with Johnny trying to force himself on her.

  Axel’s scowl softened, and he pulled her against him. “I am so sorry I brought you here.”

  “You didn’t know, did you?” She remembered Johnny’s insinuations that Axel would be just fine with switching partners or whatever he and Brittney had schemed.

  “I knew he was a player before, but he’s married.” He shook his head and his brow wrinkled. “I can’t imagine how he could act like that, or her either.”

  Kaitlyn glanced back up at the house, grateful for the barrier of the Lexus between them and the house. Axel’s arms around her completed the safety net that she needed right now. “Did she try to attack you?”

  “With claws when I refused her.” He turned his head and showed her the red marks on his neck. “Disturbed.”

  “They are.” She shivered. “I thought he was going to come after you when you hit him.”

  “Naw. He knows I’d pummel him.”

  Kaitlyn grinned and traced her hands over his broad shoulders. She was so grateful for his protection and that he hadn’t succumbed to the reality star and left her in Johnny’s clutches. Axel was more famous than Johnny or Brittney but he didn’t go for the playboy lifestyle. She’d g
uessed that about him but having it confirmed made her so happy she almost forgot about the ugly interaction moments before.

  “You’re just too tough,” she teased.

  “That’s right.” He grinned and pulled her in closer. “I think you’re supposed to give me some kind of reward for defending you.”

  “Really?” She tapped his shoulder with her palm. “That would be so nice of me, but unfortunately I can’t think of anything.”

  He let out a sound somewhere between a chuckle and a growl. “Maybe I can help you think.”

  Kaitlyn arched up on tiptoes so she was within centimeters of his handsome face. “I’d love some help.”

  Axel grinned and lowered his head, claiming her mouth like they were born to kiss each other. He broke it off quickly and ushered her into the car. “Let’s get out of here. I don’t want the vampires to swoop in after us.”

  Kaitlyn laughed but sobered as Axel shut her door, hurried around to his side, and pulled away from the house. She glanced back at the mansion that was so full of natural light because of the windows and floor plan yet had no real light in it because the people were so evil. She shook off the dark feelings, grateful when Axel’s hand covered hers, bringing warmth and comfort.

  “His momma definitely didn’t raise him right,” Kaitlyn muttered, still shocked Johnny had come at her like that.

  Axel laughed but then shook his head. “I’ve met his momma. She tries.”

  “Sad.” She squeezed his hand. “Well, your momma did a fine job.”

  He glanced over at her. “You want to meet her sometime and tell her that?”

  “Maybe.” She smiled at him and relaxed into the leather seat. The thought of meeting Axel’s mom was scary and exciting. For so long, her plans had been solid and honestly quite boring, centered around her and Mason. Those plans had changed, and Axel had stepped in without her even having a second to breathe. He’d called her his girlfriend twice today. On the hike, he’d made his intentions pretty clear. She loved it and she couldn’t deny he was one of the best men she’d ever met, but it was all moving really fast.

  They drove through an Arby’s on their way back to Echo Ridge. It was so normal and comfortable to eat roast beef sandwiches and curly fries as they drove and talked, yet sometimes Kaitlyn still felt like she needed to pinch herself. She was with Axel Olsen!

  Axel googled easy hikes nearby and they found a two-mile relatively flat loop around a lake. Kaitlyn was wearing comfortable but cute Sperry shoes and was more than happy to spend more time with Axel.

  They held hands and walked slowly. The summer evening was beautiful and the lake was ringed with trees and greenery. Axel asked her questions about her schooling and Lolly then he told her about getting his undergrad and his master’s in finance at Duke.

  “Finance, huh?” Kaitlyn cocked her head to the side as they ambled along the dirt path, the scent of pine needles floating up with each step. “You love numbers?” She definitely didn’t.

  Axel shrugged. “I don’t mind numbers. My dad’s a financial genius so he expected me to follow in his footsteps.”

  She caught something in his voice. “Was he upset when you went for lacrosse?”

  “Does threatening to disown me qualify for upset?”

  Kaitlyn stopped and stared at him. “Oh, Axel, I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged and squeezed her hand, but kept moving. She fell into step beside him. “It all worked out. My mom talked him down and he’s proud of me … now.”

  Kaitlyn felt anger and defensive for Axel flare up at his dad, but then she thought about how her dad had basically forced her brother Chase into law school. Chase had flourished and loved his career, but there’d been some tense times at their house for a few years. “Family stuff is hard sometimes,” she said.

  “True. Luckily though I broke the mold and now Dad’s really supportive of my brother playing golf and getting his degree in architecture.”

  “Architecture, whew what a rebel.”

  Axel smiled. “No, I was the rebel when I bought my first Harley.”

  “You have a Harley?” Kaitlyn envisioned him on a big old Harley and it was a beautiful thing.


  “Let’s go on a ride sometime soon.”

  “Done.” Axel grinned at her.

  They continued walking in silence for a little while. Kaitlyn was thinking about how impressive Axel was and how awful the interaction earlier tonight with Johnny had been.

  “Why aren’t you like Johnny?” she asked then immediately regretted it when Axel’s eyes widened.

  “That was a horrible thing to ask me,” Axel said. He smiled but it was definitely not his usual grin.

  Kaitlyn lifted up her free hand. “That didn’t come out right, but do you understand what I mean?”

  “No.” His forehead wrinkled.

  Kaitlyn reached up and rubbed at the wrinkle in his forehead. Axel grabbed her hand and tugged her to a stop. “Okay, spill it,” he said. “Do you have some horrible perception of professional athletes?”

  “No. I watched how hard Mace worked to play D1 college ball, I can’t even imagine the persistence, dedication, and talent it would take to reach your level.”

  “But …” He stared down at her. He didn’t look angry but he was definitely determined.

  “But you’re more successful and sought after than Johnny by far. Why are you so different than him? Why are you … committed to me?” She ducked her head when she said that and bit at the side of her lip.

  Axel dipped his head and kissed her. It was quick and intense and absolutely brilliant. Kaitlyn gasped for breath as he pulled back and squeezed her hands. “Forgive me for interrupting your question, but I told you I can’t resist you when you do that.” He winked.

  Kaitlyn loved being irresistible to him. “I’ll try to remember that.”

  Axel released her right hand and they started walking slowly around the lake again. “There are a lot of answers to your question—the way I was raised, my relationship with Jesus, and I’d rather be with you than anyone else.”

  Kaitlyn put her free hand to her heart for a second. It was racing much too fast. “I keep thinking I’ll wake up and this will be a dream.”

  “Why?” He glanced down at her, those deep brown eyes searching her face.

  “You act like you aren’t some unattainable superstar,” she sputtered. “I went to most of your games last season. I know how impressive you are.”

  He frowned. “I’m no supserstar, Kait.”

  “What are you then?” she challenged, putting a hand on her hip.

  Axel tugged her to a stop again, wrapping both hands around her hips and tugging her closer. “I’m your man.”

  Thrills pulsed through her. She went onto tiptoes and pulled his head down close. Their lips were centimeters apart when she whispered, “So—Axel Olsen, superstar, lacrosse hero, my man. I still think you’re pretty impressive and unattainable.”

  He grinned and slid his hands around her waist. “For anyone else I am completely unattainable.”

  “What about for me?” Her heart was thudding out of control. His handsome face was so close and his muscular form surrounded her.

  “You’ve already attained me,” he whispered. “Now what are you going to do with me?”

  Kaitlyn’s stomach pooled with warmth. “I’m going to kiss you until the sun stops shining.”

  “I’m in.” Axel covered the last few inches and their mouths connected. Passion and joy swirled around them as they kissed and Kaitlyn hoped this unreal feeling would never end.

  Chapter Eight

  Camp went well on Tuesday. Chayton had a lot of talent here from grade school up through high school, but Maryn was still Axel’s favorite player. He felt such a strong connection to Chayton’s entire family, including Mason. His gut felt like it had lead in it when he thought about Mason, but Kaitlyn’s mom was certain they weren’t meant to be together, and Axel was trusting her instincts and his i
nstincts that Kaitlyn was definitely the right woman for him. He could picture her blue eyes shining at him after he protected her from Johnny and when she called him a superstar. He was going to have a nice long talk with Johnny about honoring marital vows and treating women with respect. He shuddered just thinking about that horrible interaction.

  His thoughts swayed back to Kaitlyn and light and happiness filtered in. They’d talked and kissed for hours last night. Staying away from her would be like living with a root canal. Every instinct in him told him she was the woman he should be pursuing for life.

  As soon as camp was over, he hurried to the bed and breakfast to shower and then walked over to Kenworth’s. He wanted to sprint for the women’s department, but he approached the candy counter first. The smell of milky chocolate was almost as irresistible as Kaitlyn. Who was he kidding? Nothing compared to Kaitlyn.

  A pretty dark-haired lady grinned at him. “Yummy, huh?”

  “Yes. I think I need a couple of each.”

  She laughed. “You don’t know what you like?”

  “I’m buying them for someone else.”

  She smiled conspiratorially. “A cute little someone?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good boy.” She winked and laughed again. She was probably close to Axel’s age, but obviously happily married, with a large diamond on her finger and the glow of someone who was content and fulfilled with her life. He wondered if she and Kaitlyn were friends.

  “Is she local?” The brunette continued. “I might know her favorites. Not that I’m trying to talk you out of buying a couple of each, but she would probably be really impressed if you bought her favorites.”

  Axel really liked the way this lady thought. “She actually works here. Kaitlyn Johanson.”

  The lady’s jaw kind of dropped. Then her eyes shuttered. “Kaitlyn? From the women’s department?”

  He nodded. “Do you know her?”

  “I do.” She blew out a breath and looked away. Finally, she glanced back at him and murmured, “She likes peanut clusters and melti-mints.”

  “Thanks.” He was uncomfortable with the shift as soon as the lady figured out who he was buying for. This was Kaitlyn’s hometown, and she and Mason had been together for a while. Was this lady, who had been so terrific, now upset because he was a newcomer intruding? “I’ll take a pound of each.”


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