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Brie’s Denver Desires (Submissive in Love, #2)

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  She ran up to Master Anderson, and giggled when he lifted her into the air and twirled her around. When he set her back on the ground, he tipped his hat. “Good to see you again, young Brie.”

  Brie gazed at him bashfully, taken in by his leather boots, tight jeans and plaid shirt unbuttoned just enough to show off his muscular chest. “I never suspected you were a cowboy, Mast—Mr. Anderson.”

  He winked at her. “Grew up in Greely but outgrew my cowboy ways by college. Now I only dress this way to welcome friends to the Mile High City.” He leaned down. “I’ve noticed it seems to fluster women, and if my eyes don’t deceive me, I do believe there’s a blush on those pretty cheeks.”

  Brie looked away, turning a deeper shade of red as images of her dream floated in her head. He had no idea…

  “Come with me,” Master Anderson said, holding out his elbow. She smiled as she took his arm, quite aware of the slew of women openly ogling him as they made their way to get her luggage. She snuck a glance at him as they waited at baggage claim. Yep, her old trainer was devastatingly handsome in that black cowboy hat.

  To avoid naughty images flooding her mind, she asked him, “Did you learn your skills with the bullwhip as a boy in Greely, then?”

  When he grinned down at her, Brie heard a woman beside her murmur, “Yum…” to herself. It made Brie giggle. Master Anderson was quite the charmer.

  “Yes, young Brie, I played around with it while my father was off herding cattle. Rather humorous and painful sessions, as I recall. I was small and couldn’t handle the whip’s length. Even then, however, it felt like an extension of myself—my calling, so to speak.”

  Brie blushed again, remembering her session with him. “I agree that it’s your calling, Mr. Anderson. You are very skil—”

  “Pardon me,” the woman behind her interrupted. She played with her hair in a flirtatious manner when she asked him, “Are you a famous bull rider or something?”

  Master Anderson laughed. “I am not.”

  “So no chance I’ll be seeing you at the State Fair this year?”

  “No, my time is taken up wrangling young heifers with my whip.”

  “Oooh…” the young woman squealed. “I like the sound of that. Maybe I can watch you sometime?”

  Master Anderson tipped his hat before grabbing Brie’s luggage from the carousel. “I believe my style of wrangling would alarm you, miss. Better you chase those bull riders at the rodeo.”

  She pouted as Master Anderson guided Brie out of the airport.

  Once they had left the building and were safe from prying ears, Brie admitted, “I fully expected you would invite her to your new training center.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “That young woman? She’s not submissive material.”

  “Really? How can you tell?”

  “There’s a gut feeling whenever I interact with women.” He threw her luggage into the back of his Chevy truck and opened the door for her. “However, her interrupting you to flirt with me made it clear enough. Submissives tend not to be aggressive—and have much better manners.”

  It turned out the drive to his new training center was a long one, since the airport was east of the city and Master Anderson’s center was southwest of it, next to the mountains. While he navigated through heavy traffic, Master Anderson explained his plan to surprise Lea—but it wasn’t just Lea his little stunt would involve.

  Brie complained when he’d finished. “Ms. Clark is going to hate me even more than she already does.”

  “For your information, Samantha is far less uptight these days.” Master Anderson added curtly, “Besides, your Master told you to obey me in this. Regardless of the consequences, I expect full cooperation from you.”

  The Dom had effectively put her in her place, and she bowed her head. “Yes, Master Anderson.”

  He chuckled to himself, “Oh, young Brie, the fun I have planned this week…” His obvious mirth delighted Brie. Truly, pleasing him would be worth the wrath of the infamous Ms. Clark.

  Brie was excited as the magnificent peaks loomed ever closer as they drove, but he surprised her by not going to the training center straight away. Instead he took her to a community nestled in a mountainous valley just west of the city. It looked like quite an upscale neighborhood, the kind that must house the elite of Denver society.

  He pulled into a long driveway that led up to a ranch-style home colored red and brown, which blended well with the rugged scenery behind it. Despite all the fancy homes surrounding it, Master Anderson’s stood out, as it was rustic and manly-looking.

  He sighed deeply as he stared at his house. “I had to give up my old Victorian in town. After purchasing the Academy, I found the daily commute frustrating. Fortunately, by giving up the historical charm of my old place, I no longer have to fight traffic and I now get to enjoy this fantastic view.”

  Brie got out of the car and admired the scenic foothills surrounding them. The view was truly impressive. She took in a deep breath and swore the mountain air seemed fresher, more vibrant. “I can definitely see why you like it here.”

  “Glad you approve.”

  Master Anderson proudly escorted her into his home. It turned out to be equally impressive. The main room had tall ceilings and large windows showcasing his immaculate backyard. Before she had a chance to take it all in, he pointed to the first door on the right. “You’ll find your outfit on the bed.”

  Brie was curious what he had picked out and laughed out loud when she saw her costume. She called from the bedroom, “You can’t be serious.”

  His deep voice answered, “I’m quite serious.”

  After donning the long-sleeved tunic with an oversized hood, she looked in the mirror and shook her head. “I look like Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

  Brie walked out of the room and sat down on a leather couch, waiting for Master Anderson to join her. To the left was a well-equipped kitchen, with even more gadgets and doodads than his home in California.

  The great room sported a massive stone fireplace. Instead of family photos decorating his mantel, there was a kayak mounted high on the wall, complete with two wooden oars.

  Her eyes were drawn to the greenery of the backyard just beyond. It had a large fence lined with young trees and bushes. Most notable, however, was the wooden pole in the center. Brie assumed it was used for bullwhip practice and wondered what his new neighbors thought.

  Master Anderson came out a short time later, looking refined and businesslike in a tailored gray suit.

  “Why the change of dress?” Brie asked, standing as he entered the room.

  “A very important person from the Orient is coming to the Academy of Denver today. Naturally I would dress up for such a prestigious individual.”

  “I can’t believe you are making me do this,” she groaned.

  He grabbed her chin. “One hundred percent commitment, young Brie. When you walk in, I want them to feel your dominance. No…make it arrogance. You are Mistress Isa, highly respected Dominatrix from China.”

  In response to his command, she removed his hand from her wrist and lifted her chin defiantly. “Do not touch me—I am your equal.”

  He smiled but corrected her. “No, my dear, you are my superior. I cannot equal your expertise, which is why you have been invited to join us at the Academy.”

  She sighed nervously; this was so far out of her comfort zone.

  “No more sighs, Mistress Isa.”

  “No more sighs,” she agreed.

  As Brie got up, she began to mentally embrace her role. She strode past Master Anderson with an air of supremacy as she left the house. She waited beside the truck, going over in her mind the persona she was taking on.

  She was a Mistress from China renowned for her use of acupuncture during BDSM play. Having an adventurous spirit and a natural curiosity about American culture, she’d come to Colorado at the request of Master Anderson. She was not intimidated by others, because she knew her skills were unparalleled. Doms and subs alike s
howed her the respect she was due. Her odd tunic had a purpose. It hid her identity until she was ready to expose it—it left her in control.

  As Brie belted herself in, she noted how incongruous Master Anderson looked in a business suit, driving a huge truck. “Master Anderson, if you don’t consider yourself a cowboy, why do you drive this vehicle?”

  He smirked. “No matter how much I deny it, you can’t take the cowboy out of the man.”

  He drove her fifteen minutes away, to a large building that looked like a giant warehouse. It was not at all what she had been expecting.

  “This is your Training Center?”

  “This is The Academy of Denver,” he answered.

  “It looks…big.”

  “I will have you know a converted home improvement depot is the ideal training facility, especially for the practice of bullwhips. High ceilings and large open spaces make the optimal environment. The vast warehouse also leaves plenty of room for future expansion.”

  “I see, Master Anderson. I meant no offense.”

  “None taken, young Brie.” His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. “Now let’s have a little fun with my staff.”

  Brie’s heart raced at the thought of seeing Lea again, but she needed to maintain an outer countenance of calm. Master Anderson leaned over and placed the hood over her head so her face was obscured by the ample material. “They’ll never see this coming…”

  He walked her into the facility, where they were greeted by the receptionist, who struck Brie as professional and assertive in her sharp business suit.

  “Hello, Mistress Isa. It is an honor and pleasure to meet you.”

  Brie just nodded as Master Anderson had instructed her to.

  “Is all the staff present, Lisa?” Master Anderson asked.

  “Yes, Master Anderson. They are waiting for you in the conference room.”

  “Fine. Oh, and call Adam at the Masters at Arms Club. Let him know I’d like to talk to him about an upcoming charity event.”

  “Certainly, Master Anderson. What time works best for you to meet?”

  “Better make it next week. I want to set aside time so I can introduce Mistress Isa to the many charms of Denver.”

  “Wonderful.” Lisa addressed Brie again. “I hope you will find our city to your liking, Mistress Isa.”

  Brie gave the slightest of nods and turned from her. It grated on her nerves not to respond with a bow and a thank you, but she was determined to maintain the mystery and poise of Mistress Isa.

  Master Anderson explained as they walked. “I want you to wait near the doorway and listen to the discussion first. Wait there until I come out to get you.”

  “Naturally I would not enter a room unescorted,” she answered with a coy smile he could not see.

  “Nice,” he complimented. “That’s the attitude I was hoping for.”

  He left her then, joining his staff. The first voice she heard was that of Ms. Clark. “Is she here? Why didn’t you show her in?”

  “Calm yourself, Samantha. I wanted to talk to you all first.”

  “Pardon me,” she answered curtly, “but I’ve been looking forward to meeting her and hate to think of her waiting.” Ms. Clark added with just a hint of fangirling in her voice, “To add various stimulus only acupuncture can provide during a scene… I’ve never had that kind of power. The possibilities could be endless.”

  “I expect her expertise will give our training facility an edge over others in the area. Therefore I’ve decided to make major changes in response to her addition to the team.”

  “What kind of changes?” Ms. Clark asked, sounding alarmed.

  “While some of you may struggle with my decision, keep in mind we are extremely fortunate that Mistress Isa has agreed to join the Academy.”

  Brie giggled softly to herself.

  Baron’s rich voice filled the room. “I’m sure I’ll be fine with whatever you’ve decided.”

  “Agreed!” Lea piped up.

  Brie had to hold in the squeal that threatened to escape her lips when she heard Lea’s voice.

  “Because she has such extensive knowledge and expertise in many areas, I’ve asked her to act as head of the Academy. Think of me as more of an overseer of this training facility.”

  “You’re making her Headmistress of the school?” Ms. Clark asked in disbelief.

  “Precisely. She will run the program while I run the business side of things.”


  Baron interrupted. “If Master Anderson is confident she will lead us well, I have no issue with the change of leadership.”

  “But,” Ms. Clark stammered, “we haven’t even met her yet—being Headmistress is so much more than being an expert at training submissives.”

  “I understand that, Samantha, and I’m telling you that she is the one I want running the Academy.”

  Lea spoke up. “Will she have authority over the submissive staff as well, Master Anderson?”


  “Then I trust your judgment and look forward to serving under her,” Lea replied amiably.

  Ms. Clark was forthright. “While I’m humbled to have such a talented Dominatrix included in our organization, I’m a little stunned you’re giving up your Headmaster position.”

  “Mistress Isa is that good,” Master Anderson assured her.

  “Having two Doms and two Dommes on the panel should prove interesting,” Baron stated, sounding either intrigued or amused. Brie couldn’t tell which.

  “I do understand your concerns, Samantha,” Master Anderson said, “so let me be equally frank. Do you think you can work under another woman?”

  Ms. Clark took a moment to answer. “Although I do not care for the leadership of other women, Mistress Isa’s unique talent and your confidence in her have weight with me. I will find a way to make it work.”

  “Very good, but a word to the wise—she will not speak or reveal herself unless she finds you worthy. First impressions matter greatly to her.”

  “I feel as if I’m about to meet royalty,” Lea giggled.

  Brie heard Master Anderson’s footsteps heading towards the door. He stopped midway and stated, “Oh, and another thing—she cannot tolerate others staring her in the eye—especially women.” Brie had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

  A feeling of lightheadedness hit her when Master Anderson emerged from the room. What she was about to do was absolutely nuts!

  “Are you ready, Mistress Isa?”

  Her eagerness to see Lea overcame her misgivings and Brie nodded under the massive hood.

  “Good.” He leaned down and whispered, “Tease them a little before you reveal yourself.”

  Brie walked into the room, feeling their eyes on her as she glided across the floor to stand before them. I am your Mistress, she thought to herself.

  “Mistress Isa, this is my staff. To the right is Baron. He is my right-hand man, so to speak.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Isa,” Baron replied, his voice drawing her in with its deep, rich tone. Brie nodded once.

  “Ms. Clark is seated next to him. She was a part of the training staff at the Submissive Training Center in California for many years, and has graciously agreed to act as such for my facility.”

  Brie peeked up to see whether Ms. Clark was looking at her. To her delight, the woman held her gaze down when she spoke. “We are grateful to have you join us, Mistress Isa.”

  Brie took a longer time to nod, just to make Ms. Clark sweat a little.

  “Lastly I have Ms. Taylor. She is the leader of the submissives who will be helping to train Dominants. Our staff is small at this point, but we have plans to expand as the program grows.”

  Lea got up and moved over to Brie, giving her a proper bow. “Your reputation precedes you, Mistress Isa. Welcome.”

  Brie placed her hand on Lea’s head, grinning as she did it. There was no fear that Lea would look up and notice who was under the hood, because her fri
end was a well-trained submissive. When Brie took her hand away, Lea kept her eyes to the floor as she gracefully returned to her seat.

  Brie suddenly got a wild hair up her ass and pointed to Ms. Clark.

  It was clear by the silence that the trainer had no idea what to say or do.

  Master Anderson told her, “Mistress Isa would like you to speak.”

  “Certainly…” Ms. Clark replied, pausing as she tried to figure out what Brie wanted. To have that kind of power over someone else was exhilarating.

  “Well, as Master Anderson mentioned, I was a trainer at the Submissive Training Center. I’d like to note that I was the first woman on the panel and my influence led the Dominant training team at the Center to add a woman to their staff as well.”

  Brie shrugged as if that meant nothing to her, but she knew she would pay a heavy price for putting Ms. Clark in this position, even though it had been Master Anderson’s original plan.

  Ms. Clark forged forward. “I enjoy working with both male and female submissives and have spent time under a Dominatrix to expand my knowledge.”

  Brie said nothing, but waved her hand, gesturing that she wanted to hear more.

  It was obvious by the slight timbre of her voice that Ms. Clark was flustered. “I look forward to learning your expertise in acupuncture as well. The idea of using eastern knowledge to enhance BDSM play fascinates me.”

  “As it should,” Brie said in a deep, alluring voice.

  “I trust you will impart the techniques you employ to the staff,” Ms. Clark added hopefully.


  Ms. Clark gasped softly but said nothing.

  Brie was so going to pay for this little ruse, but she couldn’t help herself. She prayed Master Anderson would protect her from Ms. Clark’s justified wrath.

  She turned to face Baron, still keeping her voice low. “However, you I will teach.”

  Ms. Clark looked up, an expression of disbelief on her face. The room was uncomfortably silent but Brie could feel Master Anderson’s amusement radiating from the man. Brie hoped he would earn Ms. Clark’s caning, not she.

  Baron replied, “Surely, Mistress Isa, it would be best if the entire staff were familiar with your skills.”


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