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The Day America Died! Frozen Apocalypse: After the EMP- A post Apocalyptic America

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by A J Newman


  The Day America Died!

  “Frozen Apocalypse”

  Post-Apocalyptic America: After the EMP

  A J Newman


  Books by A J Newman

  “The Adventures of John Harris” - a Post-Apocalyptic America series:


  Hell in the Homeland

  Tyranny in the Homeland

  Revenge in the Homeland

  Apocalypse in the Homeland

  John Returns

  After the Solar Flare - A Post-Apocalyptic series:

  Alone in the Apocalypse (due this fall)

  The Day America Died - a Zack Johnson Post-Apocalyptic series:

  New Beginnings

  Old Enemies

  Frozen Apocalypse

  “Grumpy Sam and Sammy” - A murder mystery series:

  Where the Girls Are Buried.

  Who Killed the Girls?

  These books are available at Amazon:


  Also from A. J Newman

  The Adventures of John Harris:

  This series of Post-Apocalyptic novels tells how John Harris leads a group of survivors through the chaos of a country that has fallen apart. Rogue US Government officials and a coalition of Third World Leaders have launched a major nuclear and EMP attack on all of the major powers and killed over 100 million Americans. The grid is down and water and food are scarce. The USA is in chaos with criminals and thugs attacking innocent citizens while the DHS is placing millions in relocation camps. John and his team fight back!


  Also from A J Newman

  New Beginnings - Zack Johnson is stranded on the west coast when an EMP attack destroys the Grid. He must get home to find and protect his daughter. This is a tale about what he has to do to get home and survive. It’s also a story about the people he meets along the journey. Many are great people, but some are thugs that have to be dealt with.

  Old Enemies continues the story with Zack and his family encountering disease, attacks from enemies and friends and a dictator trying to take over the community that has been his home. Zack’s team also comes up with some hacks that improve life and put them on the way back to a more modern life style.

  Frozen Apocalypse has Zack and team starting over after being driven from their homes to a hideout in the woods near their home town. The USA was attacked with nuclear EMP weapons has no power and food is in short supply. The government has not helped and there is a power struggle between the forces of good and evil. It is now mid winter and while Zack and his friends prepared for survival many of their neighbors are cold and starving. The new mayor has taken control of the food supply and only doles it out to his supporters. What can Zack do?

  Also from A J Newman

  Murder Mystery Thrillers

  A teenage girl, her dog and foster Dad solve a series of kidnappings and murders of young girls. The teen girl is stalked by her mom’s boyfriend and almost killed by a high-ranking political figure. How are the two crimes linked? This unlikely trio solves the puzzle of “Where the Girls Are Buried.”

  In the next novel in the series, they solve “Who killed the Girls?” Was it the high ranking politician or was it his son? Who is behind the attacks on their families? Why don’t they want these crimes solved?


  As usual, this book is dedicated to my many friends who think that I am crazy for believing that the Apocalypse is due any day now.

  The Apocalypse is coming. Will it be the result of a solar flare, EMP blast, or a failed economy?

  Those are the questions. It is on the way.

  This series portrays my vision of regular Americans, how they prepared for, and dealt with the issue of survival in a world gone mad.

  I am a prepper and will be prepared, will you?

  Thanks to my wife, Patsy, who keeps after me to write more books, so I can pay for my prepping, guns, golf and whiskey.

  Thanks to: Patsy Newman for beta reading and proofing.

  Thanks to: LTC Clifford T. Deane, US Army, Cavalry, (ret) for proofing, editing and his contributions to the accuracy of the military, jargon, tactics and color commentary.


  Copyright © A J Newman. All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. All events, names characters and places are the product of the author’s imagination or are used as a fictitious event. That means that this is all one big yarn that was written purely from my imagination and not a bit of it is true. It might come true in the future.



  Immediately after 9/11/2001, the President commissioned studies of all weapons of mass destruction. The one that scared the crap out of our military was the use of Nuclear EMP bombs against the USA. Nuclear EMP blasts using crude nuclear devices launched from container ships off our coasts from international waters would shut down our grid and fry all electronics. They would be undetectable before they exploded. This would put the USA back 150 years. Kerosene lamps, wood cook stoves and doctors without x-ray, modern medical devices or miracle medicines. People with pace makers would drop like flies when the nukes exploded. Diabetics, heart patients and people living day to day with the help of some miracle drug will die during the first year. Many of the people on drugs for psychiatric reasons will become violent when they run out of the drugs. Death, chaos and lawlessness would prevail.

  My series “The Day America Died” attempts to tell a story about how everyday normal people fight to survive after their world’s has been turned upside down.

  I hope you have as much fun reading this series as I have writing them. Thanks to my readers for allowing me to share my imagination with you and remember to recommend this series to your friends.

  If you like this novel, please post a review on Amazon.

  “Even during an Apocalypse, you can be nice to people except those trying to kill you. Kill Zombies and the bad guys, but be nice to people.”

  A J Newman

  Main Character List

  Zack Johnson – Divorced, electrical engineer, prepper and car mechanic. He has a 16 year old daughter and ex-wife. Has a farm close to Owensville, Ky. He is the hero in this series. Marries Ally Stone at end of book II.

  Callie Johnson - Zack’s daughter who lives in Anderson, KY with her mom. Marries Paul Stone at end of book II.

  Joan Johnson – Zack’s ex-wife. A bossy woman who lives in Anderson, Kentucky, where she is a restaurant manager.

  Mike Norman – Joan’s brother and Zack’s best friend. Like Zack, he is a prepper. He is an auto mechanic and outdoors man.

  Geena Denton – Woman who was headed home when Zack saves her from the bad guys. Became Zack’s love interest in book I. She was killed at the end of book I.

  Sally Green – Geena’s best friend and headed home when Zack saves her. Strong willed woman who does what it takes to survive.

  Davi Gold – Aaron’s daughter. Says she is an ex-Israeli Mossad agent. Falls for Zack, but has to move on to complete her mission in the USA.

  Aaron Gold – Davi’s father, 55 and an ex- Israeli military pilot. Retired and had a large farm in southern Illinois. He became Zack’s mentor.

  Sharon Gold – Davi’s mother and a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois.

  Lynn D
rake - Ex-girlfriend of Mike’s. Now Roger’s girlfriend and part of Zack’s community.

  Bert Alford – Daviess County Sheriff and Zack and Mike’s friend.

  Chuck Taylor - Sheriff’s Deputy. Friend with Zack and his team. Becomes Joan’s boyfriend. Killed by Prescott’s men in book II.

  Ally Stone -Woman rescued by Mike when the SHTF. She has two kids, Paul and Susie. Becomes Zack’s live in girlfriend. Zack marries her at the end of book II

  Paul Stone – Ally’s son and becomes very helpful on the farm. Becomes Callie’s boyfriend and then husband at end of book II.

  Todd – Social worker, who goes berserk, becomes the leader of a gang that takes over Anderson, Kentucky. Never gets a last name.

  Alan Prescott – Owner of a worldwide company that hires out mercenaries and high risk security guards. Ready for TSHTF and uses his men to expand his power.

  President Laura Hardy – Became president when the president and most of our governing body was killed during the attack. Senator from Texas.

  Forrest Hogg – Widower with three kids. Had been a teacher in Mississippi when he joined Zack’s team. Joan and he become close.


  Chapter 1

  The United States of America

  Office of the President

  United States of America

  Undisclosed location

  The Secretary of State said, “Madam President, we can’t tell the people the truth about how bad the situation has become. The truth will cause wide spread panic and chaos.”

  “George, what we have now is panic and chaos. The citizens that have survived have had 21 of their cities wiped off the face of the earth, over a 150 million of their friends and relatives died and are starving around a campfire as we speak. I think they already know that we aren’t coming to rescue them. We have to give them the facts and keep up the survival tips program over the radio. I will not lie to our people as the past two administrations have.”

  “Jill, give us an update on the talking points.”

  “Madam President, they are:

  1. Our military forces have retaliated against the North Koreans. We have decimated their military and, we believe, eliminated their entire military manufacturing infrastructure. We have also eliminated their nuclear capability, their entire government, to include command and control infrastructure.

  2. The U.S. and Israel retaliated against the Iranians by again destroying their military, government and all known military manufacturing facilities. Israel has destroyed the entire country with approximately 17 nuclear devices.

  3. Israel used nuclear bombs against Pakistan, Moscow, Beijing, Lebanon, Syria, Libya……Madam President; the list contains 17 more targets. Ultimately, they attacked every one of their enemies before incoming nuclear weapons ended their struggle.

  4. Israel was hit with 10 nuclear devices and no longer exists as a nation. We have evacuated nearly 250,000 Israeli citizens two days prior to the attack.

  “Sorry, but I disagree. We could have saved twice that amount if the president had authorized the mission. He placed his trust in the Iranians. Now go ahead.”

  Madam President, I do not think we need to tell our citizens that this was done by our military against the orders of the president.”

  “Jill, while I understand your position, and appreciate your desire to shield the American population, I must disagree. Our people have had enough lies from its government. The two former administrations, I believe, put the United States on a collision course to this disaster. They have sown the seeds of near total worldwide destruction, and now we have reaped the whirlwind.

  The lies end here, and now. Please proceed, Jill.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, of course.

  “5. Twenty one major US cities were destroyed during the attack and 95% of our electrical grid is down.”

  6. Approximately 50% of our military survived the initial attacks. Unfortunately, the predominance of our foreign-based forces was caught up in the maelstrom. At this time, we have only been able to retrieve the Air and Naval Forces. There have been no communications with any of our deployed Army personnel since the attacks.

  We are currently engaged in combat operations on two fronts.

  Along the border with Mexico from Texas to Arizona, we are actively combating several Drug Cartels.

  We are also engaged in Alaska, Washington and Oregon. It appears that a sizable Russian Force, consisting of an estimated three Divisions, from the 33rd Siberian Army is attempting to start their own country at our expense. This cannot end well for them as their supply trains have dried up, and we can simply attrite them. Time, for once, is on our side.

  7. We are pushing the Cartels back into Mexico on the southern front.

  The action along our southern border will be over by spring.

  As we are currently at war with the Russian Confederation, the incursion onto sovereign United States lands places us in a political conundrum.

  The Russian Confederation no longer exists, and those former Russian Divisions are technically nothing more than rogue elements.”

  “Jill, enough with the political correctness, already! If it looks like a pile of shit, and smells like a pile of shit, you should be able to recognize it as a pile of shit.

  I want everyone in this room to realize, full well, that I believe political correctness to be one of the major contributing factors, which have led us to this point in time.

  I’m a country girl; PC is dead. I will no longer tolerate it. I warn each and every one of you not to piss on my leg and tell me it’s rainin’. Do I make myself clear?”

  A chorus of predominantly enthusiastic, “Yes, ma’am’s,” flew around the table, as those present realized that they had a real President of the United States, and not just another politician.

  The President stood and said, “Good. We no longer have time, patience or consideration for hurt feelings. People, we are at war with two factions on U.S. soil, and a country to rebuild. So, in the words of one of my favorite comedians, The Cable Guy, let’s ‘Git ‘er dun’!

  Jill, again, please proceed.”

  “Yes, ma’am, returning to the conflict areas, our forces are gathering for a final push to eliminate, once and for all, the drug cartels of southern Mexico. With your permission, we will chase them across the border and into Mexico to put an end to their reign of terror.

  Ma’am, at the chance of sounding overly harsh, I would add that, with your permission, it would be the mission of our forces to kill every single one of them. They will be given no quarter, meaning no prisoners.”

  Showing a sinister smile, the President said, “I want to make it clear to everyone that no other option will be entertained from this office. Kill them all then kill their pet goat. Any precious metals or valuables found in their possession will be brought back to the U.S. as the spoils of war.

  NO! I do not want to hear about that being property of Mexico. That craphole is not now, nor has ever been a friend of the U.S. Am I clear on this?”

  Now, everyone at the table displayed that same sinister grin. It was not going to end well for the drug cartels.

  “Thank you, Madam President, I would also add that to secure our borders we build a wall similar to that built by the Italians in Ethiopia during the 1930’s. Should this be a plan you may be interested in, I can have the Corps of Engineers present a detailed plan in 72 hours.”

  “Excellent, Jill, you may proceed.”

  “And now, Madam President, for the bitter pill; Agenda Item number 8: All of our resources are engaged in the two wars and helping the remaining Port Cities in the Northeast and California. We must reopen trade routes with the world, and at better deals that we have had in the past.

  Sadly, the rest of the country may have to fend for themselves for several years.”

  The President thought for a moment before replying, “We will tell the truth, and not hide anything from the people. John, I know we don’t have much food to spare, but can we
supply weapons and training to responsible citizen groups to help them defend themselves and eliminate the criminal elements roaming around the country killing and looting.”

  “The short answer is that we have ammunition, weapons and extra vehicles to supply over roughly 1,000,000 soldiers but we have to find a way to ensure that the groups to be armed are both capable and willing to defend themselves.

  I am convinced that way too many will expect the government to carry their water. If we arm them, we will only end up arming criminals when they take those weapons away from the sheeple of this nation, and that we must not do. Any criminal organization capturing those weapons and vehicles will become nearly invincible in their area of operations.”

  Concerned, the President asked, “Am I correct in understanding that you oppose arming the populace to combat criminals?”

  “Oh, no ma’am, not at all. My point is that we must only arm those communities that have already demonstrated a history of defending their homes and families. Let’s make the strong, stronger. This will enable those communities to not only prevent the incursion of bandits, but may enable them to take the fight to the bad guys.”


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