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Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  Then his fingers plucked at her thong, moving it aside, and he nudged into her entrance.

  Frantic now with her pulse racing, she reached down, wrapped her fingers around his shaft and centered it. With a breathy moan, she sank, drawing away her hand and sighing as she took him inside. Lord, he was just as she remembered. Thick, long, and just as desperate as she was. His fingers dug into her backside, and he shoved her up and down—not that she needed any coaxing.

  Needing air, she lifted her head. For leverage, she flattened a palm against the ceiling and gripped the head rest behind him. Moving faster now, she didn’t care that the car rocked and the seat beneath them squeaked.

  Jesus, they’d been here before. Fucking on the side of the highway after a football game because they hadn’t been able to wait. “Feels so damn good,” she whispered.

  He groaned. “Didn’t use a condom.”

  “Clean. Pill.” The words huffed out.

  “Clean. Always use the fuckers. Leland?”

  She shook her head. “Never fucked him. Couldn’t. Think he was screwing his paralegal.”

  He laughed and flexed his hips, slamming upwards into her body. “Thank God. Just imagining his hands on you…” He shook his head. “Give me a tit.”

  She grinned, arched her back, then pushed down her top and one bra cup to free a breast. Before she pulled away, his mouth was on her, his teeth clamping around the tip.

  She hissed between her teeth, and more moisture flooded her channel below. With her movements restricted to shallow rolls of her hips, she squeezed him with her inner muscles and quickened the back-and-forth motions of her hips. His cock expanded—or maybe her inner walls were swelling, she couldn’t be sure—but the space inside her where he moved felt tight, raw, so freaking hot. And the tension building in her belly ratcheted up. “I’m gonna come,” she gasped.

  He bit down on the pebble-hard tip.

  Sensations zapped her. She shouted, jerking against him as pleasure blew through her body. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, but it didn’t matter, because he was moving, slamming upward, his strong hips thrusting over and over, until she hung limply inside his embrace.

  When he came, he clutched her against him, strong arms wrapped around her back as he rocked and shuddered.

  “That was good.” She rubbed her cheek against his.

  “Always was,” he said, his voice thicker now.

  She opened her eyes and glanced across the road at the repair shop. Several people were exiting the side door. One of them was Jason-Jethro. Her body stiffened. “He’s here,” she said, pushing against his embrace. “He’s getting in the scary dude’s truck.”

  His chest billowed against her, and he released her.

  She scrambled across the console, banging her head against the ceiling, her knee again hitting the gear shift. By the time her ass was in her seat, he’d hit the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. “What now?”

  Grim-faced, he reached for his phone.

  Chapter 6

  Early the next morning, Dagger wondered if the snow would ever stop falling. Not that he wasn’t glad of the thick coat covering his car. It provided a little insulation from the bitter wind, and if Butler did happen to glance down the street, he wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary—just another car with four inches of the white stuff, like all the cars crowding both sides of the narrow road—except for the cleared windshield. Every half hour, Dagger started the car to run the wipers and take the chill out of the air.

  Still, he could see his breath cloud in front of his face.

  He glanced at Lacey curled in the passenger seat. She’d pulled his knit cap over her blonde hair, put on her blue jean jacket, wrapped her fluffy white one around her body, and had a blanket covering her from head to foot. Before she’d fallen asleep, she’d groused about the fact he hadn’t packed an arctic sleeping bag among the many items in his trunk. He smiled because all he could see of her was her face from her nose to her chin.

  Dagger’s phone beeped. He checked his messages.

  Jamie: Rolling into town. Have a new hire in tow. Experienced.

  Dagger grunted, relieved she’d brought along some muscle. We’ll need him. Have to assume Butler’s armed.

  Jamie: How do you know it’s a “he”?

  He grinned. Because you wouldn’t piss me off two days in a row.

  Jamie: LOL. See you in 5.

  Reaching across the console, he gently shook Lacey’s shoulder. “Wake up. We’re getting company in five.”

  She stirred and surreptitiously wiped the side of her mouth where drool had pooled.

  He suppressed a grin and again raised his binoculars. No movement had been evident in or out of the house. The bald guy’s pickup was still parked under the carport. So was what appeared to be a motorcycle, protected from the elements beneath a tarp. The friend and Butler were the only ones inside. Dagger knew because he’d crept up to the windows while Lacey made the trip back to the Burger Barn to return Lila’s keys and apologize to Herman for not taking the job, who’d told her if she ever changed her mind…

  Yeah, one look at her in that little black dress and Herman had been besotted. Something Lacey smirked about when she’d returned.

  “Just think,” she’d said, giving Dagger a sly sideways glance. “If this gig doesn’t work out, I can still move up here. Herman even offered me a garage apartment.”

  He’d grunted and ignored her until she’d busied herself redressing in her leggings, camo top, and layers of jackets and the blanket before falling asleep. After noting the dark circles beneath her eyes that makeup couldn’t quite cover, he’d left her to her dreams.

  The hours had given him time to think about just how badly he’d fucked up. Hell, he’d screwed her in a lit parking lot—without a fucking condom. Okay, so he wasn’t mad at himself for risking a public indecency charge. But, dammit, he knew better than to get involved with her again. The last time had taken him years to get over.

  Despite the facts he laid out in his head, he couldn’t deny the old attraction still burned. All she had to do was flash her pretty blue eyes, and he got hot. If her chin wobbled, his breath hitched in his chest. If he thought for a minute she was in trouble, he’d move heaven and earth to save her. Hell, he’d barely restrained himself last night from rushing Butler’s friend the second he’d seen the bastard wrap his grimy hand around her forearm. If she’d given off a vibe that she was scared, he wasn’t sure he could have stopped himself from pounding the other man into the ground.

  Worse, now that he’d had another taste of her sweet body, he wanted more. The way she’d flown over the console to plant a kiss on his mouth and rub like a kitten against his cock erased in a second the years he’d been without her. Once again, he was that high school kid willing to fuck his girl in the locker room after the game. How they’d managed not to get caught, or her pregnant, was nothing short of a miracle.

  In his mind while he watched Butler’s house, he’d gone over every second of the past twenty-four hours they’d spent together. She was still the same vibrant, slightly self-absorbed girl he’d known. The differences, however, were glaring. No longer coddled by her father, she’d learned to use her appearance for more than turning a man inside out. And she’d learned some empathy.

  Watching her with Butler’s mom and Lila, he’d recognized the changes. He now wondered whether she ever thought about their relationship or about how it had ended. Whether she had any regrets over dumping him like last week’s leftovers.

  Now, he was even doubting his memories of that devastating time. After watching her puke out her guts behind a tree, he wondered, if just maybe, she’d felt guilt. Or had she been surprised…?

  Not that he was ready for a heart-to-heart to hash out things. As a couple, they were over. Done. This job was coming to an end, and the moment Butler was locked in cuffs, he’d let Jamie know he didn’t think Lacey had what it took to do this job.

  Sure, she was
great with getting information, but the down-and-dirty part, taking down an armed felon—no, she couldn’t be any part of that.

  A red Dodge Ram pulled up behind them, and he tensed until he saw Jamie climb down from the passenger seat. A tall man, nearly as tall as Dagger, stepped down from the driver’s side. Both wore heavy jackets and combat boots. Jamie carried a cardboard tray with drink cups. The man carried a paper bag.

  “I recognize Jamie, but the other guy…?” Lacey said, turning in her seat.

  “No idea. New guy.”

  “Ah, the competition,” she muttered.

  The two approached his car, and he tapped the unlock button. They slid into the back seat, jostling the vehicle.

  “Hey, guys,” Jamie said, her eyebrows raising as she eyed first Dagger then Lacey. “We brought doughnuts and coffee.”

  Dagger narrowed his gaze, a heads-up he wasn’t talking about Lacey just yet.

  “Coffee!” Lacey eagerly reached out to take a cup.

  “You’ll have to make another trip to the bushes,” he warned.

  “Worth it.”

  Jamie’s gaze watched them with avid curiosity, and her mouth curved slowly. “This is Cochise.” She indicated the new guy with a wave of her hand. “He interviewed with Fetch in Kalispell. Fetch sent him over yesterday afternoon. Cochise had no idea he’d be starting so soon.”

  Connecting gazes through the rearview mirror, Dagger gave the new guy a brief nod. The man was in good shape. If not for the nearly waist-length black hair, he would have taken him for ex-military.

  “He’s ex-SWAT. Out of Denver,” Jamie said, answering his unspoken question. “Cochise, this is Dagger and Lacey. Lacey’s not quite a new hire.”

  “She’s here on a trial basis only,” Dagger said, ignoring Lacey’s quick frown.

  Cochise glanced between Dagger and Lacey, but his expression gave away no hints of what he was thinking. Dagger wondered if he was trying not to laugh at the hint of pink camo shirt showing at the neck of her jacket.

  “I’m originally from Browning,” he said, passing the paper bag forward.

  Smack dab in the middle of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Dagger nodded.

  “So…” Jamie jerked her chin toward the small house sitting on a rise, partly masked by trees farther down the road. “That where Butler’s holed up?”

  “Yeah, mail was left in the box,” Dagger said, pointing to the tin mailbox that leaned precariously beside the road. “Everything’s addressed to Jasper Hollingsworth. I’m guessing that’s the friend who stopped by Lila’s last night to get Butler’s guns. Inside one of the boxes he stored there were two handguns, a box of ammo, and a collection of knives.”

  “You’ve already cased the place?”

  Dagger nodded. “It’s one story. Two bedrooms in the back, living room in front with a kitchen on the far side. Made sure Butler’s inside. Couldn’t find probable cause to knock down the door. And I brushed away my footprints with a branch. Don’t want them knowing anyone was around.”

  Jamie blew out a breath. “So, we wait.”

  Lacey shifted in her chair and leaned over the bag, opening it. “Bear claws! Um, can’t we do something to draw them out?” she said around a bite of pastry.

  Shaking his head, Dagger rolled his eyes. “Hollingsworth knows your face. You are not knocking on his door.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting—”


  Jamie’s eyebrows darted upward again. Then she glanced at her watch. “It’s still early. We could be here a while.” She pulled a drink from the cardboard tray and popped the plastic opening. After taking a quick draw, she made a face. “Wow, that got cold fast.”

  “It’s warmer than the air. Thanks, I needed this,” Lacey said with a smile.

  Things were going to get mighty cozy in the car. Damn, he hated waiting. Dagger turned in his seat and glanced at the house, then his gaze went to his rearview mirror. Cochise’s gaze locked with his, and he arched a brow. “I’m thinking the cold won’t bother you that much.”

  Cochise smiled.

  “You bring gear, Jamie?” Dagger asked, but he already knew the answer.

  She took a gulp of her coffee. “Why, you ready to suit up?”

  “If they stir, I don’t want them to have time to reach the truck. It’d be harder catching Butler on the road. We’ll need to bring him down on the steps.” Dagger turned his head toward Lacey. “You’re staying in the car.”

  “Fine.” She nodded. “Not my forte. I get it.” She smiled.

  Dagger blinked then narrowed his eyes. She was never that easy.

  Jamie patted her on the shoulder. “Some of us need training regarding those soft skills, which I’m betting you already proved you have. Reaper still sucks at cold calls and schmoozing mamas. We’ll get you on a range.”

  Dagger cleared his throat. Lacey wasn’t going to any gun range. The minute they returned to Bear Lodge, she was going straight home.

  Jamie patted her again. “Dagger keeps a handgun under the front seat if you need it.”

  “Jesus,” he muttered under his breath.

  Lacey reached out to touch his hand. “Don’t worry about me, Dag. You do what you do best. Go kick some ass.”

  Everyone exited the car. Jamie and Cochise headed back to his truck. Dagger, with Lacey quickly easing out of the car as well, walked around to his trunk. There, he rifled through his “go bag”, pulling out a Kevlar jacket and a web belt, which held a pouch for his cuffs, clipped-on pepper spray, a taser, and a flash bang grenade. Next, he pulled his weapon from his holster and checked the clip and the chamber. All the while, Lacey watched his every move.

  By the time he’d finished suiting up, she was shivering. “You should get back into the car,” he said. “Driver’s side, in case you need to get out of here.”

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  “Why not, babe? You did before.” His gut clenched. He hadn’t meant to say it. Wished he could have bitten his tongue to hold back the stinging words.

  Her face went white. Her expression blanked. “Don’t worry about me,” she said with a tight smile.

  He heard a crunch behind him and realized the other two had likely heard their little exchange. Well, hell. He pulled out a plastic tray which held their communications earpieces. Jamie and Cochise plucked one each from the black foam compartments. Dagger flicked the switch on his and twisted it in his ear.

  Lacey held out a hand. “I’ll want to know what’s going on in case I need to call the sheriff’s department.”

  “Good thinking.” Jamie smiled, her gaze moving between the two.

  With reluctance, Dagger held out the tray.

  Lacey mimicked his actions, flicking the switch and sliding it in her ear.

  “Testing,” Jamie said.

  Lacey bobbed her head. “I hear you.”

  “We’re good,” Cochise said. “Ready to grab this dirtbag?”

  Already, Dagger liked him. Not that he wanted the man for a partner. He liked working alone. The little voice in his head said, Liar, liar…

  Once they were away from the car, Jamie bumped against Dagger’s shoulder. “You were kind of hard on her. I take it you and Lacey aren’t getting along?”

  “We get along fine. I just don’t want her anywhere near this…” He pointed at the house they were drawing nearer to.

  “You think a woman can’t do this job?”

  “I know you can. But she’s…tiny. Hell, she thinks Tai Chi is a martial art.”

  Jamie shrugged. “Well, it is.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “She changed her clothes and makeup before every interview.”

  “Did she get good intel?”

  “That’s not the point.” He ground out the words.

  She widened her eyes to give him a pointed glare. “Except it kind of is.”

  Dagger scowled and walked a little faster, catching up with the new hunter. “Cochise, huh…?”

  The other man grunted. �
��Picking a fight you think you’ll win?”

  “Just curious. You’re from Browning, huh? Cochise isn’t a Blackfoot name.”

  “My father was white with maybe a drop of Apache blood. Mom was Blackfoot.” His narrowed gaze slid sideways. “Dagger…?”

  Dagger grimaced. “Our high school mascot was a warrior with a really little sword. I played football and always went straight through the other teams’ defenses, like a—”

  “Guess they couldn’t nickname you ‘little sword’.” Cochise chuckled.

  Nearing the stand of trees that separated Butler’s place from the neighbors, they grew quiet and left the road.

  Chapter 7

  Hearing Dagger dismiss her skills like she was a kid playing dressup made Lacey’s blood boil. Had he forgotten that she had an ear-thingie like the one he wore? Would he have cared if he realized she could hear every word? How dare he diss her wardrobe changes. She’d nailed every single interview, and they wouldn’t have found Butler’s buddy’s place without it.

  She’d had to clench her jaw to keep from gasping when she’d heard him. It was okay for Jamie to be part of their “takedown” but Lacey was “tiny”, too fragile, too stupid… She could only imagine the litany of disparagements he would have rained on her head if Jamie hadn’t stood up for her.

  Fucking him had been a colossal mistake. But having him close enough to touch after so many years had provided a temptation she was too weak to resist. She’d been desperate to feel his arms around her, his cock surging inside her body. For a moment, she’d felt as though the past years had simply washed away, because she’d felt a sense of homecoming. Like she was back where she belonged.

  Only, he’d changed. He was harsh. Mean. A sexist. Little girls didn’t belong playing on his merry-go-round. What a jerk.

  And here she was, her last chance to prove her worth to Jamie, the person who really counted here, and she’d let herself be sidelined. Because she hadn’t wanted him to worry his handsome, big fat head.

  “Cochise, cover the back door,” Fat Head said in her ear. “Jamie, we’ll flank the front porch.”


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