Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 6

by Alison Jordan

  All we have to do now is deal with your misguided belief that you have anything to feel guilty about."

  People were looking and wondering most likely what we were doing together since I had her hand locked in mine, I didn't answer any of the silent questions as we went towards the table where my crew and their families were sitting.

  "Hello ladies, this is Katarina."

  I introduced her to each of the wives before taking a seat and seating her next to me, my first inclination was to pull her down on my lap but I didn't think she was ready for that yet.

  "I'm going to get you food, you want to come with or are you good here?"

  She stood up with me, her face blushing red.

  "I'll come with you."

  "Hello Colton, Elena said you'd be here soon." Jennifer blocked our path.

  Fucking bitch.

  I felt Angel's hand twitch I mine and gave it a squeeze.

  Jennifer's eyes dropped from me to our clasped hands and her face grew angry.

  She opened her mouth to say something scathing no doubt, but was thwarted.

  "We're about to eat, later."

  The enigma that was my Angel dragged me off towards the food table leaving a stunned Jennifer with her mouth hanging open, it might be in poor taste but I couldn't help laughing.

  I loved that fire in her, I will do everything in my power to draw it back out of her, to break open that shell and drag her out of it.

  Jennifer wasn't going to like being dismissed like that but who gave a fuck?

  * * *

  "I do not like that person, she's so full of herself, I know she was about to start her 'who is this' shit again...oh crap, did you want to talk to her, oh my gosh I'm so sorry...I didn't..."

  "Don't start second guessing yourself now, feel free to put Jennifer in her place anytime."

  I wanted to ask if she was his ex or future or whatever but thought that was not my place, but then again the way he was holding onto me...

  "Exactly what are we doing?"

  "With what?"

  I swung our joined hands up so he could see.

  "Oh that, I'm getting you use to my touch, get use to it, there's going to be a lot of that in your future." He smirked down at me.

  Gulp, why is it that my underwear always suffered in his presence, the old me would've voiced that question, the new me was a little more cautious...what Colton doesn't know is that there was more to the story, like the way people had turned against me and my mom for accusing one of the city's golden sons of something as horrendous as rape.

  Donna's family had fled after her suicide, it was too much for two people who had had a late in life baby after years of trying

  People had made accusations, like Donna and I had asked for it, some said we'd lured the boys to the house, two young girls alone for the weekend, looking to have a good time, we'd probably been drinking at getting high, you know how all teens are.I guess we were in to being beaten black and blue too since we were both almost beyond recognition by the time the paramedics showed up.

  There was a lot of scrutiny about the way I dressed, and since Donna was no longer there to carry any of the burden, I bore the brunt of it.

  My every move was scrutinized, the way I dressed, my hobbies, which were all Tom boyish if you want to know the truth, but instead of being seen as a girl who liked riding bikes or skate boarding, like so many others before me, I was now the slut who liked to hang around with groups of boys.

  You try walking around in low rider jeans and tanks, or cute little skirts (which I use to love) while the world is calling you a slutty teen.

  So no, I didn't use my usual snarky wit on him, I just enjoyed the feel of his thumb rubbing circles in my palm.

  The BBQ turned out to be fun, his mom and her friend never mentioned what had happened earlier for which I was abundantly grateful, and I caught his dad giving him a thumbs up behind my head while puffing away on a joint.

  When I looked back at Colton he was just shaking his head at him.

  "Mom, your husband's being embarrassing again."

  "Daniel put that thing out."

  "Hell naw woman, as a matter of fact I forgot to show you something up at the house."

  He wiggled his brows at her and I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair which made him laugh and then everyone was laughing.

  That's how my dad found me.

  "What's going on over here?"

  He was smiling as he asked, smiling and looking at me with such happiness in his eyes.

  God, had it really been that long since he'd seen me laugh like that?

  "Here chief, have a pull."

  "Shit Daniel, you toked?"

  "Perfectly legal big guy." He took another draw and went back to his eye wiggling.

  "Yeah but some people should not take advantage of that fact."

  "You trying to say I can't handle my shit, I'll have you know...wait how do you people keep getting me off track, Elena come I got something to show you."

  "Please for the sake of my sanity chief shoot me now." Colton hung his head.

  "Relax son your parents are doing it right."

  "That's easy for you to say."

  Colton mumbled under his breath as he helped me up.

  Dad arched his brow when Colton kept ahold of me after I was standing, kept ahold of me my ass he had his arm around me and I was buried in his side like we were attached at the hip.

  I could just imagine the questions dad was going to embarrass me with when we got home.

  "I'm guessing you're not ready to leave bells?"

  "I've got her chief."

  There was a look passed between them, a look that Colton refused to break first. I looked back and forth between them and saw my father drop his gaze first and with a nod looked around asking for a beer.

  * * *

  Chapter 10

  "Angel get your ass down from there."

  She's going to be the death of me, it's been two weeks since the BBQ and everyday since then has been a trial.

  I didn't know that breaking her out of that shell was going to unleash hell on my head, the girl is always getting into shit.

  She's like a new born colt that finally finds her legs and starts galloping all over the place.

  "Catch me Colt."

  She let go of the hoisting rope and flew at me, fucking nut.

  "What the hell are you doing Angel?"

  "Rappelling, you know practicing for when I go rock climbing."

  "For when you what, who said you were going rock climbing?"

  "Jared's gonna take me, off the cliffs at Devil's Walk."

  Jared's going to get my foot up his ass, I've been slowly drawing her out of her shell, she's been a little more relaxed here lately, especially since I started giving her self defense classes in the evenings.

  I keep after her, trying to build not just her body but her mind as well, Jared seems to see this new development to mean that the old her was back and kept getting her into shit, just yesterday I'd spent an hour watching her do stunts on the ramp outside that we used for the dirt bikes that were built for just that purpose.

  I felt like a parent watching his kid without training wheels for the first time, I had to admit she was good though, but hell, I wish she would pick up scrap booking or some shit.

  As if I didn't have enough to deal with here at the office, her and Carol had become best friends and were always into some shit, my little sister was now interested in skate boarding and Angel was only too happy to teach her.

  My mother was apparently hitting the pipe along with my dad because all she could talk about was when I was going to get my head out of my ass and make a move on Kat.

  She was petrified that Jennifer was going to get her hooks into me again, that's why she'd told her I would be there soon that day at the picnic, she knew I would be with Kat.

  "You're not climbing any cliffs, don't you have shit to be doing in the office, that is what I'm payin
g you for after all."

  "Speaking of which, I need a raise, your sister's always dragging me off shopping but I don't think she realizes that we come from two completely different financial brackets, that girl has very expensive taste and she whines every time I refuse to let her buy me something."

  "You just started working here what a month, and you're already bitching about a raise, you're still on probation."

  "What's my crime...sir?"

  Oh ho, that's one of her new games, the sir thing, she's just trying to get my goat, I know she's no way near ready for what I want to do to her, at least that's what I keep telling myself, but it's getting hard to resist, especially when she wears one of her new outfits that my darling little sister had talked her into buying last weekend.

  Short skirts and buttoned down silk shirts with just a hint of cleavage, I've spent more time talking to her chest in the last week than anything else.

  Let's not talk about the heels. Shit, some of them had her almost meeting my shoulders, I've imagined fucking her all over the shop in them in a million ways, but each time I pulled back.

  She needed a lot more time, but just this once I'm going to call her bluff.

  "I like my sex dirty Katarina, I'll make love to you often, but I'd fuck you more, can you handle that little girl, if you can't let me know, and I'll ignore all these signals you keep sending my way, but if you keep it up, one day soon I'm going to take you to my bed and fuck the shit out of you."

  "I'm a virgin." She bit her lip as I studied her.

  Fuck me.

  Walking over to her I held her by the back of her head, my hand and fingers caught in her hair.

  "That's a deal breaker, it doesn't matter if you can handle it or not, I'm taking you, you have one day to prepare, then I'm coming to get what's mine."

  I touched my lips to hers before walking away.

  I could swear I heard a soft moan. Game on.

  Fuck, a man can only take so much, all the eye batting and sirs I'd been ignoring, maybe that was her way of telling me she was ready for more, it hadn't been that long, but the tension was evident even to a blind man, even my guys were starting to smirk every time I walked into a room 'til I wanted to smash their faces in. Clowns.

  * * *

  Run and hide Kat, yep, that's your best bet, you should know better than to pull a lion's tale, now you've gone and done it.

  But was I ready for that, I know I've been teasing him unmercifully for the last two weeks, especially in the evenings when he taught me self defense, I'd bought the hottest yoga pants I could find and a mid riff baring top, I didn't miss all the ogling he was doing, and went out of my way to give him a little show.

  If I wasn't bending down in front of him with my ass damn near touching his nose, I was giving him tittie shots.

  It's a wonder he hadn't snapped before now, I know he was only holding back because of what had happened to me, I didn't want that anymore.

  I've been happier in the last two weeks than ever before in my life, I know it's because of all the attention from Colton, the way he looks out for me, we've spent so much time together it's like we'd been together forever.

  At night he called me or I called him and we talked, he was a great listener and he didn't just talk about the incident, but my life before, what I wanted to do with my future, things like that.

  I'd learned that he was also a very take charge kind of guy, not that there'd been any doubt about that, but when all that forcefulness was focused solely on me, whew, let's just say my panty drawer was depleting at a rapid rate.

  I better get back to work and try to get something done.

  I went into the outer office and saw him talking to some guy who had just walked in.

  * * *

  What the fuck was James Rossetti doing in my place, the only person I hated more than him was his fucked up sister, them two and now the four dead men walking that had fucked with my Angel.

  Of course she chose that moment to come into the outer office, why couldn't she stay in the shop just five minutes longer, that would've been time enough to get rid of this ass.

  If he didn't stop eye fucking her like that I might karate chop his fucking larynx.

  "Something I can do for you Jimmy?" He sneered at the nickname, yeah I knew the prick hated to be called that, but I never really gave a fuck.

  "Yeah, you can introduce me to this new...piece you've acquired, who is she?"

  He was so fucked and he didn't even know it.

  "Wait for me in the other room babe."

  I watched as she started to obey me.

  "Come 'ere." I pulled her to me and sucked her tongue into my mouth while palming her ass.

  When I let her go I finally turned to the roach that was taking up my air.

  "That answer your question?"

  * * *

  Chapter 11

  I got rid of the insect and went to see what Kat was up to, she was too quiet in there, not even the sound of the keyboard could be heard.

  I walked into the room and saw her reading something which she stuffed back in her bag as soon as she saw me.

  "Secrets Katarina?"


  Her face was red and she was squirming in her seat, what the hell was she up to now?

  "Don't forget to tell Jared that you can't go rock climbing this weekend."

  "Why not?" She whined.

  Because I don't want you doing anything with anyone else that's why. How very high school of you Lyon.

  "Don't question me, you're not doing that shit, don't you think you take enough risks with the bike and the board as it is?"

  "I just thought it would be fun."

  "We'll do that shit some other time, I got shit to do this weekend so it'll have to wait."

  I know that look on her face meant 'and what does that have to do with me', in case she hadn't heard me, or thought I was fucking around I decided to give her a taste of what she had to look forward to, less she was under the impression that my interest in her was just friendly like, just a boss to his employee.

  "Tell me you heard and understood everything I just said to you."

  "I heard you..."

  "Good, so if you should for some reason go against my wishes and I spank that ass you would know why right?"

  Did she just...

  I'm in an alternate universe and that's why this is happening to me, or I'm dreaming and I'm about to wake up and the hot as shit Colton Lyon will just be my hot boss and not the guy telling me he was giving me one day to prepare for his dick, or the guy who just made me cum on myself for like the one hundredth time by threatening to spank me.

  Yes I'm easy like that, well when it comes to him anyway, he just hits all the right spots, he isn't like anyone else I know or have known.

  The way he talks to me, not like a broken bird, but with just the right amount of spice and sweet, it was my dream come true.

  I'm not sure when most people figured out their sexuality, but I'd known for quite some time that I was different, that when it comes to relationships I'm looking for the masterful type, someone who would just take me over.

  Just thinking about being taken over by this particular man was enough to make me expire, everything about him was perfect, his talk, his walk, his glare, I'm shot.

  He'd almost caught me reading my book on Dom, sub, interplay, it was as close to the real thing as I'd ever gotten but it sure did the job until the real thing came along.

  Now he's staring because I didn't exactly manage to hide that little tremble and groan when he mentioned spanking.

  "Come here Angel."

  Shoot, I'm gonna squish my way over there that's for sure. I got up from behind my desk and and went to where he was standing between his office and mine.

  He took my hand and led me to his office, my heart picked up its pace and my breath started hitching.

  I wasn't quite sure what was coming, but the look in his eyes promised it was going to be good.

/>   "Do you like to be spanked Angel?"

  Shit, just like that, right to the point?

  I bit my lip as my face heated, I can't answer that, I've never talked about this with anyone before, how can I just blurt out my deepest darkest secrets to him?

  What if he was turned off by me, just because he was a tattooed biker didn't mean he would be down with my...kink. I'd been ashamed of my needs for so long, only finding solace in fiction, I didn't know anyone who was into the things that made me burn...

  "Answer me sweetheart."

  I looked down at my feet as I nodded once.

  His finger under my chin pulled my head back up, he studied me for a minute without uttering a word, I must've died a thousand deaths waiting for his judgment.

  "That's nothing to be ashamed of baby, if it's what you like then it's what you like, fuck what anyone else thinks."

  His finger became his hand as he held my chin almost forcefully.

  "Anyone ever spank you before?"

  Uh, if they had I would lie to you after that tone in your voice sir, uh huh, talk about clear and present danger.


  He relaxed his hold only slightly.

  "I need to touch you, you're not afraid of me or what I can do to you, you know you'll never suffer at my hands, tell me you know that."

  "I know..."

  "Good girl."

  Oh sweet mercy, his hands were unbuttoning my shirt as he asked me this, my nipples are already hard and what the fuck is air, and who needs it?

  His mouth covers mine as he opens the last button, his tongue is sweet and fat and rough and soft and he's licking the insides of my mouth, stealing the little breath I had left.

  He pushed my half bra under my tits and took one of my nipples between his fingers and pulled and something inside me shifted.

  "Give me your tongue."

  "Uh huh." Yes sir here it is.

  I obey as he pushed my skirt up my legs, thank you Carol for suggesting thigh highs and thongs with this skirt.


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