Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 7

by Alison Jordan

  "Fuck me what are you wearing?"

  I guess that was a rhetorical question since he just kept going.

  He leaned me back against the desk and stared down at my body with that gleam in his eyes.

  * * *

  She's wearing white on white, white lace thong, white lace edged thigh high stockings, no garters.

  With her legs spread as she reclined on my desk, her skirt bunched up around her waist and those fuck me heels, I was fighting hard not to fuck.

  I had to bite into my fist to get some control over myself, I can't fuck her for our first time on my desk, plus we had to set some ground rules. Fast or not, she wasn't going to be cherry for much longer.

  "Okay, let's get this shit out of the way, no more games, how old are you?"

  "Eighteen." She bit into her lip again and I couldn't help it, my hand went to her flat stomach where I pressed with the flat of my palm before rubbing her outside her panties.

  She's responsive as fuck, which I found out when her body trembled.

  "I'm thirty two, is that too old for you?"

  She just shook her head no as my fingers crept under the waistband, over her slightly hairy pussy and to her clit.

  I kept my fingers outside as I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked before biting.

  She was fucking hot, I could feel her heat on my hand and couldn't hold out any longer.

  I pushed two fingers inside and thrusted them back and forth, getting her even wetter.

  Tight as fuck and sweet mercy I'm about to fuck her if I don't get control of myself. I took in a breath and tried to calm the fuck down, there aren't enough fucking sheep,in the world to count to combat this shit.

  My dick was trying to get at her, I could feel him pushing against my zipper like what the fuck is the hold up.

  But first things first.

  "Fine, I'm keeping you."

  "Huh, what..." How was she not getting this shit, did she think she could let me get this clse to her without consequences.

  Not just my hands no her pussy, but that whole dance we've been doing for the past two weeks, all the late night calls before bedtime, all my interest in her, did she think I missed all her little signals, I might've been playing it safe for her sake but shirt was done now.

  "You're cherry, you're sweet as fuck, I like the fuck out of you, you like kink, I'm keeping you."

  "What, what does that mean?"

  She might me questioning me but her body seemed to like what I was saying, didn't matter, I'd already told her I was coming for what's mine, that should've given her food for thought.

  "It means you're mine, it means when we ride you're on the back of my bike, it means when I climb into bed at night your ass better be there."

  She didn't have anything to say to that, just dug her nails deeper into my biceps.

  "Do you know the difference between making love and fucking katarina?" She shook her head as her face heated up again.

  "I'll try to explain, sometimes I'll be slow and gentle with you, soft kisses, light touches, I'll probably do you in the missionary, but other times I'll want to tie you up, pull your hair and fuck the shit out of you until your pussy gets all red and you cry from exhaustion."

  I fingered her pussy as I spoke and felt the gush of liquid as she flooded my hand.

  My sweet little virgin girl.

  "I see you like that, good, I like to fuck, we'll be doing a lot of that. Later on we'll look into getting some toys for your kink..."


  She clenched around my fingers and face planted into my chest.


  She shook her head and kept her face hidden.

  "None of that shit, if we're gonna do this we're gonna do it together, I don't know what you're thinking if you don't tell me, so I repeat...what?"


  "Oh that, if I'm your man I'm supposed to take care of that shit."

  My fingers hadn't stopped moving in and out of her and I could tell from her breathing that she was close again.

  "I want to eat you right now but we'll have to save that delight for another day, I'm gonna need a hell of a lot more time than we have right now when I get my mouth in your pussy."

  Her body was one continual tremble.

  "Fuck Angel, again?"

  I pulled her to me as her body shook with another massive orgasm.

  "Babe, seriously, if you react this way to just my fingers and some words I can't wait to feel you on my cock."

  We got cleaned up after I brought her off one last time, we still had work left to do for the day. I had to meet with some guys who were helping me with her shit in Arizona but she don't need to know about that.

  Jared and I had spoken and I'd let him in on my plans, we'd decided to just tell the guys the bare minimum, I wasn't about to lie to my men, that was no way to run a crew, but neither did I want to break her confidence, if she wanted others to know, then she'd be the one to tell them, I did want her to get with the other wives for support and shit though, I think she needed that shit.

  Mom and Carol were already doing girly shit with her, but mom's a wildcard, she might be more trouble than help since her mind stays stuck on weddings and babies and shit.

  She hadn't asked me to divulge any of what I'd learned from Kat so I could only surmise that she'd either learned something from Char and her hocus pocus shit, or she was going against form and keeping her nose out of my shit.

  If the last was the case it wouldn't last long, Elena wasn't known for her patience, at least she'd taken an interest in Kat, so now not only did she have her mom who she talked to everyday, but now she had the women in my family and Lord help me, Char.

  Most of the wives of the crew were older than her, but they knew how to welcome a little sister to the fold, I'll have to set something up soon.

  I left her in the office after stealing one more kiss, her fucking mouth, magic. She tasted like berries and the innocent way she played her tongue around mine made me want to run away with her somewhere for a week.

  I had barely made it to the shop when I heard Jennifer's annoying voice.

  The fuck is wrong with the Rossetti clan today, two of them in one day was a cocktail for trouble, I knew she'd sent her pissant of a brother over here earlier, like he was supposed to scare me, the Rossettis were one of the premier families in the state, old money and lots of it.

  The thing was, my family was older and had bucket loads more, whereas the Rossetti siblings thrived on that shit and used it for their evil little games, I could give less than a fuck.

  Money in the bank was all well and good, but if your heart was black as soot it didn't mean shit, I wish I'd known that shit before I'd wet my wick in that asp. Poisonous bitch.

  She came strolling into the shop with her designer wear and the overpowering stench of her perfume.

  Less is more bitch, didn't anybody ever tell you that?

  She bypassed my guys who were giving her the stink eye, they hated her almost as much as I did, seeing as how she'd tried to destroy our crew with her jealousy bull shit.

  Looking at her now I wondered what the fuck I was thinking for those months I'd been in her clutches, thank God I'd seen the light before it was too late.

  "Well, well Colton who's the mousy little tart you have keeping office these days?"

  I didn't even bother to answer her scuzzy ass, why the fuck should I, who the fuck was she to ask?

  "I see you still insist on getting dirty with the hired help."

  Every last man had his middle finger up before she was finished with her little insult.

  I grinned in her face, knowing how much she'd hate that shit, she really thought her shit didn't stink, but I had to keep an eye on her, her vindictive, narcissistic ass could cause trouble and I'd rather she directed that shit at me than my guys.

  "What can I do for you Jennifer and make it quick I've got shit to do."

  "Did you think you could just throw your littl
e mouse in my face without paying the price, in front of all our friends?"

  "Bitch are you off your meds, what the fuck are you talking about, we've been quits for months..."

  "That's just a little blip, everyone knows we belong together, our families are like the leading families in this town who're you going to marry, the sherif's daughter?"

  She laughed at her own little joke.

  "He's the chief, and it's none of your business. The fuck!"

  She checked out her manicured nails as she lobbed her next volley.

  "Let's just say the chief and his daughter might not like the repercussions if she gets in my way..."

  I was in the bitch's face before she blinked, her eyes flashed with fear before she hid it again.

  Yeah bitch, remember who the fuck you're talking to.

  "Jennifer you go anywhere near her and I'll end you."

  "You wouldn't dare, my brother..."

  I laughed off her half assed threat.

  "You think you've seen the worst of me, you haven't seen shit yet, touch one hair on her fucking head and you're done."

  * * *

  Chapter 12

  I didn't like the look on Jennifer's face as she left, that viper was known to be true to form, I'll just have to keep on eye on Angel for the next little while, make sure she didn't try anything with her, she'd be a dumb bitch if she did because I seriously would fuck her over if she tried anything.

  As far as I was concerned Kat was worth ten of her even when she'd been dressing like a bag lady.

  I took her home at the end of the day, I'd taken over that little job from Jared as well, my woman has no right on the back of some other dude's bike, it's an insult no matter who the dude was.

  Outside her house she climbed off my bike and did her usual shy girl routine, head down, lip between the teeth, hand playing with the purse strap on her shoulder.

  "So, see you tomorrow I guess..."

  I expected her to start twirling her hair around her finger any second now.

  "Come here."

  I pulled her by her waist towards me.

  "You staying in or you got something planned with the other Lyon women?"

  " I think, Carol didn't say anything but you know that can change in a heartbeat."

  "Give me a buzz if you're going out somewhere."



  I fucking loved the way she just tilted her head so I could take her lips, my dick sprang to life and I gave her side a little squeeze as I tongued her mouth.

  "Uhmmmmmm, I released her with a few nibbles of her bottom lip and a pat on her ass, my mind flashing to what she had on under her clothes.

  "I'll call you later, if you don't hear from me at our usual time don't go to sleep, I'll make sure I call you to say goodnight at least."

  "Yes sir."

  "Cock tease." I stared her down before starting up my bike and pulling out.

  By the time I reached the end of her block my mind was in another mode.

  I'd called some guys, a more rougher element if you will, who were moving some things around to get me the information I needed to get an inside man to the job I had in mind.

  I wasn't down with rape, no matter if it was man or woman, so wasn't going that route, but those college boys were gonna know what it was like to live in fear of their lives just as she had that night.

  I'd originally planned to have them iced outright, but changed my mind at the last minute, all I needed was for nosy ass Char to peek into her crystal ball or whatever the fuck, and run to Elena, half her predictions were for shit, but every once in a while she got shit right, I'm not even touching on her last prediction, that shit'll drive me crazy.

  The meeting with these guys took a few days to organize because I'd still had some leg work to do, I had to make it so there was no backlash from my actions, make sure I wasn't being set up.

  Since I'd never gone the criminal route before I had to take every precaution, law enforcement was some sneaky bastards, I didn't want to end up dealing with some undercover cop, the chances of that happening were slim to none but still.

  I had to ride to the next town over to handle my shit but as was usual I left a few guys behind to watch over the families, I never left them unattended, there were always crew members in riding distance in case something jumped off.

  Now Kat was part of their routine.

  No one questioned that decision, she was the first receptionist to ever be added to the line up, I figured from their little sly smirks thrown my way that they'd drawn their own conclusions as to what was going on there. Nosy fucks.

  Em decided he wanted to ride along as muscle, not that I needed it, but we're family and that's what families do, we back each other's play.

  It was almost nine by the time we got to where the fuck we were going, I hated cliched clandestine meetings in the backs of smoky run down dives, so we were having this meet on the waterfront.

  Dude had brought his whole posse, the fuck was he expecting, a showdown, whatever. I can't say that I blame him though, one crew calls you on behalf of another like that with some heavy shit, you should take precautions, I wasn't feeling threatened, this was still my turf and I wasn't here on some bullshit.



  We did the head nod thing before we both hopped off our rides and walked a little ways from our boys.

  "What you got?"

  "We're in, it was easy, you do know these guys are in some cushy little bitch ass jail awaiting trial right?"


  Okay so I'm not up on the prison system, wasn't planning on ever visiting the inside of one, if I ever did a mother fucker which was about the only thing I could see me doing to land me in there, I'd make sure to do shit right and leave nothing back for evidence.

  So I hadn't gone any farther than getting the names from Jared and the name of the place they were being held at, here I am thinking that if you terrorized two teenaged girls, leading one to her death, that you will most definitely be doing hard time on a chain gang while awaiting justice.

  The bad thing for these boys was that learning this only passed me way the fuck off and now their lives were going to be just a little harder.

  We worked out the particulars which took the better part of two hours, which meant it was almost her bedtime by the time we were satisfied.

  "Gimme a minute bro."

  I walked off and pulled out my phone, she answered on the first ring.

  "You tucked up babe?"

  "Just about, where are you?"

  "I had some shit to do, should be back soon, it'll be late by the time I get there so I'm calling you now, can't stay long babe got people waiting on me, stay sweet and I'll see you in the morning."

  " careful, by the way my truck's ready so you don't have to get me in the morning."

  "We'll see, what were you reading when I came into the office today?"


  "Tell me."

  "A book...about Dom sub relationships." She hung up the phone.

  I'm sure the men around me thought I'd lost my mind when I started roaring with laughter.

  My little angel was full of surprises.

  I walked back over to where Sanchez was waiting to tie shit up.

  "We done?"

  "Your call brother."

  "We're done."

  The next morning I was standing in the lot with the guys looking at some finished products when this old ass truck pulled in.

  Oh hell no, the fuck?

  "What the fuck is that?"

  I pointed at the monstrosity she'd just hopped out of.

  "What, my truck, my dad and his friend worked on it, it's good."

  I unclipped my cell and called the chief, this might be stepping over all kinds of boundaries but, whatever, it was Angel.

  "Chief, what the fuck?"

  "Colton, what?"

  "What is she driving?"

  "What do you
mean son?"

  "How reliable is this thing?"

  "It looks like crap but it's in good shape, she'll still get a good couple years out of it."

  Not if I had anything to say about it.

  "We need to talk chief."

  "You know where to find me, this about you and my girl I take it."


  "She told you about..."

  "Yeah, she told me."

  "Okay then."

  We hung up and I looked over the piece of crap she'd been driving.

  "Haul this shit outta here boys."


  "You got anything in there you can't live without?"

  "You're not getting rid of my truck."

  "You're not driving that eyesore again."

  How would it look I have a fucking garage full of expensive cars and my woman was riding around in this shit?

  I knew exactly which jeep I wanted her to have.

  "Come with me, give Tommy your keys."

  She grudgingly gave up the keys to the junk heap and followed me grumbling under her breath.

  "Something on your mind Sloan?"


  "What's with the attitude, you seriously think I'd let you drive around in that shit?"

  "I don't see what's wrong with it."

  For some reason I saw the truck as an extension of her baggy clothes and schoolmarm hair, something to hide behind.

  * * *

  He can be so annoying sometimes, but oh so sexy.

  That take charge attitude of his was gonna get him thrown to the floor and ravaged. It didn't help that he was wearing army green fatigues with a black muscle shirt and his tats were on full display making me twitchy.

  His pants were shoved into his Doc Martens and there was a nice little bulge under his belt that promised all kinds of delights.

  I was not going to get any work done with this character around that's for sure.

  We were in his office by the time I got my drool under control.

  He threw something at me from his drawer which I caught in mid air, keys. I couldn't miss the emblem on them.

  "What's this."

  "Keys to the Merc."

  "Are you insane, you can't just give me the keys to a Mercedes Benz..."

  "Did I or did I not say you're on the back of my bike and in my bed!"


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