Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 9

by Alison Jordan

  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "I'm imagining all the different positions I can eat your pussy in before I fuck you."

  I dropped my fork, my mouth just hanging open.

  "Leave the dishes, let's go out to the balcony."

  I could see she was rattled by all the attention I'd shown her during dinner, I'd purposely not given her any wine with her meal , I wanted her to have a clear head.

  "Come 'ere." I pulled her down on my lap as we sat and watched the skyline, my hand on her bare leg, rubbing circles with my fingers.

  "Give me your foot."

  She lifted first one leg and then the other so I could remove her killer heels.

  They looked fucking hot on her feet but I know they had to be just a little uncomfortable.

  I played with her anklet for a minute before releasing her leg, she shivered.


  "Uh uh."


  I nuzzled the side of her neck up to her lips and went under.

  She was wearing a different flavor on her lips this time, something sweet and spicy that made me nibble on them softly.

  My cock was poking into her ass and I pressed her down harder, enjoying the little grind she added.

  "You trust me, look at me, you trust me to take care of you?"

  She nodded her head shyly.

  I pulled the top of her dress down, baring her beautiful breasts to my gaze. Her nipple was hard and sweet on my tongue as I sucked her in.

  "Fuck babe what're you wearing?"

  She'd put something on her skin that tasted like the sweetest candy, fuck.

  Her hands dug into my hair, pulling me closer to the prize.

  I changed over from one nipple to the next, giving them both the same loving attention before taking her mouth again.

  "Let's go."

  I picked her up, her arms and legs wrapped securely around me as I made my way to the master suite.

  It was a good thing I'd prepared ahead for what was coming because we were both too far gone.

  I hadn't even shown her around, that could wait until later, she wasn't going to get to wear her new night gown tonight either, right now there was only one thing on my mind.

  Claiming what's mine.

  I didn't so much lay her on the bed as fall on it with her in my arms.

  Her dress was hastily discarded and I lost a few buttons as we both tore at my shirt.

  "Oh shit..." Her body did that tremble shake thing it does around me, but this time her gaze was locked on my tats as they were revealed.

  Her hands went of their own volition to the art that covered one arm and one side of my chest, up the side of my neck.

  "You like it?"

  For an answer she reared up and licked me, my cock jumped behind my zipper but she soon took care of that too.

  Her little fingers fought with my belt until she won that battle, before attacking my zipper.

  She shoved my pants and boxers down, her warm, soft hand wrapped around me and I didn't leak, I flowed.

  Making my way down her body I ripped the panties she was barely wearing from her body and brought her up to my mouth.

  The taste of her, her scent, her tightness...the combination was almost too much.

  She moaned and twisted under my mouth and hands as I fucked her with my tongue.

  "Please, please..."

  My little virgin with her tight pussy didn't know what she asking for.

  I pulled back so she could see all of me, my straining cock with the pre cum covering the crown, as hard and full as I've ever seen it.

  "Oh merciful..." She seemed lost for words as she reached out with a finger to touch me.

  "You think you can handle this cock little girl, you see that bar bell on the crown of my shit, that's not just for show, once I slide this into you you'll never want to leave, you've got two minutes to make up your mind.

  "I don't need two minutes I know now." Her eyes were hungry as she looked up at me.

  "Suit yourself, don't say I didn't warn you. If I fuck you, there's no going back, for either of us."

  She laid back and opened her arms and legs, I fell in between them, giving her pussy a finger check to test her readiness. I'd eaten her for a good half hour but that didn't mean she was ready.

  Looked like she was.

  "I'll try to go easy on your virgin pussy but this will be the first and the last time, when I fuck I fuck like a man, I want you to know that I'm there, it's supposed to be an invasion.

  Open up."

  I had to get one more taste before I stick it, so I lifted her sexy ass in my hands and tongued her pussy while she writhed on my tongue. She had the sweetest pussy I'd ever eaten.

  "I'm not taking off my cock piercing take me as I am."

  I entered her slowly, easily, getting her use to my width as I rubbed the numbing cream I'd had waiting around her right nipple.

  She whimpered in her throat as I forced my way in before pulling back.

  "Please...I can't..." She tried pulling me back in, her body taking over control.

  I wasn't ready to break her hymen, not yet, I wanted her too hot to feel anything when I breeched her.

  I placed just the crown of my pierced dick back in her juicing pussy as I squeezed her clit, rocking back and forth making sure not to go too deep still.

  She writhed beneath me, her eyes had a far away look as she moved her hips trying to fuck herself on my dick.

  As I felt her juices run down my shaft I pierced her right nipple as I pushed into her virgin pussy.

  "Mine." I growled with a feral intensity I'd never known before.

  * * *

  Chapter 14

  "Fuck." Her tightness blew my mind, I don't think I'd ever felt anything so fucking good in my life and I wasn't even all the way in her yet.

  She whimpered a little as I drew out slowly, making sure to drag my Apadravya against the walls of her young fresh pussy.

  She moaned, then cried out at the same time, the pleasure overshadowing the pain.

  "I love the way you're taking my cock even though it's too much for you. I love that look in your eyes every time I hit your sweet spot, the way you scream as my cock stretches you, like now. Look at that, look at us baby, look at how your little pussy is so greedy that even though you're crying because it's too much you still want to swallow all of me."

  She looked down at where we were joined as I continued to stroke into her.

  I dried her tears and kissed her.

  "Don't worry baby, it'll stop hurting soon..."

  It was hard as fuck to take my time and go slow but I wouldn't hurt her for the world.

  I nuzzled her neck, being sure to keep my chest off her freshly pierced nipples, I'd done the second one not long after the first, now she sported four sapphire and diamond jewels, one on each end of the bar that now ran through her nipples.

  There was still more to be done before the night was done, tonight was about more than just losing her virginity, it was also about me claiming it, and what that meant.

  It meant she was now mine, completely, irrevocably, the piercings were just one of the ways I meant to mark her, to show my ownership.

  "I'm all the way in baby, feel me?" I flexed my cock inside her, making her clench.

  "Uh huh." She strained her neck back as her hips lifted for my stroke, with my thumb teasing her clit her juices flowed even more making as it easier to fuck.

  Lifting one leg straight up, I bit into her ankle right where my jewelry laid and watched as her eyes rolled back in her head as I sank even deeper into her depths.

  "Fuck Angel, take me..."

  I couldn't stop the force of my thrusts even as she reached behind her for the headboard as her body was rocked by my pummeling.

  "Fuck me, I'm cumming, cum with me baby." I pressed down on her clit even as I pushed my tongue into her mouth, her leg still caught on my shoulder which opened her even more as I bent over her.

>   We came together, our bodies shaking in shared pleasure.

  "That's just the beginning, I plan to own every inch of you before this nights done."

  I uttered those words on her ears as she fought for breath.

  "Come, let me clean you up."

  I took care of her in the shower, being careful not to get her new piercings wet while making sure the rest of her was ready for what came next.

  She became an octopus after I'd finished rinsing her off, her hands finding and playing with my cock which stayed hard as I enjoyed her nakedness.

  I wish I could say I was a total gentleman but fuck that, I wanted in that pussy again and again.

  Pulling her to me I kissed the fuck out of her before releasing her.

  "Suck my cock baby."

  She was only too happy to drop to her knees and tease the fuck out of me with her tongue.

  I'd pierced her nipples while taking her virginity, but as I looked at her back while she sucked me off on her knees in the shower, I saw a canvas. I wanted to ink her with my name, my crest, everything to do with me and my club. I wanted to pierce her pussy and her belly button.

  The thought of marking her for my pleasure made my erection swell in her mouth as her teeth glanced over my Apadravya. I liked the idea of inking her in a way that no one else will see.

  I wanted the world to continue to see the demure innocent being she was sometimes, but behind closed doors I wanted to enjoy the wild bitch I was going to teach her to be.

  I shot off in her mouth at the thought, my hands grabbing fistfuls of her hair.

  I had her backed up against the shower wall as soon as I was done shaking, her legs over my arms as I knelt between them eating her pussy like it held life giving nectar. Fuck it was sweet enough as she washed my tongue with her sweetness.

  My cock didn't want to give up, he was raring to go again, so I turned her to face the wall after I stood.

  "Don't let your tits touch the wall baby,...push back,...spread."

  I used my fingers to test her wetness as she pushed her ass back towards me.

  "Fuck Angel, hold on."

  I planted my feet and entered her sweet pussy from behind.

  "Ahhhhhhh..." She screamed and creamed at the same time, fucking priceless.

  I saw her curl her little fist and pound the wall as I went up inside, hitting her sweet spot, leaving my cock head there before pulling out and doing it all over again.

  She moaned and whimpered as my thrusts lifted her to her toes.

  "Golden fucking pussy, the fuck..."

  I had to stop before I started babbling but this shit was out of this world.

  I wanted to grab onto her tits and pull her back hard onto my dick, but settled for pulling her hair instead.

  "Cum on my cock, now."

  I swallowed her scream with my mouth as I felt wet heat cover my cock.

  I had to pick her up as she became boneless.

  "A nice soak in the sauna will do you good."

  I'm a fucking bastard, yes I wanted the sauna to ease her soreness, but I also wanted to fuck her again, it's not my fault, her pussy was too sweet for her own good and my cock knew a good thing when he saw it, plus for what I had planned for the rest of the night, I had to get my fill now.

  I got the sauna started up keeping an eye on her as she laid back on the lounger I'd placed her on.

  I lifted her in and sat with her on my lap as the water soothed us both.

  I got the medicine I had brought out with me and a glass of juice.

  "Here Angel, take these, they will lessen the pain."

  She took her medicine like a good girl.

  "You ready for the rest?"

  She nodded yes, but I could tell she was on her last leg, maybe I'd let her be for the rest of the night, afterwards. Nah.

  I eased her up and sat her back down on my cock.

  "Don't move, just feel me inside you."

  I knew that wouldn't last too long after I started stroking her clit with my fingers, whispering all the dirty things I planned to do to her.

  She was soon riding my cock and begging me to go faster.

  "Faster, go's...ahhhhhh..."

  Holding her by the waist I lifted her up and down on my cock meat, gritting my teeth trying to hold off from cumming.

  It was no use as soon as she started that whimpering shit I was a goner.

  I flooded her pussy as she bucked and came once more.

  I lifted her out and dried her off before carrying her back into the bedroom.

  Laying her flat, I got my supplies lined up, she watched me as I prepared.

  "You good, you ready for this?"


  I got her pussy wet with my tongue and fingers for a distraction, then I got her clit hood ready, cleaning and disinfecting it before pushing it back and clamping her clit.

  Using my needle receiving tube I gave her a vertical clitoral hood piercing, she gave a slight jump at the pinch, but I was prepared for that.

  "Ssh, we're done."

  I put in her jewelry and sprayed the area, then fingered her one last time.

  I gave her pussy one last look, it was gonna be at least two weeks before I could fuck her, she needed at least that long to heal.

  With a last twist of my fingers inside of her I pulled them out.

  I put her in a new pair of cotton panties and cuddled her.

  My sweet Angel, all mine.

  She wouldn't have let me do those things to her body if she didn't agree, she knew what they meant to me.

  I'd specifically learned all about piercing because I always knew how I wanted to mark the woman that would be mine and I'd be damned if some other dude was going to have his hands on my pussy.

  * * *

  Chapter 15

  I'm Colton Lyon's girl, I can't even...I can't process all this joy at once, my heart can hardly stand it I'm so happy.

  When I woke up this morning, feeling a little sore from my piercings and the loss of my innocence, he was so amazingly sweet and attentive.

  He'd told me, in his gruff way of course, that I wouldn't be going in today and that he'd only be gone a few short hours.

  If I wasn't so sore I would've rolled around on the bed with a big sappy grin on my face, as it is I'm propped up against a thousand pillows with movies set up to play at the touch of a button, a pile of magazines at my elbow, believe it or not, not the girly kind, but car and driver and biker's mags, he's so cute.

  He'd made me take some pills and promise to take more if the soreness got to be too much, poor baby, he'd felt guilty about leaving me, but I understood, he had a business to run.

  I must've dozed off after all because the next thing I knew, he was traipsing into the bedroom with what looked like packing boxes.

  I sat up sleepily, still rubbing sleep from my eyes.

  "What's going on?"

  "Had a talk with your dad yesterday."

  "What, my dad, about what, I don't understand."

  "Calm down Angel, it's nothing bad, we just had a little chat about our relationship and what my intentions are so to speak."

  "Oh, okay." I was still a little confused as he climbed onto the bed with me.

  "First things first, how're you feeling?"

  "I'm okay, I think I need to take more pills soon though."

  He got up and got me fresh juice to take my pills.

  "Here let me have a look."

  He opened the short silk robe which was all I could bear to wear against my skin at this point.

  "Everything looks good baby."

  He sprayed some stuff on my new piercings before opening me tenderly, to check for redness he said.

  "You're fine baby, only thing is, after having you for just one night it's going to be hell waiting the two or three weeks it's going to take you to heal."

  He's saying this as his fingertips are holding me open so he couldn't miss the rush of wetness that eased out of my body.

"Fuck Angel, damn...I can't fuck you, I don't even want to risk eating you right now but fuck..."

  He shook his head, gave my kitty a sniff and then rolled over onto his back with his forearm thrown over his eyes.

  I could see his hardness through his jeans.

  "You're not the only one suffering." Damn, since when did I pick up this annoying habit of saying shit out loud that I wanted to keep hidden?

  He turned his head and smiled before ruffling my hair.

  "I can still kiss my baby though."

  Swoon, does he have to be so damn perfect, everything he says, everything he does is so hot I can hardly stand it.

  He put actions to words and kissed me teasingly, taking soft nips across my lips before covering my mouth with his.

  That's when I met playful Colton.

  * * *

  She's fucking amazing, I'm not one to be taken by surprise, but this little girl has gone above and beyond all expectations, she's more than perfect to be at my side.

  She's going to be out of commission for a while but that's fine, I'm going to take care of her in between running the shop among other things, like setting up things in Arizona.

  The guys already know they have to pick up the slack for the next couple days though they don't know why and she should be back to work in a day or two.

  I think I might be overreacting a bit but there's more going on here than the physical changes in her body, she's also an eighteen year old girl who just became a woman, we have to celebrate that shit, I've already got something in the works which I hope she'll love, but I wanted her to know and understand always, how much it meant to me that she'd chosen me.

  Sharing a kiss with her makes me hotter than fuck, but I have to slow things down, no sense in getting us both hot and bothered.

  "Let's watch a movie baby."

  "Yeah, Which one?"

  So much excitement over such a small thing, it only made me want to give her more.

  "Anything you like."

  "Are you sure, even if it's a chick flick?"

  "If it makes you happy then I'm all for it."

  I've lost my fucking mind, let's hope I still have my balls by the time she's through with me.

  "I'll go get the popcorn, anything else you need while I'm out there?"

  "Yes, potato chips, soda, cookies, all the goodies."


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