Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 10

by Alison Jordan

  Fuck, I forgot my woman was a teenager.

  I had to laugh at the thought before stealing another smooch.

  "Okay Angel, I'll be right back."

  We spent the day just lazing around watching her tear jerkers, which I enjoyed because I got to baby her even more.

  "Baby, why do you watch this shit if it makes you cry?"

  "Because it's so good." She sniffed into my chest.

  "I'll take your word for it."

  It felt fucking amazing to lay here with her doing nothing, don't remember doing that shit since I was like seventeen with my first real girlfriend.

  Her fingertips started playing over my bare chest, soft, light touches that made my dick hard as fuck.

  I took her hand in mine and pressed it into my hardness.

  "Stop torturing me babe."

  I felt the tremble in her body as she rubbed me once.

  I kissed her forehead, gave her a squeeze and took her hand back in mine resting it on my chest.

  "Say something to distract me babe because there's no way I'm doing anything with you feeling like crap, so talk fast."

  "Why is only one side of your body tattooed, why'd you leave this side bare?"

  She smoothed her fingers over my ink.

  "That's your side."


  "That's where you go, it represents the rib that was taken from me to make you."

  "Me, but what if...what if I'm not your 'one'?"

  "Babe, you wouldn't be in my bed if you weren't, and you damn sure wouldn't be moving in with me."

  "Moving in..."

  "Yeah, that's what I had to talk to your father about, that's what the boxes are for."

  "My dad, oh my God, my dad knows?" She covered her face with her hand and hid it in my side.

  "Hey, calm down Angel, it's not the end of the world, this day was going to come sooner or later, I think all in all he's satisfied with the way things turned out."

  She still didn't look convinced but in time she'll see I was right.

  * * *

  "Tina, it's me Drake..."

  "Oh my God Katarina..."

  "No, no, nothing like that, I just...have you heard from her yet today?"

  "As a matter of fact I haven't, not last night either but I didn't think anything of it."

  "Well, she's fine but..."

  I wasn't too sure how to word this, Tina was a wildcard and when it comes to her daughter there's no telling how crazy she'd get.


  "I'm here, listen, Kat...met someone."

  "What do you mean?"

  "A guy, she met a guy."

  "Already, but she just moved there."

  "I know but she seems really taken with this guy, and uh, he came to see me yesterday."

  "Well I guess that's something anyway, shows the kid has manners, but what does he want with our daughter?"

  "Well, uh, shit...she spent the night."

  "She did what, Drake..."

  "Look, she's eighteen years old, I couldn't very well stop her now could I, besides I didn't even see her, the boy came to the station and asked if it was okay,then again now that I think about it it was more like he was telling me how it was going to be."

  "What! How old is this boy anyway?"

  "Uh, that's the difficult part, Colton's thirty two."

  "HE'S WHAT?"

  "Take it easy Tina, he happens to come from the premier family in these parts, his dad's the head of Greenville General. He owns his own business here making custom bikes...he's just a nice kid Tina. Now keep in mind this is Kat's choice, I didn't see her but she left me a note saying where she was gonna be and I gotta tell ya, I saw those two together and they're the real deal. The way this guy spoke to me, well, he means business. I have to say I don't think she could be in better hands."

  "Well I need to know more about this Colton, what's his last name?"

  I gave her the information she wanted and then hung up, hoping my crazy ex didn't show up here with guns blazing.

  Kat was what you might call a late in life baby, Tina and I had been trying what seemed like forever without success, then one day out of the blue, after twenty years of marriage she decided she was done.

  By then we'd drifted apart, the marriage was basically in name only.

  Imagine my surprise when she called me up two months later with the news that she was pregnant.

  Six and a half months later I was the proud father of a beautiful baby girl, broke my heart that after all this time I wouldn't get to raise her, but I got to see her every year after her birth.

  When that business had happened a few months ago it had taken all my training not to commit murder, my profession warred against my fatherly instinct.

  I wanted to string those little bastards up by their balls and flay them until there was nothing left, and the one that got away, sheesh, don't get me started, there were many a night I wanted to go hunt that little fucker down and bury him somewhere.

  The only thing holding me back is that I would essentially be leaving my little girl unprotected.

  Nothing is more important than her safety and happiness, if Colton Lyon was the answer then I wouldn't stand in the way of that.

  For the first time in months I've seen a glimpse of my little girl, the sweet, bright, funny tomboy who plagued me every summer to do more and more outdoorsy things with her, never a dull moment.

  * * *

  "Char hurry up before you let the steam out."

  "I don't know about this El, smoking in a steam room just seems like a cocktail for disaster."

  "Oh pooh, Daniel's been doing it and he seems fine."

  "I'm not sure we should be using him as a yard stick..."

  "Never mind that we have bigger fish to guess who I got a call from?"

  "Who, pass it El you hog."

  "Tina Sloan,she's Drake's...well I guess you can say wife because they never got divorced..."

  "Why's she calling you?"

  "Because of Katarina of course, seems that my boy, who I apparently raised very well approached the chief and get this...asked him for Kat."

  "What do you mean asked him for Kat?"

  I waited until her coughing fit was over before retaking the joint from her hand, don't ask me what the hell I was doing getting stoned.

  "He didn't ask for her hand in marriage, he asked or rather told the chief, and I quote, ' you did your part for the first eighteen years of her life, now I'm taking over'."

  "Oh wow, he said that?"

  "Get that look off your face heifer, cougar you ain't."

  "Hey, I look good chick."

  "Yeah, for a coyote maybe."

  We cracked up at our own silly jokes as I rode the high of finally being on the road to having some grand babies.

  "Shit, I didn't know Colton was such a smooth"

  "He's his father's son, let's hope for Kat's sake that's true in more ways than one."

  "You're a bad ass El."

  We were off again.

  "Well, well, well, what have we here, you two bombed?"

  "Hey doc how the hell are ya?"

  * * *

  Chapter 16

  For the past three days I've been laying low, I got an extra day because I made the mistake of flinching when I accidentally touched one of my nipple piercings, which truthfully didn't even hurt any more, just a little stiffness.

  The other ones down below were still a little uncomfortable but not too much, Colton took very good care of them and me so that I didn't get an infection or any other disaster.

  Anyway, I flinched and was ordered to get undressed and though I wasn't confined to the bed I couldn't do anything.

  "Why don't I go get my things from dad's today then?"

  "Because I don't want you bending and lifting things just yet..."

  "I read about piercings online and people said that it was quite alright to go on as usual..."

  He just turned and gave me this l
ook that I clearly read as his signature 'the fuck I care?' so I closed my lips up tight.

  "As I was saying, I don't want you doing anything, we'll get your things in a few boxes are for your personal effects, books and knick knacks and all that girly shit, don't bring any of those fucked up clothes over here or I'll start a bonfire in the back yard with that shit."

  "But I didn't really bring anything else to wear and ..."

  He opened his wallet and threw a black card at me.

  "So go shopping."


  "Go shopping for what you need."

  "But it has your name on it, I don't think they'll let me use it."

  "Take carol or Elena with you, trust me those two would know what to do."

  "But I can't just take..."

  "Had that conversation already babe, not going there again."

  He continued getting ready for work totally ignoring my angst.

  Well, a part of me was excited at the thought of shopping, and then as is the norm when dealing with Colton, there is that other part that's not one hundred percent comfortable doing these things so early in our relationship.

  Colton of course didn't even let me get the words out of my mouth.

  "In fact I think you should call one of them to go with you, have some fun, I'll be gone longer today than the last couple days so that'll be good, but nothing strenuous."

  I guess I'm going shopping.

  "Call me if you need me okay Angel!"


  "And listen, buy whatever you want, none of that bullshit, I know you don't get this yet, but I'm going to take care of you from now on, that means your food, your clothes, your shelter, that's on me, all that other odds and ends girlie shit you can take care of if you want to, but I can cover that too if you want."

  Color me crazy but is this guy for real, like seriously, who does these things, not anyone I know or have ever heard of.

  Jared's my friend, he's a good guy, but I know for a fact that he doesn't treat any of his girlfriends this way.

  I would ask my mom but our conversation two days ago hadn't left much room for such questions.

  I understood that she was afraid for me, that she will always be worried after what had happened, but she had really gone off.

  It's almost as if she was mad that I had fallen for someone, I thought telling her about my coming out of my shell with Colton's help would make her happy, but instead she seemed offended somehow.

  When she'd questioned the rashness of our relationship and I'd started crying because she just wasn't hearing my side, Colton had taken the phone and told her rather forcefully that no one was allowed to make me cry or feel bad not even her. Then he'd hung up.

  She'd sent me a text a few hours later with just one word.


  My thoughts exactly.

  I haven't seen anyone in the last couple days but my phone have been almost glued to my ear, I've heard from his mother, my father, Carol and Jared, somehow I think Colton told everyone no visitors for the next few days.

  I wondered what excuse he gave them for that but didn't ask.

  After he finally left I called Carol up to make plans for our day of shopping, of course she was excited, it's like in her blood.

  Having been cooped up for so long it was great to get out and about and carol was full of ideas and suggestions, especially after she realized that I had Colton's card.

  Halfway through I'd had enough, not because I was tired or anything but because I'd already bought too much.

  When I complained about the thousands of dollars we'd already spent and believe it or not we'd only bought undergarments as yet, she'd whipped out her phone and called Colton, passing the phone to me after squealing on me.

  "Babe seriously, I got shit to do here, buy the shit, if you don't then I'll have to and I've got shit lined up for the next few weeks so help me out alright."

  Oh my word!

  He just hung up after that, my panties were shot.

  Of course Carol was grinning and hopping up and down and off we went.

  "Well if it isn't Colton's flavor of the month."

  Damn, that thing sure got around.

  "Jennifer that's uncalled for..."

  "No no Carol, let it speak.

  I hate this bitch, I kid you not, just the sight of her makes me want to taste blood, not because she'd once shared Colton's bed, (though she'd never physically been in his according to him), but because I could sense that she didn't want to move on, to let go, and after tasting of the fruit so to speak, I could certainly understand why, but she wasn't his ex-wife or the mother of his child or anything like that.

  She was just one of a long line of nothing special so she had no jurisdiction and if she thought I was too young or too stupid to know that, then she was sadly mistaken.

  She sneered at me from head to toe until her eyes caught sight of my anklet.

  That's a Simon piece where did you get that?"

  Before I could answer or not Carol intervened.

  "Jennifer just leave us alone, where Kat got her jewelry is none of your business." She tried going around the annoying twit to no avail.

  Once again I spoke over her.

  "It's cool Carol, actually Colton bought me this, as he put it, it's to show the world I belong to him, you should see the other jewelry he got me to go with it,... oops, YOU can't, it's private, oh well."

  She hissed at me as her face grew increasingly redder.

  Carol made a move to come between us but she was too late, Jennifer's hand connected with the side of my head before I could block the blow.

  The last person to put hands on me were those boys, I felt the fear begin to creep in, felt the need to run and hide away somewhere, but stronger and more persistent than that was Colton's voice during our sparring matches.

  I heard him in my head strengthening my resolve, telling me I was worth fighting for, pushing at the fear that threatened to overcome me, and lastly I heard him tell me to own my shit, to fight for what's mine.

  Instead of the fear there was now anger, anger at all those who thought it was okay to prey on the weak.

  Before that whole incident I would never have let anyone get away with slapping me like that, maybe Colton was right, maybe it was time to take the power back, and what better way than to wipe the floor with this smarmy bitch.

  I knew I was going to be okay when I started laughing, which only seemed to enrage her even more.

  "You know, it doesn't matter what you do or say here, at the end of the day I'm still going to be Colton's girl and you're not. As a matter of fact before I forget, Carol I might need you to come help me pack up for my move into your brother's penthouse. I understand you've never been inside Jennifer, it's gorgeous."

  Then I took some liberties with the truth.

  "Colton even said I could redecorate anyway I want to but it's already perfect so..."

  I shrugged as though it was no big deal, no he hadn't said that but I'm sure if I asked he'd let me, and knowing that, I felt even more empowered.

  This little speech had the desired effect as the delusional nut job actually went for my throat.

  This time I was ready though and blocked her hands with one of mine while using the thumb of the other to jab her jugular.

  She dropped to her knees like a dead weight, clutching her throat, fighting for the breath.

  The din that had surrounded me was suddenly broken as I heard laughter and applause around us.

  Of course, it's a mall, it would be full of teenagers with their cell phones at the ready, I had no doubt this would be on YouTube in the next hour or so.

  Apparently I didn't hit her hard enough because she was climbing to her feet again. Damn.

  I guess since it was my first time doing it I'd pulled back a little, Colton had warned me about that.

  As much as I would enjoy kicking her snooty ass I didn't necessarily want to end up a feature on YouTube.

ile Carol was on the phone trying to call someone, a crowd was gathering and the bitch was back on her feet with blood in her eyes.

  "You fucking little bitch, how dare you?"

  "Jennifer you need to stop, people are staring and taking pictures for heavens' sake."

  "Shut up Carol, do you think I'd let this little nobody get the best of me, I know all about you, yeah, I had a look into your past, why don't we tell these nice people here how you and your friend lured those poor boys and then cried rape you little..."

  I'm not sure she got any other words out, all I know is my ears began to ring and my blood was up.

  My first swing drew blood but that didn't stop me, I just kept going, if she could or could not fight I couldn't tell you, all I know is nothing connected to me but I was wailing the hell out of her.

  I beat her for me and Donna and the hell we went through, I beat her for having the nerve to want to sink her filthy hooks into my man. I'm not sure how long we were at it, it didn't seem that long at all but the next thing I knew there were running feet coming towards us and mall security was trying to pull me off of her.

  "Get your fucking hands off her asshole."

  "Oh shit." I looked at carol questioningly, how the hell had Colton made it here so fast, there's no way.

  Greenville is at least an hour away, whatever, Colton was pulling me out of the guard's hands while most of his crew surrounded us and Carol.

  Jennifer was screeching about having me arrested along with some other very imaginative threats, the kids were yelling that she'd started the whole thing and they had the proof.

  "Call your security chief and tell him get his ass down here now." Colton ordered the guy who'd been about to haul me off.

  He wasted no time getting on the horn to his boss. He said a few words to whoever it was before turning back to Colton.

  "Your name sir?"


  I didn't miss the look of apprehension that crossed the guard's face at that.

  There was a whole lot going on thanks in part to Jennifer's vociferous outbursts and calls for action.

  Carol looked like she was about to deck her one and I just wanted to be done.

  "Did you hurt yourself Angel?"

  Colton pushed the hair back from my temple where she'd clocked me the first time.


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