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Lyon's Crew

Page 13

by Alison Jordan

  Back in the office I cornered her because I couldn't help myself.

  "One more day, that's it, then I'm coming in, it feels like forever since I had you."

  "Why wait?"

  "Because you have to know that I'll always take care of you, always put your needs first, I said two weeks and two weeks it will be, though it might kill me to wait even one more day. Now get to work slacker." I stole a hot as fuck kiss before pulling away in frustration.

  I left her and headed to the garage where the guys had the music blasting which they were wont to do on occasion. I was in too good a mood to throw something at their heads when they started making stupid ass noises at me.

  "Sweet ride out there boss, you sure you want to give champ that piece a machinery, you know she'll find a way to fly over the bars."

  They had a good old time laughing it up but I ignored them.

  "We're heading to Arizona soon boys, get your shit together, I think in the next week or so, I want his shit over with and behind us. Remember, anyone who wants out no hard feelings."

  The guys didn't know the whole story but Kat had given jared and I the okay to share some of it, she thinks it was for her safety, that it was best if the guys knew that she might be uncomfortable in some situations so they could avoid it. The truth was that I could never ask my men to do what I was asking of them unless they had some idea why they were doing it.

  This was my fight yes, but my guys and I always had each other's backs.

  "We're all in boss, stop insulting us with that bullshit, my old lady already have the heads up I'm ready to rock."

  "Thanks Tommy." The others threw in their hats as well and we got down to work. Pretty soon I was deep into what I was doing, the beat of the music spurring me on. I lost track of time until the music stopped when someone was changing something.

  That's when we heard the raised voices. I was out the door in a full out run, the men running behind me.

  In the office I saw Tanya standing in front of the desk where Kat sat with a look of surprise on her face.

  Jennifer turned as I came into the room.

  "I can't believe you'd destroy my family for a mousy piece of shit, is her raped pussy so good?"

  "ENOUGH..., bitch have you lost your mind." I felt jared grab the back of my shirt as I made to go after her.

  "Chill Colt, it's what she wants." I shrugged him off and raised my hand to let him know I heard and understood.

  I felt that coldness lock down inside and accepted it for what it was, stone cold rage. I walked as close to her as I dared so that only she could hear my next words.

  "Do you want to die Jennifer, is that it, do you have any idea what I will do to you if you fuck with her again. What is it you're not understanding here huh, do you think she's you, let me assure you, she's not. I could give a fuck about you, you were a piece of ass that I fucked like a receptacle when I needed relief, that..." I pointed at Angel. "That is mine, all mine, you remember how I am when it comes to my family, well multiply that shit by the billions, that's what she is to me, are you getting my drift?"

  I saw realization take hold followed by fear.

  "Ah, I see you do understand, so you know that if this happens again I'll snap your fucking neck like a twig, be gone."

  "Head out boys, make sure this is gone from my premises." I dismissed her and went to kneel in front of Kat's chair.

  "Did she scare you baby?"

  "Do you think I'm a mousy nobody?" She was close to fucking tears, no fucking way, not because of that bitch.

  "Come here." I pulled her up and out of the chair as I stood.

  I took her hand and placed it on my cock over my jeans.

  "Every time I look at you my cock gets hard, does that answer your question?"

  "Yes." She gave me my favorite smile, the innocent with a touch of temptress thrown in.

  "Now you've roused the beast, get those panties off and hop on up here on the desk,when I'm done you won't ever question my feelings for you again."

  * * *

  Chapter 20

  After I ate my Angel out of her funk it was time to get back to work, I decided to do some paperwork so I could stay in the office and near her.

  We knocked off at closing time and headed home to get ready for dinner at my parents'. I was counting down the hours until midnight because at the stroke of twelve I was going to be in the pussy. Barring periods I'm thinking this was the only time I was going to stay away from her ever again.

  "Babe, are you afraid of my mom?"

  "Uh, not really, she's just a little intimidating that's all."

  "Look here, you don't have to fear anyone in my family, they all know you're mine, to the last man they'll stand with you, especially mom, trust me, that lady already has you married off and producing grand kids at her command, you have no reason to feel intimidated by her."

  "Okay, I'll try, what about that spooky friend of hers is she going to be there?"

  "Char, most likely they're joined at the hip and Char's husband is out of the country on business so mom is keeping her close. Why, she scares you too?"

  "She seems to know stuff, I don't..."

  "She's a quack, pay her no attention."

  Uh huh, that's why you run like hell every time she gets too close.

  We rode out on my Ducati since it was the last night of her healing period I was sure it was fine for her to be up on me.

  Dad was stoned and eating the appetizers before dinner was even ready, which if mom noticed there will be hell to pay.

  "Your girl is a beauty Colton me boy."

  "Watch it old man, this one's mine yours is in the kitchen."I kissed her head and sent her off to find the women.

  "I think you should know your mother has already booked the church." He started laughing.

  "What are you talking about dad?"

  "The wedding, just a heads up, we have it on good authority that there will be a wedding so she thought what the hell, she promises to let your Katarina make the big decisions but she'll have everything lined up and ready to go."

  "Dad, does it seem strange to you that I just met this girl and we've already moved in together and I don't know what the hell happened and how we got here? I mean it doesn't even make sense but it feels so right."

  "True love will do that to you son, it grabs you by the nuts and won't let go, there's no sense in fighting it, your mother has had my nuts in a sling for damn near forty years."

  "Dad how much weed did you smoke?"

  "Just one joint but it's this new shit form the Caribbean, master kush." He had a big sappy grin on his face.

  "New shit, since when you talk in youth speak?"

  "You wanna try some?"

  "No thanks, I'll wait till sometime when I'm not riding my Angel on the back of my ride after."

  "Angel, that's a nice name for her, she's a good girl, I heard about your trouble with the Rossettis, how's that going?"

  "It's all good dad, nothing I can't handle."

  "You'll let me know if you need me, if it becomes something you can't handle."

  "Sure dad, thanks."

  "Anytime son."

  "Elena, where's my grub woman?" We walked into the kitchen where the rest of the family was gathered.

  "Daniel I wish you wouldn't get high when we're having guests."

  "Uh huh, I guess it wasn't you and your 'guest' that hit up my supply."

  "Whatever are you talking about, we did no such thing, right Char."

  "I cannot tell a lie..." They both broke out laughing, high as a kite.

  "You three are a sad example."

  "Why's that Stacy, because we know how to get jiggy wid it?"

  "Shoot me now, please, you're the oldest son, you get them when they're too old to take care of themselves."

  "We'll have to negotiate on that one later sis, I'm not sure about that deal."

  The rest of the meal was more of the same, the silly banter kept me preoccupied and I didn't spend th
e whole night thinking about fucking Angel.

  When it was finally time to leave I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I grabbed her cheeks as soon as we were next to my bike. The kiss I gave her was more like a warning of things to come than a prelude.

  "Fuck Angel, feel that?" I rubbed my hard on against her stomach, her little hand came up to rub me but I stopped her.

  "Don't baby, if you even touch me I'm gonna shoot, let's just get home, fast."

  It didn't help that I could feel her cunt against my back, fuck, the thrumming of the bike under me coupled with her body pressed up against me almost proved too much.

  I stopped right up by the door and hopped off dragging her with me.

  Clothes were flying from the front door to the bedroom, I had no finesse left when I tossed her on the bed and followed her down.

  I licked all around the barbell in her clit while strumming the fourchette in her perineum, it had been weeks since I'd been able to let loose on her sweet pussy, had to let her piercings heal.

  Her mouth and ass had become very well acquainted with my cock in that time though, especially her mouth, not to mention her very fuckable tits, but that wasn't enough, this, having her sweet pussy open and ready for me, fuck.

  She writhed beneath my mouth as I licked her, I wriggled my tongue all over her clit as I pushed my thumb in her pussy and buried my middle finger in her ass.

  Her little hands were busy pulling at the piercings in her nipples, she had to be feeling really good right about now. I couldn't wait to rub my piercing over her clit ring, then she'd really know pleasure.

  When she had filled my mouth appropriately with copious amounts of her juices I moved up her body.

  I smacked her clit with my heavy dick, making sure my barbell tapped hers. She came with a scream.

  I used my pierced cock head to tease her clit, back and forth until she was juicing again, legs trembling, begging me with her eyes and her moans to fuck her.

  I watched my cock as it went into her, I smiled at the sound she made when I was finally almost all in her. She still couldn't take all of me comfortably but we'll work on it.

  I'd almost forgotten how sweet she was, how tight and hot and unbelievable wrapped around me.

  "I'll try to go slow baby but it's been so long..."

  I held her by the creases where her hips met her thighs and pulled her onto my cock instead of thrusting into her. She was juicing all over my cock and the sight had me gritting my teeth, I watched her body under mine her skin perfect and clear.

  "I can't wait to put my name on your pussy lips, mine, mine, mine." I pounded her finally, crazed with lust, shit, I finally knew what that meant.

  "Aaaaaahahahhhhhhhh." She screamed and came on my dick as I plunged in and out, forcing only about nine and a half inches into her. I'm sure she'll be taking the rest in no time.

  The night was spent with some part of me connected to some part of her. She had bite marks and fingerprints all over her body, I had the scratches on my back to show that she'd enjoyed herself.

  The next morning when she awakened I was already laying between her legs.

  "You have the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen." I opened her cunt lips and studied her as my thumb played with her clit.

  "'re juicing for me already." With one swipe of my tongue I tasted her sweetness.

  "Oooohhhh..." She jerked.

  Opening her wider I entered her with my tongue, sucking her fat labia as I tongue fucked her. I lifted her legs over my shoulders and had her shoulders barely touching the bed, this way I had complete control of her body.

  My fat tongue pleasured her as I pulled on her nipples, hard. Bringing her legs down, I smacked her pussy with my heavy cock before rubbing my Apadravya against her clit piercings making her drool.

  The big head of my cock pushed into her opening, reminding me just how small she really was. So much cock for such a little girl.

  Her ribs were prominent as I bent her body back in half while pulling her down on my dick. He went in with a pop as she moaned in ecstasy.

  "You love cock don't you little girl?"

  "Yes, yours, I love your cock."

  I fucked into her hard making her screech and grab the sheet under her head, rising up I took her nipple ring between my teeth and bit as I pushed into the most succulent pussy I'd ever fucked.

  "I think I'll fuck you for the rest of the day, everything else can wait, would you like that little girl?"

  "Oh yes, fuck my pussy...all day."

  She was lost in her own pleasure.

  * * *

  Chapter 21

  Fuck, I'm almost done for and I know my Angel isn't doing much better, we both took the day off and left the guys on their own. I had no client pick ups for at least another week so it was cool and besides we were ahead of schedule.

  She's asleep right now after hours of non stop loving, okay that's a lie, there was some love making involved but mostly we fucked. I had to get it all out and there was still some left in me, I'm here testing myself to see if I had enough discipline to let her awaken on her own, or if I was going to wake her up again. My cock was ready to go.

  "Baby, wake up." I shook her shoulder, nothing, damn I think I knocked her out cold that last time, that's what she gets for being so fucking perfect. Fine, I'll go do some sit-ups or some shit to relieve some of this stress. I gave her one last look and couldn't resist a kiss to her back before rolling out of bed.

  She came into the exercise room ten minutes later looking all rumpled and hot, sleep still in her eyes.

  "What're you doing down here baby?"

  "I missed you in bed, I turned around and you weren't there." She fucking pouted at me, my dick twitched in my gym shorts, not that he'd ever fully gone down.

  "I tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge so I had to come work off some steam."

  "Well I'm up now." She dropped my shirt that she'd been wearing and made a run for it, oh yeah, I was right behind her, sweat and all.

  We were halfway up the staircase, her naked ass swaying in front of me when inspiration hit.


  I stopped her with my hands on her hips.

  Lifting one of her legs, I laid it along the top of the banister. Kneeling one stair lower, I proceeded to tongue fuck her pussy while I fingered her tight ass.

  Her pelvis quivered and shook as I showed her no mercy.

  I took turns poking my tongue deep inside her like a mini dick, sucking her slit like it was a peach,and licking her whole pussy like a cat with cream.

  "Play with your tits baby."

  She let go of the banister with one hand and pulled on her tits making them jiggle.

  Her pussy juice coated the lower half of my face as I stood up, opened my pants without taking them off and slid about ten and a half inches deep. It felt so good to be inside her, she'd been taking this much of me for the last few hours of our fuckathon, lots of practice had finally paid off, there wasn't much more left, only another inch or so. I could work with this.

  She tried to lower her leg to ease the pressure but I wasn't having that.

  With a hard slap on her ass she got the message.

  "Leave it there, I want to go balls deep."

  She keened like a kitten and yelped when I bit into her neck.

  I know from this angle she could feel me, the sounds she made let me know how far I'd gone and when I should pull back, I wasn't trying to hurt my girl after all.

  With my teeth still in her neck I thrusted my hand in her hair and made a fist, pulling her head back, I pounded into her pussy.

  I moved my other hand down to her clit and stroked it, I felt the answering tightness deep inside her as she choked my cock and came.

  "We're not done."

  I picked her up still impaled on my cock and walked the rest of the way up the stairs and to the bedroom, leaving her bent over the bed I started stroking in and out of her body again.

  Her mouth hung open b
ut there was no sound just the wild thrashing of her body as she tore at the sheets, with my feet planted firmly I fucked like I'd never fucked anyone before in my life.

  She never stopped cumming, dripping, and I never stopped slamming into her. With her tits caught in my hands I pulled out making the breath leave her body.


  I laid back on the bed and helped her hop on and take me in.

  There's nothing sexier than the way she rides my cock, the way she moves her body as I fuck up into her. She might not be able to take all of me yet, but she knows how to handle what she can.

  "I can feel you cumming on my cock, fucking amazing."

  I slapped her ass as she reached her peak again making her cum harder. My innocent little girl was a bit of a pain slut. I'd found that out throughout the night last night and all today. It was one of my Angel's secrets.

  "Before the day is over I'm going to tie you up and fuck the shit outta you."

  * * *

  Chapter 22

  Today I think I've been what the women of an older time would've termed 'a beast', though I did take time out to feed her and even gave her two turns in the sauna, then gain maybe those didn't count since the fist time I ended up having her ride me and the second, I nailed her from behind while keeping her pinned against the side.

  What do you expect though, I'd been denied way too long and besides she'd been with me every step of the way. It does me proud to admit that my girl really did love my cock.

  Right now we've been on a little two hour break, she'd eaten, bathed and was now sitting on my lap eating grapes and feeding me some in between my tonguing her down. She looked hot as fuck in nothing but a thong and some bobby socks, her nipple piercings and ankle jewelry catching the light.

  My jeans, which were all I wore were tenting already in anticipation.

  "You ready Angel?" She squirmed on my lap, she knew what was coming, I'd explained a little bit to her.

  "Uh huh." I liked that little girl innocence she still had, even after hours of non stop fucking, she still pulled that out of her, amazing. I've licked, bit, sucked and fucked every available part of her, but still she maintained that little bit of innocence. I'm one lucky fuck.


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