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Lyon's Crew

Page 17

by Alison Jordan

  I bent her legs back towards her ears lifting her ass higher for my thrusts.

  "Take it."

  I pulled out once more and put her back on her knees, she was barely in position before I was pushing back in to the hilt, poor baby.


  "Ssh, ssh, it's okay baby...fuck." Reaching around I played with her clit ring and felt the answering gush of liquid heat cover my cock as her ass moved faster back against me.

  "Sir please." She pushed back forcefully, adding some extra wiggle to her ass.

  Fuck, my freaky girl wanted to feel it, that's her signal. I brought the flat of my hand down on her ass cheek as I sunk deeper into her filling her tight pussy.

  "Ooh, more sir, please more."

  Shit, I hadn't planned for this shit tonight, I'm not too keen on other people listening in on our fuck sessions, and she gets loud when I spank her ass, but if it's what she wants I can't deny her anything.

  I folded my body around hers sending my dick on a different angle inside her which made her grab the sheets and howl.

  "Ssh, ssh, baby." I turned her head and pushed my tongue inside her mouth as I moved my hips back and forth slowly, drawing out the pleasure. I felt her shake as her pussy choked my dick and she came.

  "Fucking beautiful." I gave one final hard thrust before spilling my seed for the second time that night.

  * * *

  I think he might've sprained my uterus or pushed a kidney out of whack, that monster cock of his was almost as long as my thigh, my poor pussy was about to give up one of her lives.

  "Clean up time baby."

  "No way, I'm done for, I can't feel my limbs." He smacked my ass playfully but not even that could get a rise out of me, finally he dragged me from the bed and into the shower, I think I fell asleep leaning against his chest in the shower stall.

  Needless to say after our out of control fucking on top of the day's hard riding we were both wiped out. That night as with all the others since I'd first taken her, she slept wrapped in my arms, the weight of her tiny body so warm against mine was the most comforting thing I've ever felt in my life.

  * * *

  Early the next morning before the sun made its presence known we were ready to head out.

  Everyone looked hyped and ready to go which told me they'd had a good night. I'd spent the hour before it was time to leave satisfying my always hungry pussy, kid was going to be the death of me.

  We rode hard that day trying to beat time, we only stopped for short periods to give our legs and backs a break and to get a quick bite. I explained this away by telling Angel that the sooner we reached Phoenix the more time she'd have with her mom before we had to leave again. As it is she'd barely have anytime at all which could not be helped since I didn't want to hang around that fair city after I'd taken care of business if you know what I mean.

  Angel slept for a good chunk of the ride whhich scared the piss out of me because I was afraid she'd fall the fuck off. I kept trying to talk to her to keep her awake but no dice, finally I fashioned a harness and tied her to me so she could sleep because my girl slept hard when she was tired and I knew she had to be exhausted.

  We reached her mom's by sunset, I'm sure the whole neighborhood must've been peeping out their windows at the noise of twenty one bike motors flying through their little street.

  We didn't need to be bringing too much attention to ourselves, but some shit just couldn't be avoided. There's no way I was leaving her here alone, not after the shit she'd told me had went down that had caused her to flee in the first place, with her neighbors being assholes and my guys were feeling protective because of the nature of our visit so they refused to leave me and that's how we all ended up at Tina's door.

  I was happy to see that for all her gruffness on the phone and her berating of Kat because of our relationship, she was genuinely glad to see her daughter again, they embraced and laughed and cried as my crew and I looked on.

  It remained to be seen how she was going to take the news that Angel wasn't staying the night, she'd spend the days there but at night she was coming with me.

  I gave them some time to say their hellos before telling the guys to go on ahead and check in while I stayed with Kat. I'd planned to leave her for the few hours before bedtime but somehow I couldn't do it, something about being here where she'd been terrorized and her friend brutalized made me very fucking uneasy. I knew there was no real danger beyond the norm but I couldn't quite get myself to accept that so I stayed.

  They went out on the patio while I stayed back in the house but in a strategic place where I could still keep an eye on her as I made some calls back home.

  "Colton son how's the trip so far?"

  "Everything's fine mom, how're things back there?"

  "Smooth, smooth, Char and I had a nice chat with Marcus Grimaldi."

  "What did that old reprobate want we already finalized everything a couple weeks ago."

  "Yes well, seems he's taken a shine to your Kat, or Kat girl as he calls her, he came by to see her and as he puts it, give you a run for your money." She snickered.

  "Whatever, anything else I need to know about?"

  "Nah, Em have some orders you need to finalize when you get back but other than that things have been coming along just fine. The guys are doing their jobs which is as to be expected and Char and I are having a blast."

  "Good to know mom, what about on the home front how's everyone doing, okay?"

  "Couldn't be better son, there's just one thing, Char says she keeps having these weird dreams about coyotes and blood, you're not planning on camping in the desert are you son?"

  Fucking Char.

  "No mom, stop worrying she's probably seeing that shit because she knows we're in Arizona, there's nothing for you to worry about."

  "Uh huh, anyway you be careful and come back in one piece with my new daughter."

  "Yes ma'am listen, speaking of coming back in one piece Angel and I are bringing someone home with us, I need you to find suitable housing for him."

  "Oh really, and who might that be?"

  I told her the story of Cyrus which made her sigh and sing our praises until I begged her to cut that shit out, then she hit me with her brainstorm.

  "Of courses I've got the perfect solution, he can stay in the estate, the old guest cottage is still there, no one uses it and I don't see why he can't just stay there instead of some stuffy apartment somewhere on his own, seems to me your Cyrus has gone it alone long enough, he needs to be around people who love him."

  "Uh mom, you haven't met him yet."

  "Son you just told me the man is living on the streets because he had to mortgage his home to get his wife health care, what's not to love sheesh, so it's settled then, Cyrus will stay with us at the estate you don't give it a second thought."

  "Uh huh." Somehow I got the feeling her and katarina were going to have a tug of war over poor old Cyrus.

  Whatever, as long as he had a roof over his head and food in his stomach I didn't care which one of them ended up with him, but I think I'd wait before telling Angel that mom was planning to take over where her new play pal was concerned, I had enough shit to deal with as it is.

  I looked out the window in time to see Tina looking back at me and saying something.

  Katarina peeped around her and gave me one of her shy smiles.

  She better not be saying any of that outlandish shit to my girl that she liked to spew over the phone or I'll take her and head the fuck out, my baby didn't need any more pressure put on her and it was all bullshit anyway.

  I'm a hundred percent fucking positive that no one was ever going to love her the way I did, no one was ever going to take care of her like me and that's all the fuck that matters.

  * * *

  Chapter 27

  "Mom stop it, Colton is so not what you're thinking, he's so, just so everything."

  "Yes, but don't you think you've gone into this situation too quickly, I mean for heavens
sake katarina you just came out of a very traumatic situation how do you know it's not just PTSD or something like that?"

  "Mom seriously, for the first time since that whole nightmare I feel like me only ten times better, it's almost like I was waiting for him all my life and it wouldn't have mattered if this tragedy had occurred or not, I just know we would've found each other somehow. He makes me feel whole mom, in a way that I never thought I ever could again."

  "And I couldn't do that?"

  "I'm sorry that this hurts you mom but no, it's him, I needed him I promise you that everything is okay. He's just, he's the missing part of me."

  Mom turned and looked through the glass at Colton, "But he's so much older than you are baby."

  "And maybe that's why, maybe that's what I needed, he makes me feel safe and secure but in a different way from you and dad and mom he loves me, I know he does even if he doesn't say it I can see it. He loves me mom, please be happy for me."

  "I'm trying baby, I really am, I even have long talks with his mom, she seems nice enough but you have to understand sweetheart, I just went through that trauma with you, I was there, I saw what you went through, I felt that pain with you, I can't see you hurt again."

  "And I won't be I promise, if there's one thing I'm sure of it's that Colton Lyon will never hurt me."

  "But living together, why couldn't you two just date each other for a year...or two before taking that step, I think I would feel a whole lot better if you did it that way."

  "Not going to happen mom, we both want this I can't imagine my life without him, can't see anything changing between us except maybe one day marriage."

  "Why would he marry you now katarina, he has you in his house in his bed, why give you the ring?'

  "Mom it's not like that."

  "Then tell me how it is, help me to understand because all I see is a grown man taking advantage of a little girl."

  "And that's the problem, I'm not a little girl anymore, I don't know when I grew up, if it was on that living room floor that night or a few days later when my best friend ended her life, but somewhere along the way I grew up I had no choice. I love that you want to protect me but if you don't accept us, you'll be hurting me mom and how is that good for any of us, shit here comes Colton."

  "Everything okay out here?"

  "What exactly do to think I would be doing to my daughter Mr. Lyon?"

  "I have no idea but I know her and right now she's not happy so whatever it is that you're doing, cut that shit out."


  "Excuse me?"

  "I understand that you have questions, you're entitled, you can pose them to me, but what you won't do, what I absolutely will not allow is you taking out your frustrations on her."

  "Get out of my house."

  "As you wish, Angel let's go."

  "She's not going anywhere with you."

  "I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken Tina, we're a package deal, where she goes, I go, and vice versa, I'm sorry you can't seem to get over whatever hang ups you have against me for your daughter's sake, but that's not going to change what is. We're together forever and not you or anyone else is going to do a damn thing to change that."

  He took my hand and pulled me up from the chair where I was almost close to tears.

  "I'll be bringing her back in the morning but if I get even the slightest inkling that you're going to fuck with her head she won't be back. We'll be at the Fairmont."

  And with that we left with mom staring after us in shock.

  Of course she spent the night miserable, I barely got her to stop crying long enough to go down to the dining room with the others for dinner,I needed this shit like a hole in the fucking head. As if the situation wasn't tense enough I now have a crying woman with a broken heart on my hands, what the fuck is wrong with people anyway,it's not like I'm mistreating Angel far from it, I have only the best intentions where she's concerned, I understand Tina's fears after what her only child had endured at the hands of those monsters, she had every right to be wary but dammit, she should trust her daughter to know what the fuck she was doing.

  "Babe we're not gonna do this shit, I didn't bring you all this way for this bullshit, if your mom's going to make you this fucking sad then you don't need to be going back there. We're not doing this negative vibes bullshit, there's no need for it, we have each other, we have life and breath, we're happy, everything else is fucking superfluous."

  "But she's my mom..." She sulked at me.

  "Fine, I'll take you back."I started to get up from my seat.

  "Wait, what, what do you mean?"

  "Baby you know I always play it real with you, if you're going to try to please your mom then that's your call, you're the one who has to decide what it is that you want, you know I don't do that beating around the bush bullshit, I'm not telling you to choose between me and your mom I'm not that fucking twisted but you need to stop taking on other peoples bullshit, she's known about us for weeks, you've spoken to her almost every night and she does this shit when we get here that shit's not cool."

  Am I being too hard on her on top of her mother's shit, maybe, but I've come to know this girl and I know if I do this any other way she will drag this shit out and suffer, I'm not down with that shit.

  "You'll take me back there and leave me?"

  "If that's what you want yes."

  "But what if it's not what I want?" She picked at her sleeve, head down in her old habit of hiding.

  "What do you want?"

  "I want to be with you."

  "Even if your mom doesn't approve?"


  "Then that's that now let's eat."

  "Fine but can I have mozzarella sticks, I'm not that hungry."

  I gave her the look that she knew well.

  "Don't play the brat Angel, you know damn well I'm not going to let you eat no damn mozzarella sticks for dinner you can have them for your starter, and stop pouting."

  The others had gone on with their conversations around us none the wiser, after that she seemed to calm down and settle.

  For the rest of the evening she participated in the different conversations that cropped up and I breathed a little easier.

  Tonight we relaxed, tomorrow night was the night the deed would be done, the next day we'd be heading out after she spent the morning with her mom if she wanted to.

  That night she needed soft and gentle so that's what she got, until she started pleading with me to do her harder so I had to man the fuck up and pound her ass into the mattress until she pleaded for her sore pussy. At least that put her ass to sleep for the rest of the night.

  The next day the crew planned to visit some of the sites while I dropped her at her mom's, in reality some of the guys stayed with the women while a few of us cased the location of our little late night adventure.

  I'd thought long and hard on the best way to leave Angel while I did what I had to do, it was set to go down at about one in the morning, she may or may not be asleep by then. I wanted to be absolutely sure that she did not wake up and find me gone. The best I could come up with was for all of us to hang out together and slip away when the time was right. I didn't plan to spend too much time on this asshole anyway plus this way no one would be the wiser, anyone asked would swear we were all just hanging out together if the question should arise.

  The only problem with that is that whenever we're anywhere together Angel's always with me at my side, how to get her to mingle with the sisters for just half an hour without any of them catching on to what we were up to? I finally decided the best course of action was the phone call trick, pretend I had to take a call about something to do with the business. I'll just make sure she stayed busy with the sisters.

  We found a bar in the general area of where shit was supposed to jump off so I wouldn't need too much travel time. Out here the desert could be ten minutes away, that was good enough for me.

  I dropped her off at her mom's after giving Tina a warning look, if I
came back here and she was upset again I really would keep her away.

  "Call me if you need me Angel." I told her after Tina had gone back inside after answering the door.

  "I will I promise."

  "Check your phone, make sure you have a signal."

  "Colton it's Phoenix not the Mohave." It only took that one look to get her moving.

  "And don't roll your eyes at me."

  "Yes sir." She grinned at me the brat.

  "Oh you're asking for it aren't you little girl?"


  "I love you."

  The fucking smile on her face was so worth putting my shit on the line, she squealed and jumped on me her arms and legs going around me. I didn't miss Tina standing behind the curtains watching us but I could give a shit, my girl was kissing on me all over my face I kissed the fuck out of her right there on her mother's lawn until my cock did what it always did in her presence, pulling back I moved the hair back from her face.


  "Well what?" She gave me a cheeky grin until I pinched her ass and made her giggle.

  "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

  "I love you too." We grinned at each other like two fools until I put her down, slapped her on the ass and sent her on her way inside.

  * * *

  Six of us went out to the designated spot, for all that it was only a few minutes right outside of the city it was a desolate, barren landscape perfect for our purposes. We had a little practice run through making sure there was enough space for what I had in mind.

  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and being as normal as possible, there was no reason for anything to fall back on us but I wanted to make absolutely certain that we were in the clear.

  After Angel had been gone for a good three hours with no contact I broke down and called her because I missed the fuck out of my girl. She answered with a laugh in her voice. Good I wouldn't have to fuck Tina up for hurting her looks like.

  "Were your ears ringing I was just about to call you, I miss you."

  "Yeah me too, you good over there baby?"


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