Playing Games: A College Bully Romance

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Playing Games: A College Bully Romance Page 8

by Candace Wondrak

  My eyes shut as I came, spilling myself inside of her, coating her inner walls. My body hunched over, my lungs warm and threatening to burst, and I waited a while before pulling out of her. I didn’t want to lose the feeling of her body around me, of her pussy around my cock. I didn’t want to end this moment, because I was anxious about what would come next.

  I wasn’t the kind of guy who wanted to have a girlfriend, but I didn’t want this to be it, either. I didn’t want other guys to be with her. Selfish and stupid as it was, I wanted Kelsey to myself. All to myself.

  Still, I knew I couldn’t linger inside her forever, so I eventually pulled out. Once I did, I climbed onto my bed and collapsed on it, flipping over on my back. Kelsey was in the process of getting up, but I reached for her arm and pulled her close, dragging her up the bed and resting her against my body.

  Leaning against my chest, Kelsey muttered, “I don’t cuddle.”

  I smirked. “This isn’t cuddling.”

  “No? Then what is it, Mr. Know-It-All?”

  “I’m giving myself a break, and then I’m going for round two.” Or would it be third, since she’d given me a blow job? Hmm. Semantics. Either way, I didn’t care.

  “And if I said I had my fill and am done with you now?” Kelsey posed the question, propping her chin up as she stared at me with those big, brown eyes. Those eyes could lure you in and catch you if you weren’t careful. When I said nothing, she went on, “I mean, it was only your dick I wanted, you know, and I got it. I know what you’re packing now, and frankly it’s not something to brag about—”

  Her insulting me and my dick only riled me up more. Whether that was her intention or not, I didn’t know. I didn’t rightly care.

  I cut her off by rolling on top of her, leaning my forehead against hers. Her skin was hot, her breathing still erratic from our earlier sex. Her eyelids lowered a bit due to our closeness. I whispered, “I think you’re just trying to upset me, Kelsey.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, feigning innocence. “Your dick really isn’t that great—” Kelsey was going to say more, because she was Kelsey and not someone else, because she didn’t know when to quit, but I stopped her.

  My lips shut her up, my mouth devouring whatever else she was going to say. As I kissed her, I felt her body shifting against mine, her back arching, her bare chest grazing mine. My dick was hard again—I guess we were going for round three after all.

  “Not that good, huh?” I asked her, breaking the kiss enough to ask the question. My lips brushed against hers with each word, and I felt her shudder against me. “Is that why you want more?”

  Kelsey practically purred beneath me; that was my answer. Her legs spread, and I pushed into her again.

  This one. What the hell was I going to do with this one?

  Chapter Twelve – Kelsey

  I really thought I’d leave after he pulled out of me. I didn’t think he’d yank me up and pretty much force me to cuddle with him, and I certainly didn’t think we’d do it again. How many times could he go? Was his dick powered by the Energizer Bunny? How much cum could possibly be stored in that ballsack after being drained twice?

  All questions I asked myself. All questions that wouldn’t get an answer, because I was too lost in him as he entered me again.

  Was this how he hooked up with everyone? Over and over, only letting them leave once their bodies were totally worn out? I didn’t want to think about that. For whatever reason, the mental image of Levi with another girl made me a type of jealous I only saw other girls carry. Me? I was never jealous. I didn’t want a steady boyfriend. I just wanted fun.

  But this…damn, this tiptoed against that line, didn’t it?

  My legs wrapped around his, and I closed my eyes, focusing on the feeling of his cock filling me up. With his wide, strong body over me, it was easy to forget everything else, to pretend the party downstairs was miles away. It was effortless for me to forget what I’d learned tonight, and how much that news shocked me to my core.

  Levi was…impressive all over. His body, his dick. There honestly was no reason to make fun of him, but I couldn’t help it. If I didn’t mock him, this all felt too real, and I didn’t want this to be real. I just needed an escape, and I hoped Levi understood that. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d want to be tied down anyway, but you never knew with people. Sometimes they surprised you, for better or worse.

  This was just an escape. This didn’t mean we were together. This was just about our bodies coming together and feeling good. Yes, it might make lab a bit awkward—which had been exactly what I was trying to avoid—but it felt like fate, somewhat, stumbling along this party and seeing him.

  Because I sure as shit wasn’t going to hook up with Dean. Fuck that.

  No, this was fine. Hopefully now I could finally move past whatever spell Levi had put on me. No more dreams of him, no more stray, random thoughts of him. No more Levi for me. I was cutting myself off after this, for real.

  My lower gut burned with pressure, and I felt my body give in to what had been steadily building this entire time. Heat flooded me, and I felt myself shudder with my release. I cried out, my nails digging into the sheets below, my chest heaving with a heavy breath. My inner core tightened, and I heard Levi groan above me.

  “Not good, huh?” Levi whispered, his voice so husky it made me ache inside. His lips brushed against my cheek as he said, “You look fucking gorgeous when you come, Kelsey.” A compliment that probably should’ve weirded me out, but as his hips rammed into me, his cock still fucking me, I only grew warm again.

  No one had ever called me fucking gorgeous before, let alone when I orgasmed.

  You know what the sad part was? I didn’t orgasm often. Most guys simply didn’t care. This one had come as a surprise, but a welcome one certainly.

  Levi’s thrusting became harder, and I cried out again at the sudden roughness. He wasn’t a gentle guy, but this was harder, faster, wilder. This was him needing desperately to come again, use my body to further his own release, which I was all for. I still rode that post-orgasm high, all tingly and warm.

  His wide chest let out a loud grunt when he came, emptying himself inside of me again. I was full of his cum, but for whatever reason, after he pulled out of me, I didn’t get up to clean myself up, didn’t even reach for something to wipe myself with—usually I just used a stray shirt, or even a sock.

  Strangely, I didn’t feel the need to wipe myself of his cum, even as I felt it start to seep out. Levi lay beside me, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. I turned to look at him, at his flat, muscular chest.

  He called me fucking gorgeous? He was the gorgeous one here, not me. I was just me, a normal girl, really. There was nothing special about me. I wasn’t the kind of girl who thought she wasn’t like other girls. I wasn’t Bella in Twilight. There really was nothing remarkable about me. I wasn’t popular, I wasn’t that smart, I made questionable decisions most of the time.

  Kind of funny that I was afraid of commitment even before learning about my parents splitting up. Ironic. Not really ha-ha funny.

  Levi’s blue eyes turned to me, their depths looking dark in the room. The only light that came in was from the crack under the door from the hallway, but my eyes had long since adjusted to the darkness. It made everything feel more forbidden, sensual.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  I was thinking I should get up, get dressed, and leave, but I didn’t. His arm wrapped around me, pulling me into him again. This time I wouldn’t insult his skills or his dick. This time…this time I’d tell him something real. “My parents are getting divorced.”

  His eyebrows furrowed; it was clearly not what he’d expected me to say. “Shit. That’s always rough.” Whether he had any experience with it was up to anyone’s guess.

  “I thought they were happy,” I whispered. “And now I’m wondering if I was just super oblivious growing up, if I was too conceite
d to realize my parents weren’t happy, or—”

  “You don’t blame yourself, do you?”

  I looked at him hard. “No. I mean, I don’t think I do. I…” Trailing off, I bit my lower lip. “I don’t know. It’s just not something I ever thought I’d have to go through. I guess I just thought they’d always be together.”

  “Life happens,” Levi whispered. “And sometimes it’s not what you expect.”

  “Yeah.” I quieted. Why the hell did I go telling him that? Now he knew something about me, something real about me—that was something I wanted to avoid at all costs. If he knew things about me, he might start to really like me, or vice versa, and that, that could never happen.

  Levi was fun, but he wasn’t going to stick around.

  “I’m sorry,” Levi spoke, and I tilted my face up toward him, finding that he stared at me. The way he looked at me…you could almost mistake it for love, infatuation, adoration. My heart swelled in my chest. Which was just stupid, because I’d never had anyone look at me like that, and if I did, I always cut it off. I didn’t need a guy drooling over me. I was my own damn woman, and I acted like it.

  Tried to, at least.

  “It’s not your fault,” I whispered, leaning my cheek against the crook of his arm. His body was thick and solid; you wouldn’t think he’d make a good pillow, but he did. I was not a cuddler, but this…this wasn’t too bad, cum leaking out of me aside.

  Levi turned to his side, his hand moving to my face, touching my cheek and my jaw in a way I could only describe as tender. My stomach churned in a way that was not wholly uncomfortable. This guy affected me too much. I both hated and loved it.

  I knew I should get up and leave, dress and go and pretend like none of this happened, but when his lips found mine again, I didn’t push him away. This time, when our lips met, the kiss was slow, the kind of kiss you had between people who were familiar, people who cared about each other. A gentle kiss that warmed you up, no matter how cold you were. Slow and steady, but passionate all the same.

  Oh, no. I was in so much trouble when it came to this guy.

  I ended up staying for way too long. I might’ve even fallen asleep in Levi’s arms, because the next thing I knew, the beginning rays of dawn streamed through his windows. When the light woke me, I found I was still entangled in his arms, having been sleeping against him. I slowly sat up, even more measured in inching away from him, but then it suddenly struck me—how perfect of a face Levi had.

  Even while sleeping, even though his face was turned the other way, letting me only view half, Levi was striking. His bare chest rose and fell with steady, even breaths, and I resisted my urge to touch him, to crawl back into his arms and fall asleep once again. It was too early to be up on a Saturday anyway.

  Plus, my head kind of hurt. Not a lot, but a soft, steady pain. Didn’t even drink that much last night, but combine that with the stress of what I found out, I supposed it was enough to give anyone a headache.

  I silently climbed off the bed, bending to grab my clothes and put them on. I was about halfway dressed when Levi stirred—because I’d stupidly rammed my foot against the base of the bed. Stupid, stupid.

  Levi’s blue eyes opened, his head turning toward me. He sluggishly propped himself up, a sheet draped over his lower torso, covering his legs and his dick. He didn’t even have morning wood; probably wore himself out last night. “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “Home,” I said. Not home home, but home to the dorm. I’d have to explain it to Mel, but by the time I walked back there, I’d figure something out.

  “I’ll walk you—”

  “No,” I stopped him before he could get up. “No, it’s fine. Stay here.” The last thing I needed was for Mel to see us together. With how high and mighty I acted for her to stay away from Dean, I’d practically thrown myself at one of his best buddies. I slid on my shirt, pulling my hair out of its neckline.

  “Kelsey,” Levi spoke, laying his head back down. His brown hair was messed up, but it looked devastatingly cute. Not everyone had cute bedhead, and I hated that I knew what his looked like. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I paused near the door, my hand inches from the knob. I tossed a look over my shoulder at him, something inside hurting. “A nice lie,” I whispered, “but thanks.” I said nothing else as I slipped out.

  Down the stairs, I found that the rest of the house was quiet. A bunch of trash everywhere, but that would be their problem once they woke up. I slipped out through the front door, finding my backpack in the same location I’d dropped it. It wasn’t like there was anything worth stealing in it, just a bit of clothes and two notebooks, so if someone had really needed that stuff that badly, fine.

  I tossed the bag over my shoulder and started the long walk back to the dorm. The sun was on the rise, and since campus was so empty, I was able to really think about what I just did. Levi. I fucked Levi.

  That wasn’t the strangest part, though. I fucked Levi and I enjoyed it. Every single second of it I enjoyed more than I thought I’d ever enjoyed being with someone else. Levi was just…ugh, there was something about him I couldn’t put my finger on, something I craved. He had whatever metaphorical drug I needed, and he knew exactly how much to give me to keep me interested.

  Fuck him. I didn’t need his body or his dick or his stupid sympathies. Why the hell did I go and tell him about my parents anyway? I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me. That, actually, was the last thing I wanted.

  By the time I made it to the dorm, I was drowning in self-loathing. I regretted what I did, of course I did, but I knew it was way too late to change it now. Next time I saw Levi, I’d have to make sure he knew I didn’t plan on hooking up with him again. Just that one time…or, technically, that one night, since we were together an awful lot.

  He definitely had stamina, I’d give him that.

  I made it to the dorm room, and when I walked in, I found Mel was on her phone in bed. She quickly sat up when I entered, her short blonde hair messy. Unlike Levi, Mel’s bedhead wasn’t cute. A loose t-shirt hung off her thin shoulders, and her dark eyes studied me as I dropped my bag near my desk, the door shutting of its own accord behind me.

  “I thought you were going home for the weekend,” Mel said. “Did something happen?”

  I did not want to tell my whole life’s story to Mel. I’d already told Levi; that was enough sharing for the weekend, in my opinion. Maybe I’d tell her further down the line, but not right now. Right now I just wanted to forget.

  I should text Ash, but she’d been busy with her boys, trying to get close to her depressed roommate who kept pushing her away. Ash liked them broken. I…I just liked what their bodies could do to mine. Nothing else. No more.

  Sitting on my bed, I said, “I wasn’t feeling it. It’s not the same at home now.” Close enough to the truth without actually telling the truth. Kelsey Yates for the win.

  “I get that. Sometimes I hate going home, too,” Mel muttered. She ran a hand through her messed-up hair, tossing me a worried look. “Dean must’ve drunk-dialed me last night.” Her cheeks redden. “I was just about to listen to it when you walked in.”

  Shit. What if Dean mentioned he saw me? Then I’d have some explaining to do, since I already lied to her.

  I headed toward her bed, extending my hand. “Give it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You shouldn’t listen to it. Every time he tries to talk to you, he only upsets you.” The truth. I was saving face by pretending to be her guardian angel. Felt a little bad about it, but I would feel worse if she knew the truth.

  Mel eventually let out a sigh, handing over her phone. I deleted the voicemail without listening to it, handing it back.

  “See? All gone. Now no more thinking of that dick face, unless you’re going to give me permission to do a little dick-punching.”

  My roommate’s thin shoulders shook with laughter. “You and dick-punching. I never knew it was a thing.”

/>   “Oh, it’s definitely a thing.”

  The weekend passed without any other incidents. My parents didn’t try to call. They left me alone, which was good. I needed space anyways. I couldn’t…I couldn’t handle it right now. I still needed time to process. Might’ve been childish of me, but everyone processed things differently. People were all different; that’s what made the world such an interesting place.

  Or a terrible place. It all really depended on how you looked at it.

  Chapter Thirteen – Levi

  The days after that party were long, terribly slow. I didn’t realize how slowly time passed until after I was with Kelsey. Foolishly I thought being with her might snap me out of whatever hole I’d fallen into when it came to her, but I was wrong. I fucking dreamt of her.

  That was…definitely new territory for me.

  It was late Sunday night when Dean found me in the kitchen of the house, giving me a sleazy smile that I wished I didn’t see. “So, heard you nailed someone at the party. Who’d you get?” He knew better than to ask me; I’d told him I didn’t want to be a part of their sick games anymore.

  I was waiting for the oven to beep, to tell me that my food was done, and the last thing I wanted to do was talk to this dipshit. “It’s none of your business,” I told him, meaning it. I wanted him to drop it, to leave it at that.

  “Jordan said he saw you heading upstairs with a brown-haired girl,” Dean went on, refusing to drop it. “That wouldn’t be Mel’s roommate, Kelsey, would it? Did you fuck Mel’s roommate too?”

  My stare turned icy. This was not a conversation I wanted to have—

  Wait. Roommate?

  Kelsey was Mel’s roommate?

  I must’ve looked stupid, for Dean laughed. “Man, don’t tell me you didn’t know? Aw, shit. That’s priceless. It really is.” He turned his back, hopping up and sliding his ass on the counter; the new position made him taller than me. “I don’t blame you. Kelsey’s pretty, and her rack—”


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