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The Sheikh’s Unexpected Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 16)

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by Cara Albany

  "Perhaps not for much longer," Rashid answered back with a sudden hard, even edge to his voice.

  Ahmed seemed to shrug off that reply. Gemma thought that, of the two men, it was Ahmed who was doing a better job keeping cool.

  "Anyway, I just wanted to say how nice it is to welcome you to our beautiful country, Miss Ellon," Ahmed said. His gaze steadied for a brief moment.

  Once again she felt a flicker of emotion that reminded her of the way his gaze had made her feel out in the garden.

  "Thank you," she replied and took a sip of her champagne.

  Ahmed peered for a long moment at Rashid. "I'll wish you goodnight," he said. He gazed around the room and then back at Rashid. "It has been most interesting." With one look at Gemma he concluded: "And enlightening."

  Ahmed smiled at her, a devastatingly handsome smile that touched her to the core.

  Gemma felt her throat tighten and she forced herself to nod. "Nice to meet you."

  "Perhaps we'll meet again," Ahmed said. Then he did something which truly shocked her.

  He reached down and took her hand gently in his, lifting it to his lips. She did not resist. She just watched as he drew her hand to his lips and kissed it on the back.

  She felt a tingle of sensation ripple up the length of her arm. Beside her, she heard Rashid draw in a sharp breath. This was the ultimate provocation, Gemma told herself. Ahmed had done this simply to annoy Rashid. There couldn't be any other explanation, could there?

  Ahmed released her hand and gazed into her eyes. "Miss Ellon?" he said. Her name sounded heavy on his lips, his accent adding an exotic quality.

  Ahmed nodded wordlessly to Rashid and then moved off into the crowd of guests. Gemma watched Ahmed weave his way between the guests.

  In spite of everything she'd been telling herself, she couldn't help feeling a slight disappointment that he was leaving so soon. Then again, things between him and Rashid might have become ugly if they had been allowed to continue.

  "Well, that was quite normal for the sheikh," Rashid observed.

  Gemma drew herself back to the moment and looked at Rashid. "What do you mean?"

  "He has a reputation with women that is not quite savory," Rashid explained.

  "In what way?" Gemma asked, feeling a sudden uncertainty.

  "People say he treats them unkindly. That he is even quite unpleasant to them," Rashid said.

  "I find that hard to believe," Gemma said. "He seemed perfectly charming."

  Rashid peered at Gemma. "It's just as well you won't be getting a chance to know him better," Rashid said. "You're going to be too busy for the likes of him."

  Once again, there was that hint of possession in Rashid's voice. That somehow, he believed that Gemma had signed up for more than just promotional duties.

  What was he thinking, talking to her like that? Didn't he understand the rules of this game? This was business, pure and simple.

  "Rashid," she said turning to face him. "Perhaps we need to have a talk."

  He smiled and glanced at the guests. "I was thinking much the same," he replied. "But, perhaps this isn't the place for such a discussion."

  She immediately knew he'd misunderstood what she'd said. But, before she had a chance to correct him, he was cupping her elbow in his hand and leading her toward the door. She halted in her tracks and he stopped.

  He looked at her. "What?" he asked still holding her elbow.

  She forced herself to smile at him, trying to contain the urge to be sarcastic. There was another flash of a camera somewhere close by.

  Gemma narrowed her eyes. When she spoke, she leaned slightly closer to him, lowering her voice. "I'm really tired," she murmured. "It's been such a long day, and there's been so much to take in."

  She smiled at him, noticing the disappointment written on his features. Did he understand what she was really saying to him? Judging by the way he was looking at her, he did. And he wasn't happy about it, that much was certain.

  "I haven't really had a chance to settle in. And it was such a long journey. I'm sure you understand, Rashid," she said.

  The sound of his name on her lips seemed to pacify him. He nodded. "Of course." She could hear the letdown in his voice. "I'll arrange for you to be taken back to your apartment."

  "You don't have to do that," she replied, probably too quickly. She felt tension in her body. This wasn't the way the evening was supposed to have ended, she told herself. It was the exchanges between Rashid and Ahmed which had caused the change. And also that encounter out in the garden.

  "But I insist," Rashid replied firmly.

  Gemma shook her head emphatically. "No, really. I prefer to go home on my own, if you don't mind."

  She saw his eyes weighing up a response. Perhaps he'd detected her irritation and impatience, after all.

  "Very well," he answered.

  The guests needed no explanations for her departure, but Rashid wasn't about to miss an opportunity to make the most of Gemma's leaving.

  He went up onto the platform and tapped the microphone which sat upon the tall stand. All eyes in the room turned to him. "Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Ellon is now leaving. And I'm sure you all wanted to show her your appreciation before she leaves."

  He gestured toward Gemma and she suddenly felt like everyone was stretching their necks to see her one last time. She smiled and waved tentatively, trying her best to look like the perfectly happy woman she was supposed to be.

  But, right now, that was exactly the opposite of how she felt. She couldn't wait to get out of the hotel. Everything that had happened in the last hour had just confirmed the nagging suspicion which had been tugging at her since she'd arrived in Qazhar. Maybe this had been a huge mistake.

  There was a ripple of polite applause and Gemma took her chance to make her way out of the ballroom and out into the quiet sanctuary of the long corridor.

  She didn't wait for Rashid, who she was sure was following right behind her. She didn't want another awkward conversation. She needed to clear her head. Maybe tomorrow she and Rashid could review this situation.

  Her low heels clacked rhythmically as she made her way, hastily out into the main reception area. One or two faces turned toward her, and she was sure there was some recognition on those faces. She was used to that, but sometimes, especially recently, the burden of being famous was just that. A weight around her neck.

  Maybe she had forgotten why she'd started all of this in the first place, and the trip to Qazhar was just a reminder of some home truths she had been avoiding for too long.

  She pushed her way through the revolving doors and out into the cool night. Beyond the steps that led down from the doors, there was a line of limousines stretched back for a good, long distance. She recognized one of the drivers who was leaning casually against the hood of one of the cars. On seeing her, he stiffened and started toward her.

  Gemma started toward the limo and then froze, halting on the bottom step. Standing right behind her designated limo, and leaning against the side of what she was sure was his own limo, was the last man she wanted to see, right now.

  Sheikh Ahmed.

  And he was smiling right at her.


  Ahmed walked up toward her, continuing to smile. He looked so confident, so sure of himself. And, that confidence merely served to highlight the elegance of his appearance, the sheer masculine presence. She felt nerves warm her middle.

  There was that effect again, she told herself. That instant reaction she'd noticed in the garden. She shifted on her heels, curling her fingers tightly around her clutch, and glanced at the other limo.

  The driver of her own limo hesitated when he noticed the sheikh walking toward Gemma. Then the driver's eyes widened. It was clear from his expression that he recognized Sheikh Ahmed, and did not know what he should do. He opted to stand and watch while Ahmed advanced toward Gemma.

  "What are you doing?" she demanded.

  "What does it look like? I'm waiting
for you," he said.

  She folded her arms and furrowed her brows. "Do you have any idea what you did in there?"

  He halted a few steps in front of her and pretended to look puzzled. "You mean, when I was being polite to Rashid?"

  "You call that polite?"

  "He and I have an understanding," Ahmed said casually. "He knows what to expect from me. We enjoy our little battles."

  Gemma shook her head. "I don't think Rashid enjoyed it very much. Especially what you did at the end."

  Ahmed glanced down at her hands. "I couldn't help myself."

  "Obviously," she snapped. "Anyway, if you don't mind, my driver is waiting for me."

  Ahmed looked over at the driver who still hadn't moved an inch. Ahmed smiled. "Looks like your driver isn't sure if he wants to go anywhere."

  Gemma looked across and saw that Ahmed was right. The driver looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  Ahmed came closer to Gemma. "Let me have a word with him," he muttered.


  Ahmed ignored her and wandered slowly over to the driver and spoke to him in the Qazhar language. The effect was instantaneous. The driver withdrew from Ahmed, not even glancing in Gemma's direction.

  Ahmed came back to Gemma. "I've arranged to have you taken home in my limo."

  Gemma scowled at Ahmed. "Really," she said in a flat voice. "And who gave you the right to do that?"

  "Why you, of course," he replied.

  For a moment she was lost for words. Then she recovered herself and glared at him. "When?"

  "When I kissed your hand," he murmured.

  Gemma felt the color drain from her face. "What are you talking about?"

  He leaned closer and she caught the heavy aroma of his scent. It triggered a faint stirring within her that she desperately wanted to ignore. "I couldn't help noticing your reaction," he said quietly.

  "I didn't react at all," she insisted. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "But I noticed. And I think Rashid did too."

  Gemma sighed heavily. "Look, this is ridiculous. I'm just going to take the limo that was arranged for me, if you don't mind."

  Gemma looked across and saw the limo start to move off into the empty lane. Her heart sank and she cried out, pointing toward the vehicle, as if to claw it back.

  Ahmed turned and grinned. "Looks like you have no other option. Unless you want to go back inside and ask Rashid for help," he said.

  She dropped her hands heavily by her side and glared at him. "I don't think so," Gemma said.

  So that was it, then, she thought. There was his limo, and the door was wide open waiting for her to step inside. Why was it that Sheikh Ahmed always seemed to be at least one step ahead of her?

  She was about to ask him that exact question when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw a young couple standing behind her. The girl and her male partner couldn't have been older than their late teens. The girl had a broad grin on her face. She looked really excited.

  "Miss Ellon, can I trouble you for a selfie?" the girl asked breathlessly.

  Gemma smiled at her. "Of course. No problem," she replied. Gemma glanced at Ahmed, who smiled and moved swiftly a few steps away.

  The girl and the young man moved to either side of Gemma. Then the girl stretched out her hand, holding her camera out. There was a flash and the girl let out an excited squeal.

  Another moment with one of her fans, Gemma reflected. She hadn't realized quite how well known she would be here in Qazhar.

  The couple thanked her and walked away, with the girl staring at the screen of her phone and talking excitedly with the young man, who Gemma presumed was her boyfriend.

  Ahmed walked back to Gemma. "Your fans," he observed.

  Gemma nodded. "It's nice," she admitted. "I always try to be friendly when people ask me for a photo or an autograph."

  "You're quite the celebrity here, already," he observed.

  "I hardly think so," she responded. "I only just got here."

  "But online is everywhere," he said. "Isn't that true."

  "I guess so," she replied.

  The moment with the couple had shifted her mood slightly. Gone was the irritation with Ahmed, to be replaced by a simple, desperate need to get away from the hotel. Suddenly the limo's open door looked very inviting.

  Ahmed seemed to notice the way she was looking at the limo. "Well?"

  "Okay," she said. "Let's go."

  Gemma almost raced over to the limo, but she wasn't quick enough to beat Ahmed, who reached the limo before her and stood holding the door for her.

  As she bent down to enter the limo she was sure she saw a flash of light out of the corner of her vision. But, then she was inside the limo and settling back on the plush leather seat, and Ahmed was inside, closing the door behind him and taking his place next to her.

  Then the limo was moving away and Gemma felt a surprisingly strong sense of relief at leaving everything behind. She hadn't realized just how intense the whole evening had been. Sure, she was used to the attention.

  But, lately she had begun to find some of it a little wearying, a little repetitive. And tonight had been no exception, in spite of the glamorous location here in a part of the world about which she knew so little.

  They were quiet for a while as the limo moved out onto the highway which cut through the center of the city.

  "You know where I live?" she asked, surprised.

  "The other driver gave us the directions," he explained. "Nice place Rashid has given you to stay," he added. "One of the most exclusive apartment blocks in town."

  "Only the best, I guess," she said teasingly.

  He shook his head. "For you, I think it's just about right," he said. "Rashid's special guest," he added with a wry smile.

  "You and him really don't get along, do you?" she observed.

  "We're really the best of friends," he joked, his voice filled with sarcasm.

  She lifted a brow. "What caused the rivalry?"

  He sighed. "It's a long story. We don't have the time to go into all the details. Maybe we can discuss it some other time or place?" he asked.

  She realized he was edging toward asking her for some kind of date, but she knew she couldn't let that happen. Not after what she'd seen tonight. She merely smiled at him and shook her head as if she couldn't quite believe his brazenness.

  It was obvious he wasn't a man to be easily thwarted when it came to getting what he wanted. He was charming, that was for sure. But, he was also determined.

  She could understand that maybe what Rashid had said about Ahmed might have a grain of truth. Maybe he was expert at getting what he wanted from women. Even if that was the case, Gemma was determined she wouldn't be next on his list.

  She turned away from him.It was a short drive to her apartment block, just a few minutes. But she wondered if it would seem like a very long journey indeed.

  There was a long pause and neither of them spoke. She gazed out the window at the passing traffic and the sights of the city. Then she turned to him. "Why are you doing all this?"

  "Doing what?"

  She frowned. "You know what I mean."

  "I would have thought it would have been obvious," he replied.

  "You see, that's the thing. It isn't."

  Ahmed shrugged. "I'm not someone who gives up easily. If I want something I usually don't stop until I get it."

  "Rashid said the same thing about you," she said.

  He shrugged. "Nice to know you were all talking about me when I wasn't there to defend myself," he said with a grin.

  "Rashid told me you have a reputation," she said.

  "In business?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "No. With women," she said bluntly.

  That seemed to take him aback for a moment and she saw him settle against the leather seat. His features were suddenly thoughtful. She could see his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered how to reply to that remark.

p; "Isn't it the same thing?" he asked.

  She wasn't sure he was being serious. She turned her body to face him directly. "You don't mean that, do you?"

  He grinned. "Everything in life is negotiation. In one form or another. Don't you agree?" he asked peering at her.

  She frowned. "I couldn't possibly say," was the best she could come up with.

  "I mean, look at you," he continued. "You obviously know how to negotiate when it comes to your own business. It's all about creating value. For the people who follow you. And, I could see the pleasure on the face of that young girl, back there. Getting her photo with you was obviously important to her. You could see the excitement."

  "But, I'm just someone she sees online. She doesn't know who I really am," Gemma said defensively.

  He shifted toward her. "And who are you, Miss Ellon?" he breathed slowly. "Really."

  That stopped her right in her tracks. The way he'd spoken those words made something shift again inside her. The same feeling she'd felt in the garden was back again, just as surprising and just as intense as before.

  She felt her mouth open slightly. His gaze drifted down toward her lips. There was a hungry look in that gaze. Her heart started racing more quickly. Her breath halted for a moment in her chest.

  Then she recovered her composure, keenly aware of just how close he was to her. Just how dominating his presence was with him just inches away from her.

  She couldn't believe she'd agreed to come inside this limo with him. Suddenly she was glad it was a mere few minutes to her apartment, because the way he was looking at her, right now, if the journey had been any further, she wasn't sure she would have been able to control the sudden temptation she was feeling.

  What was it about this man? He seemed to possess the ability to find just the right words, just the right look that would affect her in an instant. Was he like this with all his women? Did he intend for her to be just another in his long line of victories? If that was what he was thinking, then he really didn't know who she was.

  Gemma turned away from him. Anything to avoid looking into those eyes, she told herself. That gaze had made something warm, something that made her nervous, take up space in her middle.


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