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I Won A Spaceship

Page 31

by Harrision Park

  She continued in that vein all through dinner. She was one of these women who have no reflective pause between thought and speech and she was excited. I supposed, to someone as sociable as her, being cooped up in one place for so long must have been very frustrating and she was letting off steam with a vengeance. On paper she sounds boring; someone in love with the sound of her own voice. She didn’t come over like that. She was like a butterfly, flitting from one topic to another except that in amongst the chatter were moments of insight that suggested she wasn’t a vapid as she made out.

  At one point she said. “I’m talking too much. Sorry. I shouldn’t talk so much. I’ve hardly let you get a word in.”

  “That’s all right,” I said with a laugh. “I’m enjoying listening to you.” I was. Her voice was soft and melodious. “Besides it saves me from having to talk.”

  “Don’t you like to talk?”

  “That’s a difficult one. I suppose, no, I don’t like to talk. I like to converse which is something different.”

  “I’m not very good at conversation. My mind won’t stay still long enough.”

  “If we only ever had deep conversations, life would be very boring.”

  She laughed. “That’s my role in life; to stop you getting bored.”

  Then she was off again on another topic. I listened with half an ear and spent the time admiring her. She was an animated talker and the waves in her spun gold hair rippled as her head moved. She should have had baby blue eyes and a peaches-and-cream complexion. Instead she had large, violet eyes that sparkled wickedly and full dark red lips that seemed to demand to be kissed. Her skin reminded me of rose petals; delicate orangey-pink rose petals. She had a small, firm jaw and high cheekbones. I suspected that she couldn’t help looking the way she did but looked like a ticking sex bomb and my libido reacted automatically.

  The party was being held in a large house in the outskirts of the city. Taragis didn’t say much on the way there but I could tell he was worried. What he was worried about I had no idea. Tansy was as voluble as he was silent. Her excitement at attending her first social function in ages was palpable.

  We were greeted by our host, a Trendorrian of middle years dressed in an expensive red and green outfit. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place him. He welcomed us effusively saying what a privilege it was to have the Lottery Winner as the guest of honour, especially when accompanied by such a beautiful companion. Tansy beamed. I tried to thank him in suitably formal terms but he brushed them aside and, his arm around my shoulder, led me in, insisting there were people I simply had to meet. Taragis had disappeared so I assumed whatever had been bothering him was resolved.

  I was introduced to a group of beings and a drink was thrust into my hand. The group seemed enthusiastic about meeting me and bombarded me with questions about what it was like to be the Lottery Winner and how I was coping with my new-found fame and what my future plans were. I tried to play things down but they were having none of it. They were boisterous and genial and, judging by the good-natured banter, knew each other well. My opinion was sought on all sorts of topics, most of which I knew nothing about. I was exhorted to see this show or visit that place for it was definitely the best in Bartimarm and absolutely not to be missed. I received a number of invitations to parties and events, some quite insistent. I realised I was among the city’s smart set, Bartimarm’s equivalent to city traders, people who were young, rich and confident.

  The group changed constantly as beings joined and left. I quickly lost track of who was who. Several women joined; all of them more than averagely attractive and all of them immaculately dressed and coiffed. They seemed inordinately interested in me and pressed close until my head was spinning with their elegance and perfume. They, too, made invitations but of a more intimate nature. It was all very subtle but they made it clear they were available any time I wanted. I tried to be gallant but suspect I was merely bumptious. Other than the crowds outside the restaurants, I hadn’t been exposed to the adulation that Hermes had said the Lottery Winner attracted. Now I was experiencing it first hand and it was heady stuff. My senses were bombarded with impressions and scents and colours. I felt dizzy and disconnected from reality.

  “You all right?” a solicitous voice said,

  “A bit dizzy, that’s all.” My voice was slightly slurred.

  “It’s the heat. You’ll be fine in a second. Drink up.”

  Obediently, I downed my drink. Another glass was pressed into my hand.

  “There,” the voice said. “That’s better isn’t it.”

  The voice was very intimate and confident and I nodded.

  “Good. That’s the spirit. Great party, isn’t it?”


  “It’s all for you, you know?”

  “Is it?”

  “Of course it is. You’re the most important person in Bartimarm.”

  “I am?”

  “Of course you are. Drink up. Are you having a good time? You are having a good time, aren’t you?”

  “I’m… I’m having a great time.” I was having some difficulty in getting the words out.

  “Must have a good time at a party.”

  “Yesh. Must hava good time.”

  “Have another drink. By the way, where’s the girl you came with?”

  “Tansy? Dunno. Haven’t seener.”

  “Tansy? She one of the breeders? I envy you, having a hot piece like that. No complications. They just fall on the bed and spread their thighs. I wouldn’t mind spreading her thighs. She’s hot. I bet she fucks like a rabbit.”

  “She is. Hot…hottest of ’emall… so far.”

  “Why’s she not with you? She should be with you. It’s not right. She should be here.”

  I blinked owlishly at him. “You ri’. Where… where isshe.”

  “In another room with five men. Having the time of her life, she is. She doesn’t care for you at all.”

  “Why… why’s she with fi… five men? Should be with me. She should.”

  “She should. But she’s just a slut. A common slut. Came with you just so she could be picked up. What a slut. Spreading her thighs for five of them.”

  “S’not ri’. Not ri’ atall. Should be wi’ me. She’s a slut.”

  “She’s a slut.” The voice became really confidential. “A real man wouldn’t stand for that, would he?”

  “No. You ri’. Real man wouldn’t.”

  “A real man wouldn’t let five men steal his girl, would he? Even if she is a slut. A real man would… do what?”

  I mist was descending over my eyes. “A real man would…”

  “A real man would show her who’s the boss. A real man would take her and make her see who’s master. You’re a real man, aren’t you?” The voice was strident, cutting through the fog.

  “Iyam. I’ma real man.”

  “Of course you are. So, real man, what are you going to do?”

  The mist was turning red. “I’m gonna… gonna goan getter. Gonna show her… who’s boss.”

  “Yes, you are,” the voice was triumphal. “You’re going to get her. Never mind the five men. She’s yours and yours alone. Go. Go and get her. Show her who her master is.”

  I staggered upright. There was an empty glass in my hand which I didn’t know what to do with. It disappeared from my hand. I looked around vaguely. I was angry about something but wasn’t quite sure what.

  “The slut, Tansy,” the voice hissed. “Your slut. Only yours. She belongs to you. Go and claim her. The slut.”

  “Yes,” I bellowed. “She’s mine. Fuggin’ slut. Where isshe? I’ll show’er. Show’er whos’ boss.”

  I lurched blindly across the room, unaware of the people hastily getting out of my way. I banged into a table, upsetting it, and didn’t even notice.

  “Where isshe?” I demanded. “Fugginslut. My slut. I’ll fix’er.”

  I bumped into a door frame and staggered into the hall. Suddenly Taragis was there with other

  “It’s all right, Crawford. It’s all right.”

  I blinked at him. “You’re my nanny. Where isshe, nanny? Where’s my slut? Huh?”

  He grabbed my arm. I tried to struggle free but other hands grabbed me and held me tightly.

  “It’s all right. Tansy is here. Come on. It’s time to go home.”

  “Can’tgohome. S’too faraway. Any… anyway… can’t gowithout slut. Whereisshe?”

  “I’m here, Crawford.” She sounded scared.

  “See?” Taragis said. “She’s here. Now, it’s time to go. You hear me, Crawford. The party’s over and it’s time to go.”

  “Yeah. Time to go. I’ve hadda… hadda… fuggin’ party.”

  I was hustled out of the door and into the waiting car. I must have passed out for the next thing I was aware of was being half carried up to my suite.

  “Where… wherearewe?” I mumbled.

  “We’re home. At your hotel. You need to lie down and sleep. You’re very tired. You need to sleep.”

  “Ri’. Tired. Need sleep. Where’s… where’s s… Tansy?”

  “I’m right here Crawford.”

  “You stay right here, You’re my girl, you hear, an’ don’ you forgettit.”

  “Yes, Crawford.”

  They manhandled me to the bathroom where they made me violently sick. Then they stripped me and put me to bed. The room was spinning so fast I had to hold on to the bed for dear life. I was tired… very tired but I couldn’t sleep. There was something I had to do first. It was very important. If only the world would stop spinning for a moment I might remember what it was.

  It was dark when I awoke. There was someone in bed with me. My head was filled with cotton wool, my mouth felt it had been exposed to Capella’s rays for several days and my bladder was bursting. I rolled out of bed and staggered to the bathroom. The light was blinding and I did the necessary with my eyes squeezed almost shut. The drink of water made me feel a bit better. I groped my way back to bed. The someone stirred.




  Then I remembered what it was I had to do.

  “You’re mine,” I mumbled, pulling her into my arms. “And don’t you forget it. Mine.”

  “Yes, Crawford.”

  “Not a slut. Mine. Beautiful and sexy. And hot. Hot woman. My hot woman.”

  “Yes, Crawford.”

  As I was mumbling I was caressing her, running my hands over her smooth curves and satin skin. I wasn't really aware of what I was doing. All I knew was I had to get her ready. I had to prepare her so I could show her she was my girl. I was the boss. I was the master. She was mine and no-one else’s. I wasn't fully conscious so I didn’t notice her change from trepidation to acceptance to active participation. I didn’t notice her nipples swell and harden. I didn’t notice her increased heart rate or her ragged breathing. I didn’t notice the way she squirmed against me and breathed hotly in my ear. I didn’t notice that she willingly spread her thighs when I rolled her over and climbed on top of her.

  I was aware enough, thought, to know that step one had been completed. She was prepared. Now it was up to me to prove, once and for all, that she was mine. I started to thrust in and out of her; not fiercely but not gently either. The weird logic that was running through my brain told me this was the way to do it. I shut down everything else to focus on the simple act of fucking her. I was aware of her cries from time to time. She seemed to be telling me to stop. I wasn't going to stop. No, no-one was going to tell me to stop, least of all her. I wasn’t going to stop until I’d mastered her; until I’d convinced her that she was mine and mine alone.

  I lost track of time. I wasn't even aware that I came or that I collapsed half on top of her and fell into a sort of sleep – a sleep punctuated with dreams and nightmares so vivid and intense that I was sure they were real yet could remember nothing of them later. In my sleep I was aware of things happening to my body which I was unable to prevent or even wake up for. I was both hot and cold at the same time. My stomach cramped in agonising spasms that left me drained and gasping for air. I began to shiver, then shake. The sweat poured off me in rivers soaking the sheets. I also wasn't aware that Tansy, having fallen unconscious after heaving me off her, woke in a panic, managed to contact Barbita who contacted Taragis who called a doctor who came out in the middle of the night, examined me and, when Taragis refused to allow him to take me to hospital, called in team of nurses.

  When I awoke again, I immediately wished I hadn’t. My head felt as if it was being crushed by a pile-driver. Every muscle in my body ached and my cock was in agony.

  “Here,” a female voice said. Hands helped me to sit up. “Open wide. Drink.” I slurped the proffered liquid greedily. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  I collapsed back in the bed with a groan.

  The next time I awoke there was a being in iridescent green standing at my bedside. I knew who he was,

  “Wa’s’up, doc?”

  He looked at me gravely but said nothing. He felt my forehead, clamped something over my ear and felt my pulse. He checked the thing on my ear and sat back with a sigh.

  “You’ll live. You’re a very lucky being, Sir MacAdam.”

  “One in 57 septillion,” I said, attempting a joke. He didn’t appreciate it. “I wasn't really in danger of dying, was I?”

  He nodded. “You were. Serious danger. You overdosed on scratch. It’s generally fatal.”

  Now I was wide awake. My head wasn't pounding quite so badly but it was still jolly sore. The pain in muscles had subsided to the sort of discomfort you get over-exercising and my cock was merely tender. Whatever the nurse had given me earlier had done the trick.

  “Shit. The party.”

  He nodded again and left return with Taragis and Flerrionna.

  “Crawford,” Flerrionna cried and launched herself into my arms.

  “Oof. Ouch.” I said.

  “Thank the gods you’re all right. I was so worried.”

  “The doc tells me I’ll live. I don’t remember much about it. What happened?”

  “You were given scratch; possibly the most dangerous drug in the Galaxy,” Taragis said gravely. “It’s a narcotic and a hypnotic. It makes you lose control and be susceptible to suggestion. Possession carries an automatic sentence of banishment. Certain societies outside the Theocracy use it in very small quantities for religious or military purposes. You were given enough to possibly be fatal. As it is you’ve been unconscious for two days.”

  I started to tremble. Flerrionna clung to me. The gravity of what had happened was beginning to dawn on me.

  “The being at the party…” I stopped. “I think I owe you my life. It was you who rescued me wasn’t it? If you hadn’t…”

  “I’m only glad I was in time. I didn’t realise what it was at first. If I had, I’d’ve made you sick earlier. However, you seem to have a strong constitution… fortunately.”

  I disengaged Flerrionna and sat up straighter.

  “Sir Taragis Hlawch, I owe you a debt that can never be repaid. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude.”

  He made a dismissive gesture. He was looking miserable. “You owe me nothing. It is I who should apologise to you, though no apology can atone for my dereliction. I am contracted to keep you safe. I failed.”

  “Oh.” I remembered the convoluted clause I’d made Sir Sacred-Trust-in-God put in the contract. “I see.”

  He nodded. Technically he was in breach of contract for he had failed to prevent someone harming me. Technically I could sue the Commission for every penny they possessed. Technically.

  “Do you know if anyone connected with the Commission was involved?” I asked casually.

  “At this moment, no. But there were beings at the party who have known connections with members of the Board and employees.”

  “But you don’t know they were directly involved.”


p; “Then, right now, there’s no breach of contract. As I recall the relevant clause refers only to beings with a direct link to the Commission.”

  It was nit-picking because the chances were that someone in Inner-Piety’s crowd was behind it but I was trying to give him a way out. His quick intervention had almost certainly saved my life.

  “So you mean…”

  “I mean that your vigilance and quick-thinking saved me from a dangerous situation that nobody could have foreseen.”

  He visibly relaxed. “Thank you.”

  Flerrionna, who had worked out what we were talking about, was looking from one to the other with wide eyes. The doctor was looking baffled.

  “I think,” she said slowly. “That is a debt owed and a debt repaid.”

  Taragis nodded thoughtfully. They both looked at me.

  “I confess I don’t understand.”

  “By the words you used, you put yourself under a debt of obligation to Taragis. It’s complicated for it places certain obligations upon him as well as you. By making the offer you have, you’ve repaid the debt… cancelled it out, in a manner of speaking. Do you agree?”

  I suddenly realised I was sailing in uncharted and very dangerous waters. I sort of understood the concept of ‘honour’, or perhaps I’d just been lucky and made the right noises by accident. This was entirely different. I’d obviously said something that meant more than the words I’d said. I didn’t know what and that, in itself, could be dangerous. The last thing I needed was to have Taragis against me. However, he seemed to agree with Flerrionna’s analysis and I would be foolish to quibble.

  “I agree,” I said.

  The doctor cleared his throat. “If I may? While I have no knowledge of the exact details of the offer Sir MacAdam has made to Sir Hlawch, it is clearly one of extreme personal value. As such, I would concur that it cancels the debt incurred by Sir MacAdam earlier.”

  I thought he was being pompous but Taragis said, “Thank you, Doctor. Sir MacAdam’s offer was as you say and I agree it cancels the debt.”

  The mood in the room brightened noticeably.


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