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Scandal in the Wind

Page 7

by K T Grant

  “Ah!” Lily groaned and twitched around Daniel’s hard member. Never had she been so filled. She jerked down, trying to take more of him in, the burn building low.

  Dominique hovered over Lily’s breasts. Her tongue circled Lily’s nipple and as Daniel pumped, her teeth took captive of the hard nub.

  Lily rocked back and forth with Daniel and she grabbed hold of Dominique’s head. Her entire body was slick with sweat and her juices mingled with Dominique’s own. All three gasped, their cries breaking the silence in the room.

  Dominique released Lily’s nipple and moved down until her face lingered over Lily’s mound. Her tongue came out and ran over Lily’s clit as Daniel’s cock thrust deep into her core. His abundant flesh combined with Dominique’s tongue made her lose all sense and she screamed her release loudly.

  Daniel pulled out of her, his cock smacking her buttock as he came. Lily wrinkled her nose over the smell of musk and sex and dug her nails into Dominique’s back as she continued lapping over her clit.

  “I cannot go on,” Lily said in a moan as Daniel turned her on her back. Dominique glided up and shared a kiss, her mouth a suction over Lily’s shaking one. Lily’s juices hit her tongue as Dominique licked the roof of her mouth. She whimpered from the unsettling taste as tears slipped down her cheeks. Dominique tracked them with her tongue and Lily hugged her tightly, overcome with emotion and the release she had given her.

  “We have hours yet,” Daniel said in a raspy voice and kissed the inside of Lily’s knee, moving down until he sucked her inner thighs.

  Lily had no choice but to let Daniel’s mouth bring forth another climax while Dominique moved apart her ass cheeks and her tongue went inside, flicking to-and-fro.

  Lily’s moans filled the bed chamber until her voice grew raw. Only when she came another time did her two bedmates allow her to rest.

  And then soon enough they worked on her again and she welcomed it.

  * * * *

  Rose longed to take off her dress and stand in only her chemise and finger herself as Lily climbed on top of Daniel and rode him. Lily’s hands curled around the iron headboard as she rocked over Daniel and kissed Dominique who squeezed and plucked at her nipples. Rose’s mouth went dry at the sight of Lily’s perfect breasts. She wished she could take Dominique’s place. As soon as Lily came and finished with Daniel, she would have walked into the room naked, pulled Lily off the bed and backed her against the wall where she’d kiss the breath out of her and slip her fingers in every hole of Lily’s to bring her yet another climax. But the time wasn’t right. Lily needed a friend, not a lover who would take all she had to give. In some cases she was selfish, but in regards to Lily, she would refrain…but not for much longer.

  A sharp cry brought her back to the scene in front of her. With her eye to the dime size hole, Rose slapped her palms against the wall as Lily found her climax. Her head dropped back as she fell on top of Daniel. She didn’t move even as Dominique brushed her hair away from her face and left kisses on the back of her shoulder.

  Rose released a shutter, her body on the brink of an orgasm. And when she pushed three fingers inside herself and rubbed her thumb over her clit in fast strokes, she bit down on her arm to stop from crying out Lily’s name.

  Chapter Six

  Her entire body ached. But Lily didn’t have any complaints and stretched her arms high above her head. A sleepy smile surfaced on her face and she turned on her side, enjoying the soft cotton sheets tickling her naked body.

  What an incredible night! For the first time in a very long time she felt refreshed and at peace. Who knew hours of outrageous, wickedly satisfying sex could be so invigorating?

  Sitting up slowly, she winced and cracked her neck from side to side. She had gone to bed quite late, escorted up to her room by Daniel. She had asked him if he wanted to join her, but he politely refused, stating he never slept with his clients. He left her with a kiss on her brow and after a quick sponge bath, she went to bed and fell right to sleep.

  Lily rested her cheek on her knees. Her pussy pulsed as she remembered the way Daniel’s immense cock felt inside her, as well as Dominique’s talented tongue that made her almost die from the amount of climaxes she’d experienced. Not even Beau had given her so many.

  Smug over that interesting fact, she counted off on her fingers the amount of times she peaked last night. She fell back on the bed giggling and wiggled all ten of her fingers.

  A knock came on the door connecting to Rose’s suite. Lily sat up and cleared her throat before she gave the person permission to enter.

  Rose came in wearing a subdued, amber colored dress with a jacket bodice and black ribbon lined down the middle. Her hair was clipped back in a loose braid. She looked at least ten years younger and Lily smiled at her, patting the bed for her to join her.

  Rose gave her a wary look, which Lily found odd. She’d never seen Rose act in such a way.

  “Good morning, or is it afternoon? How late is it?” Lily asked as she pushed aside the sheet and got up from the bed. She bit her lip, wincing and walked carefully over to the window to pull open the shades and the curtains apart. Bright light filled the room and she rubbed her eyes, momentarily blinded from the sun.

  “A little past noon. Most of the house is still abed.” Rose covered her mouth as she yawned. “I don’t expect my girls to be up and about until later this afternoon. After a party like last night, I allow them and the staff to have the day off to recover.”

  Lily found that to be a sound idea and went back to sit on the edge of the bed. “Shouldn’t you still be in bed then?”

  Rose brushed the wrinkles away from her skirt. “I don’t need much sleep.”

  “You look exhausted. Perhaps a nap later on is in order,” Lily recommended.

  Playing with the wisps of her hair, Rose glanced around the room.

  “What’s the matter? Why aren’t you looking at me?” Lily asked.

  “Nothing is wrong. I wanted to know how you’re feeling and if you liked your… gift,” Rose said in a modulated tone.

  Lily snorted and got off the bed until she stood next Rose. A blush stained her cheeks and Lily swallowed a laugh over the sight. “Why Mrs. Ware, I’m in shock that you, a woman of the world who has seen and done things no woman in their right mind would admit to, is embarrassed. I’m not sure what to think.”

  Rose cleared her throat, her eyes wandering around the room until they fell on her face. Lily’s lips tipped up in a wide smile.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would want to see me today after your experience last night. When Dominique asked me for permission to be with you and then recommended Daniel join you, I—”

  Lily gently fingered Rose’s mouth. “Hush. You’re rambling. Your gift, as you call it, was exactly what I needed. I know I shouldn’t admit it, and my poor parents would roll over in their graves if they knew what I did last night and with whom, but it was very freeing.”

  “Freeing?” Rose asked under Lily’s hand.

  “Yes, I feel like a new woman.” Lily lifted her arms and turned in a circle. “Now I can understand why some women would seek out this line of work.”

  Rose released a harsh laugh. “What occurred last night isn’t always normal. You should remember that. I don’t think you’re even close to being ready for this type of employment, unless you’re serious. If then—”

  “I’m teasing.” Lily patted Rose’s cheek, keeping her palm there. Rose’s eyes softened. “I may be a wanton in the bedroom, but my encounter last night will be a onetime event. I prefer more physical encounters with someone I can trust and care about.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. But if the need ever arises, you are more than welcome to engage one of my girls or any of the men for another night. If you’re not comfortable asking, I can always come to your aid if you want,” Rose said the last statement in a rushed whisper that Lily almost didn’t catch. My aid? Whatever does she mean?

  Rose shook her head and final
ly removed her hand. She opened her mouth to ask Rose for a better explanation when her stomach growled. “I believe I should eat something before I faint from hunger.”

  “I have a lovely luncheon set out. Would you care to join me in my repast? While we eat, I have another proposal to discuss with you.”

  “Proposal? It sounds naughty.” Lily grabbed her robe off her chair and when she turned back around, Rose stared at her with something close to hunger in her eyes. Confusion crept back into her head. She must still be recovering from the passion she had succumbed to last night. That had to be the only explanation for the strange way Rose was acting around her.

  “It’s a business proposal and not one dealing with the selling of flesh,” Rose added, and as Lily tightened the belt of her robe around her waist, Rose walked over to help her fix her hair. Lily stood there under Rose’s administrations, feeling the need to press her palm against her cheek again. As she lifted her hand, Rose nodded her head in approval and stepped back.

  “I wish I had hair like yours. Perhaps you’ll allow me to brush it?” Rose grabbed a strand of Lily’s hair.

  “Only Sissy brushes my hair.” She swallowed, frozen as Rose’s swept a hand around her ear.

  “You can make an exception for me,” Rose murmured, her fingers reaching under Lily’s nape and scratching gently. “I can only imagine what it must feel like as it falls over your chest as you’re getting dressed or sitting in a bath.”

  Lily palmed her chest, her nipples tingling as she envisioned that scene, but with Rose joining her in the bath with their hair covering them both as their hands skimmed across their bodies among the warm, scented water...

  “Lily?” Rose’s voice broke through her sudden day dream. Rose’s arms were at her sides and she watched her perplexed.

  “Sorry, I was thinking about a bath. I’d like one later today if that’s possible?”

  “It shouldn’t be a problem.” Rose cleared her throat. “Should we have lunch then? I’m famished.”

  “You and I are in agreement there,” Lily said and when Rose turned and walked into her room, Lily followed, folding her hands together to stop from reaching out and brining Rose’s hair to her face to sniff.

  She couldn’t explain this sudden reaction she had toward Rose. Last night must have unleashed a carnal demon inside her.

  But the only naked body she now wanted was Rose’s. And that not only made her nerves rise, but also made her quiver with need to be with the woman who only thought of her as a friend.

  * * * *

  “Rough night?”

  Jo turned her blurry eyes toward Sissy and lifted her shoulders in a weak shrug. She lifted her coffee and sniffed it, willing the steam of the strong brew to wake her up.

  Sissy poured herself a cup from the burner and sat down next to her. Jo took a sip and then propped her chin on her palm, trying her best not to nod off.

  “Why don’t you go back to bed?” Sissy asked.

  Jo glared at Sissy from the corner of her eye. “I can’t. I have to help my sister get ready for an early dinner she has with her gentleman friend. Then the rest of the girls will be up and about and I’ll have to advise the maids in dressing them for their evenings out also.”

  “Shoot, I’d tell those spoiled women to take care of their own selves.” Sissy made a face and raised her cup in the air. The kitchen maid sweeping the floor snickered and Jo tapped her fingers on the table.

  “Shouldn’t you go do your job and help dress your mistress for the day?” Jo said in a snide tone and finished off her coffee. Why can’t I have a moment of peace in this house?

  “Miss Lily is still sleepin’. She’ll call when she needs me. The poor woman wouldn’t know what to do without me. I’ve been with her since she was knee high,” Sissy said proudly.

  “Must be nice. Does she still think of you as her slave?” Jo shot back.

  Sissy frowned and the maid with the broom gasped in shock.

  “Someone got out on the wrong side of the bed,” Sissy responded and stared down at the table, a sad look crossing her face.

  Jo wiped her face with her palms. “Forgive me. I’m cranky and tired. Last night was draining,” she pointed to her leg. “I have aches on top of aches. And it’s not from rolling around in bed with someone,” she mumbled and Sissy and the maid broke out in laughter.

  “Then why don’t you become a lady of the night? Why stick to being a housekeeper?” Sissy asked.

  Jo waved a hand around. “Take a look at me. Even if wanted to be a whore, I couldn’t. I have a bum leg and my face is nothing men would go crazy over. All I’m good for is being a servant. I’m lucky Rose took me and Alene in when she did.”

  “Looks don’t mean a thing when all a man thinks about is sticking his pecker into a woman’s snatch,” Sissy stated.

  Snatch? Jo shook her head in bemusement. “If only that were true. Rose’s Delights boasts the most beautiful women in all of Charleston. I can’t compare and would never have a chance. I’d be back to making beds instead of lying in them in less than a week.”

  “You’re wrong, Josephine.”

  Jo pitched in her chair as Clinton appeared in the doorway. He folded his arms over his broad chest and regarded her with his mouth in a straight line.

  “See, he’s a man, and he doesn’t think you’re lackin’ with your looks,” Sissy said, getting up from her seat. “I better go see if my mistress needs anything before she screams down the house wonderin’ where I am.”

  Sissy left the room and the maid went out back. She and Clinton were all alone.

  “I should see if Alene—”

  “Wait a moment, Jo.” Clinton walked over and sat down across from her. He smiled and a piece of his hair fell over his brow. She itched to brush it away but fisted her hand against her lips.

  “You don’t look too tired. Early night for you?” Jo asked, afraid to hear his answer.

  Clinton folded his hands on the table. “I asked for last night off. I’ve barely had a night to myself in months and since the party was more for the girls, Rose let me.”

  “Oh. You made me think…never mind. That’s why I didn’t see you around then,” Jo said a bit stupefied. She had seen some of the male guests go up the stairs with the male whores Rose kept on retainer. She found it funny Rose would let Clinton rest a night when he could make a hefty sum for the house.

  “I went out with a friend for dinner and then for a pint at a bar.”

  What type of friend? She chewed on her lip. “That sounds…nice.”

  Clinton’s face brightened and his eyes grew warm. “My friend wasn’t a woman if that’s what you want to know.”

  “Me? Why would I care who your friend was,” she responded indifferently and stood, moving to the side of the table.

  Clinton got up from his chair, his eyes filled with impish delight. “We don’t get to talk alone very often. You’re always busy taking care of the house and the girls, and me with my clients—”

  Jo held up her hands. “We’re both working people and have jobs to do. Now if you—”

  When Clinton took hold of her arms, Jo went still. She swallowed as he stared at her with not only tenderness, but with heat in his eyes.

  “What do you want from me, Clinton?” she asked quietly.

  Clinton pulled her in close and she held back a moan. She longed to wrap her arms around him and rest her cheek on his chest.

  “I’m afraid if I say what I want, you’ll run away from me.”

  “I won’t run away from you. I never have,” Jo said and put her hands on his chest.

  Clinton’s thumbs brushed over her shoulders and she silently urged him to move them over her collarbone and down further. For once she wanted to know what it felt like to have a man touch her breasts and play with them as she came long and hard. She could ask Clinton. He wouldn’t deny her, but she didn’t want him to do it because he pitied her.

  A banging sound came down the hall and they both separated. Tw
o maids walked in talking and they sat down at the table with a pile of clothes and needle and thread. Clinton pulled her over to the back door. Jo rested against the wall, placing her palms against the hard wood.

  “I really need to go,” she said, but didn’t make a move to leave.

  Clinton gave her a content smile. “If I let you go, you must promise me one thing.”

  Jo raised her eyebrow. “And what would that promise be, Mr. Lear?”

  Clinton’s face moved in closer to hers. She held her breath as his lips barely brushed her cheek. “Promise me you’ll never talk down about yourself again.”

  Jo shook her head. Why did he care either way what she thought about herself?

  “I don’t believe you, but we can work on changing your thinking.” Clinton kissed her cheek and gave her arm a gentle squeeze. He backed away and then waved at the two maids. The women giggled behind their hands.

  “Oh, and Josephine?”

  “Yes, Clinton?” Jo asked, her knees shaking, but not because of her bad leg.

  “The next time I have a free night, I’m taking you out to dinner and dancing.”

  Jo sputtered as Clinton winked and left the room without a backward glance. When Clinton was out of sight, she opened the back door and stumbled up the stairs to the outside where she sat down on a bench. She hid her flaming face into her palms as she rocked. Dancing? He wants to take me dancing?

  Jo cut off a scream ready to erupt from her throat and settled for pressing her hand against her lower stomach where the pull in between her legs had become far too strong. The irritating tingling grew until she couldn’t take it much longer.

  “Damn him. I can’t walk around like this,” she muttered and staggered over to the small shed where the laundry was located to take care of personal matters.

  Only when she had calmed down and her legs no longer shook, she went back inside to wash away her release from her hands.

  * * * *

  “What a lovely suggestion to take a turn around the park,” Lily said as she walked beside Rose with their parasols over their heads to keep them cool from the sun. She wore a straw bonnet with a yellow ribbon to match her dress, while Rose wore a bonnet with green silk taffeta under her chin, covering her chignon.


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