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Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He moved his hands to her hips, which he fucking loved. Her body was beautiful. Several months ago, one of the club whores he’d been fucking had mentioned something about how fat Mel was getting. He’d been instantly appalled and sent that bitch packing. Now that he thought about it, that had to be the time he stopped fucking the club whores. He no longer wanted to be with them.

  No one bad-mouthed an old lady, and especially not his old lady. He’d noticed Mel’s curvier figure, and it had made him hornier than ever before. She was packing a lot more cushion, and he found himself holding her in ways he wouldn’t have dreamed of. Her hips no longer protruded, which used to dig into his hands, and were a bit of a turn-off.

  It didn’t matter. Mel was his entire world. The only problem was, he’d never told her. Not once had he told her how much she meant to him.

  “Do you like that, baby? You like the feel of my dick so deep inside you.”

  “Yes, please don’t stop.”

  He eased out of her so only the tip was there. Pea couldn’t resist a peek at his cock covered in her cream. She was so slick that it made fucking her so easy.

  Slamming deep within her, he fucked her hard, and she took everything. She took the pounding he was giving her.

  Her tits bounced, and he felt the beginnings of his orgasm begin to stir. His grip on her hips tightened as he didn’t want to let her know.

  Mel teased her clit, and her pussy fluttered around his dick, and he slammed inside her deeply, feeling her orgasm as she screamed his name.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, yes, that feels so fucking good,” he said.

  He slammed inside her one final time, and spilled his cum deep inside her. The pleasure was more intense than anything he’d ever felt before.

  His orgasm went on and on. He didn’t want it to end. When it did start to ebb away, he didn’t pull out of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his head against her tits. They were both panting for breath.

  “Wow,” she said. “I didn’t expect that.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know. To watch a movie and then go to bed early.”

  “Now you’re making us sound like an old married couple.” He stared up at her. “Your tits are a really nice cushion.”

  This made her laugh. Her hand went to his hair, stroking through it. “You can sleep on my tits anytime.”

  He stared into her eyes, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could be like this for the rest of his life.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “That I’m sorry I was mean to you the other day. It really got to me, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. You have nothing to apologize for.” She stroked a finger down his cheek. “What do you think of kids?”

  Pea frowned. “That’s a little out of the blue.”

  “I was holding my nephew the other day, and you know Elena and some of the other old ladies are expecting babies or have them. It made me realize that other than agreeing to sleep with other people while staying married we never really talked about anything else.”

  “We can have that talk now. No more sleeping with other people.”

  “You’re the only person I’m sleeping with, Pea.” Her finger traced down his shoulder, her touch sending a path of pleasure right to his dick.

  “You never wanted to be married to a biker, did you?”

  Her gaze went to him. “I don’t mind.”

  “No, in the beginning. You were happy to party with us, but you didn’t want to be a biker woman.”

  He heard her gentle sigh. “My parents had a great marriage. I know they did, but there were moments when it wasn’t so great. Dad would be out because of the club. I didn’t want to be the kind of woman that stayed at home waiting for her man. Wondering if he’s stepping out on me.”

  “Your dad never stepped out on your mom. He wasn’t part of the club in that way.”

  “I know he wasn’t a biker or anything. Still, it caused trouble between our parents at times. I’m happy that we’re married, Pea.”

  Neither of them had said the word “love.”

  “I care about you. I don’t want anything to happen.”

  “I passed on your message to the rest of the old ladies. They’ll take it on board and follow your instruction.”

  “Good, I’m glad.” He stroked her hip. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Whenever he thought of something bad happening to her, he felt sick, he felt pain in his chest. All he knew was that he had to do everything in his power to protect her.

  “Is the club listening to you?”

  “They know something’s going on. Have you seen this Autumn around town recently?” he asked.

  “No. Willy’s always in town. You know Big Ricky has a crush on Prue, right? She works at the library. He’s got a soft spot for her.”

  He didn’t want to start using women of the town for information. It would be a last resort.

  Chapter Four

  Mel smoothed her skirt out, not for the second time either. Everywhere she turned there were bodies. They were not at the clubhouse anymore but near the Hell’s Wolves MC where Pipe ruled. The fights had been going on for so long. They were out in the open for the most part. Every now and again they’d converge on an empty factory to fight. Tonight wasn’t one of those nights, and it was slightly chilly.

  Pea had dropped her off and gone to find his boys. Of course, he’d asked her if she was okay.

  She was. This wasn’t the first time she’d been to one of these fights, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  “You’re here.”

  Hearing the sound of her sister’s voice, she turned to find Penny making her way over. Like all of the old ladies, they wore the leather cut of their men. The Saints and Sinners MC preferred it that way. Mel loved the leather, and every now and again she loved the yearning she saw on some of the other women.

  Out of all of the women and club whores, he’d picked her. To Mel that meant a great deal. Of course, many women over the years had told her the leather cut meant nothing because he still fucked around with every other woman he could get his hands on. They seemed to try to rile her up, which never boded well for them. Mel had never stepped down from a fight, not ever.

  When her sister had been in high school, Penny had been bullied by some girl’s older sister. She couldn’t remember the name, but the woman was the same age as Mel. Even when Penny asked her not to, she’d driven to the school, half an hour before she was meant to, and sat on the hood of her car, ankles crossed, waiting. A pair of sunglasses to hide herself, and she’d sat back, watched, and waited. Sure as shit, Penny had come out, followed by the little coward, and then the bullying older sister had come over.

  The moment the bitch had pulled Penny’s hair, Mel had been over there. She’d not taken on the younger girl, but she’d smacked the bitch in the face for touching her baby sister, and warned her that from then on, Mel would be picking her sister up, and if she heard anything bad, she’d go out hunting.

  She loved Penny so damn much.

  “Why wouldn’t I be here?” she asked as Penny stood beside her.

  “Oh, I don’t know. In case anything goes wrong. You know, you’re pregnant and all.”

  “Keep your damn voice down. Nothing is going to go wrong, because nothing is wrong.” She glanced around the open space to see if anyone they knew had heard.

  “You can’t keep this secrecy up.”

  Mel wrapped her arms around her sister. “I know you love and care about me. Everything is going to be okay.” She wanted to reassure her. Cupping Penny’s face, she smiled at her. “I’m sorry.”

  “What have you done?”

  “For years ago, manipulating you. That wasn’t my intention.”

  Penny’s face softened. “It’s okay.”

  “I guess I thought it was easier for you to think I
was sad than caring about Pea.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever understand the two of you.”

  She shrugged. “Not a lot to understand.” Mel spotted Big Ricky on the edge of the fight. He was watching everything and not joining in.

  “This is a really big crowd.”

  “It’ll be fine. The clubs can handle something like this.”

  Pea was fighting tonight, and whenever he released that kind of aggression he was always horny no matter what the outcome was.

  “I don’t know. It has been a long time since I saw it like this.”

  Once again, Mel looked toward Big Ricky, who was staring at the crowd.

  Was something going down that she didn’t know about?

  “Where’s Elena and the others?” Mel asked.

  “They’re at home taking care of kids. Elena offered to take Leonardo so that I could come tonight for Rage.”

  “Is he fighting?”

  “I think so. Either that or he’s the one keeping an eye on everything.” Penny shrugged. “We wanted a night together. It has been a long time since we did.”

  She nodded at her sister and looked out onto the main floor. Moving forward, Mel wanted to get closer to watch the action, but something was eating away at her. Glancing back at Big Ricky, she then looked over the crowd. He was watching everything so seriously.

  Pea doesn’t want you near him.

  Asking questions shouldn’t hurt.

  Their relationship had provided them with many different opportunities. Sleeping with certain men had given her an insight into the town, and it helped her to keep the law off Saints and Sinners back. If they were planning a raid on the club, she’d be the first to know, and as soon as she was able, she alerted the club.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said.

  She was a woman, and in the world of crime, MC, drugs, and shit, women tended to be overlooked, but she often had people talking a hell of a lot. The MC was her family, her home.

  “Where are you going?” Penny asked.

  “Just to talk to someone. You stay here, okay?” She didn’t want Penny anywhere near someone like Big Ricky.

  Mel would kill the bastard with her bare hands if he laid a finger on Penny.

  “Sure. I’ll get you an orange juice. Meet you back here in ten minutes?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  She waited for Penny to be out of the way before making her way toward Big Ricky. Offering him a friendly smile, she stood right in front of him so he had no choice but to look down at her.

  “Imagine seeing you here,” she said, tilting her head to the side.

  “It’s a fight, and I like a good one of those.”

  “Huh, you struck me as the kind to be in the background, organizing everything. Not in the thick of it with us common folk.”

  “You see a lot more than anyone gives you credit for.” There was a smile to his lips. “I doubt the club even realizes that you protect it fiercely.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m part of a mafia family. I know you’re not stupid, so after our little chat, I got a couple of people I know to do some digging. You’re an interesting woman.”

  “I’m not interesting. Relatively boring, actually.”

  “The men you screwed. Some of them had an agenda against the MC. That I find interesting. Your and Pea’s open marriage. Of course, not all of the men, though. Some of them you just enjoyed.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Believe it or not, you’re boring me with that. Everyone always thinks the same thing, and they’re usually wrong. You’re not going to be any different. Believe me. Pea and I found a relationship that worked for both of us.”

  Big Ricky laughed. “They have no idea that you tried to help them whenever you could. Even when you didn’t need to.”

  “Pea is my life. I helped when I could, even if it wasn’t all the time. Again, this is not news to me, or to them. How’s Autumn?”

  Instantly the laughter died, and she stared at him.

  “It would appear that I’m not the only one that has a few secrets,” she said. “You can try to judge me, but you’re not going to know the entire truth. Only I will, sweetheart.”

  Right before her eyes, the easygoing man changed, and she saw the devil himself staring right back at her.

  “I suggest you be careful on what you think you’re doing.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” She smiled. “At the end of the day, I’m just an old lady.”

  With that, she spun on her heel, and made her way back toward her sister. There was something about Autumn. She didn’t know what, but she no longer believed that Big Ricky was just in town for some friendship between the two clubs. No fucking way.

  “Are you okay? You’ve gone a little pale.”

  “I’m fine. Believe me, more than fine.” She glanced over at Big Ricky, and he was now on his cell phone. “Has Rage said anything to you about the big guy over there?”

  “Ricky?” Penny asked. She shook her head. “Like you, he asked me to stay away from him, and I don’t see a reason in not doing that. He’s scary-looking, but he’d make the perfect villain for my next story.”

  Mel nodded, happy that Rage was looking out for her sister. The last thing she should do was really doubt him. He loved her sister, and that was why Mel had never caused a problem for them to date.

  “You’re acting really weird,” Penny said.

  “I’m fine. I can’t wait ’til the fight has started.” She also couldn’t wait until Pea got home because she was desperate for him. Instead of getting bored with her man, she was finding it harder to resist him.

  Who knew married life could be so much fun?


  “There’s a lot riding on this,” Saint said.

  “I get it, but I’m not throwing the fight no matter what.”

  “It’s not about throwing the fight. This asshole has bet a hundred grand that he could take any biker anywhere. I don’t know who it is, but Pipe said he’s pissed off a lot of his clubs. They were going to teach him a lesson, beat the shit out of him and all that. Decided that taking his money would be the better option.”

  “So I’m good to really pound on this guy.”


  Pea nodded, and he saw Zeus, Vanilla, Buzz, and Bean close by.

  “Everything okay?” Pea asked.

  “Big Ricky’s here. We’ve got the extra support including the Hell’s Wolves to keep everything handled. Natasha decided she wanted to come even though she’s pregnant.”

  They were in a small, abandoned building owned by Pipe and his club. It was small, and stank of piss, but it allowed people to get ready. He moved toward the window and looked out. “I tell you, there’s a big crowd out there, Saint. I don’t like it.”

  “What’s not to like? More people, more money.”

  “Yeah, and with more people comes more trouble. If Big Ricky’s here, something could go down.” And he’d brought Mel with him. He didn’t like that.

  “We’ve got our eye on the people,” Rage said. “You just fight to your heart’s content. Penny’s here as well, and you know I’d never risk her life.”

  Pea nodded. “Do you have any reason to doubt why he’s here?”

  Saint shook his head. “Nope, and I can’t get a look at this woman that Willy’s been talking about either. Innocent, blonde, beautiful, and all that shit.” He shrugged. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

  The bell rang, and that meant the start of the fights.

  Pea slammed his fist against his palm. He was ready, and he wanted to hurt someone.

  Leaving the stench behind, he made his way through the maze of people. His club surrounded him, which clearly meant they had a shitload of cash riding on this fight.

  He stepped into the center of the makeshift arena that had been set up. This was Pipe and his club’s job to handle this.

  Looking out at the crowd, he saw Mel toward
the back. She lifted her hand and gave him a wave. He nodded at her, wanting to do a lot more than that, but blowing her a kiss would really give the wrong impression.

  But then again, who gave a fuck? He did exactly that, and the bitches in the crowd went wild over it. Mel was laughing, and he liked that. He loved it when she laughed, especially when it was him to make her.

  Yeah, when it came to his woman, he was a fucking romantic.

  Just yesterday he’d picked up a bouquet of roses, a startling red that reminded of him passion just because they made him think of her.

  If the club ever found out, he would never hear the end of it.

  Penny was laughing as well. He’d surprised her. His sister-in-law had never liked him, but he really didn’t give a shit about what she felt.

  The only person who mattered to him was Mel, and she’d always been happy with him.

  He turned around at the commotion behind him, and sure enough, he spotted an asshole heading toward him.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Big Ricky scanning the crowd. What the fuck was going on with that guy?

  “Are you guys ready to see me crush this pussy?” the man said.

  Pea didn’t even have a clue what he was called, so he was going to nickname him … Asshole.

  Yeah, that suited him.

  The crowd went wild.

  “Kill him.”

  “Beat him.”

  Asshole turned toward him, and Pea smiled.

  “Are you not going to give them a show? They’re paying good money for this?”

  “You do realize that this is real, right? We’re going to fight, and when one of us is down, we walk away?” Pea asked.

  Asshole smirked. “I can take you.”

  Pea had a feeling that the reason this guy thought that was because he’d won a couple of fights between preppy boys or some shit like that. This man was not a fighter.

  He wanted some real competition.

  This fucker was not going to give him what he wanted.


  Mel winced as Pea knocked the cocky guy out with one punch. It didn’t look good at all. Of course, it was good for Pea as he won, but the crowd was a little … taken aback. The least the cocky fucker could have done was actually put up a fight. As it was, they had to wait for another guy to take his place.


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