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Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies

Page 19

by Mike Poulton, Hilary Mantel

  THOMAS. They can. I know it, madam. (Bows and leaves.)

  Scene Ten

  Christmas party – celebrations at Austin Friars. Some singing ‘Pastime with Good Company’, a song written by KING HENRY which THOMAS hates. Family and friends.

  THOMAS. Rafe, make them sing something else.

  RAFE. But it’s the King’s song, sir –

  THOMAS. I know. Make them sing something else.

  RAFE speaks to the band. A different song. THOMAS moves among his guests.

  PACKINGTON. Thomas – a word with you –

  THOMAS. Packington – a Merry Christmas. Monmouth – dear friend –

  PACKINGTON (drawing THOMAS apart). William Tyndale is in prison in the low countries – likely to be killed. Tyndale is in prison as we enjoy our Christmas feast. So what will you do for him?

  THOMAS. The King will allow no one to speak for Tyndale.

  PACKINGTON. So our brother must burn?

  MONMOUTH. Then a merry Christmas to you, Master Secretary!

  THOMAS. Humphrey –

  MONMOUTH. If you cannot move the King, perhaps the Queen can. She is for us Gospellers –

  THOMAS. In Christ’s name, it’s Christmas! Can’t you give me one day’s peace!

  CHAPUYS arrives, worried, looking for THOMAS.


  GREGORY. Where do the dead live now, Father? Is there a purgatory or not? They say it still exists but nobody knows where. I’d be sorry to think the prayers I say for my mother and sisters go unheard.

  THOMAS. Archbishop Cranmer’s over there. He’ll tell you the latest thinking.

  CHAPUYS approaches THOMAS.

  That’s a very jaunty hat, Eustache. It suits with the festive season.

  CHAPUYS. Queen Katherine is near her end. She can’t even take water. In six nights she’s not slept two hours together. (Through tears.) She cannot live, and I do not want her to die alone… The King will not let me go. Will you let me go?

  THOMAS. He’s at Greenwich. (Moved.) Come on then.

  They get a boat and are rowed to Greenwich.

  The King intended to joust today.

  CHAPUYS (gloomy). In the snow?

  THOMAS (laughing). If the sport went forward, Henry will be in good humour. He’s just come from the little Princess Elizabeth at Eltham – remember to ask after her health. Have you thought of making her a new year’s gift?

  CHAPUYS. I’ve thought of giving her a knock on the head. Why are you chattering? It’s most unlike you. (Pause.) Your winters are so long. I wish I were still a young man in Italy.

  THOMAS. You forget the marshes – the mosquitoes and the rank air, don’t you? I’m like you – I remember only the sunshine.

  They land. Pass through the GUARDS, NORRIS comes to greet them. Move into Scene Eleven.

  Scene Eleven

  NORRIS. Ambassador Chapuys, Cromwell – a merry Christmas to you –

  THOMAS. How was the jousting?

  NORRIS. The King had the best of it. He’s cheerful enough. I’ll inform him you’re here. We’re dressing for the masque.

  Inside the palace – MUSICIANS playing and preparations for the masque. COURTIERS dressed as fruits and vegetables, animals, birds, toads, etc., etc. – as many as possible.

  CHAPUYS. Unctuous? Is that the word? Norris does oil around, does he not?

  THOMAS. I remember the Cardinal – kneeling in the mud to him. I can never wipe it from my mind.

  ANNE sees CHAPUYS, scowls and leaves. KING HENRY with the FRENCH AMBASSADOR – greets CHAPUYS effusively, giving THOMAS a jovial, secret ‘What’s he doing here?’ look.

  KING HENRY. Ah! Merry Christmas, M’sieur Chapuys – you’re very welcome. You know the French Ambassador?

  AMBASSADORS nod curtly to each other.

  FRENCH AMBASSADOR. Majesty, may I assure you that King Francois has knit his heart to yours? With the friendship of France, you may be sure you will reign unmolested. You need no longer fear Rome. (Exit.)

  CHAPUYS. Katherine, the Queen –

  KING HENRY. The Dowager Princess of Wales? (A walnut, an orange, and a lemon walk past.) Yes, I hear the old woman’s off her food.

  NORRIS (to THOMAS). I have to dress up as a Moor. Will you excuse me?

  KING HENRY. Now the Duke of Milan is dead, France and your master the Emperor both lay claim to his duchy – unless they can resolve it there’ll be war. You know I’ve always been a friend to the Emperor, but the French are promising me castles, towns – a seaport even –

  CHAPUYS (snaps). The French will give you nothing. Poor friends they have been to you these last months while you have been unable to feed your people! If it were not for the shipments of grain the Emperor permits, your people would be corpses piled from here to the Scots border.

  A difficult moment – then KING HENRY laughs.

  KING HENRY. Some exaggeration there – surely!

  CHAPUYS. My mission will brook no delay. I beg permission to ride to the… to where Katherine is. And I implore you to allow her daughter to visit her. It will surely be for the last time.

  KING HENRY. I can’t move Mary around without my Council’s advice. No hope of summoning them today. Icy roads, you know. So how are you proposing to travel north? Have you wings?

  KING HENRY winks at THOMAS, taking CHAPUYS apart, THOMAS starts to follow. KING HENRY waves him back. NORRIS, dressed as a Moor, intercepts him. A dragon hurries past.

  THOMAS. Who’s in that dragon?

  NORRIS. Young Weston – he’s going to waggle, waggle to the Queen’s apartments to beg for sweetmeats.

  THOMAS. Are you jealous of Weston, Harry?

  BRERETON joins them.

  NORRIS. Ha! She’ll fondle him and pat his little rump. She’s partial to puppies.

  THOMAS. Who killed her little dog?

  NORRIS. Don’t say that – she goes on and on about it – she won’t accept it was an accident. But it was.

  BRERETON. Has Weston gone to the Queen?

  THOMAS. A fine leopard skin, William. Is it real? (Lifts it up, revealing BRERETON’s genitalia.) Dear God, man – you’re naked!

  BRERETON. It’s the season of licence.

  THOMAS. As long as Queen Anne is not treated to the sight of your attributi.

  NORRIS. He wouldn’t be showing her anything she hasn’t seen already! (Laughs.)

  THOMAS (a chill descends). What are you suggesting?

  NORRIS. You… You know what I meant. I didn’t mean William’s – I meant the King’s.

  BRERETON. I do believe you’re blushing, Norris.

  NORRIS puts his hand to his blacked-up face.

  NORRIS. Cromwell, you don’t –

  BRERETON. What’s he doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be busy with the King’s affairs? I’ve heard that when you bring him papers he doesn’t like, he smacks you about the head. Just so you’ll remember your place from time to time. I’ll go slay my little dragon.

  The DUKE OF SUFFOLK, in tilting armour, drunk, heads for KING HENRY. NORRIS tries to stop him.

  SUFFOLK. Harry! Harry!

  NORRIS. My Lord Suffolk, the King is not to be interrupted –

  SUFFOLK. Ha! (Pushing past.) By God, Harry, you’re quit of the old lady! Rejoice – she’s coughing blood! So now you can rid yourself of the other one and get yourself a French girl! By God, they’ll give us back Normandy as a dowry!

  CHAPUYS approaches.

  And you, Emperor’s man – take yourself off!

  KING HENRY (white with fury). Suffolk! My wife is carrying my son –

  SUFFOLK. I know that, Harry – but you said you wanted rid –

  THOMAS. My Lord! (Dragging SUFFOLK away.)

  SUFFOLK. Think you know everything, Cromwell? Wrong! Harry makes plain his intentions only to his friends – to me –

  THOMAS. You’re mad if you think he’ll turn Anne out – she’s carrying his child –

  SUFFOLK. He’s mad if he thinks it’s his! (Chill.)

  THOMAS. If you know
anything against the Queen’s honour, speak plainly.

  SUFFOLK. I spoke plain before – I told him about her and Wyatt and he threw me out. Go back to your counting house, Putney boy – fetch in more money – that’s all we keep you for! You’re not fit to talk to princes –

  He shoves THOMAS back – makes for KING HENRY again. CHAPUYS steps between them.

  CHAPUYS. Majesty, I take my leave. The Emperor will find it a consolation to have news of his aunt’s final hours from the hand of his own envoy.

  KING HENRY. I can do no less. Godspeed, Ambassador Chapuys.

  CHAPUYS and THOMAS return to the landing stage.

  THOMAS. You heard?

  CHAPUYS. When the Duke of Suffolk bawls in Greenwich, trees fall in Germany. For what it is worth, Putney boy, I would back you in any court this side of Heaven. If I wanted an advocate to argue for my life, I’d give you the brief.

  THOMAS. Eustache… You dazzle me. You know… when Katherine dies it will clear the way for an alliance with your master. All threats will be lifted. Which will be very good for England and her trade. A lasting peace is what you and I have always worked for. Katherine has come between us.

  CHAPUYS. What of this French marriage?

  THOMAS. It’s a fairytale. Barge Master – take M’sieur Chapuys home to his own people. But wrap him up warm. We can’t afford to lose him. Do you think the roads north will be open?

  BARGE MASTER. God help me, sir – I only know the river. I’ve never stirred north of Enfield.

  CHAPUYS. Here. Will you look after my hat? Where I’m going it will hardly be thought… suitable.

  THOMAS. Godspeed, my friend. (Takes the hat.)

  CHAPUYS. Pray to Our Lady I’ll be in time…

  CHAPUYS is rowed away.

  Scene Twelve

  Darkness. Then a flame. Darkness. More flames. A scream – chatter of women – confused noise. The flames take hold. Panic. A naked young man – we mustn’t know who – beats out the flames with a pillow. Semi-naked female and male figures – some in nightshirts, some hiding their nakedness with whatever comes to hand – sheets, prayer books, etc., come and go confusedly. Smoke. KING HENRY is heard in the darkness getting more and more agitated: ‘What’s happening – where’s my wife – bring me some lights – who’s there – where are my people?’, etc. Voices trying to calm him. Noise increases. Light increases. WESTON and MARY SHELTON come out – then THOMAS with LADY WORCESTER. People distance themselves guiltily from each other. NORRIS brings on ANNE, who is heavily pregnant. LADIES wrap her up as it’s winter and cold. As much confusion as possible – Who was where? Who saw what? Who knows what happened?

  ANNE. Who has my gown? Is the fire out? It was a candle… Don’t let them wake my husband –

  JANE ROCHFORD. Too late!

  KING HENRY (bellowing, off). Nan! Nan – where is she?

  JANE ROCHFORD. It was nothing – who overturned the candle? Who was –

  KING HENRY charges in, very emotional.

  KING HENRY. Nan – Nan! Are you hurt? Is my child unharmed? Oh, Nan!

  In tears. He falls to his knees – holds her – resting his head against her pregnant belly.

  ANNE. My Lord –

  KING HENRY. My son! Oh, my son, my son! –

  ANNE. The boy is unharmed –


  ANNE. Our Prince is safe – I am unharmed –

  THOMAS. Bring her some wine. Who’s there? Give her air – let her breathe –

  NORRIS glares at MARY SHELTON. WESTON, nakedly brazen, finds it all hilarious. LADY WORCESTER is trying to look as if she’s not there.

  KING HENRY. Who was with you? Which of your ladies –

  ANNE. My Lord –

  KING HENRY (intent upon slaughtering them). Which ladies are in attendance today? Whose office is it to wait upon the Queen?

  MARK, almost naked, hurries across the stage and exits. THOMAS gives ANNE wine.

  ANNE. Cromwell – thank you. My Lord – help me up – let me get up –

  KING HENRY (complete change: childlike and self-pitying). Forgive me! Forgive – It’s my fault – I’m to blame – I should have been with you –

  ANNE. For God’s sake – help me up –

  KING HENRY. Oh, sweetheart –

  ANNE. My Lord –

  KING HENRY. Norris – Harry – I owe you my son’s life – you protected your Queen –

  NORRIS. There was never any danger – an unattended candle –

  THOMAS. Unattended by whom?

  JANE ROCHFORD. She needs to lie down. Fetch clean linen, Shelton. Mary Shelton! Wake up! Make up my bed for the Queen – I’ll stay with her –

  KING HENRY. You should have been with her, Lady! Why was the Queen alone?

  WESTON (aside). She wasn’t –

  MARY SHELTON. Shhh – (Exit.)

  Enter GEORGE in his nightshirt, perfectly composed. He hurries to ANNE and holds her.

  GEORGE. Where’s my sister? Anne?

  ANNE (a small voice – as if he’s the only one in the room). Where did you go? Where were you?

  KING HENRY. She’s safe, George – Norris heard her cries and saved her life –

  NORRIS. No, My Lord –

  KING HENRY. Saved the heir to the throne –

  NORRIS. There was no danger –

  KING HENRY. Thank God – praise God –

  ANNE. Now go back to your chamber, My Lord – one corner of the tapestry caught fire – that’s all. You make too much of it –

  KING HENRY. I’ll see for myself. Come with me – you must lie down – Nan – (Starts to go.)

  ANNE (glaring at WESTON). Were you with Shelton?

  NORRIS (glares at WESTON). This is not the time – not the place. You’ll hear from me, boy.

  WESTON. Not the place – surely! The King told us you were at Hampton Court. What can have brought you back so suddenly?

  NORRIS. Boy!

  WESTON (flashes at him, laughing). Hardly!

  ANNE. Shhhh! The King, the King! Lady Worcester – come with me –

  NORRIS leads ANNE off.

  THOMAS. Beth –

  LADY WORCESTER (to THOMAS). Not the place – not the time… (Gives THOMAS a ‘It can’t be helped’ look and hurries off after ANNE.)

  JANE ROCHFORD. I could have been burned up too, husband. Would you have rushed to save me?

  GEORGE. Jesus! I’d have brought more logs. (Exit.)

  JANE ROCHFORD. He would – I know. At least I’d be free of him. They say the Earl of Worcester is a jealous man, Cromwell.

  THOMAS. What’s his jealousy to me, Lady Rochford?

  JANE ROCHFORD (smirking). Goodnight, Master Secretary.


  Scene Thirteen

  Solemn music. MONKS. An effigy of KATHERINE’s body on a bier carried to Peterborough – turns into preparations for a tournament. Music becomes celebratory – KING HENRY holding baby Elizabeth, ANNE very pregnant.

  ANNE. Why should they mourn? They didn’t know Katherine. What was she to them?

  KING HENRY. All England will mourn her. Accept it. Katherine was once given the title of a queen.

  ANNE. Unlawfully.

  Enter, armed: NORRIS, BRERETON, WESTON – then GREGORY, THOMAS WYATT, EDWARD, others. Heraldry. Exeunt Royal Party.

  WYATT. Everyone expected the King to bring Katherine’s body to St Paul’s. Now they’re saying she’s to be laid to rest in Peterborough.

  THOMAS. Well… Peterborough is as good a place as any. If you’re dead.

  NORFOLK. Damned if I’ll go to Peterborough. Is anybody organising anything?

  THOMAS. The King’s been fully occupied planning this tournament. Gregory’s in a sweat of preparation about it – my house has been full of armourers, saddlers, and horse dealers for weeks.

  RAFE. The bills are coming in thick and fast.

  GREGORY (who is still putting on his armour). Father, I hope I’m not drawn against the King. Suppose I unhorse him? Imagine if he cam
e down? And to a novice like me –

  NORFOLK. I wouldn’t worry, lad. Henry was jousting before you could walk.

  GREGORY. That’s just it – he’s not as quick as he was.

  NORFOLK. Then get yourself drawn on the King’s team from the start. That avoids the problem. (Exit.)

  GREGORY. How do I do that?

  THOMAS (wondering at his innocence). I’ll have a word.

  GREGORY. No! How would that stand with my honour? Some things I must do for myself.

  THOMAS. As you please.

  GREGORY goes.

  Clank away – my tender son.

  RAFE. You’ve no need to worry.

  THOMAS goes to KING HENRY’s tent. He is arming.

  KING HENRY. Cromwell, how much does the lordship of Ripon bring in?

  THOMAS. To the Archbishop of York? A little over two hundred and sixty pounds, sir.

  KING HENRY. Do you speak Turkish?

  THOMAS. No, sir.

  KING HENRY. Oh? Why don’t you?

  THOMAS. I was never in those parts. Majesty, if you run against my son Gregory, will you forbear to unhorse him? If you can help it?

  KING HENRY. Once you are thundering down at a man, you cannot check. It’s quite a rare event, you know, to bring your opponent down. Don’t be concerned about Gregory – he’s very able. Or is it me you’re worrying about? I know you Councillors think I should retire to the spectators’ bench – and I will, I promise. A man my age is past his best. (Laughs.) You’ve turned your boy out beautifully – no nobleman could do more. He’s a credit to your house. Put that on the table there. (Handing him an ornamental dagger.)

  THOMAS. I only want him not to be flattened.

  KING HENRY. I have it in mind to promote Edward Seymour into my Privy Chamber. (Looking across at EDWARD.)

  THOMAS. A good man, I think. Serviceable.

  KING HENRY. And I shall have your boy Rafe Sadler among my grooms. He’s a gentleman born, and a pleasant young man to have near me. It would help you, Cromwell, would it not?


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