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Random Acts of Greed: Holly Anna Paladin Mysteries, Book 4

Page 22

by Christy Barritt

  “I don’t think so.”

  “What about the driver? Is he in on this also?”

  Evan smirked. “No, I’m going to ask him to stop by my house. Then I’m going to knock him out and take off with you myself. Easy, huh?”

  This whole thing was just one never-ending nightmare, wasn’t it? I had to think fast.

  Subtly, I reached into my purse—I had it with me this time. My fingers closed over some pepper spray I kept there.

  As Evan continued to smirk, I flipped the cap off. “You really surprised me, Evan.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “We could have had something together.”

  “I tried to convince you to come over to my side.”

  “I guess I should have listened.”

  I jerked my hand up and jammed on the button up top. Pepper spray covered his face. It was stained with a blue dye so police would be sure not to miss him.

  Evan hollered with pain and blindly reached for me.

  I withdrew into the corner. My hands connected with a plastic-sided box. I threw it at him.

  He cried out in pain.

  The driver threw on brakes. I scrambled toward the backdoor. After a few failed attempts, I pulled it open and practically fell onto the ground outside.

  The police officer pulled me behind him and turned his gun on Evan.

  Evan. Not me.

  It was over, I realized. It was finally over.

  Chapter 34

  The next day was a blur of being questioned by the police, of unending media coverage, and of ducking the paparazzi-like reporters outside my home.

  The good news was that Katie had been found. Jonah had been located. And today they’d be reunited.

  Doris had arranged it so the meeting would take place at a home owned by one of Ralph’s friends and colleagues. It was out of the way, and the media shouldn’t catch wind of our location.

  I’d been pacing since I got there. The door opened, and my spine went ramrod straight. I held my breath, waiting to see if Jonah would appear.

  Instead, Chase popped his head in. We met halfway, and he pulled me into his arms. We’d hardly had a chance to talk since all of this craziness started. I was anxious to find out how he was doing.

  “Not here yet?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No, they should be any time now.”

  “Let’s sit down a minute.”

  I nodded, and we sat across from each other on a massive leather couch.

  “So . . .” I started, anxious for details. I knew Evan, Mclean, Jim, and Crazy Hands had been arrested. Bethany Ellis, as well as Larry Truman, had been cleared of any charges. That had all come out in the news stories.

  “We tracked down Jonah. Mclean had asked his girlfriend to take care of him.”

  My heart spiked. I already knew Jonah was okay, but every time I heard it, I felt reassured again.

  Thank You, Jesus.

  “Mclean’s girlfriend didn’t get suspicious?”

  “He said it was a big case they were working on and everything had to be hush-hush,” Chase said. “He paid for her to stay in a house down in Lexington, insisting that she was working as part of the police investigation.”

  “She trusted him, so she had no reason to question his story, I suppose.”

  “Most likely.”

  “But he’s okay?” I’d already heard that answer before also, but I wanted to hear it again.

  Chase nodded. “He’s doing fine. Mclean and his partners knew that they had to eliminate Katie if they wanted their operations to continue. She knew too much. They hoped if they had the baby, they could smoke her out.”

  They were heartless. Truly heartless. All of this for some cash in their pockets? It was greed, pure and simple. “But it didn’t work?”

  “She was staying somewhere without any phone or Internet, so she wasn’t aware of what was happening. She’d tried to get a couple of updates, but the media was pretty quiet about it. She felt Jonah was safer without her.”

  “Who left the note on my car then?”

  “Most likely someone else who saw you were snooping and wanted you to back off. One of Evan and Mclean’s minions.”

  Crazy Hands, if I had to guess. “What about this drug ring? How did all of that work?”

  “We’re still putting together all of the details. But it looks like Evan started it. He was always a bit of a troublemaker throughout his youth, but he seemed to have turned his life around. We think he started this on his own and then pulled in other people, tempting them with the money. In fact, Evan and Jim went to high school together.”

  “And Bo?”

  “When Bo caught onto what they were doing, they pulled him in to be a front man. That would eliminate the risk of them being caught. He posted the ads on GregsList for them, which ended up bringing in more customers. More than they could handle almost. The need to get more drugs grew. They lured Morgan Bayfield in.”

  “They had their whole system down to a science,” I muttered.

  Chase nodded. “You could say that.”

  “Did you suspect Evan all along?” I remembered the hostility between them that day at Katie’s house, after Gage’s dead body had been discovered.

  He sucked in a breath. “No, I didn’t suspect him. I would have never sent you with him in the ambulance if I had. Honestly, he told me he was interested in you and that I was the wrong guy for you.”

  “He had a lot of nerve.”

  Chase frowned. “Tell me about it. I tried not to let him get to me because I knew that’s what he was looking for. But every time I saw him talking to you . . . I remembered those conversations.”

  “I wonder why Jim didn’t kill me that day he took Jonah. They killed everyone else who knew too much.”

  “My guess is that it was because of Evan. I think he honestly did like you. He hoped maybe he could turn you over to their side.”

  I leaned back to process all of that. People’s hearts could be turned so easily. Was mine included in that? What had I compromised my values to obtain? “Their whole scheme sounds intricate.”

  “It was. And lucrative. They were bringing in some big bucks. That’s the way opium works. Once you become hooked on it, you just want more and more. Physically, your body starts to crave it, and it’s very hard to break the cycle.”

  “Truman was obviously set up.”

  “He’s been cleared and will return to the job.”

  Satisfaction filled me. “Good. I’m glad, because he seemed like a nice guy.”

  “I think he’ll be fine.”

  Just then, I heard the rumble of a car pulling over gravel. I rushed to the door and saw Doris coming with Jonah. I met her outside, desperate to see Jonah for myself.

  As soon as his smiling face came into view in the car seat, my heart fluttered out of control. He really was fine.

  At the first chance inside, I took him from his seat and held him to me. “How are you, Little Man?”

  He smiled in response, and my bones turned to jelly.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I cooed.

  Before I had the chance to baby talk with him for too long, another car pulled up. My breath caught. I knew who this was. It was Katie. Captain Abbot himself had brought her.

  I braced myself for Katie’s entrance. As soon as she stepped inside, she ran toward her baby. Tears streamed from her eyes.

  It was a beautiful sight.

  I gave them a few minutes to reunite. I really wanted to ask Katie some questions, though. I really wanted to see Jonah again, for that matter.

  Finally, Katie looked at me.

  “Thank you for taking care of my baby,” she said, mascara trailing down her cheeks.

  “You’re welcome. I’m just sorry about everything that happened . . .” I shifted as Chase put a steadying hand on my shoulder. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why me?”

  Katie let out a long sigh and sat down with J
onah in her lap. “I know I always gave you a hard time in high school. But the truth was, I knew you were a good person. I was almost jealous of that, feeling like I couldn’t measure up. I couldn’t leave my baby with someone close to me because that would be too obvious. So I thought of you. I knew he’d be in good care.”

  “You addressed the note to Ms. Holly?”

  She shrugged. “Just to throw you off. I didn’t know if you’d come look for me or not, but I had heard that you liked to volunteer. I figured using that name would make you think it was one of the kids you worked with.”

  “You were correct.” I leaned toward Jonah and my heart pounded so loudly in my ears that everything else faded for a moment. I didn’t want to say goodbye to him, but I knew my stay here was limited. Katie deserved to have time alone with her son.

  “Thank you again, Holly. You were a real lifesaver.”

  “You’re welcome.” I rubbed Jonah’s hand, fighting back the tears. “Good bye, little guy. I’m going to miss you.”

  “Feel free to come over and visit some.”

  I nodded. “And if you ever need a sitter . . .”

  “I’ll know who to call.” She hugged me again. “Thank you.”

  Four days later, Chase and I were able to talk. To really talk.

  And I was dreading it.

  He came over, and we sat on the back patio. The weather had warmed up, just for the day. The sunshine seemed promising and hopeful.

  Too bad my spirits didn’t match.

  “What are you thinking, Holly?” Chase asked.

  My heart felt heavy and burdened. I didn’t want to have this conversation, but I knew I had to. “I feel conflicted, Chase.”

  “Tell me why.”

  I licked my lips, not wanting to speak, but knowing I needed to say it. “I love you, Chase. I really do. But I guess there’s a part of me that wants to change you, and I know that’s deeply unhealthy.”

  His eyes darkened. “What do you mean ‘change me’?”

  “I mean, I want you to be the settling-down type. I want to get married and have a family. It’s my heart’s desire. It always has been. But I’m not sure that’s what you want.”

  “We’ve had this talk before,” he said quietly, compassionately.

  “I know. And if I keep bringing it up, I’ll only be nagging, and that’s not who I am. Besides, you told me you wanted me to be safe. I’m not sure my heart is safe around you.”

  “I see.” His gaze looked tumultuous. “So what’s this mean?”

  My gut roiled. “I don’t know.”

  “I want you to be happy, Holly.”

  “I want you to be happy, Chase.”

  “It doesn’t sound like I can make you happy right now, though.” He looked down, swallowed hard, and leaned back.

  My heart lurched into my throat. “Chase—”

  “I wish I could promise you the world. It’s what I want more than anything. I want to give you everything you want and more. But there are some things I know I’d be setting myself up for failure for. Marriage, right now, is one of them. I need to be in the right place before I make a lifelong commitment. I hate to think about having children with my issues being unresolved. And the last thing I want is to raise kids in a household like the one where I grew up.”

  There was so much I wanted to say and make him realize about the burdens we carried with us in life. But none of it seemed useful. He had to come to those conclusions on his own. We’d already rehashed them before.

  Until he made up his mind, all of my arguments were useless.

  When I got married one day, I wanted the man of my dreams to desire me. To desire marriage. To desire family.

  I didn’t want to push anyone into something he wasn’t ready for. The strains of that could last long into our marriage.

  All of this was made even harder because . . . I loved Chase. I did. And I was pretty sure he loved me. I only wished our goals lined up.

  “Where do we go from here?” he asked.

  “Maybe we should take some time,” I finally said. “Because I don’t know if I can date you indefinitely. Temptation wise . . . it would remain very difficult.” I felt my cheeks heat at the admittance.

  Fire burned in his eyes. “I know.”

  There was no doubt about it that we were attracted to each other. That we cared about each other. That we had chemistry.

  “So we take a break?” Chase’s voice cracked as he said each word. He started to reach for me but dropped his hands to the side.

  “Maybe we should until we’re both on the same page.”

  His gaze burned into mine. “I understand. I love you, Holly.”

  My throat ached. “I love you too, Chase.”

  He wiped a final tear from my eyes, planted a soft kiss on my forehead, and walked through the backyard to his truck.

  Just as he disappeared, Jamie appeared around the corner.

  “Are you okay?” Jamie asked.

  I shrugged. “I always talk about having faith in God and in His timing. Now I get to live like I believe it. What good is it to talk about trusting God when there’s no action behind it?”

  “That’s some wisdom there, Girlfriend.”

  A tear escaped down my cheek. “But it’s going to be hard.”

  She hooked her arm around my neck. “No one said this life would be easy.”

  I smiled at her and wiped away my tear. “But at least I have a friend like you to get me through the hard times, right?”


  “I’m going to make some other changes too, Jamie.”

  “They don’t include a new best friend?”


  “Then what?”

  “I’m thinking about putting a contract on that house we looked at with my mom,” I started.

  “Really? That’s a big step.”

  I nodded. “I know. But my mom is ready to move on. She and Officer Truman—Larry—have practically been inseparable the past few days. I think it’s time.”

  “It sounds like you’ve thought this through.”

  “I might also go back and get my master’s degree in counseling.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Really?”

  “Really. I need to make some changes in my career. I love working for my brother, but how long will this last? And I can’t really see myself doing this long-term. My heart just isn’t that into it.”

  “Counseling? I know you’ve counseled me on many occasions.”

  “I just want to work hands-on with people again.”

  “It sounds like change is in the air.”

  I nodded. “It is. But with change comes growth, right?”

  “Right on, Girlfriend. Right on.”

  Coming Next:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also enjoy these books in the Holly Anna Paladin series:

  Random Acts of Murder (Book 1)

  When Holly Anna Paladin is given a year to live, she embraces her final days doing what she loves most—random acts of kindness. But one of her extreme good deeds goes horribly wrong, implicating her in a string of murders. Holly is suddenly thrust into a different kind of fight for her life. Could it also be random that the detective assigned to the case is her old high school crush and present-day nemesis? Will Holly find the killer before he ruins what is left of her life? Or will she spend her final days alone and behind bars?

  Random Acts of Deceit (Book 2)

  “Break up with Chase Dexter, or I’ll kill him.” Holly Anna Paladin never expected such a gut-wrenching ultimatum. With home invasions, hidden cameras, and bomb threats, Holly must make some serious choices. Whatever she decides, the consequences will either break her heart or break her soul. She tries to match wits with the Shadow Man, but the more she fights, the deeper she’s drawn into the perilous situation. With her sister’s wedding problems and the riots in the city, Holly has nearly reached her breaking point. She must stop this mystery man before someone she loves dies. But the dece
it is threatening to pull her under . . . six feet under.

  Random Acts of Murder (Book 3)

  When Holly Anna Paladin’s boyfriend, police detective Chase Dexter, says he’s leaving for two weeks and can’t give any details, she wants to trust him. But when she discovers Chase may be involved in some unwise and dangerous pursuits, she’s compelled to intervene. Holly gets a run for her money as she’s swept into the world of horseracing. The stakes turn deadly when a dead body surfaces and suspicion is cast on Chase. At every turn, more trouble emerges, making Holly question what she holds true about her relationship and her future. Just when she thinks she’s on the homestretch, a dark horse arises. Holly might lose everything in a nail-biting fight to the finish.

  Random Acts of Scrooge (Book 3.5)

  Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but a real-life Scrooge is threatening to ruin the season’s good will. Holly Anna Paladin can’t wait to celebrate Christmas with family and friends. She loves everything about the season—celebrating the birth of Jesus, singing carols, and baking Christmas treats, just to name a few. But when a local family needs help, how can she say no? Holly’s community has come together to help raise funds to save the home of Greg and Babette Sullivan, but a Bah-Humburgler has snatched the canisters of cash. Holly and her boyfriend, police detective Chase Dexter, team up to catch the Christmas crook. Will they succeed in collecting enough cash to cover the Sullivans’ overdue bills? Or will someone succeed in ruining Christmas for all those involved?

  Squeaky Clean Mysteries:

  Hazardous Duty (Book 1)

  On her way to completing a degree in forensic science, Gabby St. Claire drops out of school and starts her own crime-scene cleaning business. When a routine cleaning job uncovers a murder weapon the police overlooked, she realizes that the wrong person is in jail. But the owner of the weapon is a powerful foe . . . and willing to do anything to keep Gabby quiet. With the help of her new neighbor, Riley Thomas, a man whose life and faith fascinate her, Gabby seeks to find the killer before another murder occurs.


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