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The Lady’s Dangerous Love (The BainBridge - Love & Challenges) (The Regency Romance Story)

Page 15

by Jessie Bennett

  “Will you come to town with me, Bess? I would like to see Katrina Ellingham. Perhaps you would like to go down the main street and look at the shops?”

  “Oh miss, do you not know about the vandal in town?”

  “Only the flower shop,” Bella replied. “Has there been another incident?”

  “Yes, the dress shop was nearly destroyed.”

  Bella raised her eyebrows. “Oh my! What in Heaven’s name is going on? Who could be doing these things?”

  “I am unsure. But I heard that your brothers were there merely days ago, ordering a dress for your mother.” Bess leaned toward Bella. “It was to be a surprise. It was for the party your parents are planning in a sennight.”

  “I… I didn’t realize that.” Bella looked down at the garden. “Do you think it a possibility that the same person who has vandalized the shops in town could have done this to my flower bed?”

  Bess frowned, looking down at the men clearing the garden. “Why would anyone want to do that?” Her eyes widened and she looked back at Bella. “You don’t believe it could be Elena, do you? Because she is in love with Joshua? And knows that Joshua loves you?”

  Bella shook her head. “There is no way for me to know. But could it be?”

  Bess looked thoughtful and hesitated, thinking before she answered. She lifted one hand and placed her fingers under her chin. “Hmmm. Well, I suppose it is always possible that she snuck out in the middle of the night. But I highly doubt it. She would have been seen. She would have been heard. Surely.”

  “She shares a room with Tabitha and Patricia, doesn’t she? In the upper part of the house?”

  “She does.”

  “They would have heard her leave.”

  Bess nodded. “Yes, but as I said, Miss, they are all of the same sort. They would not mention it if she had left, even if they suspected her of the vandalism. They would never tell anyone. She is a kindred spirit to them.”

  “I think it’s shameful.” Bella shook her head. “It is simply awful that they would condone such behavior.”

  Bella could say no more, thinking that perhaps she wasn’t the best person to judge another. She, after all, was in love with the gardener and he was in love with her. She had allowed herself to receive a passionate kiss by him while her betrothed was in town. How could she turn a pointing finger to anyone when she had her own troubling behavior to deal with?

  She sighed heavily. “I do not know what to do, Bess.”

  Bess nodded. “I understand. But perhaps for now, since there is nothing else that can be done, you should get yourself dressed for a trip into town. Put on your nice boots and a pretty dress. I will do your hair the way it is supposed to be done,” she gave Bella a warm smile. “And you can visit with your friend while I inspect the damage done by the vandal. There are other shops in town. And I would love to partake of a cup of tea and one of Mrs. Ellingham’s delicious berry-filled tarts, if she has some available.”

  Bella smiled at her maid. “That sounds lovely. Let’s do that.”




  Bella walked down the street arm in arm with Katrina, looking into the shop windows, admiring the blue sky, feeling grateful that it was not rainy season. If the sun continued to shine the way it had been for the past week, they would soon need rain. In addition, it would surely come, as England was nearly always wet. However, for now, the sun was out and the birds were singing songs of happiness and joy.

  It was a pleasant change from the room she had occupied for nearly two weeks. Even with her current situation weighing heavily on her mind, she could not help feeling refreshed and pleased being outside.

  “Are you feeling weak?” Katrina asked. “Do you want to sit down for a bit?”

  “I feel fine, Kat, thank you. I am a bit tired. However, I need the exercise. I was in the bed for a very long time.”

  “I know. I wanted to come visit you but Mother wouldn’t let me.”

  “It’s all right.”

  “Whatever was wrong with you? Did the doctor ever come up with an illness?”

  “No. Mama had Constance helping me. She wouldn’t let the doctor do anything. I was given herbal medicines and they seemed to help. Constance said that she suspected I had something in my blood, some kind of poison or bacteria. I don’t know the technical terms she used and she did not explain it to me. She talked to Mama and Papa but rarely to me.”

  “You were the one who was sick. She should have discussed it with you.”

  Bella shook her head. “It mattered not. I only wanted to feel better.”

  “You must tell me what has happened with your situation. You told me last time I saw you that you had feelings for your gardener. Have you rid yourself of those feelings?”

  Bella pursed her lips together and then chewed on the bottom one apprehensively. “No, I have the same feelings. And I know that he feels the same way for me.”

  “You must not give in to them, Bella. Your Mama and Papa are counting on you being married to Lord Humbridge soon. When he returns, I suspect he will want to marry you right away. You have not seen him for nearly two weeks!”

  “I know.”

  “Have you heard from him?”

  “Yes, he wrote to me last week. I suspect I will receive another letter soon.”

  “And have you written him back?”

  Bella grimaced. “I… I started to… but…”

  “You have not written him back? Oh, Bella, you must! He deserves a letter from you, does he not? He is such a good, kind man. I am disappointed that this has happened.”

  Bella looked at her friend sharply. “You admire Jonathan quite a lot, don’t you?”

  Katrina nodded. “I do. He has been very good to you. I wasn’t in London with you but I know that he has been a very successful man and has a big heart. I imagine he treats his employees with a great deal of respect. I… I guess I admire him more than I thought before. I never really thought about it. Now that I know what is happening with you… oh, I hold nothing against you for your feelings, Bella. Please do not be insulted.”

  Bella shook her head. “I am not insulted, Kat. I just didn’t know you had such feelings for him.”

  Katrina looked shocked and slightly fearful. “I have no feelings for your fiancé, Bella.”

  Bella chuckled. “That was not my intent, Kat. I do not think you have those kinds of feelings for him. Or do you?” Unwillingly, Bella thought, you can have him if you want him. She felt herself blushing at such a thought.

  “No, no. He is much too old for me. Why he must be at least ten years older than I am.”

  “You are only a few years younger than me. Joshua is nine years older than I am. Age is not the problem.”

  “Lord Humbridge cannot marry a commoner. I am sure his family would not approve.”

  Bella wondered how the conversation had turned to Jonathan marrying Katrina instead of herself. It was almost amusing and she would have laughed if it had not been inappropriate at that point in time. She stifled the laugh and continued. “I do not know. He has never talked about it. We were not marrying because of station and title. I agreed to marry him because I thought I was in love with him.”

  “And now you do not think you are in love with him?”

  “I do not. It is unfortunate but I am in love with someone else.”

  “Do you want my advice?”

  Bella thought that Katrina was the only one who had offered any advice and she was but a teenager. Others had offered advice they weren’t asked for, or merely commented on the situation without giving any advice whatsoever.

  “Yes, what say you?”

  Katrina paused as if gathering her thoughts. She put one hand over Bella’s, which was pushed through the crook of her arm as they walked. “I think you should be honest with Jonathan and tell him that your feelings have changed since he’s been away. It might break his heart but it is the most honest thin
g you can do and the right thing to do, in my opinion. Jonathan is a good man and a strong man. He is a man. He can handle it. If you were to go through with this marriage, you would be causing pain for three people. Lord Humbridge may not realize that there is pain but eventually, you would grow to resent him and you might even try to take Joshua as a lover. Then, if Lord Humbridge found out, he would be absolutely devastated. You would be humiliated and Joshua would be banished from Bainbridge, either voluntarily or involuntarily. This is not what you want. I know it isn’t.”

  Bella shook her head. “It is certainly not what I want. I cannot see taking Joshua as a lover. I do not want to do that to my family or to him. Or to me.”

  “I know you don’t, Bella. That’s why I think your best option is to simply tell Lord Humbridge the truth. He deserves the truth, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes. He does.”

  Katrina squeezed her friend’s hand again. “And don’t you go writing it in a letter.”

  Bella raised her eyebrows. “You don’t think I should write to him?”

  “No. Not at this time. I saw him before he left and he is very concerned about his cousin. If Lord Duffy is not found, he will be traumatized. You should not go through with the marriage but it is imperative that you wait until the right time to reveal the truth to him.”

  “I don’t know if I should wait until he returns. As you said, he will want to do the ceremony right away.”

  “We don’t know what he’s going to want, Bella. He may find Lord Duffy and everything will be well. He may not find him, which would prolong the search. He will return eventually and it is then that you should judge when to tell him, taking into consideration the emotions he is feeling at the time. If it is sorrow and loss, you may want to wait. Perhaps tell him that you should not marry until he is in a better frame of mind. Then you can break it to him very gently and over time. Not in a letter. That is not the right way to do it.”

  “That would free me to be with Joshua.”

  “It would.”

  “But there is another problem.”


  “Yes. One of the kitchen maids is in love with Joshua. She is forcing herself on him.”

  Katrina snorted in laughter, causing Bella to give her a narrow look. “Why are you laughing?” she asked.

  Katrina shrugged. “I cannot imagine a kitchen maid forcing herself on Joshua. He is a big, strong man. Surely he can fend off any woman’s advances if he is not willing to receive them.”

  The hated vision of Elena kissing Joshua flashed through Bella’s mind. It made her angry in an instant and she pushed the memory away, trying to recall the way he kissed her fingers that morning in its place.

  Katrina was staring at her face. “Oh, dear. Have you seen something you shouldn’t have seen?”

  Bella glanced at Katrina. “You know me too well, Kat.”

  “You say that every time you see me, Bella. What have you seen?”

  Reluctantly, Bella recalled the scene in the stables that morning. Katrina let out a disgusted sound and shook her head.

  “She sounds like an awful woman. It is no wonder you do not like her.”

  “I liked her fine before. But when I discovered that she was intent of taking Joshua as her own, my feelings changed.”

  “Of course they did. How could they not? She was a mere kitchen maid before. Now she has elevated herself to a rival. No woman likes their rival.”

  “I should not be in competition for Joshua. Not in my current situation.”

  “We cannot control our hearts. We love who our hearts love, regardless of circumstances.”

  “This is the truth.”

  They passed the dress shop and glanced in at the chaos the vandal had created. “What do you think is going on in Bainbridge? My flower garden was destroyed after the flower shop was destroyed. Now the dress shop. Should I be wary of my dresses?”

  Katrina’s eyes narrowed. “If you go home and your closet has been raided and your dresses ruined, then yes, I would say you have a vandal in your midst. However, from what you’ve told me, it was most likely not your kitchen maid that destroyed these shops. How would she get here without being seen? What would her real motive be? You have your own garden and do not need to buy any for your wedding. You can go directly to London for a wedding dress, though I know you want to give Mrs. Tweddle the business. Besides, I would think your kitchen maid wants you to be married to Jonathan, if only so that you will be forced to leave Joshua to her. It would make no sense for her to be the vandal here in town.”

  Bella nodded. “You are right. I should have thought of it in those terms before.”

  “Greetings, Bella. Katrina.” While they were standing still, the Cornwall brothers and James Ellingham emerged from the dress shop. It was James who had greeted them, bowing slightly at the waist.

  “Hello, brother.” Katrina said. “We have just been discussing this vandalism. Do you and the boys have any clues as to who is doing this?”

  James pressed his lips together, shaking his head and surveying the damage behind him. “It appears to be the same person who did the flower shop, though we have no idea why they are doing this at all. Have you any theories?”

  Katrina shook her head. “None that make any sense.”

  “I’m afraid I’ve been too sick the last few nights to be able to help investigate these strange occurrences,” Bella said.

  “I heard. It is good to see you up and about, Bella. Many of us here in town were praying for your swift healing and recovery.”

  “Thank you, James. That is very kind of you.”

  “You are a member of our township, Miss Bella,” James bowed fancily, holding one hand in front of him with the other behind his back. “We are grateful to have a lovely woman such as yourself gracing our streets, even if it is only once in a while.”

  Bella and Katrina laughed.




  Bella sat at the table, listening to her family talk. Her father was in conversation with Nick and the Duchess. Her other brothers were having their own separate discussion. She was distracted, wanting to tell her parents the decision she had made, that she would not be able to marry Jonathan. She noticed when she picked up her fork that her hand was shaking. She tried to steady it but the nervous energy running through her body was too strong.

  She looked through the window to the garden. Joshua was there, working on replacing the flower bed that had been ruined. She couldn’t see his face but his body and his movements were stilted and tense. She could see that he was unhappy and upset. She understood why. His beautiful creation was destroyed, he knew who did it, and he had no authority to do anything about it.

  “Bella, are you feeling all right?”

  She turned to look at her mother, nodding. “Yes, Mama. I feel fine.”

  “I am so pleased you have recovered so well. I suppose the herbal medicines did a good job. I am going to rely on Constance more often. What do you think, dear?” she looked at her husband. He nodded, his eyes on Bella. She could see he was scrutinizing her, looking closely at her appearance.

  “I think she will need to start eating again and put some of the color back in her cheeks and some meat on her bones. You are too skinny, my girl. Eat.”

  Bella took a piece of ham from her plate and put it in her mouth to show him she was eating. She gave him a closed-mouth smile. He grinned back.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Do you know what happened to the flower bed outside?” the Duchess asked, looking at each of her children. “It was so beautiful. I was devastated to see it destroyed. With the vandalism taking place in Bainbridge and now our beautiful garden being chopped down, I wonder what this world is coming to.”

  “The two things are unrelated,” Tyler responded, taking a sip from his cup of tea.

  “Are they?”

  Tyler nodded. “We have been investigating those instance
s taking place in town. We don’t believe what’s happened here has anything to do with them. There appears to be a pattern going on in the village. Nevertheless, the reason behind the vandalism has us confused. Who would want to destroy a flower shop? Who would want to tear apart dresses and break windows? The Tweddle's and the Huntington's have done no wrong. I am frankly at a loss to understand why it is being done, and without a motive, we cannot pinpoint who is committing the crimes.”

  “Could it be a foreigner traveling through the village?” the Duchess asked.

  Tyler shook his head. “There are no reports of strangers in town. It is too small for such a thing not to be noticed.”

  His mother nodded. “I agree.” She looked at Bella. “Will you be strong enough to attend the party this evening?”

  Bella grinned at her. “I think I will be able to, Mama. I don’t have to travel far.”

  “Well, that is true. You will have to come downstairs. That’s not a long walk at all.”

  The family laughed. “Just don’t trip down the stairs. You might need help. Call me if you need a hand.” Her brothers inserted various comments as the chuckles continued.

  “I have not heard from Jonathan for a week,” Bella hadn’t intended to bring Jonathan into the conversation but he was on her mind. “I am thinking of writing him a letter.”

  “That would be a good idea.”

  “I thought I saw you writing one just yesterday.” Tyler said. “Did you not finish it and send it?”

  Bella pursed her lips. “No, I never finished it.”

  “Well, when you do, let me know. I will send a messenger to London. I have been wondering how he is faring as well. It is a shame when political enemies put a person at risk of harm.”

  “Is that why Lord Duffy was abducted?” Bella asked.

  “Yes, I believe so. He is an outspoken member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is believed that a rival has taken him and perhaps killed him to send a message to British Allies.”


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