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Insatiable: Moon Tide Book 6

Page 5

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “What are you doing to yourself drinking with Devin night and day? You should be on the mountain slopes enjoying the last bit of the snow, or swimming, or boating. What’s all this about?” Katie didn’t answer him she just looked out the window of Devin’s black Porsche Carrera. “I want to do all those things with you,” Hunter said his voice soft.

  He gazed over at her and she met his gaze and she couldn’t stop looking into his compelling blue eyes.

  Katie pulled her hand from under Hunter’s. “When we get there promise me you won’t do anything to hurt Devin. I love him.” Hunter glances over to Katie. Can’t she see that Devin isn’t good for her? His mind tells him. I can’t promise anything, he thinks.

  Hunter pulled off the highway and headed down to the entrance of the motel. It sets in a secluded part off the highway surrounded by trees and woods. The sound of loud music vibrates inside the car coming from the outside. As he slowed and drove around to the back of the building, cars were doubled parked one behind another. Young men and women, along with shifters of all kind, were walking together, and stalking into the woods. Sexual animal moans and grunts could be heard for miles.

  “Is this what you want? Do you want to have to get Devin out of places like this on a Saturday night? Do you want me? I promise you that I would never do this to you.”

  “It’s too late, Hunter.”

  “It’s never too late. Just say the word and we can be married tonight and there will be nothing Devin can do about it. He’ll get over it. He’s probably getting over you this moment.” Katie’s face is blank. “What do you think he’s doing now?”

  Hunter reaches over to Katie pulling her into him. He leans in to kiss her and she pulls back. “I know you want to be with me,” he said. “But what’s stopping you? There’s nothing stopping him from breaking your heart like you’re breaking mine.”

  “I don’t want to break your heart, Hunter. You don’t understand.”

  “Then make me understand.” He sat looking at Katie and she put her head down. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he opened the car door. He turned to Katie, “Stay in here and lock the door. Don’t let anyone in. Not even Devin unless he’s with me.” And Hunter stepped out into the cool spring air. He closed the door behind him with a bang.

  Following the crowd of shifters and humans, he opened the door and entered one of the rooms. Hunter stood in the door way looking around for Devin. There were two queen beds and both were occupied. A bear shifter had a blond in a bear hug and he was squeezing every ounce of sex out of her.

  On the other bed lay a werefemale shifter pawing and biting a man who was handcuffed to the headboard. The rest of the group were sitting around in a fog watching two gamers. The gamers were clutching a mouse connected to the consoles, and one with it hooked up to a 65 inch television, and the other connected to a computer with a microphone where they could talk to each other or other players.

  The gamers and audience couldn’t be bothered because the games were far more interesting than watching a pair of shifters fuck.

  “Has anyone see Devin Samsa?” Hunter had to ask twice and hardly anyone looked up.

  He marched over to a gamer and snatched his ear plug and raised his fist ready to smash his PS4 when the gamer said, “What the fuck man. Hold on. You have a serious attitude problem.”

  “You really want to see an attitude.”

  Hunter raised his head and let out a chilling howl, and then before he could change, “He’s in the next room,” the gamer shouted pointing with a nervous finger at the open door.

  When Hunter turned, there was Devin having sexual intercourse with the fox shifter from the club. Her skimpy uniform was thrown on the floor and the head band with fake ears were lying beside it with the fox tail across the room. Devin had her bent over clutching the headboard as entered her from behind. She gave out a loud satisfying moan on each drive into her.

  Hunter became enrage and flew into the room pulling Devin away from the little fox shifter who by now was on all fours and Devin had her by her long red hair. When Hunter threw Devin across the room, Devin took a few strands of the little red fox’s hair with him.

  Naked, he shifted into a white wolf. “This is the last time you will do this to me, Hunter. The next time it will be a fight. You have wanted me to fight you since you arrived. What is it this time?”

  “Do you know where Katie is?”

  Devin changed back to his human form. Standing in front of Hunter, blue eyes to blue eyes. “If I don’t it’s still none of your business,” Devin said.

  “Don’t get cocky with me, little brother.”

  “And who are you?”

  “I’m the one that loves Katie. Obviously you don’t.”

  “You can’t know how I feel.”

  “Why would you leave her for one of your friends to paw on her while you’re off fucking that little red headed fox shifter? The fox shifter got to the floor after cowering under the covers. She picked up Devin’s pants and handed it to him, and walked passed Hunter seductively prancing with her hard breasts and nipples sticking out. She paused to let him get a complete look at her behind. And then whispered.

  “I can do both of you if you like. Twins are rare. One can take me in front and the other in back. Would you like that,” she said standing glancing at Hunter.

  “Not on your life and if you don’t leave my brother alone your little life might depend on it,” Hunter said watching as she curled up in a ball on the bed. Hunter would never harm a female. It was against the shifter laws to kill the young and females. He just wanted her to think twice before she got involved with Devin again.

  “Don’t listen to him. You listen to me. I want you and I plan on seeing you again,” Devin said leaning forward and holding her face in his large hands. “I’ll see you tonight.” And he slapped her on her butt and she scurried out of the bed into the bathroom.

  Hunter felt the presence and threat of someone and he turned immediately. “What is going on in here, Devin? I didn’t know you would break up the furniture and cause a riot when I agreed to rent you these rooms for a party. You could have gone in the woods with that fox shifter. They like it when you fuck them in the woods.”

  “The room was for me and my girl. But she wanted no part of a threesome,” Devin said smiling.

  “So you and that twin brother of yours decided to take her together. I like that,” Eric said. He extended his hand to Hunter. “I’m Eric your brother’s friend.”

  “The same Eric who tried to make a pass at his fiancée. Some friend,” Hunter said turning to Devin and looking at Eric’s hand suspended in the air. When Hunter refused to shake Eric’s hand, Hunter saw the anger in his face.

  “You think you’re better than me. You just have money. You’re not a man. You’re a shifter like me and that makes you just like me.”

  If he thought he could handle two werewolves he would have attacked Hunter. That is if Devin would have helped his brother out. But Hunter needed no help. He had experiences only a seasoned wolf like Wilder had in his life.

  “My brother and I are leaving,” Devin said.

  “Don’t come back if he has to come with you,” Eric said.

  “Do you know who we are? We go where we want. This is our town. Remember that,” Hunter said pushing Eric out of his way. I’m waiting for you outside, Devin. Katie is with me. Clean up.”

  “I hope she knows you can’t make me do anything I don’t want.”

  “I think she knows that. But you can’t keep treating her like you don’t love her.”

  “We all love in our own way. She likes me the way I am.”

  “Your boozed soaked mind told you that,” Hunter said looking at Devin staggering out of one room into the next. “If you weren’t drunk and I hadn’t promised Katie, I would...”

  “You would do nothing. Can’t you get it into your head that you’re not special anymore? It’s about me now. Father turned to me when you were gone. So did Katie. Then
you came back here and messed up everything for me. I wish you would leave. Go away.”

  Hunter felt the pain of Devin’s words. He knew what he had to do.

  Chapter 8

  Hunter wearing a closed smile, sauntered past Eric, never surrendering his threating gaze. He learned from the Alaskan werewolves that a smile proved to be more dangerous than a menacing growl. With a smile, Hunter was beaten and tortured, and left to die of hunger even after he had hunted and brought back meat for the entire pack.

  It was when Hunter smiled now that he was most dangerous.

  The enemy would never know what he was thinking, and clearly Eric was the enemy. Turning facing Eric he backed out of the room never taking his eyes off him.

  After walking and seeing the Porsche, he spotted Katie shivering from the cold. She hit a button and the door unlocked. Hunter jumped inside and started the engine.

  “Why didn’t you turn on the heater?”

  “I wasn’t thinking. I was worried about you and Devin. She looked to him. “I was worried that you two had argued over of me. I don’t want to be the divide between brothers. Your father would never accept me into the family.”

  “We never argued because of you.” Which was a lie. He hated lying especially to Katie. “Devin will be right out. He had to tell some of his gamer friends goodbye.” Katie appeared to relax because of that well placed lie.

  She turned to face Hunter and saw Devin staggering out of the room, looking around, and headed in the direction of his car. Hunter opened the door and jumped out and shouted at Devin. “Over here.”

  Then Hunter turned to Katie. “Get out and get under the driver’s seat. He’s in no condition to be behind a wheel.”

  “What are you going to do?” Katie asked standing at the open door in the driver’s side.

  “I’m going to the hospital to keep half my promise to a girl.” As Katie glanced at him and then stepped into the car, Hunter closed the door. Once in the driver’s seat, Katie hit a button and the window lowered she looked up into Hunter’s eyes.

  “I should have waited for you.”

  “It’s still not too late.”

  “Oh, but it is.”

  “I heard what you said to Katie. Did you think that I was too drunk to know what you’re up to?” Devin said walking behind Hunter. Devin’s hearing is sharp. Hunter’s hearing is sharper. He heard Devin’s feet crush a piece of paper as he neared him.

  “I really didn’t give a damn if you heard me or not,” Hunter said walking away and heading in the direction of the Interstate. As Hunter approached the woods he started running fast. He had to clear his mind.

  He closed his eyes and let his senses take over. He ran and ran and when he looked up he was standing at the front of the hospital once more. Hunter wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his arm and straightened his dark hair by passing his hand over it and walked in.

  Taking the elevator to the second floor and children’s wing, Hunter stepped off the elevator in time to see Robert leaving Haley’s room.

  “That child has been asking for you. She’s hysterical. You should never promise anything unless you know that you can fulfill the promise. I have to go. Mena and my babies are waiting for me.” Robert didn’t wait for an explanation. Hunter strode pass him and quietly into the room.

  Haley’s eyes opened wide. “Where have you been? You said that you would be here when I woke. I heard you say it, so don’t deny it.” Her voice small, her tone low.

  “I’m not denying it.” He sat in the comfortable leather chair near her bed. “I had something I had to do.”

  “It must have been hard because you look like shit.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “I mean you look like shit in a seductive sexy way.” She shot him a thin feeble smile. “Your hair is loose, messy, and falling over your eyes.”

  “Don’t start that again, Haley. I’m too tired to argue with you.” She placed her hand in his and he closed his hand around hers, and for some reason he felt safe, and there were no threats, so Hunter fell asleep as Haley watched at him with a wide smile.

  “Hunter. Hunter,” the voice sound as if it was at a distance. But it was near, he recognized the voice and didn’t wake in a hostile stance. His eyes opened and he sat up to see Christine standing over him. “You didn’t get any sleep I see. Is it still on tonight?”

  “Is what still on tonight?” Haley opened her eyes and peeping out of half-closed lids.

  “Hunter and I have a date tonight,” Christine said as Hunter tried to gesture to Christine not to mention it. She turns to Hunter. “You didn’t say that we had to keep it a secret.”

  “Doesn’t the hospital have some sort of policy about dating?” Haley said clearly upset. Her voice weak; her tone disapproving.

  “Yes smarty pants but it doesn’t cover this,” Hunter says rising from the chair. “Let’s go outside and talk.” He left the room with Haley watching Christine following after him. Hunter closed the door. Haley could see him smiling at Christine through the small window in the door.

  Hunter never smiled with her, she thought. All she could remember on his handsome face was an irritable, restless, impatient frown.

  She had regain her strength and ambled to the door and opened it.

  “You can talk in front of me. I know all his secrets.”

  Hunter looked at her. That same disapproving look was there again. “Go back to bed.” He turned to Christine, “Not all my secrets.” And Hunter looked at Haley. A suggestion of irritation lingered in his eyes.

  Christine feeling that she was interfering where she wasn’t wanted said, “Hunter, I have to make my rounds and I can talk to you in fifteen minutes.” Christine trotted down the hall.

  “Why are you looking at her like that? You never look at me that way.”

  “Get in the bed, Haley.” Hunter looked at Haley. She waited until he helped her and pulled the sheet up to cover her. “Because she’s a woman and you’re not.”

  “One day I’ll have an ass and tits like that,” Haley said to a surprised Hunter. “And I’ll rock your world.”

  “But you don’t, and I doubt that you ever will, so until then, I will look at Christine any way I want and you go back to being a child.”

  “But I’m not a child, I’m nineteen.”

  “That still makes you a child in my book.”

  “So what are you twenty or twenty one?” Haley said to Hunter with a smirk and a tilt of her head not expecting an answer.

  “I’m tired of this conversation,” Hunter said. “I’ll see you tonight, and when you are well enough to be released which will be in a few days you will have to stay at Katie’s house.”

  “I will not. I’m not going to stay at any woman’s house that can’t wait to fuck you.”

  “Where did you learn to talk like that?”

  “At this school my father sent me to after my mother died. Then I got expelled.”

  “I can see why.” Hunter standing near the bed leaned forward and kissed Haley on the forehead.

  “Why can’t I stay at the ranch?”

  “Because it’s too crowded. I’m not going to debate this any longer. It’s that or...

  “Or what? Are you going to send me home? I’d rather be home than have to watch you and Katie together. I heard enough about her in the car traveling up here. How she’s so beautiful. Never once did you tell me how pretty I am.”

  “Well you are pretty.”

  “Now we’re making progress.”

  “We’re not making any progress. We’re not doing anything and especially not together.”

  “Did I say we were going to do something together? That’s just your sex starved mind,” Haley said trying to annoy Hunter. She liked to see his blue eyes change and glower at her. It made him look so human and sexy. When Haley could get him to show his emotions, she knew that deep inside, he felt something for her.

  “I can’t believe we are having this talk. It’s time for me to leave. Christine is wa
iting for me. I hope you don’t want to know what we do tonight,” Hunter said shooting Haley a wide provoking smile. One eyebrow raised.

  “You wouldn’t,” Haley said crossing her arms, breathing hard and glaring at him.

  “I will.” And Hunter strutted out wearing his mysterious smile and stood waiting in the hall way for Christine in front of Haley’s door. He put his fingers across his mouth and shook his head. What a hand full she is, he thought of Haley.

  Hunter became restless and decided to visit the other wings of the hospital. Why not? I’m not used to waiting. A walk would settle me down, his mind said to him. It’s a place his grandfather and father built and eventually he would be in charge of it. He found himself on the floor of the trauma ward.

  When he glanced up, he saw Katie running behind six doctors and two nurses. They were scrambling around as two others wheeled a stretcher with IV poles at the foot and head. It was a large state of the art gurney. At each four corners it held additional IV poles and a place for an oxygen bottle.

  He heard one doctor say, “Stay with me, Mr. Samsa.”

  The next sound was the faint cry of Katie’s voice as she came to a stop at the operating room because she couldn’t go in. “Is he going to die?” Hunter took off in a mad sprint and reached Katie’s side. She turned looking stressed at Hunter. Her breathing loud as she tried to catch her breath.

  “It’s Devin. When you left he went back inside and left me in the car for a few minutes.” She grabbed Hunter’s shirt and placed her head on his chest. Holding on to him trying to catch her breath. Her breathing rapid. Looking up at Hunter when he wrapped his arms around her, she continued telling Hunter what exactly had happened.

  “Eric came from one of the rooms, and around the corner where the car was parked, then he opened the door and pulled me from the car. I left the door open thinking Devin would be right out.” Katie’s voice is hoarse and shrill. “Devin came to the parking lot just in time to see Eric dragging me into the woods. I screamed and screamed. I think Devin heard me.”


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