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Angelic Attraction

Page 11

by Nicole French

  “Arrrhhhh...God you’re so hard” I cry out and he looks back at my face while he drives his whole length in and out of me.

  “You make me hard Angel—God, you’re so tight and wet. I can see your juices all over me. They’re dripping down me.” He ups his pace and begins pounding harder and I can see from that familiar animalistic look full of concentration that he’s very turned on. Pulling me towards him by my thighs with every stroke, for more thrust. He licks a thumb to wet it and begins teasing and playing with my clit as his penis is pumping in and out of me. His body’s glistening with a layer of sweat and his hair has flopped forward transforming him from a slick, clean cut suit, to a devilishly gorgeous sex god.

  The sensation of his erection and his thumb working me over in conjunction with the sight of him starts another orgasm. I can feel it rising and I begin gripping his penis as it does. Feeling the tightening, he looks away from his thumb play and up to my face again.

  “You’re going to come soon aren’t you?”

  “Yes” I breathe my reply and as I do I feel it almost there.

  “You’re gonna make me come too” and he watches my face as the expressions change and ecstasy takes over me. He pounds hard and throws his head back, gritting his teeth as we explode together in one last glorious thrust. He leans his weight on the sides of the bench beside me and I can feel the vibrations as he shakes uncontrollably.

  “Wow” he breathes in my ear “you’re one amazing lover, you know that Angel? I don’t know what comes over me” he looks at me with his hair over his forehead and adds salaciously “apart from you of course” referring to me soaking him with my fluids. He kisses me softly for a minute then gets back to a standing position and unhooks my limp, jelly-like legs and rolls down my skirt to make me decent again. He retrieves my panties off the floor and hands them to me. “At least I didn’t tear them this time” he says with a slightly sheepish look that tells me he’s feeling a prickle of conscience for tearing the last pair.

  “I hope no one in these offices has a telescope too” I say as I get myself upright again “we never shut the blinds” and I laugh. I didn’t think the thought of being watched all that funny but there was nothing I could do about it now so laughing about it seemed logical somehow. My mind drifts back to the lecture about privacy that I was about to begin before he distracted me with sex.

  “How long have you been watching me through this and more to the point—why have you? It’s a bit disturbing Brad.”

  “I’m not some kind of creep or pervert Angel—I don’t stand here masturbating. But if you want the honest truth, I like to see that you’ve arrived to work safely and the sight of you brightens my day” he replies softly and reassuringly. “If it bothers you that much I’ll have my staff take it away.” I should be cross about it but in truth—I feel quite flattered. I would be doing the same to him if I had my own office and I always try to scan the windows to find him when I grab a coffee at work. I guess it would make me a hypocrite if I demanded it was removed. Besides—it’s kind of a turn-on knowing that he may be watching me.

  “What time have you got to be back to work Angel?” he says—breaking the silence and skillfully changing the subject.

  “I haven’t. Marlene’s given me the rest of the day off for good behavior so my Thanksgiving vacation has officially started”

  “Ah yes, you said. In that case” he says with look of excitement “I’ve got a client due in about twenty minutes. I’ll see them but get Linda to cancel the rest of my appointments so we can spend some extra time together before you leave tomorrow. Would you like that?” ‘Wow! Brad cancelling appointments? For me? He’s a workaholic usually’. I want to jump at his offer but I have to get packed ready for my flight tomorrow.

  “I have to get packed Brad”

  “I won’t be finished up here till 2.30pm so get yourself packed and I’ll pick you up at 3pm. That should give you plenty of time. I’ll take you to the airport from mine tomorrow.”

  He’s got it all mapped out so I can’t object which is great as I really don’t want to.

  “Okay then, well I better make tracks if I’m to be ready for 3pm” I reply with a sense of urgency as he’s already over at his intercom asking Linda to cancel his afternoon appointments.

  “.....and make sure nothing’s booked in for tomorrow as well would you Linda” he says assertively. I hear a shocked tone to her voice as she repeats what he’s just asked her. She’s obviously not used to him skipping work and it fills me with a sense of worth that this highly successful man is dropping everything to spend time with little old me.

  Chapter Eight

  I’ve packed everything like a mad woman—I’ve never packed so quickly in my life and I have the overwhelming and uncomfortable feeling I’ve forgotten something. I hate that feeling. I always end up checking that I’ve got my passport, tickets and money at least eighty times and still the feeling doesn’t subside. One time I went on vacation and found that I’d forgotten to pack any shoes. As I only had on some Converse pumps, I ended up having to go shoe shopping before I could relax. Brad will be here in ten minutes so I’ve just got time to do a last minute check before we set off. My flight leaves from LAX to Dallas Fort Worth at 5.23pm tomorrow so that means four whole days without seeing him and four whole days without sex. That will be the longest time I’ve gone without since we met and the thought makes me not want to go. I’m addicted to him. I wake in the morning and he’s the first thing I think about and he’s the last thought in my mind as I go to sleep. My life has literally changed over-night. Clubbing and drinking to excess has totally stopped and the void of loneliness and rejection that Adam left me with has been deliciously filled. For the first time in months, actually years since Wade, I feel strong and together—I feel good.

  There’s a knock at the apartment door and I jump with panic because I know he’s here and that there’s no more time to stress over packing. I open the door, trying to look calm and unflustered as I do.

  “Ready?” he greets me with a kiss and a smile as he moves forward to pick up my case. “How long are you going for—it feels like you’re going for a fortnight” he says cheekily as he pretends to struggle with the case. He’s always ready for a joke and I love that about him. The way he’s so different with me than he is at work. I get the boyish sexy Brad.

  “A girl has to be prepared for every eventuality” I reply putting on a tone of heirs and graces “besides—I am a designer, what did you expect?” I add with a chuckle.

  He effortlessly carries my bag downstairs as I hang back to make sure I’ve switched everything off and locked the door; scurrying quickly to catch him up. The Aston Martin is parked near the exit and he drops the case and opens the passenger door for me before loading my case and hand luggage.

  “Right, let’s go” he says as we buckle up “thought we’d stay at my apartment tonight” he adds casually. I look at him in suprize. He’s never taken me there before—we’ve always been to his beach house. Obviously our little altercation the other day has hit home and he’s realized he needs to open up more. He confidently pulls out into the flow of the traffic, maneuvering expertly as he weaves in and out till we reach the front of a tall building. He sweeps up to the curb and a valet rushes out to park the car for him whilst foot staff approach to take my case. They all greet him by name like he’s a VIP, which I suppose he is if he lives here. He gestures me into the foyer and acknowledges the man at the front desk—greeting him by his first name like an old friend as we walk past to the elevator. I’m always impressed by how polite he is to everyone. Most high flying suits have the manners of pigs and treat people terribly if their bank accounts don’t match theirs. But Brad wasn’t at all like that. Whilst I’ve been told that he’s absolutely ruthless in business he’s also very personable too—he has a charm that casts a magic when he enters any room which could make for an extremely dangerous combination. We enter the elevator and he pulls out a key from his front pocket, in
serts it into the keypad, turns it and punches in a code.

  “Mine is at the top” he informs me politely “the Penthouse”

  Why does that not surprize me? I’ve seen his business, his car and his beach house—I guess I wouldn’t have expected any less. All the same I give him a slightly impressed expression so as not to hurt his feelings and keep his ego sweet. The doors slide open to reveal an enormous, luxurious apartment. I stand mesmerized for a moment as he walks in and places my bag down beside a black leather reclining chair. I don’t really know what I expected to see, I just know I didn’t expect to see this. The living area is massive filled with state of the art technology. A wide staircase curves around leading to a balcony edged with black ornate railings. The whole place is very bachelor pad in appearance with clean minimalist furnishings made up largely of black leather on a pale gray carpet. Floor to ceiling windows with lateral blinds surround as far as I can see. The layout is open plan, with a kitchen to the left all in black and stainless steel—much like his beach house. There’s a huge plasma TV on the wall below the balcony and a feature fireplace with carefully positioned pale pebbles stands in the centre of the room.

  “This place is amazing” the words falling out of my mouth as I’m taking it all in. Brad is making his way to the kitchen and opening his refrigerator door.

  “You like?” he says casually as he peers inside. “Do you fancy a fruit juice, a coffee or a glass of wine?” He’s so unaffected by all this luxury—it comes so naturally to him that he doesn’t appear to even notice that I’m standing here awestruck and lost for words.

  “Oh er a fruit juice would be great, thanks” I eventually respond.

  “Pineapple juice? It’ll make you taste even sweeter than you already do” he says with a lustful look. Grabbing a glass he pushes it against the ice dispenser before pouring some of the juice over it. It’s only when he turns to hand it to me that he seems to snap out of his routine and realizes I haven’t moved from the spot in front of the elevator. “Come on in and make yourself at home—don’t stand there on ceremony” he says lovingly. I walk forward towards the kitchen where he’s standing and sit down on one of the high black chairs at the breakfast bar.

  “Geez Brad, this apartment is something else. It makes mine look like a dump.”

  “I don’t think like that Angel” he says firmly “I’m seeing you; not your apartment. When you’ve finished your drink I’ll show you around but you must promise me one thing before I do.” I look at him cautiously, wondering what’s coming next. Another telescope maybe? I dread to think as I look at his serious expression.

  “Erm okay—what?”

  “You must treat this place as if you live here and as if it were your own, I don’t want you asking if you can have a drink or something to eat. Relax and be comfortable. What’s mine is yours and I want you to like being here with me” ‘Well that’s not a hard promise to keep’, I think to myself and a smile plays over my face with relief that it wasn’t some weird and wonderful request.

  “I don’t want to go tomorrow, I already feel like I’m on vacation” I placate him with a giggle. He smiles and takes my hand.

  “C’mon—I’ll give you a tour so you know where everything is” He leads me up the sweeping staircase grabbing my bag on the way. We walk the length of the balcony and he opens doors as we come to them showing me a spectacular bathroom with a Jacuzzi, and a wet room with a shower that has full body jets—all minimalist and immaculate. I’ve never seen rooms so clean and tidy; nothing is out of place. The men in my life have always been total nightmares. My mom walks around picking things up after my dad and my brother’s wife is the same—they have no idea how to even fold a towel.

  Finally we come to the master bedroom and he opens the door and walks in, dropping my bag on a blanket box at the foot of the giant bed. It’s a room fit for a king with views across LA. Once again, it’s very minimal which makes it look even bigger and the bed is dressed in plain white bedding with black, grey and deep purple pillows arranged neatly at the head, like the ones in up market hotels. There’s a dressing table against the window with his aftershaves neatly lined up and a pale gray leather reclining chair with a small table at the side towards the other end of the window. He walks over to it and picks up a remote control. Soft classical music begins to fill the room from hidden speakers. He presses another button and a compartment at the foot of the bed opens and a giant TV, nearly the width of the bed slides up.

  “In case you get bored and want to watch a movie” he says winking at me.

  “Do you think there’s a chance I could get bored then Mr Gadget?” I reply playfully and he moves towards me with that familiar animalistic glint in his eye.

  “It’s my intention to keep you well and truly occupied for the next twenty four hours” and he scoops me into his arms and kisses me slowly and gently. “Hmm I can taste pineapple on your lips. I mustn’t get carried away just yet” he exclaims abruptly “much as I want to throw you on my bed and ravish you—and believe me I plan to—I need to get our evening meal sorted out. Do you like Japanese food?”

  “I’ve never tried it but I’d like to”

  “Good. I’ll get a fantastic Japanese restaurant I use regularly to bring us a meal. I better do it now so they have time to come and set the table for us” For a moment I thought he was taking me out for a meal but realize that he has plans to stay in the apartment. ‘Oh well, at least I’m here and that’s a step forward. Maybe we’ll go public when Thanksgiving’s over’ I muse. “I’ll be right back” and off he goes, out of the bedroom. I sit in the gray leather recliner and stare out of the window over Los Angeles—the view is breathtaking. ‘I wonder if he sits here and relaxes while he plays music’. I hear the heavy sound of water running; like a bath is being filled and listen as I can just make out Brad speaking on the phone—he must be ordering dinner. I can easily feel quite at home here and it’s strange how quick and easy it is to get used to luxury. After a few minutes pass Brad re-appears into the bedroom.

  “Dinner will be over in an hour Angel and I’ve run you a bath; I figured you may want to freshen up after your session at the gym earlier” I love his sense of humor—it’s so bawdy and mischievous—one of the many endearing qualities that have me well and truly hooked on him. “Why don’t you relax and have a soak. I’ve just got a couple of things I need to do before the meal” and he shoots a big smile at me that tells me he’s up to something; and it’s not work.

  I open my case and fish out my bag of toiletries and my satin dressing gown and make my way to the bathroom further back along the balcony. The giant Jacuzzi bath has been filled and a fragrance of essential oils blends with the steam. Brad’s laid out fresh, perfectly folded white towels and I feel like Cleopatra about to bathe in milk. I slip out of my clothes and gather my hair up—fixing it with a clip—and sink into the warm water that’s the perfect temperature. This is heaven. I close my eyes and relax as the warmth of the water and the release of tension from having no work for the next few days takes a soporific effect. The sound of the classical music that’s filling the whole apartment sends me off into a deep meditative state.

  Time passes quickly and I eventually pry myself out of the bath and put on my robe; feeling refreshed and relaxed. Making my way out of the bathroom, I glance down to the dining area and see that the meal has arrived. The table is beautifully set and the aroma of food is drifting towards me. Brad is over by the elevator doors as whoever has delivered the meal is leaving and I can hear him speaking in Japanese. Is there no end to his talents? He greets me with a warm flashing smile as I make my way down the stairs—he’s also in a robe.

  “I grabbed a shower while you were relaxing. I knew if I got into that bath with you we’d end up missing dinner and I wanted you to relax and feel at home” He smells fresh and clean—his hypnotic fragrance that sends my senses to another level catches me as he comes closer to greet me with a soft kiss and show me to my seat. The food looks ama
zing. There’s giant Tempura Prawns and Chicken Katsu alongside noodles, rice, dumplings and a choice of sushi with wasabi and soy sauces.

  “This looks amazing” I say in wonder as I pick up my chopsticks in readiness. I’m quite hungry now and the sight and smell of this food has really got my appetite going. I notice Brad looking at me with interest to see how I’ll cope with chopsticks. He’ll not catch me out—I may not have tried Japanese food but I’ve had plenty of Chinese food before and have mastered the art of chopsticks quite well. Brad pours two glasses of Champagne and sits down opposite me.

  “Here’s to us” he says and raises his glass, clinking it against mine. “I kept the menu simple as it’s your first time—all these are popular dishes” It’s delicious and the Champagne washes it down nicely against the backdrop of LA that’s lighting up through the full length windows. The ambiance is very romantic—more so than if we had gone out for the meal so I don’t feel too cheated about not being seen out in public. We chat idly and comfortably and the meal is soon finished.

  “I have something for you Angel” Brad announces and passes me a small pink box about the size of my hand wrapped in a white silk bow. “Open it” he says eagerly. I carefully undo the bow and open the lid. Inside there’s an exquisite custom made Pandora bracelet with some charms already added.

  “Oh Brad, it’s gorgeous—thank you” I say like a child who’s just unwrapped their first Christmas present. He moves around the table and kneels at my side, pointing out each charm and what it represents.

  “The charms represent us Angel. There’s scissors; as you’re a designer. The beach house; as that’s where our relationship started.....and there’s a heart” he pauses after he gets to the heart. “The heart is our love for each other Angel. I want to keep adding charms till your bracelet’s full and then fill another.” I have tears forming in my eyes. His words are so sincere and he’s even touched on the subject of love. I lean forward and kiss him.


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