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Carnal Pledge: A College Bully Romance

Page 5

by Vixen Kane

  “Sweetheart, someday, you won’t think it’s so gross.” Mark walks to the side of the room and pulls on the corner of the mantel. Once he does, a loud clicking noise erupts and the fireplace slides out of the wall before swiveling and is replaced by an ornate bar with several decanters and whiskey glasses on top. Holy shit! How rich are these people? He lifts one decanter and pours himself a drink.

  “Really? You’re going to drink when we have company? And before the dinner later, no less?” Elizabeth sounds as if she’s about to burst a blood vessel, and I have to put my hand in front of my mouth to stifle the snort that’s about to bubble out.

  “Don’t start, Elizabeth. I’ve had a long day.” Gone is the playful man, and in his place is a

  rigid, no nonsense demeanor.

  “You’ve had a long day? What about what I’ve dealt with here at home?” Elizabeth waves her hand to encompass the room.

  I glance around, trying to figure out what she’s referring to. The house is spotless, but based on the silk pantsuit she’s wearing, I highly doubt she did any cleaning.

  “Please, do tell. What is it you’ve done all day?” Mark grits out before tipping his whiskey glass back and downing the remaining contents.

  “Stop it!” Sarah yells, causing all of us to swing our heads in her direction. “Stop. Stop. Stop.” Her hands are covering her ears and she’s rocking back and forth on her feet.

  I rush over to her, ignoring the self-centered adults, and stop when I’m close enough to touch her. The question about hugging slams into my brain, and I refrain from wrapping my arms around her.

  “Sarah?” I speak softly, so as not to startle her. I’ve seen this before, and I want to prevent a full blown meltdown, not incite one. “Sarah, I need you to look at me. Can you do that?”

  “Make them stop.” Sarah continues to rock on her heels.

  “Sarah. They’ve stopped. It’s just you and me now.” I glance over my shoulder and silently plead with my eyes and a tilt of my head toward the door, for Mark and Elizabeth to leave the room.

  They shuffle past us into the hallway. I can still see them, but at least I can’t hear them. For the moment, they’re quiet. I start a deep breathing technique I picked up during some volunteer work I did at my local library with autistic children. I hope that Sarah will catch on and mimic what I’m doing and she does.

  “Good. That’s good. Keep breathing. In. Out. In. Out.” I continue this for a few minutes until Sarah stops rocking and drops her hands from her ears to her sides.

  “They were arguing.” Sarah has a pained look on her face and she’s looking everywhere but at me.

  “I know. That’s scary, isn’t it?”

  Rather than answer, Sarah shrugs her shoulders. Finally, she looks at me. “You’re my friend.”

  “Yes, I am.” I chuckle at the childlike quality Sarah possesses. I wanted this job before, but I really want it now. “Can your parents come back in?” When she nods, I walk out into the hallway to where the two are standing next to a slim table holding what appears to be family photos.

  “That was impressive.” Mark steps up to me and continues. “When can you start?”

  I want to jump for joy, but I manage to contain my excitement. “Does Monday work?”

  “Monday is perfect.” Elizabeth smiles at me, and for the first time since I entered the house, her smile seems genuine. She may seem cold and distant, but she loves her daughter. “Now, how about we go back in and talk with Sarah some more? Our son should be here within the hour and you can meet him.”

  “I really can’t stay too much longer, Mrs…?”

  “It’s just Elizabeth. No need to be so formal.”

  “Okay. Elizabeth. I can stay for a few more minutes, but I have a study group this evening that I really hate to miss.” Realizing that I’ll need to adjust my schedule moving forward, I continue. “My schedule won’t be a problem, I assure you. I’ll make the necessary adjustments so that I can be with Sarah during the required times.”

  “Okay, dear. Why don’t we at least discuss what that schedule looks like before you leave?”

  “That sounds great.” I step aside to let them pass me to return to the room where Sarah is now sitting on the sofa.

  When they are gone, I sneak a quick peek at the photos on the table, curious as to whether or not they can give me any more information about the family. My eyes land on a photo that appears to be professionally done. It’s Sarah, with Elizabeth and Mark. But there’s another face in the photo that I was not expecting to see… Seth Carnes.

  My dream summer job just turned into a nightmare.



  Glancing at the time on my phone, I roll my eyes and shove it back in my pocket. The library has about five minutes before it closes at midnight, so she should be out any minute. Of course, she’d make us wait until fucking closing before she comes out. Fuckin’ overachiever.

  I stand from the steps of the science building that’s catty-corner to the library and brush the dirt off the back of my pants. There’s a good chance she won’t see me when she comes out, but I hop over the ledge of the steps and walk behind a nearby bush anyway.

  Then I see her. Dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, backpack full of books strapped over both her shoulders, and a carefree walk that pulls my lips into a smile.

  I shouldn’t enjoy this, but for some reason, I do. For once, she might look at me without that disdain in her eyes, her eyebrows pinched in a way that annoys me like nothing else could. For once, I won’t be the bad guy. I’ll be the hero, and I can’t fucking wait to see the look on her face. That, or I’m just really pissed that I’ve been waiting for the last two hours, when her study group ended at ten.

  At least now she’s alone.

  She starts toward the dorm, and I walk a good distance away from her, casting a look over my shoulder on occasion to make sure she’s where I expect her to be. She won’t notice me unless she’s looking, and right now she appears to have her head in the clouds. She doesn’t turn in my direction at any point, so instead of looking forward, I keep my gaze trained on her. I can’t help but notice how good she looks. She’s wearing white shorts that show off tanned legs even in the dark. They make her stick out, which is actually kind of stupid when it’s midnight on a Friday night on a college campus. I’m a little disappointed at how easy this was to get her alone at such a vulnerable time. And this is when I’d planned for ten, when there’d be a few stragglers. Now the courtyard is almost empty.


  A whistle cuts through the air several yards behind Valerie, and her head turns in that direction. She slows for a moment, then speeds up, but not so much that she appears afraid. A brother from my fraternity and two of his friends laugh and say something I can’t quite make out, and Valerie’s steps quicken a little more.

  “Where you goin’ baby? Come party!” one of them yells loud enough for me to hear. She doesn’t respond, and she doesn’t speed up any more. But they do, and so do I. I race up a set of steps and make my way to the other side of a building Valerie is about the walk by. I can hear them calling out to her, but I still don’t hear her voice. She’s not yelling back, but when I hear her footsteps on the concrete, I can tell she’s just about running. Her dorm is another few blocks from here, so if she’s scared now, it’s the perfect time.

  I shove my hands in my pockets and round the corner as casually as I can manage, but she doesn’t see me because she’s looking behind her at the three who’ve closed about half the distance as when they made their presence known.

  Valerie slams into me and gasps, whipping her head toward me with her eyes wide.

  “Whoa,” I say, putting my hands on her shoulders to steady her. “You okay?”

  “Seth.” Her breaths come out shaky as she looks over her shoulder then back to me. “Are you with them?”

  I raise a brow like I don’t understand the question, but she doesn’t even wait for a response. She turns toward t
he guys again and only waits a second before she whips back around and does something I couldn’t possibly see coming. She kisses me.

  Her hands cup my face, and she leans up on her toes to reach me. At first I’m hesitant. I get what she’s doing, and this is the best possible outcome, but still I spend a few seconds in shock. Her lips are warm pressed against mine. Soft. I lean into her so she doesn’t have to reach so far, and my hands wrap around her waist. It’s nice. There’s a lot of energy in it, but I’m positive it’s because she’s afraid, and has nothing to do with me. My mind knows this, but my body, not so much. My cock stirs to life, and I urge my tongue past her lips, but she pulls back. Her chest heaves with her heavy breathing, and she touches her fingers to her swollen lips as if she can’t believe what just happened.

  “Slut,” my fraternity brother says as they break off in another direction, away from us.

  I harden my features and snap my gaze his way. “What the fuck did you just call her?”

  “Seth, don’t.” Valerie grabs my shirt and starts to pull me away in the direction I came from. I think about fighting her, demanding she let me stick up for her, but her hands on my shirt are shaking. Guilt flushes through my system when I think about Sarah trembling on the side of the road, but I push it away. Valerie was never in any real danger. She’s fine.

  I let her drag us to the other side of the building before I place my hand over hers and stop us. She meets my gaze, her eyes as wide as they were when she ran into me.

  “Are you all right?”

  She looks over my shoulder and nods. Her throat ripples as she swallows and turns her attention back to me. “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s just… I don’t know if those guys were following me or what, but it was just kind of—”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself.” I squeeze her hand and smile, and her eyes dart to my chest, just now realizing she was still holding onto me. She pulls it back and smoothes it over her shorts.

  “Well, anyway, thank you.”

  Yes. Just fucking yes. Her expression is soft, and her eyes are swirling with a mixture of leftover fear and gratitude. Finally her guard is down, and honestly, she’s as beautiful as I’ve seen her. Right now, staring at her like this, I want to spend time with her. I feel like pumping my fist into the air in victory, but instead, I just nod and smile.

  “It’s no problem.” I take a step away from her and lift up my hand in a wave. “I’ll see you around.”

  I turn my back to her and walk a few feet.


  I pause and smile wider before neutralizing my expression and spinning back toward her. “Yeah?”

  She shifts on her feet and glances around like she hates what she’s about to do. Or maybe she’s just nervous. Or embarrassed. Whatever it is, I love it. This might be a fun challenge after all.

  “I know I’m probably overreacting, but… do you think you could walk with me to my dorm?”

  I step up to her and nod, struggling to keep the amusement from showing. “Of course. Which dorm is yours?”

  “Jefferson… And thank you.”

  I give her what I hope looks like a comforting smile, and start off toward her dorm with her beside me. We make it about halfway, and neither of us says anything. I know I should, but I have no idea what. I accomplished what I set out to already, and there is very little about Valerie that I imagine interests me. She dated Josh. That’s pretty much all I need to know. I’m sure she feels the same about me… which has to change.

  “So what are you doing out by yourself so late?” That’s a question I actually want to know the answer to. Fucking freshman.

  “I was just finishing up at the library.” She gestures to her backpack. “What about you?”

  I point to one of the dorms up ahead. The one right across from hers. “I was coming back from a party at Rogers.”

  “Nice. Frat parties aren’t enough for you, huh?”

  I glance her way and pause when I see the layer of judgement has come over her again. That didn’t take long.

  “This good enough?”

  “No, I…” She sighs. “I’m sorry.”

  We stand in silence for a few moments then continue on towards the dorm. I should make a move. I really should make a move. She’ll never feel more obligated to agree to go out with me than right now. Ask her to dinner, show her you’re more than just a party guy. The thoughts keep swirling in my head, but still, I don’t say anything. I’m not this desperate, and I fucking hate the idea of having to prove myself to someone like her. Mostly because it’s impossible. She’s going to judge me no matter what I tell her, and I—

  “Hey, Seth?”

  She pauses in front of the back door of the dorm and grabs my wrist. I turn her way and note the regret in her expression. Regret from what, I’m not sure.

  “I don’t want to be enemies. I know we have some bad history, but we’re in college now. It’s in the past. I’d really like it if we could just start over, maybe even be friends… or just friendly, I don’t know, but not enemies. Okay?”

  Says the girl who kissed me not a half hour ago. I want to roll my eyes, but I can’t help but recognize this is a good thing. More than that, it’s an opportunity. I smile and hold out my hand. “Friends.”

  She smiles back and takes my hand before giving it a shake that’s firmer than I’m expecting. “Friends.”

  She digs in her bag and pulls out her keys and ID before unlocking the door and giving me one last look before stepping inside. “Good night.”

  The door shuts, and even though I know she can’t hear me, I answer back, “See you around.”



  “I need the deets at least one more time.”

  Lexie is being ridiculous… again. After my run in with Seth on Friday night, of course I told Lexie. For once, she’d been at the dorm and not at a party and I’d been pretty shaken. The more times I told the story, the less sure I was that I’d been shaken from the stupid guys and not from kissing Seth.

  “Really? She hasn’t told you enough times already?” Gemma is, as always, a little more uptight and doesn’t want to talk about the kiss. I can’t really blame her. I’m over talking about it too.

  “Look, Lexie, I’ve already told you. I used Seth to get those idiots to back off. That’s it.” I watch the ground in front of me as I walk.

  A hand grips my arm and pulls me to a stop.

  “C’mon. You know that’s not all there was to it. You liked kissing Seth. Why can’t you just admit it?” Lexie drops my arm and folds hers across her chest.

  I roll my eyes at her, but the butterflies swirling in my gut remind me that there’s a bit of truth to what she’s saying. Finally, my pose matches hers, and I huff out a breath. “Fine. Whatever. I liked it, okay?”

  I more than liked it. Kissing Seth was like pouring gasoline on a fire that was sizzling out and watching it ignite into raging hot flames. When he tried to press his tongue past my lips, I pushed him away, but what I really wanted to do was pull him close and explore where the kiss would lead.

  I shake off the thought and return my attention back to Lexie and Gemma. Lexie has a satisfied look on her face, and Gemma just looks frustrated.

  “Can we please get to class? You’re damn hormones are going to make us late.” Gemma glares at Lexie before tossing me an accusatory look and stomps off in the direction of class.

  “She’s right. Let’s go.” I turn away from Lexie and follow Gemma. Class starts in five minutes, and we’re at least a seven minute walk from the building.

  I look over my shoulder and when I notice Lexie is still standing there, unmoving, I turn to face her and walk backward. “You comin’ or what?”

  She stares for a few seconds longer before jogging to catch up to me, and then we both jog to catch up to Gemma.

  “Sorry, Gem. I didn’t mean to make us late.” Lexie puts her hand on Gemma’s arm as she speaks, and Gemma glances down at it before speaking.
r />   “It’s fine.”

  When Lexie looks at her like she doesn’t believe her, Gemma continues. “Look, Valerie and I have worked really hard this year, and I know how hard Valerie worked for her scholarships so I just hate to see her slack off.”

  “Gemma, I’ll be fine,” I pause and put my hand on Gemma’s other arm to stop her. “I still have a 4.0 GPA, and I’m not gonna let anything change that, okay?” When she nods, I continue. “And certainly not Seth Carnes.”

  “Now who’s going to make us late?” Lexie’s teasing tone breaks the tension and Gemma and I laugh.

  All three of us break out into a run to make up for lost time. When we reach the closed door of the classroom, we know that our efforts were wasted. Fortunately, the class is auditorium style and we’re able to sneak in and sit in the back without much interruption.

  I listen to Professor Blackburn drone on and on about independent and dependent variables. I can recite this information in my sleep, but I listen to every word because Gemma is right. I have worked hard and I will take any review I can get before finals so that I maintain my scholarship.

  Before I know it, Profession Blackburn is assigning homework, and when I look at my notebook to write down the assignment, I notice that I hadn’t been listening as intently as I thought. The page is filled with doodling. Seriously? I never doodle. Never. And certainly not little hearts.

  Get a grip, Valerie Lynn.

  I flip to a blank page and scribble down the homework assignment and slam my books shut before standing and shoving them in my bag.

  “Everything okay?” Gemma asks as she stands next to me.

  “Yeah,” I mumble.

  “You sure?” Lexie asks from my other side.

  “I’m fine,” I snap before shoving past them and walking toward the door.

  I shove it open and turn left to head for the stairs.

  “Val, slow down.” Lexie’s voice reaches me, but I ignore it.


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