Book Read Free

Sworn to Protect

Page 8

by Diana Gardin

  My family.

  “What’s a first mate?” Decker asks as he climbs into the backseat.

  I shoot him a grin right before I close his door. “I’ll tell you when we get there.”

  Following Rayne around to the passenger side, I open her door for her, wait for her to climb in, and inhale her heady scent. It’s stronger today, maybe because it’s accented by her lotion or her sunblock or something. Everything about her threatens to rule me, make me forget what I’m doing.

  After closing her door, I jog around to the driver’s side and start the car. Twisting around to make sure Decker’s buckled up, the nerves inside me flare up again.

  Rayne’s hand lands on mine on the gearshift. “First time driving with a kid in the backseat?”

  Glancing at her, I wince. “Am I that obvious?”

  She glances back at Decker, who has a handheld video game device in his hands and is deep into whatever game he’s playing.

  “It’s precious cargo, but you’ll be fine. You’re ex-Special Forces for God’s sake.” She grins, and I return it.

  “Yeah. I got this.”

  “You got this.” She agrees and lets go of my hand.

  Immediately, I miss it. I want her hand there. It belongs there. It’s such a weird feeling. I haven’t had this kind of reaction to any woman since.…well, since her.

  I was so sure I’d moved forward. Without Rayne.

  But maybe I was wrong.



  Whoa! Your boat is so cool!”

  Decker’s enthralled shout should make me happy. It should make me smile, seeing him, with pure elation, looking at the black and red boat bobbing on the gently rollicking water.

  Instead, all of my limbs are trembling. When I look at the boat, I see a death trap about to swallow my son whole. I’m not the least bit scared for myself; I grew up in Wilmington. I’ve been on my share of boats in my life.

  But Decker’s never been on one.

  I’ve always kept him close. Maybe a little too close, too safe, too protected. But he’s absolutely everything to me. He has been since he took his first breath.

  And he’s all that I have.

  Decker glances at me, and I can’t hide the panic in my eyes as hard as I try.

  “Isn’t it cool, Mom?”

  My attempt to form words fails miserably, and Jeremy’s sharp gaze lands on me. I look at him helplessly, trying to convey with my eyes what I can’t say with my words. Finally, feeling ridiculous, because how could he possibly understand, I look down at the wooden dock where the three of us stand.

  “Hey, Deck.”

  The nickname rolls off Jeremy’s tongue like he’s been using it Decker’s whole life. It warms me, makes something I can’t quite comprehend begin to stir in my chest. In my soul.

  Jeremy’s face goes very serious as he places his hands on my son’s shoulders and leans so he can look him in the eye. “See that drink machine over there? I have a cooler on the boat I wanna stock, but I didn’t know what you’d like. Go check it out and then come let me know what you want, yeah? Make sure you pick some out for your mom, too.”

  My ovaries threaten to explode as Decker meets Jeremy’s gaze with a solemn one of his own and nods, like the assignment he’s just been given is life-or-death.

  As soon as Decker’s out of earshot, Jeremy rounds on me. “What’s wrong?”

  Shaking my head, I glance away to study the wooden decking.

  “Rayne. Don’t do that. I need to know, so I can fix it.” His tone is stern.

  Meeting his eyes, I roll my lips between my teeth. To my utter horror, my eyes well up. Shit and damn.

  Jeremy’s eyes widen, and he takes a step closer. He pluck’s my chin in his hand with his thumb and forefinger.

  “Tell me.” He breathes heavily.

  Glancing at Decker to be sure he’s still busy picking out drinks, I let my words tumble over one another. “We don’t do stuff like this, Jer. Stuff where he can get…hurt. You know? I protect him. He’s everything to me.”

  When the words are expelled from my lungs in a rush, I snap my mouth shut and wait for his reaction. There’s no doubt he thinks I’m ridiculous, that I’ve been smothering our son to death.

  Understanding washes through his expression. His green eyes soften at the corners, his mouth kicking up on one side. “He’s here, Rayne. He’s here and he’s awesome, and that’s because of you. You’ve been keeping him safe this whole time on your own. I get it. But I’ll never let anything happen to him. On my life, I promise you that. You are both safe with me.”

  He holds me, staring into my eyes until I know without a doubt his promise is true. Decker comes running back up to us just as I nod.

  “Sprite! I want Sprite! And my mom usually drinks wine, but there’s none in that machine, so she wants Coke.”

  Decker turns his big, serious eyes on me. “Right, Mom?”

  Jeremy’s lips twitch. “Wine, huh?”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “What? It’s not like I go out…ever. I drink wine on the couch while I watch irresistible reality TV. And Scandal.”

  Jeremy’s eyes cloud over. “You don’t go out?”

  I wave my hand around. “Coke sounds good, baby.”

  Jeremy studies me. “Well, you can have your wine with dinner tonight.”

  I lift my brow. “Dinner?”

  With a secretive grin, he jogs over to the machine and starts gathering cans of soda. When his arms are full, he marches back toward us and hops nimbly onto the boat to put them in the cooler under the bench at the back. When he jumps back onto the pier, he shows Decker how to step from the pier onto the boat.

  I watch, my breath hitching as my son copies his dad, looking athletic and limber. I never realized how naturally gifted he is. When Jeremy reaches out for me, I place my hand in his and step onto the speedboat.

  Jeremy fits Decker with a life vest, which settles some of the nerves threatening to choke me, and leads him to the chair right beside the driver’s seat.

  “This is where my first mate needs to sit. I’ll untie us from the pier and then I’m gonna show you how we drive this baby.”

  I’ve never seen Decker’s face so lit with pure joy. It calms me, washing away the remainder of my fear because he’s just so damn happy. And he doesn’t even know yet that the guy spending time with him, showing him how to do things, is his father.

  I push my lips out in my best exaggerated pout. “What am I supposed to do while you two men drive this thing?”

  Jeremy glances over at me. Decker elbows him like they’re in cahoots. Jeremy’s eyes are sparkling, the corners crinkling as his face shows that he’s just as happy as our son. “You can sit back and relax. I’m guessing it’s not something you do a lot of.”

  Hmph. Didn’t I just tell him I usually use wine and my couch to relax?

  Scanning the boat’s deck, I note that there are comfy-looking seating benches all around the edge. I choose an L-shaped corner and put my bright, paisley beach bag down. From behind me, I half-listen in with a smile on my face while Jeremy explains the engine controls to Decker. When the growling engine purrs to life, the slight, salty wind rustles my hair as Jeremy guides the boat out of the slip. The marina where Jeremy keeps his boat is located on the Intracoastal Waterway, not the oceanfront. So Decker lets out a whoop as the boat picks up a bit of speed and curves around the peninsula and out into open water.

  With a little sigh, still facing the sea, I close my eyes and allow myself to enjoy it. I used to adore the ocean. Jeremy’s grandfather had a boat, and as soon as Jeremy was old enough to drive, he’d take me out on it. It was a safe place for me, a blissfully happy place.

  I lost my virginity to Jeremy on that boat. We most likely conceived Decker on that boat.

  My cheeks flush as I remember, and the heat creeping through my body drives me to remove my cover-up. Pulling the gauzy material over my head, I pull a tube of sunscreen out of my bag. With my Greek
heritage and olive complexion, my skin doesn’t burn easily. But I protect myself when I’m going to be basking in the sun.

  “Decker,” I call, turning to face them.

  Jeremy glances in my direction as Decker tears his eyes away from the water. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes bright and full of…life. It’s the happiest I’ve seen my son in a long time, and my heart skips just looking at him.

  “Aw, Mom. Can you put it on me really fast?” Decker’s spied the sunscreen tube in my hands.

  Jeremy, on the other hand…his gaze never makes it to my hands. His eyes are roving hungrily up and down my body, which is now clad only in my new red bikini. The slow slide of his gaze on my skin leaves it even more heated and flushed than it was before, and my face is on fire. But I can’t look away from him as he studies me like he’s learning a new subject for the very first time.

  My body is definitely different from the last time he saw me.

  When he finally meets my gaze there’s a fire in his eyes that steals my breath.

  He wants me? The thought hits me hard, slamming into my awareness and causing my nipples to harden and tighten, and liquid heat to coil deep within my belly.

  Feeling like I’m too wide-open and exposed, and not just on the outside, I whirl away from Jeremy and drop one knee to the bench. I concentrate on slathering Decker with sunscreen like I haven’t completed this task a thousand times.

  But Jeremy’s gaze doesn’t leave me. I can feel it more now that I’m not looking than I did when I couldn’t tear my eyes away. He’s stroking me softly with nothing more than a look.

  And it becomes painfully clear just how long it’s been since I’ve been with a man. Since anyone’s touched me, made me feel…anything.

  I’ve been a mom zombie. Is it possible that Jeremy, the one man I thought I’d never have another chance with, never even thought I wanted another chance with, could be the one to bring me back to life?

  Decker’s soon covered and back at the helm with Jeremy, who then pulls his gaze off me and back onto the water. He’s in his element as he points out landmarks on the coastline for Decker. Lying back on the bench, I close my eyes and listen to the smooth whir of the engine and the even smoother sound of Jeremy’s voice. It coats me, pouring over my limbs and deep into my bones.

  When the sound of the engine begins to soften, I sit up and check our surroundings. Jeremy is pulling into a little cove, one I recognize, that harbors a tiny, secluded beach. My stomach flutters, and I can’t help the grin that threatens to split my face in two.

  “It’s our cove,” I murmur to myself.

  When I glance at Jeremy, his eyes are on mine. The expression in them sends a pang of longing slicing through me. It’s sharp and thorough, lancing me with a tumult of emotions I’m not prepared or equipped to handle. It aches, and it heals all at the same time. I can’t swallow around the lump that rises in my throat. Jeremy looks as if he’s going through the same thing as he holds my gaze, the bittersweet memories bombarding him all at once, too.

  “You remember.” It’s not even a question; he’s already seen the recognition in my expression.

  I nod anyway, letting him know that I can’t forget this place and what it meant to us.

  “Remember what?” Decker looks from me to Jeremy and back again.

  I can’t rip my eyes away from Jeremy, and he’s still holding mine when he answers Decker. “Well, I don’t just know your mom from work, Deck. We actually knew each other when your mom lived here a long time ago. And this spot? This little cove is a place where your mom and I used to hang out when we were teenagers.”

  Clearing my throat, I drop my eyes to Decker and give him a bright smile. “Yep!”

  Decker grins. “Cool.”

  But Jeremy’s not done. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure this is the exact spot I taught your mom to swim. Gave her lessons one summer. She was pretty terrible.”

  My mouth falls open. “Bastard!”

  Decker jabs a finger in my direction. “Swear jar!”

  Jeremy’s lips stretch into a wide grin. “Yeah, Rayne. Swear jar.”

  My eyes narrow. “Okay. You two want to gang up on me? Fine. But I was not a terrible swimmer. I’d just never had lessons before.”

  Decker’s lips purse to one side as he evaluates me. “But you grew up at the beach.”

  Laughing, Jeremy finishes the path he started on, leading the speedboat into the cove and dropping anchor in shallow water.

  “Are we stopping here?” asks Decker.

  Jeremy, not looking at me, nods. “Yeah, buddy. Thought we could play on the beach for a bit, drink some sodas and hang out. Then when we get hungry, we’ll turn around and head back to the marina to grab lunch.”

  Decker’s grin is huge. “Awesome.”

  Jeremy rustles his hair and my heart grows two sizes.

  The way he’s looking at him?

  It’s the way a father looks when he loves his son.

  Taking a deep breath, I follow Decker off the boat and into the water, where the three of us wade toward the beach. When I glance behind me, I see that Jeremy’s got a football in his hand.

  “Football?” My tone is quizzical.

  Jeremy inclines his head toward Decker. “I think I remember that this dude likes to toss a ball around.”

  He and Decker exchange a knowing glance, like they have some kind of inside joke that I don’t know about.

  “How could you possibly know that?” I’m aghast, looking back and forth between the two of them and wondering how they already have an inside joke.

  Jeremy offers me a quick explanation of how the two met in the grocery store on my first day of work, when Decker tagged along with Macy and Jay, and I marvel at how fate nearly brought the two together.

  I settle on the beach, pulling my knees up to my chest, while Jeremy directs Decker to run a route in order to catch the football.

  I’ve never allowed Decker to play football, or any contact sport for that matter. But football, especially, just brings up too many memories from high school. I would attend every single one of Jeremy’s games, and he was truly a star. I can see the natural athleticism in Decker, I know he gets it from Jeremy. But watching Decker on a football field would shred me.

  But now, as I observe the pure joy in their faces as they throw the ball back and forth, Decker running on his little legs to catch each pass Jeremy tosses him, I have a feeling I’m not going to be able to keep him from the sport much longer.

  That damn lump is back in my throat. I look away and brush the tears from my eyes before they fall, not wanting Jeremy and Decker to read my emotions right there on my face.

  After blinking several times, the sight of both of them approaching grabs my immediate attention.

  “What’s wrong?” My voice is urgent as I stand, brushing sand off my butt. “Is Decker hurt?”

  Jeremy, eyes soft, lays a hand on my shoulder, allowing it to slide down my arm. His touch, even one this slight, sends a fiery tingle arcing along my skin. Trying not to shiver, I meet his gorgeous green gaze.

  “No, he’s fine. We’re having fun. We just decided it’s time for you to join in.”

  “Yeah!” Decker shouts. “Come on, Mom! Both of us against Jeremy. We can take him down, right?”

  Renewed energy fills me, and I give Decker a firm nod. “You’re damn right we can.”

  Decker giggles, pointing at me. “Swear jar!”

  “Dammit,” I mutter and turn to glare at Jeremy as he gives an outright belly laugh.

  Jeremy eyes me but speaks to Decker. “Your mom has some trouble keeping her mouth clean, huh?”

  Decker rolls his eyes. “Always. She’s the only mom I know who cusses in front of a little kid like me!”

  Glowering, I throw my hands up. “No mom is perfect, Decker!”

  His face grows serious as he reaches for my hand. “You are. You’re perfect for me, Mom.”

  His little fingers curl around my hand and squeeze, and so does my he

  This kid!

  Glancing at Jeremy, I can see that his eyes are locked on where Decker and my hands are joined. When he glances back up at me, his eyes shine with wonder.

  “Think you’re right about that, Deck.” His voice is velvety soft. “Pretty perfect.”



  Oh, boy.

  I watch with amusement as Decker and Rayne set up for a play on our makeshift field.

  I don’t think I’ve ever played with a kid like this before. Especially not a kid and his mom. Never dated a single mom, never cared to. It just never seemed like my idea of fun.

  But I can’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed a Saturday morning so much. Maybe it’s because I’m not just hanging out with a woman and her son. It’s so much more…I’m putting time in with Rayne and my son. We’re coming up on lunchtime, and the hours with these two have just flown by. Rayne is sexy as hell in her bikini, drawing me in with all sorts of crazy thoughts about what I want to do with that body. Things I never did to her the first time around. Tricks I’ve learned about how to please a woman that I’m dying to use on her.

  God. She’s stunning; all dark-golden skin, thick black hair, and navy blue eyes. Throw a red bikini on top of all that? It’s the perfect picture. And when I look at both of them together, the little boy who loves to play and laugh and run, standing beside this beautiful woman…it’s the picture of perfection. The kind of perfect I thought I’d lost. When she walked away, I’d sealed myself off from the hope that one day I’d have this.

  But now I desperately crave it.

  I want them in my life. Both of them.

  “Hut!” Decker calls, hiking the ball backward.

  Rayne catches it—that’s my girl—and trots backward, her big blue eyes zeroing in on me. Just like I taught her.

  I stalk her like a predator as she scopes out a path to get past me.

  It won’t happen.

  I fake right, and she takes the bait. Dashing toward my left, she squeals in surprise when I’m right back in her path after my fake-out. I grab her around the waist, feeling the supple pull of her skin and the heady, heavenly scent of her, and we both go down.


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