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Rock Hard American Billionaire: A Big City Billionaire Rockstar Romance (Rockstar Billionaires Book 2)

Page 7

by Paris Rose

  SUB shall defer to DOM’s wishes on all major decisions. SUB agrees that DOM also has the final say on day to day matters.

  SUB agrees to never remove ownership collar at any time.

  SUB shall stand or sit by DOM’s side at all times when they appear together in public as a couple.

  SUB is only to wear underwear and lingerie approved of by DOM. When in doubt as to what to wear, or if DOM is unavailable to give directives, SUB should go without underwear.

  SUB shall sleep naked.

  SUB shall make herself available for use by DOM in any way DOM desires at any time DOM desires within the terms of this contract.

  SUB shall not have any sexual contact, including masturbation, without express permission from DOM.

  SUB shall not orgasm without express permission from DOM.

  SUB shall not invoke the safe word unless absolutely necessary.


  SUB consents to kissing, touching, fondling, licking, and biting of any and all body parts by DOM within any scene or anytime or any place DOM sees fit.

  SUB consents to have her hair pulled by DOM within any scene. SUB’s hair will only be pulled by DOM within a scene and never in public.

  SUB consents to receiving manual stimulation by DOM within any scene or any time or any place DOM sees fit.

  SUB consents to receiving oral stimulation by DOM within any scene or any time DOM requests said activity within the privacy of DOM or SUB’s home or vehicle.

  SUB consents to vaginal intercourse within any scene or at any time DOM requests said activity within the privacy of DOM or SUB’s home or vehicle.

  SUB consents to anal intercourse within any scene or at anytime DOM requests said activity within the privacy of DOM or SUB’s home or vehicle.

  SUB consents to the use of any toy or device that DOM sees fit for vaginal penetration and/or clitoral stimulation, so long as SUB’s health and safety are not jeopardized.

  SUB consents to the use of any toy or device that DOM sees fit for anal stimulation and/or penetration, so long as SUB’s health and safety are not jeopardized.

  SUB consents to the use of nipple clamps or any other device that the DOM sees fit for stimulation, arousal, and punishment.

  SUB consents to receiving corporal punishment, including spankings and floggings. SUB consents to the use of paddles, whips, belts, and riding crops for corporal punishment.

  SUB consents to being restrained within any scene by use of rope, hand cuffs, chains, duct tape, or by any other means that DOM sees fit during a bondage scene.

  SUB consents to being gagged within any scene as DOM sees fit.

  SUB consents to being chastised, humiliated, and degraded within a scene, including but not limited to being referred to with terms such as “bad girl, “dirty little slut,” “kinky whore,” or any other term DOM sees fit for punishment and humiliation. SUB only consents to sexual humiliation within a scene and in private, never in public or outside of a scene.

  SUB consents to food play as DOM sees fit.

  SUB consents to wax play as DOM sees fit.

  SUB consents to being choked lightly and stimulated by means of erotic asphyxiation so long as proper safety measures are adhered to.

  SUB consents to pleasuring and stimulating DOM however and whenever He demands, including but not limited to kissing, touching, massaging, fondling, licking, biting, manual stimulation, fellatio, anal stimulation, and sexual intercourse.


  SUB’s soft limits shall be negotiated between the Parties and memorialized in an amendment to this document.


  SUB will not engage in sexual activity with minors or animals.

  SUB will not engage in any scene or activity that involves the loss or exchange of blood.

  SUB will not engage in any scene that involves fire play or the use of combustible material.

  SUB will not engage in pet play (pony play and/or pup play).

  SUB will not engage in rape play.

  SUB will not give or receive golden showers.

  SUB will not engage in scat play.

  SUB will not engage in needle play.

  SUB shall not engage in gunplay.

  SUB shall not engage in knife play.

  SUB will not engage in electric play.

  SUB will not participate in any scene that requires an unusual risk of death or serious bodily injury.

  SUB will not engage in infantilism.

  SUB will not succumb to or be required to administer genital torture.

  SUB will not succumb to or engage in fisting.

  SUB will not be required to wear a leash in public.


  Neither DOM nor SUB shall disclose the nature of their relationship to the media or any persons outside of the BDSM community.

  Neither DOM nor SUB shall disclose any of the terms of this agreement to the media or to any persons outside of the relationship.

  SUB shall not disclose any of DOM’s specific kinks, fetishes, or sexual proclivities to the media or anyone outside of the relationship.

  SUB is permitted to discuss the nature of her Dominate/submissive relationship with DOM within the BDSM community, but only in general terms. SUB is only permitted to discuss the relationship insofar as it pertains to seeking advice on how to be a better SUB.

  SUB shall respect the privacy of DOM and shall not disclose anything about DOM that could reasonably be perceived as humiliating, embarrassing, or harmful to His personal or professional image.

  DOM shall respect the privacy of SUB and shall never disclose any information about SUB that could harm her personal or professional image.

  In the event of breach or termination of this agreement by either Party, this section of the Agreement remains in effect.

  My head was spinning by the time I finished reading the contract. My mouth was dry and my stomach was tight. I guzzled down my orange juice and read the contract again in its entirety.

  I never realized just how virginal and inexperienced I was until I saw things in the contract that I had never even considered, let alone experienced. From day one, whenever Trevor referred to me as innocent or untainted, I always cringed, because at the time, I thought he was only seeing me as the sheltered ingénue he wanted me to be, and not the sexually mature woman that I perceived myself to be. But the more I got to know Trevor, I realized that in comparison to him, I am innocent and pure. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of learning from a sexual master as skilled as Trevor. I realized that if I signed the contract my sexuality would soar to heights that I never thought imaginable.

  Mmmm…multiple orgasms…

  I crossed my legs to stifle my wetness as I thought about letting Trevor teach me, train me, and dominate me. I skimmed over the contract once more, and my heart sank as I read it more carefully.

  I absolutely cannot do this. I definitely don’t have it in me to be a submissive. A curfew? Deferring to Trevor on every decision? Calling him “Master” and “Sir”?… No way! I’m not signing up for that.

  Trevor’s contract sounded completely insane to me, but I couldn’t deny that I was still wet from the thought of having him tie me up, pin me down, and dominate me. I had a lot to think about, but I needed to get to work. I put the contract in my bag, suited up in my winter coat and boots, and headed out the door.

  I have never really cared for winter. In fact, I’ve always despised it. The snow makes it hard to get around, and the lake effect wind in Chicago is excruciating. But this winter had been more enchanting than even the best Christmas movie. The warmth of Trevor’s affection has made this holiday season not only bearable but delightful.

  This was the first time I was in a relationship during the holidays. I liked couple life—it was cozy and comfortable, especially during this time of year. Even though I was conflicted about being Trevor’s submissive, I was grateful to have him in my life. Despite all of the turmoil I went throu
gh over the summer, this was shaping up to be a really good year. My career as an entertainment journalist had been going better than it had been in years. These days, instead of chasing after publicists and hunting for stories, I was busy answering calls from publicists pitching me. I loved the shoe being on the other foot. It was amazing.

  And Kevin had given me a lot of responsibility. Not only did he trust me to avert crises, but I also got to help choose which artists and events we covered. I was really excited that all of my hard work had paid off, but sometimes deep inside, I felt that my career had plateaued at this particular publication. My real dream was to have my own entertainment news show or to be a music industry correspondent for a major television network. I cringed as I thought about how close I was, back when I was living in L.A. three years ago. I took several deep breaths to clear my thoughts as I shifted my focus to what I had to get done for the day at work.

  * * *

  My heavy workload made the remainder of the workweek pass quickly. I finished all of my assignments for Kevin before the deadline, and our current issue went to the printer as planned. Kevin took me out to a nice dinner on Friday after work to thank me for my dedication. On Saturday night, when I talked to Trevor on Skype, I casually mentioned the dinner, thinking it was harmless, but for some reason, it made Trevor furious. He never raised his voice, but he admonished me pretty harshly, and he accused Kevin of having bad intentions.

  I asked Trevor why he didn’t trust me, and he said it’s not me that he didn’t trust, it was my boss. He told me I was naïve if I thought that Kevin wasn’t trying to sleep with me. I held my ground and insisted that the relationship between me and Kevin was strictly professional and that Kevin understood that just as well as I did. I mentioned that Kevin was married, with a baby on the way, to prove my point that it was highly unlikely that he was trying to woo me. Trevor pointed out that men with pregnant wives cheat all the time.

  I didn’t want to hear any more of it, so I told him I was going to bed early so that I could wake up and take care of some things before our trip. Before he let me go, he told me that if I ever went out with another man in his absence again, there would be serious consequences. His words tied my stomach in knots. I hated to upset Trevor, especially right before Christmas with his family. And part of me wondered if Trevor was right; perhaps Kevin was attracted to me.

  At first I was infuriated that Trevor thought he had the right to control me and tell me who I could and could not go to dinner with. I am my own person. I am not a piece of property that Trevor owns. I couldn’t believe he had the gall to chastise me over a work meeting. But as the weekend progressed and my anger wore off, I felt guilty about going out with Kevin, even though the tone of our dinner was professional. I was crazy about Trevor. He was the only man I had eyes for, and I wanted him to know that. I decided in the future that I would at least try to be more cognizant of how my actions came across, and I’d be more mindful about not making Trevor jealous, even if I shouldn’t have to.

  Monday arrived in a flash. I had my bags packed for Cleveland and I was ready to go. I was excited to go back to my hometown. It had been far too long since I’d visited. I really lucked out, falling for an amazing man from the same city as me. Cleveland breeds talent, that’s for sure. It’s no surprise that despite traveling and living all over, I ended up with a guy from the Buckeye state. I was excited to go back to the city where I spent my childhood and teen years, but I did not want to see my family. I had a strained relationship with my parents. And my sister and her husband were going to be in town, and I certainly didn’t get along with them. My sister was a successful real estate agent in Florida, and her husband was a hotshot lawyer. They were both snobs and looked down on my career as an entertainment journalist. They thought it was frivolous. I was hoping that meeting and getting to know Trevor’s parents would give me access to the family life that I’d always craved but never had. I really hoped they liked me. I knew I would like them. They raised one of the most incredible and successful men in the world. They had to be amazing people.

  Trevor and I had been so busy Christmas shopping, working, and preparing for our trip, that we hadn’t had time to discuss the contract. I decided not to bring it up. As exciting as exploring a different lifestyle may be, I liked our relationship the way it was. Trevor and I typically only saw each other on weekends and vacations, with only the occasional weekday date when Trevor could get away from L.A. Since we didn’t see each other in person a lot every moment together was special. I knew that spending time with him and his family on Christmas would bring us closer. Maybe he would realize we didn’t need the contract after all. I was hoping that he had forgotten about it, but deep inside I had a feeling that he hadn’t. Trevor was usually pretty talkative, but he was quiet and reserved on the way to the airport. The lack of conversation made me uneasy.

  When we boarded the plane the captain informed us that it would be a slightly longer trip than usual because of high winds. There was a time when just the idea of flying terrified me, but over the past year, I’d learned to conquer my fears. I was so nervous that Trevor was going to bring up the contract that I didn’t even have room to worry about the rough flight ahead.

  I had never been on Trevor’s private jet before. I hadn’t traveled since my vacation to L.A. in the fall. Trevor had always come to Chicago to see me so we’d never had the opportunity to fly together. I was excited to get a glimpse of how he traveled.

  His jet was arranged similar to a living room. At the front of the plane there was a set of four oversized white leather seats that faced each other; two on each side. Across the aisle was the same setup. Perpendicular to those seats, there were two white leather sofas across from each other with black tables in front of them, and then at the back of the plane, there was a curtain. I was curious what was behind it. Trevor loved to show off his toys, so I figured there was no harm in asking.

  “Ohmigawd, Trevor! I love your jet! I’m so glad I finally get to see it.”

  He smiled for the first time since I’d told him about my dinner with Kevin. “Thank you. I designed it myself. I’m glad you like it.”

  “What’s behind the curtain?”

  “I’ll show you. You’re going to love it.” He grabbed my hand and led me to the back of the plane. Beyond the curtain was a king-sized bed with an elaborate comforter and lots of pillows. To the right of the bed was a desk and chair that were built into the side of the plane. “This is my office and my bedroom when I’m on the road. One day, I want to have you in that bed.” Trevor embraced me from behind, swept my hair to the side, and kissed my neck. I felt his hardness swell against my bottom as he forcefully pressed into me. He nibbled my earlobe as he caressed my breasts. “Have you ever had sex at forty thousand feet, Giavanna?” Trevor teased my ear with his tongue as his hands traveled down my stomach and between my legs. He caressed my clit through my leggings. I was throbbing for him. I didn’t answer his question because I actually did have sex at forty thousand feet just this past summer with Christoff. It was an experience unlike any other, but there was no reason for Trevor to know about that. I pushed into Trevor’s hard, warm body to stop myself from thinking about Christoff. “Oh, the things I want to do to you, Giavanna,” he whispered in my ear. I moaned as he grinded against me. He was so hard for me. He bit and sucked on my neck as he continued to caress between my legs. “But this trip is too short, and we have important matters to discuss.” He abruptly pulled away from me. “Isn’t that right?” He smacked me on the ass hard. The sensation made me gasp. I was so riled up that I was speechless. I wanted to collapse with longing. “Right, Giavanna?” he prodded firmly.

  I jumped. “Right…important matters to discuss,” I mumbled. I didn’t want to discuss the contract. I wanted him to take me in his bed while we still had some privacy. We were staying in his parent’s guest room instead of a hotel, so that Trevor could spend more time with them. We were originally going to stay at the Ritz Carlton downtown,
but his mother insisted we stay with them in the suburbs. He told me they had a pretty comfortable home, so I was looking forward to staying there, although I didn’t like the fact that we probably wouldn’t be able to have sex while we were there. Due to the geographical distance between us, he and I didn’t have sex often enough as is. He was frustrated by it, and so was I. I knew staying with his parents was not going to make that aspect of our relationship any better.

  “Do you have the contract with you?”

  “Yes, it’s in my bag.” I pulled out the manila envelope and handed it to him.

  “Good. So are you going to sign it as-is, or are there terms you take objection to?”

  I thought for a moment before answering. “I’m conflicted about the whole thing.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s there to be conflicted about?”

  “Trevor, there is a lot to be conflicted about. If I sign that contract, I will have to change who I am.”

  He looked taken aback. “What do you mean you’ll have to change? And why do you say change like it’s a bad thing? We should all try to change and grow as we progress through life. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Change is what keeps things interesting, and growth is what keeps us alive.”

  The captain’s voice came over the speakers, telling us to take our seats and prepare for takeoff. He led me to the sofas at the center of the plane. We sat down and fastened our seatbelts. Even though I knew he was on the wrong side of the argument, I didn’t have a counter-response for his comment. His point actually almost sounded valid.

  “I agree with what you’re saying, but change is just as scary as it is exciting. I guess I’m just nervous. I don’t want to change anything, because I like our relationship the way it is.”

  “Do you really? Think about it and be honest. You and I both know that our sex life could be better. I know that I jack off to the thought of you three times a day when we’re not together. I get my release often enough to function, but barely. Getting off to the thought of you just isn’t enough for me. I need you to be more accessible to me so that I can take you whenever and however I please. I know you’re frustrated, too. But I’m not even around enough to know how you’re holding up. What I do know is the lack of intimacy between us is starting to get to me. If you submit to me, I will be able to fulfill all of your needs beyond belief, and neither one of us will have to be frustrated any more. What could be scary about that?”


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