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Furred Lines: A Fated Mate Romance

Page 9

by Jade, Amelia

  “Come here,” she said, reaching up and grabbing his unshaven jaw, pulling him back down on top of her.

  He obliged, returning to kiss her some more while this time his hands ran all over her exposed skin, earning him the gratifying moans and gasps that drove him absolutely wild.

  It wasn’t long before he felt the desire for more, turning his kisses away from her face. Willow arched back under him as he kissed her neck and then onto the swells of her breasts. He gave them some attention, bringing the tips to a hardened state before moving down some more, even though his hands remained behind to gently tease her.

  By this point Willow was practically vibrating with need. Once he crossed below her waist and slipped between her legs, he thought she was going to explode on him. Which wouldn’t have been all that bad. He wanted to make her do just that.

  “Yesss,” she said, the word trailing off as Aiden kissed her inner thigh, bringing his legs down to wrap around her waist even as he slipped off the edge of the bed, giving himself a better angle.

  Now the fun was about to begin. Aiden had heard rumors that there were men out there who didn’t enjoy this part, and he thought them all equally crazy. As his tongue began to slide across her, his eyes fixated upon her face, watching the pleasure he was creating play across that.

  Willow smiled and bit her lower lip, eyes already closed shut as she writhed in time with his tongue. He loved to receive attention, and watching his cock disappear into her mouth had been a glorious sight indeed. But even that had a hard time comparing to the visual feast that was laid out before him as he brought Willow to climax with his tongue.

  She arched and shuddered, one hand gripping her hair as she buried her face in the bend of her elbow, the other finding its way to one breast, playing with it gently, touching herself. If he’d been hard before, the moans and cries of delight that his touch brought forth took it to another level.

  Aiden drank it all in, memorizing the way she gasped, the way her lips curved upward in a smile as he came closer and closer. Finally, he watched with intensity as she came, her body racked by spasms and muscle contractions as he ran his tongue back and forth until the final moment.

  At last she fell back into the bed, breathing hard and flushed from neck to damn near her belly button. His eyes widened as he saw that development. If Willow had been attractive before, now she was downright sexy.


  He grinned at the single word, wiping his face surreptitiously on his arm before starting to kiss his way back up to her.

  “I hope you’ve got enough in you to do that again before the night is over,” she said with a wink as he settled down gently on top of her.

  He spoke into her ear, letting his hot breath wash over her skin. “I think I can manage that. As long as you ask nicely.”

  Willow lifted her eyebrows suggestively. “I think I can figure out a way.”

  “I bet,” he chuckled.

  “How’s this for a start?” Her hand slipped between them, grasped his cock, and adjusted it until he felt himself slip inside of her, already several inches deep due to their closeness.

  Both of them gasped, for slightly different reasons.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, starting to pull out.

  Hands dug frantically at his back, stopping him. “No, don’t do that,” she whimpered. “Come back.”

  Unsure of how she was feeling he did as he was told, pushing his hips closer to her, burying the first third of his dick inside of her. Willow gasped and moaned, fingernails digging deep enough into his back to leave welts he was sure.

  “More,” she whispered into his ear. “Please.”

  “I like it when you ask nicely.” He started kissing and nipping at her neck , listening to every sound she made as he slid himself deeper into her, until he was pressed up firmly against her.

  Then Willow did something he hadn’t experienced before. She squeezed . He had no idea how else to explain it, but everything just tightened around him.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped, trying not to explode right then and there.

  “Did you enjoy that?” she purred into his ear, moving her hips up and down against him while he remained still. “Would you like me to do it again?”

  “Oh fuck yes,” he rumbled.

  She did.

  Aiden was forced to flex all the muscles of his core to ease the pressure on his cock, or else he would have lost all control. “Okay,” he gasped a second later as the crucial moment passed. “Wow.”

  Willow giggled, her green eyes dancing with wicked delight. Although Aiden enjoyed that look, he was ready to reestablish control. He did this the easiest way he knew how. He pulled his hips back until only the very tip of his cock was still inside of her. Then he thrust against her, filling her with one swift, smooth motion.

  She cried out and moaned, her mind suddenly focused elsewhere. Aiden kept it there as he thrust in and out regularly, picking up speed and establishing a rhythm.

  “Holy shit,” he said again, his eyes roaming all across her. “You are the sexiest. Just fucking staring at you makes me want to explode.”

  Willow blushed, though this time she made no attempt to cover up just how far down the redness extended. “Not yet,” she admonished, pushing him back off.

  He straightened his upper body, knees digging into the bed as she crawled out from under him. Her purpose for moving quickly became clear as she turned over and lifted her hips up off the bed, resting on all fours while she gave him an exposed view of her ass.

  “Oh,” he said, with a mixture of excitement, desire, and surprise. “Well, if you insist.” He shuffled up until he was at the right distance.

  Wrapping his hands around her waist, he gripped tightly and pulled her back, sliding his cock all the way in without hesitation. Willow bucked and trembled in his grip, but he held tight, preventing her from moving.

  “Fuck me,” she begged as he gave her big ass a firm slap. “Please! I want it.”

  Even if he’d been planning to tease her, there was no way Aiden could have resisted the sultry tones and the sheer need contained in her words. Without hesitation he started thrusting hard and fast. He reached forward with one hand and grabbed her honey-blonde hair, pulling on it just hard enough to lift her face from where she’d buried it in the sheets so that he could hear her cries unmuffled by the comforter.

  “Don’t forget your promise,” she gasped as he began to shudder, nearing his own explosion.

  “I haven’t,” he growled, withdrawing from Willow even as he felt himself reach the peak.

  He flipped her over with ease, moving up until he was straddling her stomach, one hand stroking his cock as he climaxed, spilling his seed all over her stomach and breasts, coating her with thick, hot liquid. Willow moaned and begged for it throughout, telling him how much she wanted it. It was so arousing, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself in the moment.

  But he had a job to fulfill.

  Now, before it had even begun to cool, he slipped back between her legs, his tongue easily finding her clit and starting to work on it.

  Willow shuddered and started to moan loudly. He watched as she got so wrapped up in what he was doing she started to touch herself, rubbing his cum all into her tits.

  Blood rushed back into his cock at the sight of that, especially when she realized what was going on and didn’t stop. First one, then a second finger slipped inside her as he built up speed with his tongue. She was starting to shiver now, a surefire sign that she was close. Aiden never slowed, and a second later Willow grabbed her chest tightly and held on as her orgasm crashed over her.

  He didn’t slow until her entire body went limp and she started to gasp for air. Then and only then did he stop, propping himself up on one elbow and enjoying the glorious sight in front of him.

  “Like the view?” she murmured.

  “Like it?” He stood up straight, showing her that he was already hard again.

  She smiled. “We
ll, I’m glad I can turn you on.”

  “And how,” he agreed.

  “But I’m going to need a shower before I deal with that. So why don’t you come wash me down, get me clean, and then we can see about getting me dirty again, okay?”

  It was phrased as a question, but Aiden wasn’t born yesterday. He knew there was only one answer. He got up, helped her to her feet, and sent her on her way to the shower.

  “Are you coming?” she called over her shoulder, shaking her ass.

  “Yep, just doing one last thing,” he said.

  “What’s that?”

  The phone started up again.

  “I’m…too sexy for my shirt…too sexy for my shirt…”

  They eventually made it to the shower.



  The next morning she awoke to an empty bed.

  For a brief, splitting second she feared that Aiden had left before she awoke, leaving her alone without an explanation. But that died almost immediately as her brain continued to wake up, exiting its slumber and reminding her that that wasn’t, in fact, what had happened, and that she was needlessly creating drama where none existed.

  Aiden had told her as they’d settled down after their second shower that he’d have to leave once she was asleep. Willow had protested, but only halfheartedly. She knew why. If he was caught leaving her room, the both of them would be in for it from her father. Since neither wanted to risk that situation, they would have to continue seeing each other clandestinely for the time being.

  Willow hated sneaking around behind Stephen’s back, but in this he was being unreasonable. She knew that his initial command not to get closer with her had been given before Aiden had truly worked his way into the pack, but so far her father had yet to rescind the order.

  It’s not like he’s going to be more likely to allow it if Aiden went and asked him. That would just cause him to double down I’m sure.

  So secrecy was the name of the game until such time that Aiden had earned enough trust that they felt they could ask her father for permission. Willow really hoped that wasn’t too far off. Waking up alone after such a fantastic night sucked .

  But , she decided, throwing off the comforter, I can still go downstairs early and hopefully run into him!

  It took an effort not to skip down the stairs. Nobody else was awake yet, but she didn’t want to risk someone seeing her and figuring out what her good mood was about.

  “Morning,” she purred, reaching up to tug on his ear with her teeth as she entered the kitchen.

  Aiden, who had been bending down for a hug, did the little shiver-melt thing that guys do when you tease them just right. A strong hand grabbed her waist and pulled her back into him as she tried to walk by. Willow hissed as his hand slowly walked its way south along her stomach and between her legs.

  “Stop it,” she whispered. “They’ll smell it if we start doing anything.”

  The coffee machine beeped and started to pour, the rich, thick smell of fresh brew overpowering anything else that might be in the kitchen.

  “No they won’t,” he said, and pushed his hands beneath her waistband.

  Willow shuddered and cried out softly as he brought her to a swift orgasm. It wasn’t powerful compared to the ones from the night before, but it was the perfect way to start her morning.

  He gave his fingers a very manly lick before washing them, and then went about pouring the two of them steaming hot cups of coffee.

  “I could get used to this sort of morning,” she said, languidly draping an arm over him and planting a soft kiss on his cheek before moving to her own stool.

  “I bet,” he said, laughing softly. “Why are you up so early?”

  She frowned. “Work?” Her tone indicated she was wondering if he was losing it.

  “Willow, it’s Saturday. We don’t work Saturday.”

  Holy shit. He was right. “Well, fuck me,” she cursed.

  “Later tonight, if you aren’t out with your friends,” he promised.

  She muffled a laugh. “I’m going to take you up on that. I’ll be here.”

  He waved a hand at her. “Don’t stick around just for me. Go out, it’s Saturday. Go have some fun.”

  “With who?” Her mood was souring a little.

  “Uh, friends?” Aiden stopped talking as the look on her face registered. “I guess it must be tough to make friends when your family is full of werewolves.”

  Willow shrugged. “I mean, when I was younger, it certainly was difficult to explain away all the hair considering we didn’t have any dogs.”

  Aiden snickered. “Fair point.”

  “Making friends with humans was always a dangerous prospect. You all go through so much to remain hidden from the world. In this day and age of electronics, the fact that you’re still mostly legend and nothing more is absolutely astounding.” She shrugged, and related to him her story about going away to school, the trials and near-misses of her revealing everything.

  “Nobody would have believed you,” he said after she finished. “Not that that makes a difference of course, except they would have tried to put you in a padded cell most likely. So, I’m glad you didn’t tell anyone.”

  She looked at him strangely. “Thanks. I think. But it still doesn’t help with making any friends.”

  “What about the rest of the pack?”

  “Uh-huh,” was all she would say to that.

  “Did your father never introduce you to other shifters, to help you make some friends your own age?”

  Willow nodded. “Yes. When I was younger there were several that I would see. But we grew apart. I couldn’t relate to them very well. By the time I was of high-school age, it was just me and the rest of the pack.”

  Aiden reached out and laid his hand on top of hers where it rested on the granite countertop. “I’m sorry. That must have been incredibly lonely.”

  “It was,” she agreed. “For a long time. Until you came along.” She lifted her eyes to see him staring back at her with an intensity that momentarily left her so terrified she couldn’t speak.

  The silence between them was deafening.

  Aiden broke it at last, though his eyes never moved. “Don’t say things like that unless you mean them, Willow.”

  She raised both her eyebrows. “Have I really given you the impression that I’m prone to lying and saying important things without thinking them through?”

  “No,” he admitted, his expression softening. “No, you haven’t.”

  “Good. Then don’t give me any of that shapeshifter intimidation bullshit. I know what I’m about, and what this could lead to. I’ve grown up around werewolves my entire life.”

  “True. But none of them are mated, which is a problem in and of itself,” he said, body relaxing as the moment passed.

  “Neither are we,” she pointed out before she could stop herself.

  What the hell are you doing, woman?

  Aiden smiled, but said nothing.

  Willow was confused. She’d expected more of a reaction than that, depending on how Aiden was viewing the situation. Her general denial was supposed to bring out his emotions, so that she could see how he reacted. But by simply smiling, he was refusing to do that. As if he knew her plan! It was mildly infuriating, and yet she somehow found herself smiling alongside him as well.

  “Does your father not allow the others to mate?”

  She shrugged. “No idea. I’ve never asked. But come on, you know them. They’re dicks. Who would want to stick with any of them?”

  “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “But you stick with your father despite his actions, so I figure there are probably others out there who would put up with them. I just didn’t know if they were banned from doing so.”

  Willow narrowed her eyes.



  Aiden cursed his choice of timing.

  He hadn’t meant for his words to come out the way they had. Now was not the time he�
��d intended to reveal to her what he knew of her father’s lies. Things between him and Willow were still too unstable; it was highly unlikely she would believe him to be telling the truth. Instead, she was more likely to turn on him and push him away. But it was too late now. He’d opened the box, and there was no putting it back away judging by the look on her face. The only thing left to do was face the storm head-on.

  “What do you mean by that?” Willow’s voice was deceptively kind.

  If he was going to have this conversation though, Aiden wasn’t going to play around. Doing so would allow Willow to keep her blinders on, and he needed to get her to finally say what she’d been refusing to admit to herself for a long time now. He just hoped their relationship could recover from it.

  “Don’t give me any of that bullshit,” he said in a neutral tone. “You know as well as I do that your father is up to something, and whatever it is, it’s not good.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He slashed at the air with a hand. “Enough, Willow. Stop living with blinders on, just because you want to refuse to acknowledge what’s going on. But I know you, you’re not stupid, not even a little. You see what’s going on. You aren’t naïve enough to actually believe that your father has a government contract of some sort, and that’s what all the late-night secrets are all about. Don’t play with me. You see it, you know better, you just don’t want to admit to it. Why?”

  She shook her head in denial, but he could see in her eyes that she knew the truth. What was it that was keeping her so willing to support him? What had he done to earn her loyalty?

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My father adopted me when he didn’t have to, and he’s raised me on his own. He is a good man.”

  “No, he’s not, Willow.” Aiden desperately wanted to step forward, to take her in his arms and hold her, to let her know that he was there for her.


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