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Never Gone (A Novella)

Page 2

by J. M. Walker

  “It’s the same old shit, different day kind of deal.” His eyes flicked back to mine. They dropped to my mouth, the tension between us becoming thick and unwarranted but needed just the same.

  I swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

  His eyes popped to mine. “I mean that it’s not overly exciting. Sure, putting away vile predators can be fun but it gets repetitive after a while.”

  I had heard that he had worked with others who put corrupt businessmen behind bars and that he was trying to become even more powerful than he already was.

  “Oh.” I wasn’t sure what his intention was with me. Actually, I was sure and knew that no matter what he thought or wanted to do; I would be the one who came out winning in the end.

  “What’s that look for?” he asked, a smug smile forming on his too handsome face.

  “I don’t have a look.”

  He chuckled, running two fingers along his mouth. “Yeah, you do. It’s that same look you used to get when you were thinking hard about something. It meant you had a mission and would do anything to complete it.”

  It was my turn to glance at his mouth that time. A mouth I had felt against mine so many times, it was like his kisses were permanently imbedded in my skin. Even though that had been so long ago, I could still feel his lips against mine.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I brought the mug to my lips, giving him a wink over the rim and took a long swig.

  He grinned, something flashing behind his dark eyes. “So, are you seeing anyone, Marley?”

  “Nope.” I frowned when I realized that I was out of beer. “You?”

  “Nope,” he answered. He sat back, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, the veins in his thick arms, popping at the movement. He was bigger than the average size when we were kids but now, he was huge. His shoulders and chest were broad, his biceps stretching the material of his black dress shirt. He must have spent hours in the gym to become that size.

  “Checking me out, Marley?” he asked, not meeting my gaze.

  Cocky fucker. “Nope.” But I was. God, was I ever. My tongue tingled, itching to lick along those veins and feel him come undone for me. It had been so long since I had any physical contact, of course I would be reacting this way to him. Most men never paid any attention to me in this town. It was like I had a sign around my neck warning them to stay away.

  “You know.” He ran his finger along the rim of his mug. “You’ve always been a shitty liar.”

  “I didn’t have you to teach me how to be a good one,” I threw back at him.

  His finger stopped, his dark eyes locking with mine. They hardened, challenging me, daring me to voice whatever else it was that I wanted to say.

  Oh, don’t worry, baby. I’ll say everything to you.

  But right now, I just wanted him to stew.

  “So, Ricki told me about the candles you make.”

  My heart swelled. “Oh?”

  Atlas smiled. “I’m proud of you.”

  Not that I needed it from him, I was still elated to hear the pride in his voice.

  “Still seeing that fucker Dwight?”

  A laugh escaped me. “For one, I haven’t dated Dwight in over a year and second, how the hell did you even know that I dated him?” Dwight Telford was a good guy, but he was too good. There wasn’t a bad bone about him, and it just didn’t do it for me. No, clearly, I was still hung up on the asshole sitting across from me.

  “I have my ways.” Atlas winked, finishing off the rest of his beer. “Care for something stronger, Marley?” He purred out my name, sending a hot shiver racing down my spine.

  I looked between him and the mugs between us. Sitting forward, I pushed my chest against the edge of the table and licked my lips.

  His eyes dropped to my mouth, his nostrils flaring.

  “I could always go for something…” I paused for added effect. “Harder.”



  Fucking hell.

  My cock pushed against the fly of my jeans, threatening to explode.

  When Marley purred out that word, it took everything in me not to reach across the table and pull her over it and into my arms. But I couldn’t. Not yet. She was clearly still pissed over me leaving so many years ago and not making an appearance until now. I couldn’t say I blamed her. I had my work cut out for me but what was a little harm in flirting a bit.

  I readjusted my pants, took a deep breath and left the booth. Marley laughed, the husky sound following behind me as I headed to the bar.

  “Another round, Atlas?” Ricki asked while serving another customer.

  “Please and I would like two shots of tequila as well. No lime or salt.” I felt it ruined the taste and although Ricki’s bar held mostly cheap shit, I knew that he only had the best tequila. It was so damn smooth, it was dangerous. It burned going down but once it settled deep in your belly, it warmed your soul.

  “The usual?” He placed two mugs of beer in front of me.

  “Please.” I was brought back to a night years ago. A couple friends I had at the time, and I broke into the bar and drank two bottles between us. Ricki was furious but also told me that I had good taste in tequila. It had been a favorite ever since.

  “Two shots of tequila. No lime. No salt. Just how I like it.” He placed the glasses between the mugs. “Careful with that one, Atlas.” He nodded toward Marley and went back to serving other customers.

  I had no idea what he was referring to, but I took both of the mugs and shot glasses and joined the woman that I hoped I would end up balls deep inside before the night was out.


  It was weird sitting there with Atlas. I hadn’t seen him since I was a kid and that was definitely before we became old enough to drink. Although, we did sneak some alcohol from his daddy’s collection and from Ricki once or twice.

  “What’s that smile for, Marley?” Atlas asked, sitting back in the booth across from me.

  “I was just thinking about the time we snuck some of your dad’s whiskey.”

  Atlas chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, a grin spreading wide on his face. “Yeah, that was fun.”

  My cheeks burned, remembering the intense make out session we had after that. We were each other’s firsts and I knew no matter how many years had gone by; he was the only one I had never forgotten.

  “Do you remember dancing for me?” Atlas reached across the table, wrapping his hand around my wrist and brushed his thumb back and forth along my pulse point.

  “Do you remember asking me how to put a condom on?”

  A booming laugh escaped him. He released my wrist, sitting back in the booth. “I was sixteen. Actually, I think it might have been before my sixteenth birthday. I had no idea what I was doing.”

  I laughed with him. “I don’t think either of us did, but it was fun.”

  “It was.” His gaze dropped to my mouth.

  My heart stuttered.

  Atlas lifted the shot glass. “To a rekindled friendship.”

  I lifted the tiny glass and clinked it against his. “Cheers.”

  But no matter how much either of us said that we were only friends, something was there. Something would always be there.

  Three shots later and my head was fuzzy, but a nice warm glow spread over my skin. I rested my elbow on top of the table, leaning my chin on my palm.

  “You’re beautiful.” Atlas peered down at me.

  When did he join me in my side of the booth? I shook my head. Or I thought I did. I couldn’t be sure. The shots had gone right to my brain and now everything was fuzzy. Nice and warm and…fuzzy.

  “You’re really beautiful,” he murmured, inching his face closer to mine.

  My eyes widened. I wasn’t that drunk. I pushed him back, needing some space. Or as much space as I could get with us sitting in the tiny booth and all.

  “Atlas, we can’t,” I told him.

  “But we can.” He leaned toward me again, brushing his
mouth along the length of my throat. He cupped my knee.

  My skin burned beneath his touch. I was thankful that I was wearing jeans.

  Atlas turned his body toward me, shielding me from any onlookers. If he wasn’t careful, Ricki would come over and say something. He knew my father. Hell, everyone knew my father. It wasn’t like being the Sheriff’s daughter was an easy task. That was one reason I was so upset that Atlas had moved. My father actually liked him. He approved of him and then Atlas’s dad ripped him away from me.

  “Atlas,” I whispered, licking my lips.

  “Yes?” His hand trailed higher up my thigh.

  I covered it, stopping him from reaching the spot I wanted him most. “This is dangerous.”

  “Since when has a little danger ever stopped you?” he purred, his hot breath fanning over the side of my face.

  I let out a husky laugh. “I was a little girl who thought life was filled with rainbows, sunshine and puppies. I didn’t know any better.”

  He pinched my chin, turning my head. “And that’s what I loved about you. I could read all your thoughts just by looking into your eyes. You wear your emotions on your face and hold your heart in your hands, offering it to anyone who needs it. But I know I’m the only one who ever got it completely.”

  I looked away. “That was also a long time ago. And we were kids,” I reiterated. “We were young and foolish.”

  “And in love.” He licked along the shell of my ear, sending a shiver racing down my spine.

  “You never told me you loved me,” I reminded him.

  “You know I did,” he murmured, his voice deep. “I bet you one more shot, and I can convince you to come to the bathroom with me.”

  A laugh escaped me. “Way to keep it classy.”

  He chuckled, shrugging those broad shoulders of his. “It was worth a shot. Gotta keep my options open. I wouldn’t take you to a bathroom anyway.”


  “Nah, baby. You deserve better than that.”

  I shook my head, unable to help the wide smile spreading on my face. “Thank you for tonight, Atlas. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out like this.”

  “I’m glad you’re having fun but…” He snarled into my neck. “The night’s still young yet, babe.”

  I giggled, pushing him away. But I didn’t get very far when his arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer. It had been so long since I felt the warm strong touch of the opposite sex.

  A goofy grin spread on his face. “I like this. Being with you again.”

  “Last time we were together, we were both underage. Definitely couldn’t come here and drink our faces off.” Those were the good days. When we were young and innocent, and life was easier. Until Atlas moved, it had only ever been him.

  “Did you date anyone after me?” he asked, taking a long swig from his mug.

  My cheeks burned. “Uh…not really. I had a few dates but nothing that was long term. I focused more on schooling and making my candles. Which I’m sure my parents were happy about.” I laughed lightly. “But I did finally open up my bookstore. It’s tiny but I can also sell the candles there and the other products that Thistle Farms has as well.”

  “Yes, I heard about that.” He clinked his mug against mine. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” There was no point asking him how he heard about my business ventures. Once you lived in a small town, no matter if you moved or not, you knew people’s business forever. Not that I minded really. I enjoyed that people talked to him about me.

  “What’s got that smile on your face, pretty girl?” Atlas ran a hand down my back, slipping his fingers beneath my shirt that fell to the top of my high waisted jeans.

  My skin heated, erupting into tiny goosebumps.

  “Marley,” he said, his deep voice washing over me. “Tell me.”

  “This,” I whispered. “This has me happy.”

  His smirked, leaning toward my ear. “I remember the first time I felt you. It was awkward as hell because neither of us knew what we were doing but it was still hot as fuck.”

  I shivered, remembering our first time as well. While it definitely was awkward, it had been the best night of my life. We were so young, but it was something special we had given to each other.

  Atlas grazed his fingers to my side, brushing the underside of my breast. A rough growl escaped him.

  I grinned. I wasn’t wearing a bra. My t-shirt was black, and I was small chested, so it wasn’t like you could overly tell anyway. And I had been in a rush when I found out that Atlas was back in town. That was the only reason I had shown up to the bar in the first place.

  “After all this time, Marley, and you still drive me fucking crazy and make me hard as a rock.”

  A husky laugh escaped me.

  His hand cupped my breast, his thumb brushing back and forth over my nipple. “Did you leave these tits uncovered for me, baby?”

  “I was in a rush,” I told him.


  “Because Tawny told me that you were in town.” My best friend had driven past the bar and saw Atlas get out of his car. She called me right away after that.

  “You need to get that pussy fucked good and hard.”

  She was a classy one.

  I laughed, remembering her crass words.

  “What’s so funny?” Atlas murmured in my ear.

  “Tawny told me to come see you because I need to get fucked good and hard.” My gaze flicked up to his. “Is that honest enough for you?”


  I stared at Marley, not expecting to hear those words leave her lips. She had never been forthcoming when it came to sex. Even though we were young when we slept together, she was shy. I was awkward. It was hot as hell but still…odd. But now. Both of us were adults. We were experienced and when we fucked again, it would definitely be far from awkward.

  A slow grin spread on Marley’s face. “You weren’t expecting that answer, were you?”

  “Nope.” But it still didn’t mean that I didn’t appreciate her honesty nonetheless. Now I just needed to know how to move this along.

  A hand cupped my inner thigh. “I’m assuming you’re not seeing anyone?”

  I looked down at Marley’s full mouth. She licked along her bottom lip, the movement making my dick throb.

  “No.” I cupped her jaw, brushing my thumb along her bottom lip. “I’m not.”

  She smirked, peeking her tongue out.

  I ran my thumb along the tip, making her breath catch. “Awww, pretty girl. I’m going to fuck you again. Aren’t I?”

  A husky laugh escaped her. “Are you asking me for permission?”

  A wicked grin spread on my face. “I don’t need to ask you for permission because I know that without saying it, you’ll let me back inside this sweet little body. I remember the first time I felt your tight pussy too, Marley. You were so wet.”

  Her cheeks reddened. She grabbed my hand, bringing it down to her lap. “We need to leave.”

  My cock jumped.

  But instead of listening to it, I sat back and rubbed two fingers along my mouth. “Nah. I’m rather enjoying this.”

  She huffed, crossing her arms under her chest. “You enjoy teasing me?”

  “Anticipation, sweet girl.”

  Marley turned toward me, resting her knee on the bench and leaned forward. “So, Atlas. When’s the last time you went home with a woman?”

  “Too long ago,” I mumbled. “I’ve been too busy for casual sex.”

  “So, it took your grandfather dying to get any action? Interesting.” She sat back, kicked off her shoes and placed her feet in my lap.

  I turned my body toward her, grabbed her ankles and pushed her feet against my crotch. “It’s been a very long time, Marley. All of this is begging to get back inside your body.”

  Her gaze dropped to my lap, that red in her cheeks, darkening.

  “Can you feel it? Every inch is yours. It’s always been yours.” And it would onl
y be hers for the rest of our lives too. But that was a conversation that could wait. Right now, I just needed to spend the night with her. We could talk about our future later.

  She swallowed hard. “It’s been awhile for me too, Atlas. A long while. I’m not sure I’ll even know what to do with all of those inches.”

  I chuckled. “I’m sure you could figure it out.”

  “Hmm…I don’t know.” She pushed her foot into me, making me jump. “You might have to teach me. You might have to remind me what you like. What I like.” She leaned forward, licking along her bottom lip. “You might have to make me beg.”

  My dick twitched, pushing against the fly of my pants.

  Marley grinned. “I think we should leave. Now.”


  When Atlas jumped from the booth, threw money at Ricki and rushed me out of the bar, I almost laughed. I half-expected him to throw me over his shoulder and pound his fists against his chest.

  It was later into the night and my head was swimming but not from the previous alcohol I had. No. I was going to get Atlas back inside of me. I was going to have him for the night. I should probably have been pissed that he never called me, but we could deal with that later. Right now, I wanted to fuck. And I wanted him to fuck me hard. Rip me apart and do whatever he wanted to do to me.

  We all but ran to his car that was parked not too far from the bar.

  “We can’t drive,” I reminded him.

  “We’re not driving.” He pushed me against the side of it. “I need my bag. I’m staying at the motel.” He unlocked his car and pulled his bag from the back before kicking the door closed. He grabbed my hand and led us down the sidewalk.

  I rushed to keep up with his long strides, my heart racing the closer we got to the only motel in town. I was sure people would be talking about this tomorrow. News spread faster than a disease in Shefford, but I didn’t care. Nothing mattered at the moment.

  “We need to walk faster,” I told him.

  He stopped, glancing down at me. Throwing the strap of the bag over his head, he pulled me closer and before I knew what was happening, he had me over his shoulder.


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