Book Read Free

Bondage Included

Page 13

by Tori Carson

  Adriana turned to André. “I’m sorry, I should have told you. My parents are very protective when it comes to their club. I was afraid you’d think I was after trade secrets.” She turned to her father. “Like my father was accusing you of.”

  Carlo had the good grace to look contrite.

  The pieces were slowly falling into place, why she had theoretical knowledge without any experience. His head was still spinning, though. He couldn’t quite grasp the fact that Adriana’s parents were accepting of their daughter’s lifestyle choice. It seemed completely foreign.

  Constance was using her cell phone and for some reason that sent a spike of panic down his spine.

  He wanted to run out of the door and not stop until he was back in his own home. The thought surprised him. For months, he’d avoided his house. It wasn’t until Adriana was there that it had begun to feel like a home. Before that, he’d sought refuge in the club, spending his evenings with Adriana. It kept coming back to her.

  André took a good, long look at Adriana. She was his home. He bent down and picked her up in his arms. “Excuse us for a moment.”

  Carlo stood and took a step in their direction, but Constance placed a calming hand on his arm.

  Adriana put her arms around his neck and snuggled against his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  He carried her into the bedroom and kicked the door closed.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asked, as he sat on the mattress and leaned back on the headboard.

  “Did you set up this ‘accidental’ meeting?” He watched her expressions closely.

  “No. Absolutely not. I have no idea why they’re here. They spent their anniversary in Italy and just came home a few days ago. They were pretty pissed I didn’t meet them at the airport with the rest of my family. Maybe that’s it.” Tears were making her eyes shinier than usual.

  “They’re worried about you. They probably started talking and figured out no one has seen you in over a month. I would have come looking too.” He held her close for a few moments. “Why didn’t you tell me? Don’t you trust me?”

  “You heard my father. It was the first thing he jumped on. I had no way to prove what my intentions were.” She pulled back and met his gaze. “I was afraid I’d lose you.”

  “Bebe, I’ve tried to extend the olive branch to your family ever since they opened.” It still didn’t make any sense to him. “What trade secrets? Seriously? You want the name of my furniture designer? My cleaning crew? What do you want? I’ll give it to you.” The idea was preposterous. There was nothing to steal.

  “I don’t know. They are big on privacy and security. My family only has the club. It’s their sole source of income. If they lose members, they lose their livelihood,” she explained as she picked at non-existent lint on her bedspread.

  “I can understand the need to keep members’ information confidential. It’s a huge issue. No one wants to be outted. I would never dream of divulging that type of data and I’d cut ties with anyone who did. But that doesn’t mean we can’t combine our efforts to bring in speakers or host events together. That’s what I was trying to achieve when I contacted your father. I never wanted his membership list.”

  “I was wrong not to tell you. I’m sorry.” She looked him in the eye again. “I swear, I didn’t know they were coming over. I wouldn’t have done that to either one of us.”

  “I believe you, bebe. What’s with the Master, bullshit? We aren’t M/s or twenty-four-seven.” He was as confused by that as he was by everything else.

  She reverently touched his collar around her neck. “My parents are sticklers for respect and protocol. They would expect nothing less.” She shrugged. “It also lets them know that I belong to you now and I’m not subject to their expectations anymore.”

  The catch in her voice shocked him. “Are you afraid of your parents?”

  “No,” she answered quickly. “They love me, but they try to run me over all the time. I want them to understand that my first consideration now goes to you. They’re my family and I will always love them, but my heart belongs to you, André. I choose to be with you.”

  He didn’t know how he felt about that. In the past, he’d pushed that type of emotion away, but now he just didn’t know.

  They both lifted their heads as the noise volume in the living room rose considerably.

  “Oh, God.” She buried her face in his chest. “That’s the rest of the family. Do you think we could tie the sheets together and climb out the window?”

  He laughed—that had been his first reaction too. “No, bebe, we face them together. Their days of pushing you around are over. I will always protect my sweet subbie. Do you want me to take the lead? I will.”

  She looked like she was tossing the idea around in her head. “No, they need to hear it from me.” She searched his face for a few moments. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It was wrong of me to keep you in the dark. Are you okay?” Adriana rubbed a hand over his scruffy jaw.

  He didn’t want to lie to her, but he didn’t have an answer either. “This conversation isn’t over. I have a lot of questions, but we’re in this together. You mean the world to me, Adriana. That hasn’t changed.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. “I love you.”

  * * * *

  Eva finished cleaning up the bar and plopped down on the couch beside Adriana. “Why did the boss hide out in his office all night? Are you two fighting?”

  Adriana cringed. It had been great seeing everyone again, but she couldn’t relax. It felt like there was way too much unfinished business between her and André. She wished they’d gone home from her apartment instead of continuing on to the club. Within minutes of arriving, André had entered his office and he hadn’t been out since.

  “Not really.”

  Eva put her hand over the top of Adriana’s. “What is it?”

  “We stopped by my place on the way here and my whole family barged in.”

  Eva’s eyes widened in surprise and she covered her mouth. “Oh no. André can’t handle family get-togethers. He locks up. Did you see him at Amanda’s wedding?”

  Adriana shook her head. “No, I didn’t know them well back then.”

  “Oh, honey, let me tell ya. André turned green. It’s like he was holding his breath waiting for a brawl to break out or something. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. André is so calm and controlled here.” She shrugged. “He gets freaked out.”

  Adriana snorted. “Well he didn’t have long to wait. My brothers started pushing each other and Tony took a swing at him.”

  “At André?” Eva asked.

  “No, at Gio. They were just doing what they do. They didn’t mean anything by it.” A smiled beamed across Adriana’s face. “André freaked the fuck out. Started barking orders like a drill sergeant.” She started giggling. “I think it won over my papa. He was so protective of me.”

  “Gio?” Eva looked like she’d seen a ghost.

  “My brother, Gio Parma. He’s fine. He ducked. Those two go at it all the time.”

  Eva was suddenly pale as she stared off into space.

  “Are you okay, Eva?”

  “Of course.” Eva smiled. “I knew a Gio a long time ago, back in my college days.”

  “Couldn’t have been my Gio.” Adriana let her annoyance show on her face. “The jerk had a free ride scholarship to Columbia and one day he just left. Said it wasn’t for him and he came back home. He finally did get his degree, but what a waste.”

  “Wow, look at the time. I have to get out of here.” Eva gave her a long hug. “I’ve missed you.”

  Adriana tried to get a look at Eva’s face. It sounded like her voice had cracked. Is she crying? Eva kept her back to Adriana as she quickly walked to the Ladies locker room.

  She glanced at the time on her cell phone. The club had been closed for twenty minutes. Feeling bratty, she texted André.

  Quit hiding. I miss you.

/>   She’d barely hit send before she saw the door to the executive offices swing open.

  “I lost track of time, bebe. I’m sorry. Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded and he picked her up and put her on the scooter.

  Together they headed toward the employee exit. “Do you need to check the doors or anything? I didn’t mean to rush you.”

  He smiled and gave her a wink. “Ted and Meri are in one of the privacy rooms.”

  André held open the door so she could maneuver through it. Once she was clear, he turned around and locked the door behind them. She waited by the passenger side of his car and set the wheel brake on the scooter.

  It wasn’t long at all before they were headed home. Adriana dreaded another silent road trip. “Are we okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.” He turned his right hand palm up.

  Adriana reached out to him and he immediately curled his fingers around hers. “Are you okay? My family can be a difficult pill to swallow.”

  “They love you.” He fell quiet again.

  She leaned her head back against the seat and vowed to give him time.

  As they pulled onto Highway 51, André squeezed her hand. “They remind me of my family.”

  Oh crap! She hadn’t expected that.

  He glanced her way and gave her a sad grin. “They’re loud and unruly, but good people.”

  “I think so,” she whispered, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

  He turned off at Shea Boulevard and headed toward Tatum. “I’m disappointed you didn’t trust me,” he added softly. “It makes me worry.”

  “About what?” Adriana didn’t like the shift in the conversation. She’d rather he be mad at her than hurt. Hurt was much harder to take.

  “That I haven’t come close to earning that collar around your neck.” He let go of her hand and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I had planned to tell you, but every time I mentioned my family you shut down. You wouldn’t even discuss it.” How could she make him understand?

  He remained quiet as he turned south onto Tatum.

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you, I was just biding my time and waiting for the opportune moment.”

  “You’d think that in eight months there must have been at least one.” There was an edge to his voice.

  “For six of those months there were three other issues that were paramount in my mind.” She wasn’t going to let him place all the blame on her. It wasn’t as if he was completely innocent either.

  André chuckled. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?” He pulled onto his street.

  “It would be nice if you cut me some slack. I’ll admit I made an error in judgment.” She paused, trying to find a way to explain her actions. “I feared you’d react a certain way based on how my parents have behaved. But you did the same thing.”

  After slowly creeping into his garage, he threw the car into park. “How do you figure?”

  “You assumed my family would react the same way yours did if they ever found out we were in a D/s relationship.”

  He opened his mouth then closed it again. A moment later, he was out of the car and walking around to her side.

  Adriana unbuckled her seatbelt and waited for the familiar feel of his arms lifting her. In silence, he carried her to his bedroom. Although she racked her brain, she couldn’t think of anything to say to bridge the growing gap between them.

  “Stay put. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “André”—she caught his arm as he turned to leave—“I don’t like this.”

  He looked at her in surprise then kissed the top of her head. “I’m just getting the scooter and locking up. I won’t be long. I promise.”

  Reluctantly, she let him go. As soon as he was out of the door, she slid off the bed and began making her way to the bathroom. Her stomach had been upset all day and the tension between them wasn’t helping. It was so damn frustrating that he wouldn’t talk to her. She had no idea where they stood. He hadn’t acted mad, per se, just distant. It reminded her of the way he treated his subs. Detached and withdrawn.

  She made it to the sink and began brushing her teeth. As soon as the toothbrush hit the top of her mouth she felt her stomach lurch. In despair, she looked over her shoulder at the toilet. Damn, it’s so far away.

  With both hands pressed hard to her mouth, she hobbled over. Her right leg buckled and she fell. Dragging her leg the rest of the way, she lost what little dinner she’d managed to eat while visiting with everyone at the club. She leaned back against the wall as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She was sick of feeling so helpless. It felt like her world was spinning out of control.

  “Adriana!” André shouted from the doorway.

  At the sound of his voice, she began to sob.

  André was instantly by her side. “What the hell happened?”

  She flipped the lid down and waved him off. “Nothing. Go away.”

  He sat back on his heels. “Bebe, I’m not going to leave you here on the floor. You know that. Now stop being stubborn and tell me what’s going on.” He pulled a washcloth from the linen closet and ran water from the tub faucet then handed it to her.

  Grudgingly, she took it and wiped the sweat from her brow.

  “Were you drinking at the club?” He chuckled. “Considering the afternoon we had, I can understand it.”

  She threw the rag at his head. “No, I wasn’t drinking. You jerk.”

  He caught it in mid-air, further sparking her temper. She used the wall to support her as she pushed to her feet.

  André rushed to help. “What are you trying to prove, Adriana?” He pulled her against his chest.

  Adriana felt fresh tears burning her eyes. She put a hand between them. The knot clogging her throat made speaking impossible. She needed to get a handle on her emotions and that seemed harder to do these days. It felt like she cried all the time. The waterworks started whether she was happy or sad.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  She took a deep breath. “I need to brush my teeth and wash my face.”

  “No, you need to tell me what’s going on.” André sat beside her on the bed.

  Adriana snorted. “You’re a fine one to talk. You spent the evening hiding in your office. If you don’t want me here, say the word and I’m gone.”

  “Why would you say such a thing? Of course, I want you here. I love you.” He looked at her as if he was stating something that should be obvious.


  He tipped his head and glared at her. “You know I do.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think you’d admit it.” She glared at him right back.

  André laughed and arranged pillows for her leg. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”

  “Why were you avoiding me like I was one of your trolls?” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out of the window.

  He took her chin in his hand and nudged until she looked at him. “Is that how you really felt or are you just mad and lashing out?”

  She didn’t even know anymore. Adriana twisted out of his grasp. “A little of both maybe.”

  “Adriana, look at me.” He waited until she turned her head toward him. “Meeting your parents was a shock.” He sent her a crooked grin. “Meeting your entire family was another.” He paused as if searching for the right words. “Finding out they were in the lifestyle blew my mind. It changes everything. I wasn’t hiding so much as I was thinking and processing what this means for us. Doors have opened and dreams I never dared dream about seem possible now. I’m still trying to work it all out in my head.”

  Wow! That was a huge admission for André. “I thought you were mad.”

  “No, bebe. I was disappointed you didn’t tell me, but what you said in the car was true. I never gave you the opportunity. As soon as you started talking about family, I shut you down cold. I was wrong.” He gave her a chagrinned smile. “I don’t know that I deserve
d the total immersion that I received today, but I survived it.”

  “I’m sorry my brothers were such assholes.” She smiled for the first time since they’d been home.

  André tsked. “Such language. One would think you were asking for a spanking.” He looked at her speculatively.

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “Maybe I am.” Something unfurled in her tummy and this time it wasn’t food related.

  “I’ll be happy to oblige, after you talk to me. I’m not laying a hand on you until I know what’s going on inside your head.” He tugged on her arm until she fell into his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’ve been crying a lot and giving me bullshit answers.”

  “How come you can curse and I can’t?” She didn’t want to talk about the waterworks. It confused her as much as it did André.

  “You asked me to help you stop, remember?”

  Looking up at his face she felt tears burning her eyes again. He was so handsome. Sometimes, she was overwhelmed by it. She nodded and took a deep, steadying breath.

  He fisted her hair. “No more of this, bebe, you’re killing me. Are you hurting? Do you need a painkiller?”

  “No, my leg is fine. I don’t know why I can’t stop crying.” She was tired all the time too. “Maybe I have a bug biting on me.”

  “You’re going to the doctor tomorrow and don’t argue with me. We can’t take a chance on an infection.”

  Adriana loved the feel of his hand in her hair. She rubbed her cheek across the bulge in his pants. “Okay.” Chances were she just needed more sleep, but if it made him happy, she’d go.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling ill? You know that stuff could and would have waited.”

  Does he sound hurt? Confession time. Oh well, now he’d probably spank her for sure. “Actually, I was brushing my teeth when the urge hit. I might have gagged myself. I don’t know. My stomach has been queasy a lot lately. It can’t be that big of a deal because food actually helps.”


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