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Untouchable: A Bully Romance

Page 4

by Mariano, Sam

  Jake looks away from this torrid display, I think finally realizing he unleashed a beast on me, but unwilling to help chain it back up.

  I swore to myself I wouldn’t beg anymore, but as Carter’s big hand slips down inside the front of my panties, I can’t keep the words from spilling from my lips. “Carter, please don’t do this.” I say, squeezing my legs together.

  “Beg more,” he murmurs, his hand still casually inside my panties. He drags his lips along my neck, his mouth shockingly ravenous, like a hungry beast about to feast on my flesh. Given the context of what I know he wants from me, it’s absolutely terrifying, and everything within me quakes.

  He’s probably just fucking with me, but on the off chance I can stop him, I give him what he demands. “Please. Please, Carter. Please let me go.”

  “Tell me you’ll be a good little whore and keep your mouth shut,” he says, biting my neck.

  I let out a sharp cry of surprise, then start crying, not even attempting a brave face any longer. “I’ll be a good little…” I can’t get it out. His finger slips inside me and I sob harder, closing my eyes.

  “Say it,” he says sharply.

  My stomach sinks as I cry, “I’ll be a good little whore. Please stop. Please.”

  “You won’t say anything,” he repeats, as if bored, even while his thumb presses against my clitoris.

  “Please,” I beg, my broken cry humiliating me. “I won’t say anything.”

  Withdrawing his hand from between my legs, Carter grabs a fistful of my hair and pushes me down to my knees. “Open your mouth, princess. You’re going to suck my dick. You do a good job and I won’t stick it in your cunt next.”

  Jake shifts from foot to foot, then finally walks over to the door like he just wants to check out the window, but I think he can’t watch this. How things got from him pushing me up against the wall and intimidating me out of anger to Carter pushing my mostly naked body to the floor and unzipping his pants is probably a bit beyond him.

  Grabbing my jaw, Carter warns me, “If you bite me, I’ll knock your fucking teeth out.”

  I hate meeting his gaze, especially because I know expecting him to be decent is expecting too much, but I look up at him and beg one more time. “Please don’t make me do this.”

  “Try not to throw up,” he advises me. “I like to go deep.”

  He doesn’t let go of my hair, he keeps one hand there to keep me down, I guess, and uses the other to pull his dick out of his pants. I can’t believe this is happening. Tears stream down my cheeks as his cock comes at my face. I lean back, trying to get away from it, but when my head hits the wall, there’s nowhere else to go.

  “Open your mouth,” he demands.

  I keep my lips sealed shut, shaking my head, looking up at him with wordless pleas in my eyes.

  “Now, or I take your virginity instead,” he says simply. “Your choice.”

  My heart drops and my mind races, but there’s nowhere for it to go. Carter isn’t bluffing, and I don’t want to lose my virginity this way, to this asshole. I don’t want to give him head either, but if I have to do one or the other, there’s only once choice to make. Although it’s a struggle to wrap my head around the action, I take a deep, hitching breath and open my mouth.

  “Good girl,” he says almost soothingly, grasping his cock and guiding it into my mouth. I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to look, but Carter doesn’t allow me even that much escape. “Open your eyes and watch your teeth. I’m not kidding about knocking them out. I don’t want to, but I will if you piss me off. Now, you take good care of me, all right, princess?”

  I don’t even know how to do this. I’ve never let a guy do this before, and now the first time has to be him. When a moment passes and I do nothing, he punishes me, shoving his cock so deep in my throat, I can’t breathe. I panic, grabbing his hips, trying to pull him out of my airway, but he forces my face even closer to his pelvis. My eyes burn and I can’t breathe. He’s literally choking me on his dick, and now my gag reflex is working, trying to make me throw up, but I can’t even get anything up because his dick is lodged so deep in my throat.

  My vision starts to go gray as panic seizes me, and I realize this might be it. I’m going to die here of asphyxiation with Carter Mahoney’s cock in my throat. And then, because he’s a fucking psycho, he’ll probably fuck my corpse.

  Black starts to eat away at my line of sight and I weaken.

  Suddenly, Carter yanks me back by the hair and I gasp dramatically, trying to suck as much air as I can into my deprived lungs. I sob, curling in on myself and nearly collapsing on the dingy linoleum floor.

  “This is disappointing, princess. I thought there’d be more foreplay before I took your cunt.”

  “Please don’t,” I say, but I sound tired even to my own ears. Tired of making pleas I know he will ignore anyway, tired of hanging onto hope that I can stop him when I know I can’t.

  “This is your last fucking chance. You wanna suck me?”

  I nod my head, swallowing and pushing to my knees with a shuddering breath. “Please don’t do that to me again,” I say quietly. “I’ll suck you.”

  “Good girl,” he murmurs, caressing my cheek, then grabbing my hair. “I’m going to keep a hold of you, just in case you get ornery.”

  I crawl forward on my knees, eyeing up his cock as I do. It’s so hard, maybe even harder after what he just did to me. I know he’ll hurt me worse if I don’t do as he says, so I take his cock in my hand and slowly start pumping it. He’s thick, that’s the most relevant thought that springs to mind. If he pushes that thing inside my unwilling body, it’s going to hurt like hell. I don’t know how long it would take for him to get off, but every thrust would be torture physically, in addition to the mental wounds he would be inflicting.

  No, I can’t let it get that far. Swallowing, I take one last look at the smooth tip that was just lodged in my throat. It’s glistening from my saliva. I push down my dread, lean forward and take it in my mouth again, then I start to suck.

  Carter hisses and I look up to make sure it’s with pleasure. His head is thrown back and his long fingers caress my head almost affectionately, rewarding me rather than punishing me. That must mean I’m doing something right down here. I keep sucking, figuring it’s the suction that feels good. The faster he comes, the faster I can put my clothes back on and get the hell out of here.

  “Oh, princess, I like your mouth,” he murmurs, caressing my head like a gentle reward in the midst of his brutality. “Keep doing what you’re doing.”

  I want to bite the fucking thing off, but I believe him when he says he’ll knock my teeth out. Instead of hurting the monster, I do my best to pleasure him. I have to break the suction, so I try to do something else that will feel good, but I don’t know what. He said he likes to go deep, so I lean forward and take more of him into my mouth, running my tongue along the underside of his dick. My teeth scrape him when I pull back and his hand fists in my hair again.

  I pull back quickly. “I’m sorry. It was an accident, I didn’t mean to.”

  He nods, pushing my face back onto his cock and pushing until he hits the back of my throat. I start to panic again but he doesn’t make me stay there this time, he lets me go back to the shallow end. I want to stay here, so I pump my hand faster and suck on his head while I do.

  “You like having a cock in your mouth, princess? This is where you belong, isn’t it?”

  My stomach sinks, but I do my best to ignore his words. I just have to get him off, then this will be over. It’s not that hard. Other girls do this all the time, so surely I can get through it once.

  “How come you’ve never let anyone fuck you yet, Zoey? Is your pussy special, too?” he inquires.

  My whole body heats with humiliation, but I ignore his words and labor over his cock, sucking it, licking the tip, trying everything that might feel good. My jaw is already starting to ache, and I haven’t even been sucking him for that long, but he’s so freaking t

  “And your mouth,” he continues, his tone conversational as I suck him off. “How the fuck do you make it to senior year without sucking a single dick? Don’t you date?”

  I don’t know if he needs to put me down to get off or he’s just doing it for fun, but I ignore his comments and keep working.

  Finally, he stops running his fucking mouth and starts caressing my head again. “That’s good. Suck harder, Zoey. If you want to be my little whore, you’re gonna have to earn it.”

  I don’t want to be his little anything, and he knows it. This is so humiliating. That I am going to have to sit in the same classroom as him tomorrow is completely horrifying. Maybe I could transfer to a different history class. Maybe I can convince my mom the torment over the Jake situation is so bad, I need to switch schools.

  He groans and pushes my face closer to his pelvis, lodging more of his cock deeper in my throat as a hot jet of salty release spills into my mouth and I gag. I’m one part mortified, one part disgusted, and one part relieved.

  It’s finally over.

  “Open your mouth,” he demands. “I wanna see it.”

  I look up at him, confused, but I open my mouth so he can see his cum inside.

  “Mm, good little princess,” he murmurs, caressing my cheek approvingly. “Now swallow.”

  I swallow twice to get every last bit of his release off my tongue and down my throat.

  “Fuck,” he murmurs, looking down at me again. He looks like he wants to say more, maybe do more, but Jake has now reached hyper levels of freaked out.

  “We need to get the fuck out of here, man,” Jake says.

  Carter nods, but his dark eyes remain locked on me. I’m hunched on the floor, my palms pressed against the linoleum, still on my knees. I feel like a trained pet appealing to an abusive master for a little mercy. Looking up at him like this, he looks even more untouchable than he usually does, prowling through the halls in his letter jacket, surrounded by fans.

  “Now, you’re going to keep your mouth shut about this, right, Zoey?” he asks calmly. He already knows the answer, he’s just reminding me—like I need a reminder after that.

  I nod wordlessly, breaking his gaze and looking down at the floor.

  “Good. If you start thinking about this later and feel I need to share Jake’s lesson about consequences, let me promise you, it will be your last crusade—and it won’t be worth it.”

  I don’t say anything more. He’s already touched me, used me, and humiliated me. I know he wants to do more, and as much as I want to stand up for myself, I want to survive much more. Taking on Jake was one thing, but Carter? No way.

  There’s no remorse in him for what he just made me do, so I know that whatever is rotten inside him, whichever wires are crossed in his brain to make him capable of such atrocities, he could do much worse to me without batting an eye.

  Submission is so much more than he deserves, but it’s the only way I know to keep myself even a little bit safe, so as he stands over me, looking down at me, I stay on the floor and keep my head bowed like his well-trained pet.

  “Until tomorrow, princess.”

  And with those last parting words, the door opens and they all slip out into the hall, leaving me here to cry by myself.

  Chapter 4

  I don’t sleep much all night, and when morning comes, I don’t even consider going to school. I’ve been so strong throughout this entire ordeal with Jake, I’ve never let them chase me into hiding, but yesterday was too much. Today, I will hide out at home, because the alternative of facing Carter and his minions at school is something I just can’t handle right now.

  Every time I close my eyes, I see Carter or Jake or Shayne—in the worst moments, I see all three of them. I relive Jake dragging me around so they could gawk at my naked breasts, Carter’s mouth sucking on my nipples, Shayne’s smirk as he pawed at my breasts.

  Carter is the most traumatizing, obviously. I remember the way he made me suck him off, the way he shoved his dick so far into my throat, I thought I would lose consciousness. The filthiness of him making me show him his cum in my mouth afterward, before swallowing the evidence of his assault.

  I’ve tried to study so I don’t fall behind, but I can’t concentrate long enough to read all the words on a single page, let alone a whole chapter. I can’t outrun my own memories, so I lose the afternoon mindlessly perusing apps on my phone to distract myself.

  By the time evening rolls around, I am beyond frustrated with myself for letting this get to me so much. I don’t want Carter Mahoney in my head. I want to forget all about what happened yesterday, and never see any of their stupid faces again. They don’t deserve to make me listless and scatterbrained.

  I tell myself I have a two day limit. For two days, I can get stuck in my feelings if I need to, but after that, I have to pull it together, get back to school, and go on like Carter Mahoney never happened.

  Come evening, my mom calls me down to help with dinner. I don’t have energy to do that either, but arguing about it would be too taxing, so I make the mashed potatoes and keep my mouth shut.

  “You’re still in pajamas?” my mom asks when she notices, her gaze raking over my sweats and baggy T-shirt.

  “I’m still not feeling well,” I tell her.

  “Well, it’s too early in the school year to be missing classes, honey. Didn’t you say you have a test this week?”

  Ugh, yes. In history, of all classes.

  How am I supposed to sit in the same classroom with that psychopath? Is he done with me now? Will he leave me alone, or is he just waiting for another chance to pounce? He’s probably bored with me already, but I feel like I need to watch over my shoulder even more now than I did before, when Jake was my biggest problem.

  How many more problems am I going to have to juggle? It’s getting out of hand.

  “I think I just need one more day,” I tell her, nodding confidently. “I’ll get lots of sleep tonight, do some yoga to get my head straight… I’ll be better after tomorrow.”

  The doorbell rings and my little brother calls out, “I’ll get it!”

  I frown, glancing at the clock on the wall as I grab a serving spoon for the potatoes. My step-dad should be home any minute, but he wouldn’t ring the doorbell. Grace wouldn’t stop by unannounced. Hopefully it’s not another jerk playing a prank.

  Last week, someone rang the doorbell and when I answered it, there were a pair of Longhorn blue panties on the ground with a note card reading “slut” stapled to the flimsy fabric. Probably from one of Jake’s admirers who have the audacity to be offended that he showed me unwanted attention. It could have been someone on the football team, but the handwriting seemed girly. Probably a desperate rally girl or one of the meaner cheerleaders.

  Just when I’m about to head to the door to make sure it’s nothing like that, my younger brother pops into the kitchen just long enough to say, “She’s in here,” then he heads back to the table to obsessively line up butter knives. He’s in fourth grade, and they just finished learning how to set the table, so now every night he’s double checking that spoons are in the right spot and butter knives are facing the right direction.

  Behind me, my mother offers a halting, confused, “H—Hello.”

  I turn to look and suddenly feel as if I’ve swallowed my whole heart. I can’t explain why, but Carter Mahoney is standing in my kitchen—all 6 feet 3 inches of him. He’s wearing gray sweats and a white T-shirt with his letter jacket over it, to subtly remind us all who he is.

  I feel like a monster snuck into the house, like I should grab a wooden stake and drive it through his black heart. My kitchen is the last place in the world he should be.

  “Ma’am,” he says respectfully, flashing my mom an admittedly charming smile. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting your dinner. I heard Zoey wasn’t feeling well today, so I wanted to bring her something.” Now he holds up a clear container of what appears to be chicken noodle soup.

  My moth
er recovers from her confusion quickly. Rather than being remotely cautious of him, she sinks into a relieved sort of admiration, like she’s a damsel in distress and he’s the gallant knight who just showed up to save her.

  “Oh, isn’t that so thoughtful? Zoey, look,” she says excitedly, as if I don’t have eyes or ears, and I must be missing this, because Carter Mahoney is in my kitchen bringing me feel-better soup, and I don’t look happy to see him. “Wasn’t that so nice? What a sweet boy.”

  Carter smiles at me, and I glare back at him.

  It is so outrageous that he is here; I have no idea how to respond to his presence in my house, let alone in front of my mother. Swallowing, I put down the serving spoon with some effort. My hands are trembling and my insides feel hollow, like they’ve been scooped right out of me. I can’t find my voice. That must have been scooped out, too. I want to demand he get the hell out of my house, but my mother has stars in her eyes, and I don’t know what to do.

  Carter doesn’t wait for an invitation to approach me. Now that my mom is adequately impressed, he comes right over, puts the soup on the counter, and wraps a strong arm around me. Ignoring the way my body stiffens when he touches me, he pulls me in for an uncomfortable hug. “How ya feeling, babe?”


  I am not his babe.

  What the actual fuck is he doing?

  I look beyond his stupid broad shoulder and see my mom. Her eyes are wide, her cheeks flushed with pleasure, and I can practically see visions of wealthy, secretly psychopathic grandbabies dancing in her eyes.

  Glaring up at Carter, I try to keep my voice steady. “What are you doin’ at my house?”

  “Told ya, I wanted to bring you soup. You also missed history today and we have a test tomorrow. I made you a copy of my notes.”

  He pulls back and fishes a piece of notebook paper out of his gym bag.


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