The Dragon King

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The Dragon King Page 19

by Candace Blevins

Randall tilted his head and seemed to see me in a new light. The room was quiet a few seconds, and he finally said, “Okay. You aren’t what I expected.”

  I wasn’t sure if this was good or bad, but I looked around and focused on Nathan this time. “I understand you’ve had a bigger workload while Aaron has been with me, and I apologize. I realize you have contracts with my father, but I’d like to ask you to go through and see which areas obligate you to the Swans, and which are promises you owe to my father, personally. Can you do this for me?”

  He didn’t respond in any way, so I added, “I’ll throw a royal ball in Faerie in ten days. Your attendance at the ball will show you are loyal to the Swans and not merely my father.”

  He nodded and said simply, “I’ll go through the contracts, Your Highness.”

  I formally thanked him, responding with his title as well, and looked around the room. “I would like all of you, and any of your people you feel should be invited, to attend. Aaron has set up an email address for me. Please get me a list of your people and I’ll provide invitations.”

  I let them know how to contact me, and focused on the Hawk Alpha. “Can you tell me what started the rift between the Swans and Hawks, please?”

  He looked surprised, but said, “It was really more about us against the Eagles, but your grandfather helped the Eagles fight us in battle, which put them against us in a way we couldn’t erase.”

  “Can I get something in writing from you, saying if I’m Queen in this realm, we can work our way into a treaty?”

  He looked doubtful. “You realize you’ll lose the Eagles, if you sign something with us?”

  I detested the Eagle King and figured he felt the same about me. “I’m not worried about the Eagles. If I’m Queen, I’ll be freeing my father’s slaves and doing what I can to make his less palatable business ventures more acceptable. Vincent Avila is never going to show respect to a monarch who feels she’s there to protect her people instead of use them. Swans are both predator and prey in the wild, it’s a wonder he respects us at all, with his mindset.”

  Everyone in the room had a pass into Faerie and would only need an invitation to the ball, with the exception of the Wolves who would also need an invitation into Faerie. I turned to Randall and told him, “I assume you’re okay with an invitation from the Winter Queen? I can arrange for one from Titania if you’d prefer, but since we’re still in winter it’ll be easier politically to request it from the Unseelie Court.”

  Randall nodded. “I’ll get you a list of people to invite, and will be happy with whatever invitation you can wrangle for us. My people and I will be on our best behavior, Sophia.”

  I smiled. “Thanks for the reassurances. I know you’ll only bring in people with good control, knowing it’s harder for wolves to hold onto their humanity in Faerie.”

  He nodded and asked, “So it’s true? You have alliances with both courts?”

  I let one corner of my mouth tilt up. “I think I’ll just let the gossip continue on that front for a while.”

  By the end of the meeting I’d managed to bring everyone to my side, and our plan of action seemed to make everyone happy.

  Over the next week, as Brain got phone numbers for me I called my cousins and invited them to the ball, as well as any other Swans they wanted to bring. I was back and forth from Aaron’s house to my castle, thanks to the gate through Titania’s castle. I spent time with the horses and unicorns, but mostly I met with the head gardener about changes to the landscaping, the housekeeper about changes to make inside the house, and the chef about the menu for the party. I spent time with the Captain of the Guard, even got him and a dozen of his top people drunk one night. We all had a long talk about my father and the way he ran things, and I let two of the men go the next day. I also met with both Titania and Mabel, and they gave me lessons in how to be a Queen in Faerie, as well as helping me hone some new skills.

  Aaron and I had a number of talks about us not owing each other anything, about how he wanted us to be partners, too, but I couldn’t shake the way his ultimatum had made me feel. He’d thought I had no choice and he could force me to do as he wanted, and it didn’t sit well with me as I feared he’d just do it again the next time he thought I had no options.

  We worked out ways for him to go to work instead of needing to constantly stand guard over me. I spent some of my days next door at Abbott’s, and got to know the humans living with him. They all adored Abbott and in many ways were like one big, happy family. I didn’t want to know the details of how or when they fed him, but I knew they all had very fulfilling lives away from the house — most went to college but a few took the opportunity to work for charities they’d never be able to support if they had to hold down a normal day job.

  When I had evening meetings, I went into the billiard club with Abbott and had people meet me there. Isaac seemed to take a big interest in keeping me safe, but told me he wouldn’t be able to come to my ball.

  I asked Brain to try to get me in touch with one of the guards who’d been assigned to me when I lived with my father — Jonathan, the leopard who’d changed for me, and given me touch when I’d most needed it. I’d almost given up on reaching him when one afternoon I answered a call from a number I didn’t recognize.

  “Sophia, is it you?”

  I’d always had a secretary and had never answered my own phone before Aaron got me one, but he’d taught me how to handle just about any situation, so I said, “Can I ask who’s calling, please?”

  “Your Majesty, it’s Jonathan. I’ve been assigned to your father for weeks, but someone slipped me a note earlier today, with instructions to find some time alone and call this number.”

  My breath caught in my throat, but I managed to say, “I’d almost given up on reaching you, Jonathan. Would you be interested in coming to work for me? I mean, not now because I can’t pay anyone yet, but once I take over from my father? I’m going to be very picky about my staff in the human world, and you’re one of the few people I trust from my father’s house.”

  “I have savings I can live off of, My Lady. I’ll come help you now. Rumor has it Aaron Drake has been protecting you, along with Abbott Hamilton and some of his men.”

  I breathed in relief. “They are, but I’d love to have my own team, Jonathan. Can you get away from my father, or do you need help?”

  He chuckled, “Princess…or do I say Queen now?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, “Either way, I’m ex-Special Forces and I’m a shapeshifter. Your father hired me because I’m good. Tell me where to come.”

  “Come to The Billiard Club in Chattanooga. It’s near Hamilton Place Mall. If I’m not there, whoever is will get us together.”

  “I have a go-bag packed in my trunk and I’m about a nine hour drive from you. I can be there around midnight?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’d broken Sophia’s trust when I tried to demand an apology. The bitch of it was, she’d have gladly apologized if I’d waited until we returned to the human world, but the implications of my demanding it in Faerie had pushed her to mistrust me.

  And truthfully? She was right. I’d wrongly assumed she had no other options and would have no choice but to accept my offer. She’d been so far past drained, I still wasn’t sure how she’d managed one last teleport.

  But she had, and I’d royally fucked up.

  I was giving her as much space as I dared, because her father was still quite actively trying to get her back. Isaac had kept Raul’s people from getting her once, and twice I’d barely managed to keep the Eagles from her. It bothered me she wasn’t more concerned about these narrow escapes, but she’d agreed to learn to use a gun and had been practicing regularly at the Drake Security range.

  I’d also given her a stun gun, as I figured there was a better chance of her using non-lethal force against people she knew.

  When she told me she’d talked to Jonathan, I noted her exci
tement and tried not to show my dismay. This wasn’t about my being jealous, it was about my understanding she would trust him more than me. He’d been there for her, day in and day out, for years. He’d provided touch when she had none.

  And I’d had her trust and blown it.

  I also had a lot of problems to deal with at work. A CIA operative had been taken by ISIS, and the State Department had contracted us to try to get him back. It was too touchy of a situation for official troop involvement, but we were well known for getting in and out when no one else would even consider trying.

  “You’re being quiet. Is everything okay?” Sophia asked.

  I pulled her into my arms. “Yes, I was just thinking logistics. I’d like to bring Jonathan into the office and let him have access to my resources. I’ll come to the club with you this evening, meet him, and then we can all go back to my office together. I have some rooms downstairs where my men and I can sleep when we don’t have time to go home. I’ll set him up in one of them so he’ll have a place to live, put him with my computer guy so he’ll have access to whatever we know, get him one of our phones, and let him know if he needs weapons or other equipment to come to me and I’ll see that he gets what he needs.”

  “You have so many guest bedrooms, can’t he stay here? That way I wouldn’t need to go to Abbott’s during the day, or The Billiard Club at night when you have to deal with things when it’s daylight on the other side of the planet.”

  It killed me to agree to it, but I knew she was right. “Of course he can. I’ll have the housekeeper get a room ready for him, but we’ll still make a stop by my office and show him around, let him know he only has to ask for what he needs.”

  She sighed. “I’m trying to keep up with the things you’ve done so I can pay you back once I have funds of my own. I’m really sorry you’re having to do so much for me.”

  “Dammit Soph! Enough! I love you and I don’t mind taking care of you!”

  She just shook her head and changed the conversation. She was through arguing about it, and I couldn’t engage her long enough to convince her. My heart broke at the pain I felt coming off her. She’d effectively masked her scent, but I could feel the pain in her heart and every protective instinct in me surfaced, but I didn’t know how to protect her when it was me who’d hurt her. After years of not having anyone in her life who loved her unconditionally, and a lifetime of being raised by people who were paid to turn her into the perfect arm-candy and never her own person, the trust she’d given me had been so fragile, and I’d tossed it away in a moment of anger.

  “Jonathan’s been with my father almost non-stop,” she said, her voice strong as she ignored my outburst, “so he’ll likely be able to tell us a good bit about his plans. I trust him, but I’d rather not give him too much about us just yet, so I want to spend forty-eight hours with him before we tell him our plans or let him see your office. I also want extra protection around me at first, until I’m comfortable with his loyalty.”

  I looked at her a few minutes, impressed with her practicality, though it broke my heart she had to take these precautions with the person in her day-to-day life she’d most trusted. “Okay, Sophia. I respect your instincts. We’ll play it your way.”

  She nodded and walked to the kitchen. I followed and watched her get a glass from the cabinet, walk to the refrigerator, and fill it from the dispenser. When she arrived, Sophia had no idea how to work the refrigerator, or how dishes got washed. Now, she got her own glass of water as if it were nothing.

  “Randall called earlier and told me he needed to talk to me, said he’d be at the club tonight. Any idea what he has in the works?” she asked.

  “There are rumors the Wolf Alpha over Maryland, D.C., and both Virginias is considering throwing his weight behind you. Personally, I think he’s looking for an invite into Faerie and I’m not sure how trustworthy he’d be if you let him in.”

  I could have given her more advice, and probably would’ve if it’d been anyone else, but I wanted to see what she came up with.

  Her throat worked as she took a long drink of water, and she stayed quiet as she refilled her glass, not speaking until she set it on the counter. “I could accept his offer, tell him the Winter Queen has probably let all the Wolves in she’s prepared to allow at one time, that I might be able to wrangle one more invitation for him, but it’s doubtful I could for anyone else.”

  I smiled, happy with her solution. It’s probably what I’d have done. “Impressive, and I’ve loved watching you get comfortable with your powers, with your title of Queen. So smart, but also caring and protective.” I paused and realized I hadn’t talked with her since she’d met with Mabel and Titania in secret yesterday. I’d worked all night and was just now getting home. “Speaking of the Winter Queen, what did she think of your suggestion of how you could have both of your Faerie Godmothers at your party?”

  “Oh!” she exclaimed. “The ballroom will be set up like springtime, and Titania will reign in there. Mabel is going to arrange for a nice snowfall beforehand, and will keep the snow on the ground from melting even though we’ll bring the temperature up into the sixties the evening of the ball so it won’t be too cold. I’ll have fires and heaters around outside, and Mabel will reign both outside and in the back portico. The true beauty of it is I only have to worry about decorating my throne room and the other public areas, and each Queen will be responsible for their sections.”

  She sobered and added, “I’ve done everything I can to inspire loyalty from my father’s old guard, but I don’t entirely trust them. Mabel and Titania will bring their people, and I’ve spoken to Nathan and the Hawks about providing an extra layer of security at the ball. Is there anything else I should do?”

  I knew what it took for her to ask the final question. She hadn’t given up on us and was trying, but I’d completely changed the way she saw our relationship with my reckless demand, and I was going to have to figure out a way to fix the damage I’d done.

  But not now, so I answered her question, hoping to show I didn’t mind giving advice while reminding her how important she is to me. “You won’t leave my sight at the ball, and if you’re comfortable with Jonathan at that point then we’ll have him on you as well. Everything else you’ve done helps, but you and I both know this will be the ideal time for your father to try something.”

  Sophia nodded and walked towards the bedroom. “I’m going to get a nap, as it doesn’t look like I’ll be going to sleep until the early morning hours.”

  I followed her and climbed into bed naked. She put a nightgown on and joined me, but stayed on her side of the bed.

  I pulled her to me, kissed her senseless, got rid of the nightgown, and made love to her.

  She responded to me in bed, didn’t push me away, but she also didn’t give me all of her, anymore.

  I gave her orgasms until she was exhausted, and finally came with her when I knew she was tired enough to let me hold her in her sleep. Too often, these days, once she was asleep she pushed me away, and it broke my heart.

  As I lay with my arms around her, holding her against me and listening to her breathe, I considered what I could say or do to regain her trust.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I awoke in Aaron’s arms, once again conflicted about what I was doing here. Part of me felt as if I were using him, only living in his house because it was the easiest and safest option, but I knew if I truly didn’t love him, I’d deal with the more difficult option and leave.

  I was stuck, because I loved him with all my heart, even though I no longer wanted to. I’d spent a lifetime being jerked around by people who had power over me, and Aaron had shown he was no better than them and wouldn’t hesitate to jerk me around as well, when he thought he could get away with it.

  Sometimes, when he held me and made love to me, it felt as if my heart were being ripped from my chest and I wanted to cry. I loved him so much, but I wasn’t sure how this was going to work. I was
n’t sure I could stay with someone who’d take advantage when I showed weakness, no matter how much my heart might break with even the thought of leaving him.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” he told me, his breath warm on my ear. “Something about me you need to understand.”

  I hadn’t realized he’d been awake but I tried not to show surprise. Instead, I snuggled into him and kept quiet so he could talk.

  “I may have been thousands of years old, but I was still at the partying stage of life when my family was killed. I don’t want to go into details, but the gist is that the wizards and knights of the day declared war on my kind and managed to do a combination spell and poisoning, hitting us all on the same night so we couldn’t warn each other. I was off on an adventure, one of us was in what is known as Hong Kong today, and the other is a perpetual hermit and lived on a deserted island. It took us a long time to find him. My grandmother got a little less of a dose than the others and managed to hold on for five days, until I returned. Talking proved to be too much for her, though, and she died in my arms before she could tell me everything she thought I needed to know.”

  I was quiet while he brought his voice back under control, and within a few seconds he continued his story.

  “We’re hard to kill. Spells won’t do it, and neither will poisons, but the wizards found a combination that worked, and on the night the farmers were to put out the members of their herd they wouldn’t mind us eating, the wizards and knights managed to put the spell and poison into every one of the animals being sacrificed to us.”

  “Why did the farmers…” I’d heard stories, of course, about how the dragons had once terrorized the peasants.

  “Most dragons were actual dragons back then. The shapeshifters were accepted amongst them, but the humans didn’t know about us. The dragons worked out a deal with the farmers, so they left out stock we could eat one day a week. It cycled through the villages, so each area was only required to do so about once every six months. When the practice first started it was a relief to the farmers, as they no longer had to keep their best milk cow in the barn every night, or the cow they were about to take to slaughter, or an animal their children considered a pet. However, hundreds of years later the humans forgot why the tradition started, and they began to resent it.”


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