The Dragon King

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The Dragon King Page 20

by Candace Blevins

  “And the shapeshifters shifted into dragon form and partook of the fun?”

  He nodded. “Not every week, but when it fell on a festival we often did, and this happened at the spring equinox.”

  He held me a little tighter. “What you need to know about me is later, but I wanted you to understand I was still acting as a child, still living with my parents because dragons stay with their family unit, and still two steps away from holding the crown. My grandfather was King, my father was preparing to accept it from him in a few years, and my life was mostly parties and screwing around until I needed to accept true responsibility.”

  I nodded, and I heard his throat working as if he were trying to swallow his grief so he could make his vocal cords work. “When I lost my family, I joined a group of mercenaries and let them train me to kill as a human. A few decades later I joined one of the more vicious armies of the ages, and a few millennia later I was the equivalent of a general in the Roman army. It took me four hundred years to get into a position to kill most of the wizards and be sure the secret of how to kill Dragons was lost forever.”

  A longer pause this time, but I waited in silence for him to continue.

  “When Mabel took her throne she was a party girl and was known for her cruelty. I went to a celebration at her castle a few months into her reign and watched her nearly take a heron shapeshifter apart and then make sure he had what he needed to put himself back together again. A human would’ve died two minutes into the torture, and most shapeshifters would’ve died less than an hour into it, the strongest perhaps two hours in. However, she was skilled and kept him alive for nearly four hours, hurting him the whole time. When she finished with him, she shifted him into a heron, fed him energy, turned him back into a man, and made him grovel at her feet to thank her for the pain.” He rubbed my back and I could smell his arousal and distress. He wasn’t hiding it from me. “I was intrigued, turned on, and hooked. She saw me watching and invited me to her chambers later. Our agreement was she never do anything demeaning to me in public, but could have her way with me behind closed doors.”

  He sighed, kissed the top of my head. “I’d been royal and in control all my life. My family’s death was out of my control, but I had their money and was still a very respected member of human society. There were rumors, of course, because they disappeared on the night the dragons were killed, but I explained they’d heard I was in trouble and had come looking for me. I told people they’d decided to stay at the summer house a while, and had tasked me with returning home and handling business.”

  “The summer house?” I asked.

  He nodded. “In what’s known as Scotland, today. The point is that I’d begun to resent having to be in control all the time, and when I was with Mabel I didn’t do anything without her permission. She put a device on me so I couldn’t get an erection without her consent, and she wouldn’t even let me use the restroom without begging her, first. You saw the plug she used in my bottom — I wore a more brutal version of one nearly all the time when I was with her. I wasn’t allowed on furniture unless she invited me onto it.” He pulled me close again and I could smell how nervous he was, how much he didn’t want to share this with me. “I didn’t live with her, but when I visited her I gave up all autonomy and was basically nothing more than a sex slave, someone she could do with as she pleased. In public, she treated me as a respected boyfriend, but no one knew I had a device on my cock to keep me from getting erect, one on my balls she could engage to hurt me at any time, and something crammed up my ass. Sometimes there were things on my nipples, too.”

  He took a breath, stroked my back, my bare arm. “We had an agreement though, one she’d signed in blood. I knew she’d never publicly humiliate me, and I knew she’d never harm me past what could be healed in a four hour period. It was degradation and pain, but it was safe. I put myself into the position; I chose to be there. At no other time in my life have I allowed anyone to place a hand on me with power — not even girlfriends — without threat of them losing the hand. Even Queen Titania would never dare grab me and use her power without letting me know what she was about to do.”

  He whispered his next words, almost as if he were afraid to say them. “I’m always in control of my life and my safety, Sophia. Always. I’ve never had someone grab me and teleport me like that. It terrified me, and all I could think of was I needed to do something to be sure it didn’t happen again. I didn’t strike out, didn’t hurt you physically, but I needed to be sure…” He held me close again, his fear and nervousness a palpable thing. “I fucked up, Soph. I fucked up and I don’t know how to make it right with you. I don’t want to keep score, I want us to be lovers in as normal of a relationship as we can manage while holding four crowns between us. Please, Soph. Please forgive me?”

  He was honest, I could give him the same. “My father took advantage of the fact he held power over me. He kept me imprisoned in his house for twenty-five years. I was allowed out in Faerie occasionally, but never out in the human world. You know what my life was like.” I took a breath and gave him what I hoped wasn’t the crippling blow to whatever we were trying to create between us. “I can’t... No. I won’t live with someone else who takes advantage of my weaknesses in order to control me. Your actions that night made me think you’re made of the same stuff he is, and I vowed to myself to never show weakness around you again.”

  He froze. I wasn’t sure he even breathed for the next twenty seconds. He finally said, “You made a vow to yourself in Faerie?”

  I nodded and he went even stiffer, if that was possible. Finally, he relaxed his arms and stroked my back again. I smelled grief on him and my heart broke a little. “The Summerlands will hold you to it when you’re there. Do you intend to keep your vow in the human world, as well?”

  “With a few very small exceptions, I have so far.” I pulled my head back and looked up at him. “You’ve been in thousands of relationships. This is my first. There’s a weakness I just admitted, though I realize it’s something you already knew. The point is, I have no clue what I’m doing. I love being in your arms, but the thought of letting you know how you can hurt me again makes me want to walk out the door and not look back.” I hesitated a few seconds and decided to keep up with the honesty. “I’ve considered how I’d survive if I left you. I won’t tell you my plans, but I will say there’s a way to ensure income and my safety, as well as a place to live worthy of the Swan Queen.” I buried my head in his chest. “But I’m still here, in spite of the way you treated me that night because the thought of living my life without you makes me want to throw myself from the mountain and not shift into something that can fly.”

  “I love you too, Sophia.”

  “That’s what this is? Love?”

  “Yes, and having experienced transient love versus true love more times than I care to remember, I recognize this as the kind that lasts.” He took a stuttering breath. “And I fucked up our trust, which is one of the worst things one can do when gifted with true love.” He sat us up and the pained look in his eyes made my heart hurt. “I’ll make a vow to you in Faerie, if it’ll fix this between us. I’ll vow to never again take advantage of your weakness, unless you’re in danger and I must do so to save you.”

  Tears filled my eyes and slipped onto my cheeks. I had no idea why I was crying, but I shook my head and told him, “I think making the offer to do it is enough. The Summerlands creep me out and I don’t want them to have any more control over us than they already do.” I shuddered and said, “The land always listening, always aware, bothers me. I mean, I know Earth is alive and sentient, but it’s a watcher. The same with the trees, though they occasionally get involved by tripping someone with their roots, or messing something up by creating a wind out of nowhere, but…The Summerlands is actively involved in what happens and it’s just creepy.”

  He touched my chin, lifted it until our gazes collided. “So, we’re good?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I can’t promi
se to tell you my biggest weaknesses right away. It might take me a while to work up to it, but I’ll ask advice again, and let you know my problems if I think you can offer helpful suggestions.”

  He shook his head. “I need your promise on this, Soph. I’ve been constantly checking your energy levels and smelling for problems, wishing I hadn’t taught you how to alter your scent. I need to know you’ll tell me so I can stop monitoring for it. It’s driving me crazy. I’m so sorry I broke our trust.”

  I was pretty sure he wasn’t as sorry as I was, but I didn’t argue with him. “I gave you the only promise I can give you, Aaron. I’ll trust you with the small stuff and work my way up.”

  “Then we need to make a trip to Faerie so I can make the vow. I need you to trust me again.”

  I shook my head. “No. You’ll give me space to trust you again in my own time.” I saw his face go hard and I added, “This isn’t negotiable, Aaron. You want me to trust you? You’ll do as I ask and not drag me to Faerie because you’re stronger and I’m weaker and you can bully me around however you want.”

  He pulled me into his arms again as he said, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I told him as I hugged him back, and then sighed as I reminded him, “I have a meeting with Randall in just over an hour, and it’ll take thirty minutes to drive it this time of night. I need to jump in the shower and get ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Randall hugged Sophia in greeting and I had to turn away to keep from stepping forward and ripping him away from my love.

  I hear other shifters speak as if their animal and human nature are two souls within them, jockeying for power, but I’m always the dragon. Always. It would be accurate to say I’m a dragon who can take human form. Since I came from an egg and was a dragon at birth, it’s true physically as well as psychologically.

  And dragons are possessive, jealous creatures with a nasty temper. You’ve heard the stories of them living with their hoard? Knowing when even one tiny piece of their thousands of pieces of gold go missing? I’ve known dragons exactly like that — true dragons as well as shapeshifter dragons.

  I spoke with Isaac a few minutes, and then had to watch Sophia walk up to us and hug him as well. This was easier for me to take though, as I’d met Isaac’s boyfriend one night. I wouldn’t have pegged him for gay, but he was obviously in love with the quite talented dancer, and I was happy for them.

  I’d gone through a bisexual period. Or, actually, several bisexual periods. Society is fickle, and what’s popular one century can get you put in jail the next.

  Randall drew Sophia to a table in one of the private rooms, and I followed to sit beside her, though I leaned back and relaxed, trying to make it obvious she was in control here and I was an observer.

  “Did you arrange for the information that your father is holding two wolves as slaves to reach the North American Alpha?”

  She nodded as she told him, “I did.”

  Randall’s smile was pure wolf as he told her, “Well played. He doesn’t live close, and asked me to bring my tablet so I can set up a video call between the two of you. Is this amenable?”

  I leaned forward and spoke to Sophia while looking at Randall. “Your Majesty, I trust Randall to not attempt any trickery, but we have the added bonus of my having met the North American Alpha. If you believe you can get the Winter Queen to sign off on yet more wolves, you’d do well to invite him and a small entourage to your ball.”

  Jonathan arrived while Sophia was on the video call, and I heard Isaac offer him a drink as he waited. I pinged Abbott, as we’d already agreed he would talk to Jonathan and see if the leopard had any ulterior motives. I trusted Sophia’s instincts, but she wanted this man to be special, to be an old friend who could run her security, and I worried she was too close to make a good call.

  Chapter Thirty


  I’d never been allowed to touch human Jonathan in any way when I’d lived in my father’s house, and I’m pretty sure his heart stopped beating a few seconds when I pulled him into a hug.

  “Your Majesty, this is inappropriate!” His voice was barely more than a whisper, though he had to know the other supernaturals would certainly hear.

  I hugged him a little tighter and then let him go. “I’ve learned much since my escape. I was glad you weren’t on duty that night, and please don’t tell me what my father did to the people who were.”

  He chuckled. “They’re alive and well, though I suppose a thank you is in order for not escaping on my watch.”

  I didn’t want to know any more. I knew it was bad, and I’d find a way to make it up to them when I was in control, but there was nothing I could do now. I began introductions, but soon learned he’d been here a while and had spoken with Isaac at length, and had even gone to Abbott’s office for a short time.

  My head swiveled to Aaron and he gave me a guilty smile. I rolled my eyes at him, not too upset. In truth, having Abbott talk to him had been a good idea. I’d considered it, but it had felt icky so I’d decided against asking the Master Vampire if he’d vet someone for me. I needed to be able to vet my own people, after all.

  However, when Abbott stepped into the main room, muscles I hadn’t realized were tense relaxed when I saw his nod to Aaron.

  Jonathan had passed. He was here to help me, not to hurt me, and not to help my father get me back.

  I would still be careful with information for a short time, but I breathed easier knowing the vampire approved.

  Jonathan looked to Aaron and asked, “Can I ask you to set up a meeting between me and the Lion King?”

  Aaron looked to me, and I told Jonathan, “I’ve already cleared it with Nathan. He knows you’re here as my guest and I’ll set up a time for the two of you to meet in the next couple of days.” As a leopard, Jonathan would need to check in with the reigning cat Alpha of the city before staying. Because Chattanooga is a tourist town, Nathan allows cats to come on vacation without setting up a personal meeting, though he does still require they check in with his beta via email or a phone call upon arriving and leaving.

  Jonathan’s smile was happy as he told me, “Oh, thank goodness. Your father is convinced you’re just the mouthpiece and Aaron is actually running things. I wasn’t sure where to address my questions, but thought since it’s well known how close Aaron is to the Lion King, I’d ask him.” He hugged me, this time. “I’m beyond thrilled you answered, Queen Sophia.”

  I hugged him back and then released him, but held his hands and looked into his eyes as I told him, “I belong to Aaron, but he also belongs to me. He’s my second in command with the Swans, I’m his second in command with the Dragons. We’re a team, though we each have to step back to let the other lead. We’re still figuring it out, but we’re getting there.”

  I wouldn’t have said all that before Aaron’s talk with me a few hours ago, but I could now honestly say we were working towards it again.

  Aaron’s phone chirped with the sound used for an emergency with Nathan, and I looked at him with worry as he checked it.

  His face showed dismay and he looked up to say, “I’m sorry, Soph. I need to—”

  I interrupted. “Go, Aaron. Make sure he comes home safe.”

  Aaron had told me in the car that he’d arranged for a gateway through Faerie, so he could go in through a waterfall just over the Georgia line on Lookout Mountain and come out in Faerie near another waterfall leading to Uzbekistan. From there it was less than a hundred miles to the ISIS compound — a fifteen minute flight for a dragon.

  He already had people on the ground close by, and Nathan would ride him to the site with everything they’d need in a backpack.

  Tonight was a new moon, and Aaron intended to rescue the Americans being held and then burn the place to the ground. No one would live to speak of the dragon, the wolves, or the lion who killed and slaughtered people on their way in to rescue the Americans. They’d need to take out all of the
ways the military could watch, and he said Washington would be pissed at losing yet another drone during a Drake Security operation, but they’d get over it. Aaron expected them to send multiple drones this time, but he could easily hear them and take them out from above, where there were no cameras.

  Something must’ve gone wrong, though, because it was mid-morning in Afghanistan, probably around ten. “I’m going to be dark for probably the next fourteen hours,” Aaron told me before he turned to look at Isaac. “Jonathan’s here now, but I’d appreciate two people on her until I return?”

  “She’ll be safe.”

  Jonathan looked at me in horror. “He’s leaving you alone!”

  “Yeah. He has his own life, other people who depend on him.”

  Aaron stopped long enough to tell my new bodyguard, “She’s mine. Take care of her. I want her in one piece when I return. She tells me you offered touch when no one else did. You saved her sanity, whether you realize it or not. You’re special to her, and if you’re here to hurt her then I’ll rip out your teeth one by one, and then force you to watch me disembowel you before I rip the skin from your cock and balls. I will hurt you in ways you can’t imagine if you’re here on her father’s behalf.” Aaron offered his hand and Jonathan looked at it, but didn’t shake it. Aaron kept his hand out as he added, “If you’re here as her friend, someone she’s known a long time who can be here for more emotional support? I’ll consider you a friend as well.”


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