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The Dragon King

Page 22

by Candace Blevins

  “Do I get ice cream?” I asked with a smile. “I never knew this was a possibility, before.”

  * * * *

  Jonathan was in the workout room, but immediately came to us as we stepped in, telling us he was ready when we were.

  When we got into the car I finally decided to ask Aaron, “You didn’t look happy when Jonathan hugged me earlier. Is there something we need to talk about?”

  Aaron didn’t look at me, but stayed focused on the road. “Nope. It’s my issue, not yours, and I need to figure out how to deal with it.”

  “If we’re a team then I need to know about your issues.”

  He glanced into his rear view mirror and I had a feeling he and Jonathan were exchanging a look, but I kept my eyes on Aaron. He finally asked me, “What do you know about Dragons? The old stories?”

  “You mean about them guarding their treasures? Knowing if even one tiny piece of their hoard was missing when they returned?”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything, and I worked it through in my head. “I’m your treasure? You don’t like other people touching me?”

  “Like I said, it’s my problem. You’ve spent a lifetime without touch and I will not take that from you. You need friends, and you need touch from your friends.” He glanced at me, then back to the road. “Though, I have to warn you if I ever see anything that looks romantic, you’re liable to see the famous Dragon temper.”

  “Right back at you. Swans are known for their tempers, being territorial, and being incredibly hard-headed.”

  He glanced at me with a smirk, then looked back to the road to say, “Wouldn’t have you any other way, Your Majesty.” He looked into his rear view mirror and told Jonathan, “I miss calling her Princess, sometimes, though I’m happy she’s My Queen, now. I know you’re her friend, and I don’t want you to stop hugging and touching her as a friend, Jonathan. I meant what I said — it’s my problem and I’ll deal with it.”

  “Thank you, and sometimes it’s hard for me to not call her Princess, too.” Jonathan told him.

  I turned to look at him and said, “Why do you insist on speaking to me by my royal titles, but not Aaron? He’s Dragon King and Swan king, after all.”

  “It’s complicated, Your Majesty. Your father set things up so there was a layer of separation between us. I’ve tried to take away the layer, but it just doesn’t work.”

  “Do you think there’s a spell or something in place, to keep you from seeing me as anything other than royalty? Someone to protect and not get close to?”

  “If it’s a spell, I don’t understand it. I changed and let you pet me, and you and I’ve had some great philosophical conversations, where I’m not afraid to disagree with you. It all feels natural, but it’s so hard for me to refer to you as anything other than royalty.” He shrugged. “I’ve done a lot of soul searching to be sure I’m not a Trojan horse, but if there’s a way for you to double-check, it won’t hurt my feelings.”

  I looked at Aaron, who told him, “We’ve already done so. You’re safe, Jonathan. You won’t bring harm to her.”

  I turned my head forward again to see why we were turning off the road before we reached home, and laughed as I saw we were at an ice cream shop.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I expected Sophia to be a bundle of nerves the day of the Ball, but she was so calm it was a bit troubling.

  I’d heard the rumors about her being Unseelie. She was born in the winter, came to power in the winter, and was crowned by the Winter Queen.

  Having both the Summer and Winter Queens at her ball had gone a long ways towards quieting the worst of the rumors, but they were still persistent. I hadn’t decided yet whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. I’d survived many a situation simply because my enemies were terrified of me, and while I wanted to see Sophia as light and good, it might serve her better to be feared.

  Though, Titania was also feared, and she was seen as being the “good” sister.

  Nevertheless, Sophia’s calm the day of the Ball reminded me a helluva lot more of Mabel than Titania.

  In fact, with her father having accepted her formal invitation, it’s possible I was more nervous than her.

  There were stipulations on his invitation, which Sophia had requested Mabel decree. Still, I worried. After all, I’d once confounded a “only if you don’t intend or wish harm” proviso by making the plans for ill before I accepted the invitation, and then wishing them well just before I RSVP’d, and thereafter.

  Jonathan was exceptionally good, and while I didn’t entrust her safety to him entirely, he’d earned my respect. Since neither Isaac nor Abbott could come to Faerie, I had every cat in my employ working at the ball. We also had Jonathan, as well as her palace guard.

  Nathan would be there as well, which took a huge load off my shoulders. At eight hundred years old, Nathan was old by human standards but still a baby next to Abbott and me. Still, I trusted him with my life, and with Sophia’s life. As Lion King, he was the king of all changeling cats on the planet. Sometimes I thought he might be king of all cats, period. I’d seen wild cougars walk up to him in the wilds of Tennessee and North Carolina, and I’d seen house cats practically bow to him.

  The Captain of the Swan Palace Guard was the kind of Fae who turned into a housecat when he crossed into the human world. Nathan had personally vetted him for me, told me he was loyal to Sophia, but the Captain wasn’t known to me personally so it was hard for me to trust him with my mate’s safety. I had no one to recommend Sophia replace him with, but until I got to know him better I would continue to worry about his loyalties.

  “You arranged for Madeline’s escort while in Faerie?” Sophia asked me.

  “One of Nathan’s lions will stay with her. She’ll be safe even when not around us,” I assured her.

  “Since she’s blood bonded to a vampire, it took a little finagling with Mabel before I could arrange for her invitation.” She rolled her eyes at me. “For some reason, Mabel only allowed it once I let it slip Madeline had been my whipping girl.”

  I grinned and asked, “You let it slip?”

  Sophia shrugged and gave me a mischievous smile. “Based on what you’ve told me, I thought she might be intrigued. Not my fault it worked.”

  I touched her cheek, her lips. “This smile is new. I like it.”

  Her eyes were clear, happy. “I like it, too. I never felt this kind of joy before. No matter what happens tonight, I know what true happiness is now and I’ll never settle for anything less.”

  I felt my brows draw together. “You’re expecting him to capture you? Keep you prisoner again?”

  “Not expecting it, but I know it’s a possibility. I’ve done everything I can to make it a great party, and we’ve done all we can to keep me and the guests safe. We’ll have the Summer and Winter Queens, you, more than a dozen of your people, Jonathan, my Palace Guard…if things still go to shit then at least we’ll know we did all we could.”

  “Your right shoe, your bra, and your purse all have a GPS chip. If you’re kidnapped and taken back to the human world, I’ll find you. If they put you in a cave, as I did, I should be able to see the route they take to get to the cave’s mouth, at least. None of the chips are line-of-sight, as the ones in most cellphones are. They’ll work even if you’re locked in a trunk and taken somewhere.” I watched her carefully as I told her, as there was a chance she could take it the wrong way.

  “I wish you’d talk to me about these things as you’re doing them, Aaron. I’m not upset with you for doing it, but a little miffed you didn’t talk to me about it before installing them. What if I’d changed my mind about the shoes? And you should know I don’t intend to carry my purse around all evening. It’s just what I’m carrying to Faerie so I’ll be able to touch-up my makeup if necessary.”

  I didn’t say anything, and she asked, “Why doesn’t Nathan like me?”

  “He doesn’t dislike you, but he doesn’t want to get close
to you, yet.” I caressed her cheek and wished I could wipe the hurt on her face away. “I trust him with my life, and with yours. He’s been hurt by death, a lot, and tries to only get close to people who are long lived. While things are in flux he’ll be distant, it’s his way of protecting his psyche and I’m not of a mind to insist he get close to you until he’s ready. Once the danger to you has passed, if he’s still keeping his distance then I’ll push for him to at least talk to you and get to know you better. I promise, Soph.”

  “It’s just…he’s so close to you, and I want to get to know him, too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I’d seen Madeline twice since returning to Chattanooga with Aaron, and it turned out we’re better friends now, when we have a choice in the matter, than we were when my father forced us together.

  Bran, the vampire she lived with, had provided her with a designer dress and shoes, and they were beyond beautiful. I’d been uncomfortable with the fact she gave him sex and blood for money, but she was happy and didn’t seem to be coerced. She was getting a good education, had money in the bank, and looked forward to finding her own happy ending one day. For now, she was having grand adventures and living quite the party life in Bran’s mansion.

  She and I got ready for the ball together, giggling as adults in a way we were never allowed as children. When we went to the living room, Aaron was sitting with Abbott and Bran, and my mate was dressed as a Fairy King. His outfit consisted of tight breeches, a military looking shirt jacket with a high neck and jeweled epaulets, and he’d managed a haircut while we were upstairs. I wasn’t sure, but it was possible he was wearing eyeliner, too.

  I stopped and stared, as did Madeline. “Oh, my God,” she said. “He’s magnificent.”

  “Yeah,” I breathed. “And he’s mine. How did this happen?”

  “The two of you are beautiful,” Aaron said as he stepped to us.

  “You’ll keep her safe?” Bran asked.

  “We’ll do our best, but I laid out the risks to you,” I reminded him.

  “You did, but she’s walking into Faerie, where I’m forbidden, and she’s mine. I just need to check again that you’ll do everything in your power to see no harm comes to her.”

  I was uncomfortable with the whole ‘mine’ thing, but Madeline put her hand on my arm and said, “When he claims me, it’s more about protecting me than owning me, Sophia.”

  I nodded, thankful for the reminder. “I’m grateful you ended up with a kind man.”

  Abbott and Aaron’s chuckle reminded me of the reason Bran had bought Madeline, but I didn’t want to go there. Whatever they did in the bedroom was none of my business. None.

  I shook my head at them and told Aaron, “We should be going.” I looked at Abbott and Bran. “Thanks for sticking around and making sure no one messes with the place while they know we’re gone.”

  Bran lifted his glass of wine towards me and said, “This way I’ll be here to take my girl home. We’ll be fine. Abbott assures me he’ll provide entertainment. We may even have more fun than you.”

  His smile made me uncomfortable, but Madeline went to him and leaned in to say, “Make sure you’re primed for me. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Aaron had explained that she’d taste better to a vampire after spending time in Faerie, and apparently the two of them would be spending the night at Abbott’s tonight. Again, I really didn’t want to know what was going to happen. I would never willingly allow a vampire to suck my blood, but Madeline said she enjoyed it. I was happy for her, but… no. Not me.

  Titania had transferred the waterfall gate in the cave to send us to a room off my bedroom in the Swan Palace, so within minutes we had ladies’ maids waiting on us, touching up our makeup and pretending to fix our hair, though we’d both already done so.

  I sent someone to bring Jonathan, and someone else to be sure neither the Winter nor Summer Queen were in the main ballroom. The entire room would be required to kneel when I entered, and I wasn’t the least interested in forcing them to do so.

  Fifteen minutes later, I had Jonathan and both queens in my bedroom. Madeline had been thrilled with the hottie Aaron had paired her with for the evening, and the two of them were already downstairs. Titania had brought a handsome man she introduced as the Rabbit King. I hadn’t known there were rabbit shapeshifters, but I offered my hand for him to kiss, as was the custom when meeting other royalty.

  Aaron, however, had other ideas and he pulled me away and said, “A non-physical greeting might be more appropriate with this gentleman, My Queen.”

  Mabel snickered, and I looked at Aaron in question but he didn’t appear to be interested in explaining. I looked at the Winter Queen to see if she’d let me in on whatever it was I didn’t understand, and she said, “Have you ever heard the term ‘fucks like a rabbit’?”

  I had not, but I suddenly understood this was Titania’s way of saving face with Aaron. They were recently broken up, and he was here with the new Swan Queen, as the Swan king. She needed to do her best to one-up him. Judging by the fact Aaron didn’t want me touching the Rabbit King, it seemed Titania had scored a point. I smiled at her, hugged her, and kissed her cheek.

  Turning to Mabel, I said, “Sheltered twenty-five year old virgin, remember? Hadn’t heard it, but I appreciate the explanation.” I hugged and kissed her as well, and then our small group walked down the hidden stairwell that would bring us just outside the main ballroom. We would all enter together, and then I’d walk Mabel out to the garden and stay outside a while. All of this had been carefully choreographed — it was what happened after the pre-planned stuff I was worried about.

  The Court Herald announced the three Queens all at once as, “Their Highnesses, The Winter, Summer, and Swan Queens.” Mabel came first, as she was the reigning Queen of Faerie. We walked in together, with me in the middle holding both of their hands. The entire room gasped in shock at both Queens coming in with me, hand-in-hand.

  The Court Herald announced the Dragon and Rabbit Kings next, and they came to Titania and me. We all walked to the steps of the dais, and four very handsome men surrounded Mabel. She hadn’t brought a date, she’d brought a harem, apparently. I hugged Titania and then Aaron, and I walked with Mabel and her men out to the gardens, beautifully covered with snow and yet comfortably warm.

  We took our seats on the thrones situated side by side. Our seats were the same height, but the back of hers was a few inches taller than mine. We greeted guests for a while, but every nerve in my body went on alert when the outside Herald announced my father. I looked out, saw Aaron speaking with guests not too far away. Jonathan was just a little closer, talking with a few people, but his glance my way let me know he was watching without being obvious. I took a breath, remembered I also had the Winter Queen at my side, the most powerful person in Faerie, and I convinced my body to relax.

  I’m pretty sure my father only smelled joy and happiness from me, no nerves at all, by the time he made his way to us.

  Protocol said I could stand and hug a loved one, but I chose to remain seated. He bowed deep for Mabel, and tipped his head at me. I was considering my response when Mabel stood, her anger so palpable I could almost see the storm clouds gathering around her.

  “You dare to disrespect your Queen? To her face? In front of me?”

  He wasn’t the least bit flustered as he bowed to her again, the exact correct amount of depth required for an angered monarch, and said, “No disrespect intended. She’s my daughter and I haven’t seen her in some time. I had hoped for a hug.”

  “And I’d hoped for a father who wouldn’t condone his best friend trying to assassinate me,” I said. Once again, the crowd gasped around me, but I kept my eyes on my father with a pleasant look on my face.

  This time, he bowed to me correctly, and stayed down as he said, “I still believe it to have been a misunderstanding, Daughter of Mine.” I couldn’t help my small half-grin at his use of our relationship so he
wouldn’t have to call me his queen. However, I wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “I showed respect and publicly acknowledged you as King of the Swans in the human world when we last met, will you not give me the respect of the title in Faerie?”

  I needed two-thirds of the Swans to give their loyalty to me. This was about me creating gossip, making him look petty. When the Swans present went home and talked to their friends, I wanted the conversations to go my way.

  “What do you know of being a Queen?” my father asked. “You’ve been raised to support the King, not to lead.”

  I stood, focused my energy, and levitated. I’d been working with both Titania and Mabel every chance I had to find and develop whatever powers Faerie had gifted me. My father had never allowed it, and I’d stumbled upon my ability to teleport and then practiced in secret.

  When I was forty feet over his head, I burst into a dragon and made several passes overhead before morphing into a swan. I again made a few passes in the air, and when I landed I was nearly as tall as my father, still in swan form. I turned back to human and stood before him stark naked and proud.

  “I have powers you can’t possibly understand, Father. I’ve also gone through intensive training to catch up on the education you should’ve given me, but didn’t.” I altered my voice, keeping it loud enough to be heard, but more affectionate. “As I told you a few days ago, it’s my hope we can find a way to resolve this so you can walk me down the aisle at my wedding. You’re my father and it pains me to be at odds with you. However, your best friend, the Eagle King, has tried to assassinate me twice, now. He had his hands around my throat and I’d blacked out from lack of oxygen when my second rescue team arrived. I could’ve fought him alone, but he came with a contingent of Eagles and Owls and I was vastly outnumbered.”


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