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A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5)

Page 4

by Brandon Varnell

Within the darkness, Detavio ran through the streets of Los Angeles. The moon hovered above him, and the stars were all but invisible, blocked out by the lights of Los Angeles. He paid attention to none of this, however, and continued running through the docks.

  Damn it! Shit, fuck, gods be damned cock suckers!

  He had just barely managed to escape from a situation in which everything had gone right but still somehow ended up going horribly wrong. He couldn’t believe those damn foxes! They had been waiting for them, setting up an ambush for their little group, and like a bunch of fools, they’d fallen right into it. He could only thank all eight million gods that their leader, and the majority of their members, had not shown up to take care of this deal personally. That would have been a disaster!

  However, this did leave him with a problem. He was the only member of his group still alive, and his enemies were now chasing after him.

  His short legs carried him as quickly as they could. The bluish-green tone of his scaly skin reflected the moonlight, with several lamps and neon signs adding color to his bald, shining head. Both factors made it easier to find him. Gods, he really hated this state.

  If California wasn’t next to the ocean…

  “I think he went this way!”

  “Quick! Don’t let him escape!”

  Gritting his teeth, breath coming out of his nose in nasally rasps, he pushed his legs harder than he ever had before. He couldn’t let these assholes catch him!

  He turned a corner, then another, before ducking through the nearest door. Leaning against the doorframe, he let himself rest, silently gasping for breath. He’d never been so exhausted in his life. Damn those kitsune for blocking off the ocean. Didn’t they have enough land, wealth, and power? Now they were stepping onto his leader’s turf!

  Outside in the alley, he could hear them shouting.

  “Where did he go? Did you see him?”

  “I think he went that way!”

  “Let’s go!”

  He breathed a sigh of relief before noticing where he was. He decided to have a look around while he waited for his pursuers to leave the area.

  He appeared to be in a warehouse, which made sense. This block of the city contained nothing but warehouses. All of the deliveries that arrived from out of the country via ship were stored here, in one of the many large buildings, which were shaped similarly to giant sea shells. This one appeared to be mostly empty, save for a few large boxes.

  He walked forward slowly, cautiously, on the lookout for anything suspicious. He didn’t think those kitsune would be able to find him, but it never hurt to be careful.

  Reacting to the large jet stream of water that screamed at him from above, he sucked in a deep breath, then launched his own jet of water at it. The two attacks negated each other, blowing apart and spraying water everywhere.

  He glared up at the roof, where a shadowy figure with two swaying tails stood. A noise to his left alerted him to another presence. It was another kitsune, this one also possessing two tails—brown ones.

  More and more kitsune entered the room, surrounding him on all sides. How had they found him so quickly? And why were there so many? He counted at least half a dozen!

  One of them smirked, a two-tails with blond hair and cobalt eyes. Those eyes, they were a trait of the clan these kitsune belonged to. He hated those condescending eyes, which looked down on him, as if he was trash beneath the kitsune’s feet.

  “Heh. It looks like you fell right into our little trap. Man, I had always been told that you kappa sucked at illusions, but I never realized you were so shitty at them that you couldn’t even tell when you’re being led into a trap by one.”

  D-damn these kitsune and their illusions!

  He eyed the kitsune surrounding him, even as he backed up. If he could just find some kind of break in their formation, a weak point that he could exploit. Most unfortunately, there did not seem to be one. These kitsune of the Mul Clan, their tactics were as impeccable as he’d heard.

  “Well, whatever, this is the end of the line for you, Scaly. You and the rest of your gang should have just packed up and left when you had the chance.”

  Had the chance? Ha! As if these foxes had ever given them a chance to escape. Just where would they go anyway? They couldn’t move inland. They needed the ocean to survive.

  He opened his mouth to talk, although he had no clue what he would say. In the end, it didn’t matter.

  Pain erupted in his back and chest. He cried out in anguish. His vision went white. When his eyesight returned, spots kept him from seeing the whole picture. He felt numb.

  Something was sticking out of his chest. It was a claw, made from water, frozen into crystals, and hardened to the density of diamonds. Dark ichor drenched the claw, shining brightly in the sparse amounts of illumination from the overhead lights. The smell, a coppery scent tinged with sea salt, filled his nostrils.

  The last thing he saw before everything went dark was another kitsune walking between the group, her three white tails swaying behind her like the abominable tentacles of a kraken.

  Chapter 2

  The Cat Goes Nya

  Ever since Kevin made plans with his friends to travel to California, he’d taken to delivering the Saturday and Sunday morning newspaper. With everything he had going on, like his continued training with Kiara, increased studies, spending time with his friends, and making time for his girlfriend-slash-mate, doing extra work wasn’t something he cared for. But, he really wanted the extra spending cash for this trip.

  That morning, the sun could scarcely be seen as he rode his bike down the street. While the sun had started rising earlier now that spring had come, it still refused to come out at 2:35 in the morning.

  A cold chill swept through the air. Kevin’s jacket flapped as he tossed newspapers onto the driveways of various houses. He was disappointed to see that his aim still sucked.

  By the time he arrived back at the newspaper distribution center, his cheeks had gained a rosy hue, and his face felt like it had been stuck in a fridge. He actually missed the summer heat.

  “I hear you and your friends are going somewhere this spring break.” Davin Monstrang didn’t take his eyes off the money he was counting as he spoke.

  “Uh, yeah,” Kevin said. “We’re heading off to California, Los Angeles, to be exact.” His eyes sparkled as he thought about traveling to the beach state. Odd as it might have seemed, he’d never been to California before. “There’s a Comic-Con that’s happening this coming Friday, so Lilian and I have decided to go. Then we thought, ‘Hey, we should invite our friends to come along as well!’ One thing led to another and here we are. We’ll be leaving about an hour or so after I get home.”

  Davin grunted as he finished counting the money, then tapped the bills against the table, straightening them.

  “California’s a dangerous place to be right now.” He finally looked at Kevin, who felt a shudder course through him when all six of his boss’s chins undulated in ways that defied the laws of physics. “If you and your family really plan on going to California, then you should take as many precautions as possible.”

  “Um, all right,” Kevin said unsurely. Davin slapped the wad of cash into his hands. Kevin blinked when he noticed how many bills there were. “Uh, boss, I don’t want to be rude, but I think you counted wrong.”

  “No. That’s the correct amount.”

  “But it’s too—”

  “Just take the damn money and be grateful!” Davin grunted, his eyes glowing. For some reason, the air became colder. Puffs of frosty mist were released from his mouth as Kevin breathed.

  “Y-yes, sir!”

  Rushing out of the building, Kevin heaved a deep sigh. “Dang, I knew Monstrang could be freaky, but I didn’t realize he could be that scary.” He shuddered. “Better not get on his bad side. Still…” He held the cash up to his face. “Who knew he had a soft side as well?”

  Kevin chuckled and walked over to his bike. He put up the kickst
and and grabbed the handles. It was time to head home.





  Blink. Blink.

  Kevin looked at the wall near the distribution building—and nearly squealed upon spotting the small, cute, adorably furry animal sitting on its haunches. A black cat with big yellow eyes stared at him. Its tail swayed behind it, moving left, then right. It opened its mouth, releasing another one of those utterly endearing, if unusual, “nya” sounds.

  This cat reminds me of the one that I took home with me when I was in elementary school. It even nyas. How cool is that?


  Like a child who’d just seen a new toy on Christmas Day, Kevin dropped his bike and went over to the cat, whose large incandescent orbs had yet to leave his face. He reached the feline in record time, and his hand was quick to descend upon its head. The cat didn’t seem to mind. Indeed, it reveled in the attention, purring as he gently scratched behind its left ear, which twitched with minute movements.

  “Aw! You’re just about the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Lilian’s fox form was cuter, but he wasn’t going to say that. Cats had pride too!

  As Kevin pampered the cat, he realized that he needed to return home. Slowly, and with great reluctance, Kevin stopped petting the cat, which “nya’d” in complaint and tried to get his attention again.


  “I’m sorry.” Kevin struggled not to be blinded by the cuteness as he looked into the cat’s eyes. “But I really need to go.”


  “D-don’t look at me like that. I have… I need to leave. We’re planning a trip, so…”


  “Those eyes won’t… they won’t work on me. I’ve already been subject to them once. I won’t succumb again.”

  The cat tilted its head.

  Kevin squealed like a little girl who’d just been touched by her favorite pop idol.

  “Kya! So adorable!”

  He scooped the cat into his arms. The cat didn’t seem to mind.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine if I take you home with me.”

  “Nya,” the cat mewled, seemingly in agreement.


  Despite having spent a good portion of last night getting into the hot and heavy with Kevin, Lilian stirred in the early morning light. She knew that Kevin had already left. That she was holding a pillow and not her mate testified this. It was disappointing, but not unexpected. While she wished he would stay in bed with her, she didn’t begrudge him for starting his day before her. Her mate’s mornings were always busy.

  As sunlight filtered into the room, she opened her eyes… and found herself staring at another pair of eyes, which were less than an inch from her own.

  “Have I ever told you that you look adorable in your sleep?” Iris asked.


  “What the—kya!”

  Lilian was so surprised that her body jerked upright. Unfortunately, Iris was leaning over her, so she ended up smacking her head against her sister’s.

  A loud crack! reverberated throughout the room. Newtonian physics came into application and Lilian’s head swung backwards for a second hit on the bed. Fortunately for her, the bed was a tempurpedic and therefore sinfully soft. Not that she cared about such things in the wake of her heavy hit.

  “Damn.” Iris groaned as she rubbed her now sore head. There was a large bruise on it. “Was that really necessary?”

  “I’m the one who should be asking that!” Lilian hissed. “What the heck are you doing on my bed?”

  “Watching you sleep.” Iris rolled her eyes. “I thought that would be obvious.”

  “Don’t watch me sleep. That’s creepy.”

  “Oh, please. Like you don’t watch your precious mate while he sleeps.”

  “That’s completely different. Kevin’s my mate. I’m allowed to watch him sleep.”

  That doesn’t make it any less creepy.

  “See that? Even the author agrees with me.”

  “Shut up! And you, don’t agree with my sister!”


  “Now get off me. I have to take a shower.”

  “Mmm.” Iris hummed. “I could do that.” A grin that oozed raw sexual energy curved her lips. “But I really don’t want to.”

  Lilian would have snapped at her sister, but she lost the ability for vocal communication at her sister’s next action.

  With the grace of a feline, Iris arched her back and thrust out her chest. She wore no clothes, so Lilian was graced with the perfect image of Iris’s large and perky breasts, her nipples barely hidden by a shimmering curtain of black silk.

  Oh, wow. That’s, uh, no, wait! Bad Lilian. You can’t think about your sister like this! A human like Kevin won’t accept this kind of relationship!

  Lilian’s breath hitched when, after twisting her body in enticing and erotic ways, Iris lowered herself until her nose grazed against Lilian’s.

  “Hmm?” A delightful hum. “See something you like, Lily-pad?”

  “Don’t call me that,” Lilian whispered. Her voice held a tremor that it had not possessed before. Iris’s dark eyes penetrated her soul with their depth. They were like fathomless black holes, dark and alluring eyes that held a most beautiful and dangerous secret.

  “Come on, admit it, you like it when I call you that.”

  Hot breath washed against Lilian’s ear, causing a shudder to run down her spine and her toes to tingle.

  “No…” she choked. “I don’t… I don’t like it. Please stop.”


  Lilian gasped when Iris’s bare crotch rubbed against her left thigh, leaving a wet, glistening trail.

  “No, I don’t think I will.” Dark irises containing a sensual elegance pinned Lilian in place. “I want to spend some time with my lovely sister.” Soft, delicate hands, so different from the ones that she was used to, cupped her bare breasts. It was electric. “You’re always spending time with that mate of yours. I don’t mind, really.” Iris tweaked her sister’s left nipple. Lilian moaned. “Kevin’s at least proven himself a capable person, so I’ll accept him as your mate. But still…” Another tweak. Another moan. “I need some time with you for myself. Your poor sister is beginning to feel neglected.”

  Lilian’s mind failed her. A part of her knew that she needed to do something, that she needed to get out of this situation. That part seemed to be growing smaller by the second, however. She had already been ensnared by her sister’s intense gaze, which caused her body to heat up with desire.

  D-dang it. And to think she isn’t even using her Aura of Allure.

  Iris would never use an enchantment on her. That meant these feelings, these desires that were assaulting her from all sides, they were purely Lilian’s own body responding to what she deemed as desirable.

  “Now… why don’t you show your wonderful sister some love, hm?”

  Just before Iris could claim Lilian’s lips, the door opened and Kotohime walked in. She paused upon seeing them, then raised her arm, hiding her smiling lips behind the voluminous sleeve of her kimono.

  “Ufufufu, breakfast is ready, Lilian-sama, Iris-sama. Please be sure to come to the table after you are finished here. You might also want to check your bags to ensure that you have not forgotten anything. Kiara-san has already arrived, and we are only waiting on you two and Kevin-sama.”

  At Kotohime’s words, Lilian snapped out of her fugue. She then flung Iris off the bed. Her fraternal twin squawked as she became a heap of tangled limbs on the floor, but Lilian ignored the Void Kitsune and leapt to her feet.

  “Right, I should do that. Thanks, Kotohime.”

  “Ufufufu, I live to serve, Lilian-sama.”

  As Lilian rushed into the bathroom, Iris glared daggers at Kotohime, whose placid smile had not left since she’d entered.

  “Damn it, Kotohime! You just had to ruin it, didn’t you? I was
this close…” Iris held up her left hand and pinched two fingers together to indicate just how “close” she had been. “This close to stealing a kiss from Lily-pad’s lips.”

  Kotohime’s response to Iris’s angry eyes and gesture was a wondrous and beautiful smile. “Ara, ara. This humble servant does nothing but her best to serve Lilian-sama each and every day.”

  These words did not please Iris. Not in the least.

  “All of my hate, Kotohime. All of my hate.”



  Kevin walked up the stairs to his apartment. Held within his arms was the cat he’d met by the distribution center, who purred as he scratched behind her ears.

  He had already noticed that Kiara had arrived while he’d been delivering newspapers. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out. All he had to do was look at the large bus. Of course, the term large was just an euphemism. It didn’t really describe how big the bus truly was. Obscenely gigantic might have been more appropriate. How she got the dang thing there was another matter entirely.


  “M-My Lady Camellia, p-please come back! You shouldn’t run around like that, and you still need to take a bath!”

  Kevin sighed. Really, that woman was just so…


  He looked down at the cat and smiled. “Don’t worry. That’s just my family. They’re all great, um, people. I’m sure they’ll love you.”

  The cat rubbed her head against his chest, purring. Kevin’s inner fanboy released a very unmanly squeal.

  More laughter erupted from inside the apartment, along with the worried voice of Kirihime.

  “P-Please come back to the restroom, My Lady!”

  Kevin opened the door—


  —and received a face full of two big, round things as he was bodily tackled by an overly enthusiastic woman-child.

  All the air was expelled from Kevin’s lungs as his back slammed against hard concrete. He gasped in agonic asphyxia, his mind hazing out after his head cracked against the pavement outside of his apartment.


  “Hawa! Kevin-kyun!”


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