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Smoked and Smitten (The Titans of South Side Book 1)

Page 8

by Carson Mackenzie

  Pistoning in and out of her I felt myself get harder, if that was possible. I slammed into her again, “Together, honey, come together.”

  Ana nodded and then moved her hand faster and when I felt the first flutter of her pussy, I could feel my balls draw up into my body preparing to come with her. It only took a few strokes and I grunted as she gasped loudly, our breaths coming rapid and uneven, they filled the room and I held myself straight long enough for my cock to empty into the condom and then I sagged against her back.

  Both of us were panting hard. I pulled back and then held her steady with one hand while I took off the condom and threw it in my trash. I finally sat down and pulled her back with me so she sat on my lap, drained and relaxed with her eyes closed.

  “Fuck, honey, you just fulfilled one of my fantasies,” I muttered to her and kissed her gently. She slowly raised her hands and wrapped her arms around my neck and opened her eyes.

  “One of mine too.”

  I smiled and said, “So, tonight we can do another one.”

  She laughed and said, “We have Lily tonight, don’t forget. I hate to tell you, but an almost one-year-old is a great cock blocker.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, Lily is too sweet to want to hurt me like that.”

  “You keep dreaming, honey,” she said and I whispered to her as I kissed her softly.

  “Coming home to you and Lily, that is another one of my dreams that you are making true.”

  She sighed and then said, “You know the other night when you said it would be so easy to fall for me? And I said ditto?”

  “Yeah?” I whispered and she looked me in the eyes.

  “I was wrong. I might have already fallen.”

  Christ, I don’t know what I had done in my life to deserve this woman but there was no way in hell I was going to argue about it.

  “That’s okay, I will always be there to break your fall,” I said and she smiled and then kissed me again.

  Chapter Eleven


  How I got myself into this situation I had no idea. I was planning on putting one of these parties on the monthly calendar. Looking at my store right now, I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. It was packed, usually when planning a party, they say about one third to a half of the people invited show up. Wouldn’t you know it, everyone Fi and her mom had invited showed, EVERYONE. I wasn’t shy, really you couldn’t be and run the type of store I ran, but that didn’t mean that with this many people here more than half my mother’s age, I wasn’t feeling slightly uncomfortable.

  “Ana sweeties?” Kian’s mom said and waved me over to where she was standing with a group of women in the edible section of the store. I plastered a smile on my face and walked to them.

  “Yes, Serena?” I said.

  She waved to, Milana, and said, “We have a question about this stuff.”

  I looked at the jars full of different flavored creams used by couples as well as packages of different edible panties, and flavored condoms. Shit, this was not going to be fun. I smiled and then nodded as I was thinking of a way to call Kian and ask him to send reinforcements. The last few days with him off work, during the days he’d take care of Lily who was coming to absolutely love Kian even more than I was. Surprisingly my mother and father hadn’t asked to have Lily on his days off, and had even gone as far as stopping by and dropping off lunch for him so he wouldn’t need to worry about anything.

  When Kian was off, two out of the three nights they slept over with him. In his spare bedroom, Kian had bought and put up a crib and changing table, which he stocked so he wouldn’t need to depend on a diaper bag to have everything he would need. Once again, I had fallen a little more in love with the amazing man.

  “Okay,” I said and nodded to Serena. “What would you like to know?”

  “Well, this jar of chocolate says it is an aphrodisiac and it helps stimulate a sexual encounter. Here is the question. So do you put it on beforehand, like under your clothes and walk around to get your man in the mood? Because that seems a little messy, and also it says for male and females but I have to be honest, you have seen my husband, he is all Italian which means he has a lot of hair, everywhere. Is that really sanitary?”

  OMG, no, no, no, no! This was not happening. I could not answer this and still sit at the woman’s table. There was no way I could do this. “I, uh, well…” I stuttered and I looked around for Fi, she said she would have my back, dammit.

  “Oh,” Serena said and picked up a pair of edible underwear.

  “Also, this, do you put this on before you go to bed, because it seems like it was stick to you a little bit too much. And why put it on after you start, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of them? I mean you take your clothes off not put them back on. My husband is a tiger in bed, I don’t think he would appreciate me putting something that would stop him from getting a little loving,” she said and I felt my face turning red.

  “Well…” I said.

  Milana grabbed a flavored condom and asked, “Why are they flavored?”

  I took a deep breath and said, “Okay, well, ladies, the edible pieces you see here are all going to be used during your sexual encounter, they are designed to bring a little laughter and fun into the bedroom.”

  I sounded like a robot as I spewed the information from the products I had read online. I was so not touching the whole hairy thing, or wearing the underwear. It felt like things were getting out of control and damned if I didn’t need to get it back under control before I went into the other room.

  “Oh I get it,” Serena said and looked at Milana and held up the multi-flavored pasties and said, “These go over your nipples so your man doesn’t forget to actually play with them.”

  “Oh my,” Milana said and then took the package. “I would try these if my nipples didn’t sag so much. I mean, I have had four kids, so that is gonna happen, but still.”

  “True,” Serena said and I admit, for a second I completely panicked. All I could do was picture the people I had Sunday dinner with, who had held my daughter, having sex. NOT OKAY PEOPLE, my head screamed.

  “Mother!” I heard Fi yell from across the store. “Leave Ana alone, she needs to start these games, you can talk to her later, when you have your appointment with her to order stuff.”

  I grimaced and looked at Fi in a desperate attempt to tell her I had an incurable disease and needed to go home, NOW. Fi just grinned and shook her head. Damn.

  “Well, okay, ladies,” I forced out loudly. “If you would all go to the back of the store into the room we will be using to discuss things tonight, we will get started. And like Fi said, as I explained in the email invitations. I will give a short presentation, then play some games, and finally I will come out here, and one by one, you ladies will have a chance to privately order merchandise.”

  Serena clapped her hands and said, “Okay, you heard her, move it!”

  I shifted uncomfortably and waited as they made their way to the back of the store. Dear God I wasn’t going to survive this. Fi walked over to me and smiled sadly.

  “Regretting this yet?”

  “Uh yeah!” I said and laughed.

  “Don’t worry, I got your back. Just remember the one on one’s you are on your own, so drink the orange juice with vodka I put in your glass in the other room. You should be fine then,” Fi said and I grabbed her hand and held it to my chest.

  “I love you,” I said softly and she laughed.

  “I know,” she replied and winked at me. “I love that movie!”

  I chuckled as I let her hand go. I had watched Star Wars with Kian just last night. I had to admit, it was pretty good. Plus, my father was already the DD, I had it covered. I heard the buzzer at the door go off and I turned and stopped then smiled at Mona who had been here earlier but received a call and stepped outside. I went and unlocked the door and said, “Welcome back to the nut house.”

  She smiled but I noticed it didn’t quite meet her eyes. “No place I would rathe
r be.” I narrowed my eyes slightly, because I could hear an edge in her voice that I have really never heard before. I nodded and then backed up, allowing her to enter.

  “We are going back into the room,” I said softly and she turned and looked.

  “Where is your bathroom? I just need to clean up really quick,” Mona said and I nodded and pointed to the back of the store.

  “Right through, there, we will all be in the back room when you are done,” I said softly and she nodded briskly. I looked down at the floor and my eyes widened a little, wow, someone is in a bitchy mood, I thought and then made my way into the back. I could hear the laugher and joking amongst the women and I smiled.

  This was awkward, but it was also a little fun. Knowing that my store was going to be the talk of the circles these women belonged to, only made me more determined to make sure this was successful. Suck it up, cupcake, I said to myself as I paused and took a deep breath. You got this.

  I entered the room and all of the ladies were sitting in the circle I had set up. Against the back wall was the table of snack and drinks that Fi had set up, there was also an order form and the other materials I had put off for the women. They apparently took this seriously because I noticed all of the women had the brochures as well as the order form already in their hands.

  Fi motioned with her head to the tall water bottle which looked like it was full of orange juice sitting on the pedestal I had set up. I smiled gratefully and then moved to the center of the room and said, “Welcome, ladies, to the first party of Sassy and Sexy. Tonight it is my pleasure, and hopefully yours in the end as well, to show you all some items that will not only improve your sex life, but also will help you feel more comfortable with your partners to talk about your likes and dislikes openly.”

  I saw Mona come in out of the corner of my eye and I smiled and nodded as she sat down, and then I turned and picked up the brochure and held it up. “First I would talk about knowing your body and finding what pleases you.”

  The women all smiled and I saw Serena and Milana whisper to each other and then giggle like school girls. I loved my job, I thought and began to go through the material I had collected from the various resources. I had practiced this so much, I think I could do the presentation in my sleep. So it was easy to fall into a comfortable rhythm while I talked with them about different things.

  That took a while since I was proud of the fact I covered the sexuality of all women and then I said, “Let’s take a small break, get a drink, write down any questions you have I can answer in a group setting and put them in the small bowl on the table. We will come back and play some games, and then finally I will answer the questions, and wrap up with your personal sessions.”

  The women all jumped up and began to move, speaking to each other about the subjects and then laughing with each other about various different things I pointed out. This was worth it all, hearing the women truly enjoying themselves. I saw Mona out of the corner of my eye again. She was still sitting, she wasn’t paying attention to any of the other women in the room, instead she had her phone out and was looking at something on it. Weird.

  Fi came up to my side and she whispered. “Wow, sista, you are doing well. I have a ton of questions, and I am pretty sure I am going to need to break out the credit card for my order. Your shit is fabulous.”

  I turned and smiled. “Thank you so much. The good part is your mom made you the hostess so you get the discount in the end.”

  “Woot!” she said and then held up her glass. “Welcome to the family, Ana.”

  I felt my cheeks get hot and red, and she threw her arm around me and pulled me to the table where the others were standing. I got the normal questions about how long I had been doing this, and did I buy my own products to try out before selling. I answered every question, knowing the ones they wrote down are so much more personal and could at times be embarrassing. During training, I had been put through the ringer with every single awkward question they could throw at me. In the end, it worked out well.

  “Ana,” Serena whispered in my ear and I turned and looked at the gorgeous older woman who looked worried about something.

  “What?” I asked, looking around and then taking her arm and pulling her to the side a little so we could have some privacy.

  “I am sorry,” she said quietly and then looked around. “I am the one who invited Mona, and it seems like she is going to be the one who is not really into the spirit of things. She has been texting on her phone, and doing other things the whole time you were talking. It was rude.”

  I smiled then shook my head. “Serena, don’t worry about it at all. Some people just don’t feel like sitting with a group of women and discussing private things, it makes them uncomfortable.”

  “Well, I wanted to have everyone here I knew would be open to this, I don’t want your first party be a flop, I would feel so responsible,” Serena said and I laughed.

  “Why on earth are you worried about that? Look around, everyone is having a good time. Everyone is talking and laughing, there is no awkward tension which I had been worried about.”

  “Okay well, I am going to go and see if I can talk her into joining everyone,” Serena said and then she walked off. I wandered around and then went back up to the front and raised my hands.

  “Five minutes, ladies, if you would finish up our chat and then take your seats again, we can move into the fun part of the evening, where I will be giving out prizes,” I said and looked around the room and the women’s eyes all lit up at the prospect of winning something from my store.

  Serena had been sitting and talking to Mona, but she stood and then looked for Milana. She had a worried expression on her face. Damn, I really hoped she wasn’t being rude to the older women, because I would not stand for that. Kian had already explained that he didn’t know the woman that well, and he wasn’t particularly fond of her, she just seemed to be around him a lot though.

  Shaking my head and grabbing the water bottle, I took a large swig before I turned back and smiled. A little fortitude was what I was going to need for this next part, this was where we learned about each other a little more.

  The women were all sitting and looking at me expectantly when I started. “This first game is for us to learn how to not be embarrassed when talking with our friends about our sexual experiences. Sometimes when we are in a situation where our partner had tried something new, we would like someone to talk to but don’t know who. Well, ladies, in this room you will learn that. Remember, what happens in these walls stays in these walls. The premise of the game is this, I have a list of things I am going say on this paper, if you have done it, then you will stand up and shuffle one chair to your left to the first free chair. Some of you may feel like you are embarrassed, but honestly, ladies, there is nothing to be ashamed about. And just so you will all feel more comfortable, I will also be playing.”

  I grabbed a chair and put it at the front of the room and I smiled and picked up my paper. “Are you all ready?”

  The ladies all nodded and I looked at each of them to gauge their comfort levels, they all seemed relaxed and ready, even Mona, maybe she just needed to loosen up a little.

  “Okay, first one is an easy one. Stand and move one seat to your left if you have had sex before,” I said and the woman all laughed and stood up and moved to the left. I was grinning as they each teased each other.

  “Second one,” I said and then looked at my paper. “Stand and move one seat to the left if you have had anal sex.”

  Only about half moved, and some of them blushed but most of them were giggling and teasing each other yet again. I refused to look at Milana and Serena when I asked the questions.

  “Third question,” I said and smiled big. “Stand and move one seat to the left if you have ever had oral sex.”

  And on and on it went, asking questions and the standing and shuffling, some of them were outrageous, some of them not so much, but each of them did what it was intended to do, which wa
s open an honest and comfortable dialog with women about sex. Shockingly, studies have shown while men don’t have the fear of discussing sex with their friends, women are taught it is private, and no one’s business but their own. This was correct, but it didn’t mean they couldn’t share if they felt comfortable, the key was getting more women to feel comfortable about discussing these topics.

  I was getting closer to the end and everyone was having a good time, even Mona who I paid attention to, worried the woman was really out of place, but so far, she was going with the flow.

  “Okay, two more questions, and these are doozies. First one, stand up and move a seat to the left if you have ever have had sex in public?”

  Fiona stood up and put her hands up in the air and turned. No one else stood and Serena laughed loudly as her daughter danced in a circle and returned to her chair and everyone was clapping and joking with her.

  “Ha,” Fiona said and then pointed to her girls from the station. “And one guess who.”

  One of the shyer officers who Fi had introduced as the desk sergeant from her precinct said in a seemingly shocked voice, “Nooooooo, you cannot be talking about ‘No Neck’.”

  I smiled when Fi leaned forward and said, “Nope.” Then she changed her voice and growled in a deep voice, “Say my name bitch!”

  “Bob ‘The Ram’ Vicenti?” her friend said and Fi leaned back and looked around the room.

  “What?” she said with a shrug. “He has a thing with pulling hair and making you say his name over and over again.”

  Serena laughed and Milana said, “But, what is the ‘Ram’?”

  The desk sergeant clapped her hands laughing along with every woman from the police precinct and said, “Because when he screws a woman he says he likes to ram them until they can feel his cock all day while on the job.”

  Fi began laughing hysterically and the women in the room all joined in. This was what it was all about. Good friends having a good time.

  When the laughter died down, I said, “Last question.”


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