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Don’t Keep Silent

Page 10

by Don't Keep Silent (epub)

  He’d called Rae, but she hadn’t answered. He hoped Rae had learned something from Zoey’s mother, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized his mistake. He couldn’t lose Rae too. He never should have asked for her help. He pressed his hand over his eyes.

  The detective informed him they had talked to Zoey’s mother—Samara Davidson—and told her about her missing daughter.

  They’d shared her real name.


  Alan could have unearthed her past if he’d chosen to dig. But he’d allowed Zoey to keep her demons far from them, where they should have stayed so they wouldn’t come between them.

  Except they’d come between them anyway.

  He dropped his hand from his eyes to watch his daughter. His beautiful, sweet daughter. She didn’t deserve any of what was happening. He hoped he could protect her forever. Callie’s face was so sweet and innocent. How would he prevent evil from reaching into her world? He could keep the news that her mother was missing from her for only so long.

  God, how do I tell her? Please . . . Please don’t let it come to that.

  He held back quiet sobs. If the police found some reason to arrest him for Zoey’s disappearance, it would only be a matter of time before they learned the truth.

  His cell buzzed in his pocket, so he eased from the chair and crept out of Callie’s room. The bogeyman wasn’t going to get her as long as her father was there. That’s what he’d told her, so he’d stayed close until she fell asleep.

  But he hadn’t kept the bogeyman from snatching her mother.

  He quickly answered the cell.

  “Rae,” he whispered as he moved farther down the hallway and into his study. “You scared me when you didn’t call me back. I’ve changed my mind. I asked you to help, but please just come home.”

  “I can’t come home. I don’t trust the police will follow this lead. They won’t look at this the same way I will. But don’t worry. I’ve hired someone to help.”

  “I don’t want you to do this, after all. I can’t lose you too.”

  “You won’t. I promise. Any news from the police there? What do they know so far?”

  A knot lodged in his throat. “They found her car.”

  Rae gasped. “Oh, Alan.”

  “I don’t know what I was expecting, or even hoping. If they never found it, I could hope that she’d taken off on her own for some important reason that I would somehow and someday understand. It was parked at a local grocery store. The police are looking at the security cameras in that area.”

  He stood up to look out the window at the dimly lit street. A few cars were parked at the curb in front of neighboring homes. Alan’s remained in the drive. At some point he expected reporters would camp out waiting to catch a glimpse of them in the windows or question him if and when he had to leave. He dropped the mini blinds to cover the window now.

  “They set up a hotline, you know,” he said.

  “Oh? Good, I’m glad to hear it. Any leads?”

  “Too many leads, and none of them legitimate.”

  “We’ll find her, Alan. Don’t worry.” Rae sounded as if she believed her own words, but he knew she only meant to encourage him.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.” Oh, how do I tell her? “Something you don’t know.”

  The connection crackled, then she asked, “What is it?”

  “In case things go from bad to worse and I’m charged for whatever happened to Zoey, someone’s bound to find this out and I don’t want you to be blindsided. I’m not Callie’s biological father.”

  “Alan, I—”

  “Save it. I knew that when I married her. It was the real reason we married so quickly. I loved her and didn’t care. Maybe it was the real reason I didn’t care about her past—I was afraid to find out. All I know is that I can’t let them take Callie away. I’m the only father she’s ever known. I want you to know, because, well, that’s what you do. Like Dad, you’re . . .” Emotion choked him. He couldn’t say the words. You speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.

  “Who could take her away from you? Your name is listed as the father on her birth certificate, right? Please don’t worry. It’s not going to happen. You’re exhausted and not thinking clearly.”

  “If her real father knows—whoever he is—if he knows, he could come for her.”

  “Alan, please. Stop this. One thing at a time. You focus on keeping yourself together. Pray. Take care of Callie. Hold her close and love her. With the private investigator I’ve hired and Reggie, the same resource Dad used, together, we’re going to find Zoey.”

  One way or another. Dead or alive. She didn’t say it, but they were both thinking it.


  Thursday, 12:43 a.m.

  Emerald M Ranch

  After ending the call with Alan, Rae moved to the window. Liam had settled her into a cozy western-styled bedroom on the first floor of his family’s sprawling ranch home. Comforting scents of cedar and vanilla wrapped around her. She put her face close enough to the glass that she could feel the cold seeping through. The sky had cleared again, belying the forecasted blizzard that would be on them within a day or two. In the meantime, she would enjoy the stars that shined bright in the deepest part of winter’s night. The snow gave off a blue-gray sheen that sparkled as it blanketed the ground and laced the evergreens.

  Breathtaking. Another postcard moment.

  Eerie and silent except for the creak of the house shifting now and again. A tuft of snow falling from the roof. A tree branch scraping the window.

  While she’d never been a big fan of silence—keeping quiet about wrongdoing was the worst kind of evil in her opinion—she could allow herself this moment of peace. This was a different kind of silence, and it had a sound of its own. As she listened, she took in the scenery. In the distance, the jagged edge of a mountain peak clawed at the sky above the trees.

  Her breath caught in her throat. “It’s truly beautiful here,” she whispered.

  God, you’re here in this place. In the stars above. In the mountains and the woods, smiling down at me from heaven and here with me now, closer than I can understand.

  She knew that. Would hold on to it. But sometimes it seemed that God’s silence—even when he was near—could be deafening.

  Rae didn’t understand why any of this was happening to her brother. Had happened to Zoey. Just like she never understood why such horrific crimes had been committed against people whom she interviewed for her stories. Why humans committed such heinous acts against fellow humans.

  Who could ever understand why life unraveled beneath them? No one. She wouldn’t ask the creator of the universe why, because there would be no way to comprehend his answer. All she could do was trust him to make a way for her. To hold her in the palm of his hand. And Zoey too.

  God, please protect Zoey.

  She’d wanted to say so much more to Alan, but she doubted he could handle more. From the beginning, she’d wondered if Zoey’s child belonged to Alan. Zoey and Alan had married quickly, and when Callie was born weeks early but with the development of a full-term baby, Rae had her answer. But Alan had all the same facts she had, and as he said, he went into the relationship with his eyes wide open. He was Callie’s father, and she would continue to think of him that way. He hadn’t cared that Zoey was already pregnant when he met her, and he’d loved her unconditionally.

  Rae sighed. To be loved so deeply.

  She wasn’t sure how long she gazed at the stars before more snow clouds drifted in. If Zoey was still alive out there somewhere, where could she be?

  “What do I do when I have so little to go on and no time left?”

  Lord, am I following the wrong lead here? I’ve never felt so lost.


  12:47 a.m.

  Liam stood outside, his warm breath billowing into the col
d, lonely night. He crept to the far corner of the wraparound porch and leaned against a pine post. He didn’t want to disturb anyone while making his call. Maybe he should sit in his truck instead.

  A pang of guilt stabbed him. He’d missed the family dinner with his brothers and new sisters-in-law. He wanted to fit in. He really did. But now wasn’t the time to figure out how he could. Besides, Heath was too enamored with his new bride to worry about Liam too much. Austin too.

  Good for them.

  Liam trusted Heath to understand that Liam had missed dinner because he’d gotten involved with helping Rae. After all, Heath had stated that he knew Liam would do the right thing. Doing the right thing had dragged Liam even deeper into the situation, and now he was fully enmeshed in the search for Rae’s missing sister-in-law. Protecting Rae was beginning to look like an enormous task. From experience, Liam knew this woman and the trouble she could stir up. In less than twenty-four hours, he’d been proven right.

  He stared at his cell and retrieved an image of Enzo Astor. Liam’s gut tensed. He thought he’d recognized Simon, the brother who was dead, but it was actually his older brother, Enzo, who looked familiar. Where had he seen this guy before? He wasn’t getting the kind of déjà vu feeling that gave him warm fuzzies. He scrolled through the numbers on his cell, which he’d gotten when he’d come home on medical leave.

  He’d kept only one number from his old cell. Kelvin. That might have been a mistake, considering the guy had called him a few times to check on him. The same guy who had ordered Liam to remain on medical leave until Liam had recovered psychologically. Then and only then, Kelvin said, could he return to work. So Liam resigned.

  Liam hadn’t been ready for that conversation and had no desire to see a psychologist. He told himself he was never going back. Kelvin wanted him back, and Liam was stringing Kelvin along with the possibility. Why was Liam still hanging on to the small possibility that he would return to work for the DEA and the world of shadows?

  After they both got out of the academy, Liam and Kelvin became special agents in the Denver Field Division. While Liam’s cover was blown when he saved Rae’s life, Kelvin was promoted to ASAC and became Liam’s boss.

  Liam called the number.

  A groggy voice replied. “McKade. Do you know what time it is?”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “You finally decide to return my call and you wait until one a.m.?”

  “I thought it was earlier. I’m in mountain time.”

  “Funny. So am I.”

  Liam didn’t cringe that he’d been inconsiderate though. After all, Kelvin had pestered him on his leave and then after he’d resigned too.

  “I get it. This is payback.”


  “So, are you ready to come back? Getting bored yet out there in the sticks?”

  Liam scratched his whiskers, then thrust his cold hand into his pocket. “That’s not why I’m calling.”

  “Do tell.” Liam could hear Kelvin rustling something on the other end. A voice in the background asked who was calling. Kelvin’s wife.

  Oh boy. Now he was kind of sorry. “I apologize for calling so late, but this couldn’t wait.”

  “Well, I can’t wait.”

  “I’m sending you a picture. Tell me where I’ve seen this guy.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “It’s a long story. I need to know who he is and why his face is familiar.”

  “You could have texted me,” Kelvin growled.

  “And miss the sound of your pleasant voice?”

  “Send me the image. I’ll see what I can find. But it sounds to me like you’re ready to come back to work.” Kelvin ended the call.

  Nice try.

  He wouldn’t be able to sleep until he knew who this guy was. Rae could have gotten entangled with a dangerous group—something for which she had a knack. While he waited to hear back from Kelvin, Liam would do his own research to find out what he could about Enzo Astor.

  He knew Kelvin would bug him about work again. Liam was supposed to get back to Brad about his job offer soon too. Opportunity for failure seemed to be opening up everywhere. With Rae’s sudden reappearance in his life, he had the oddest sensation that he was being sucked into a lethal vortex from which neither of them could escape.

  A wolf howled in the distance as snow clouds blew in and blanketed the sky in utter darkness as though nature were warning him.


  5:28 a.m.

  Rae opened her eyes and shut off the alarm on her phone two minutes before it was set to go off. No early light bled through the blinds to nudge her awake. Just her internal alarm. She wanted to roll over and sleep some more, but she’d save that for a day when she wasn’t searching for a missing person. She’d needed the rest. That she’d even fallen asleep at all surprised her. At the moment she needed good, strong coffee to fuel her, and now that she thought about it—she could smell coffee brewing. Maybe that was what had woken her before the alarm.

  After dressing, she found her way to the kitchen. Liam sat at the counter staring at his laptop. His jaw even more scruffy, he wore the same clothes he’d had on last night when she left him.

  “Good morning.” She slipped by him and headed straight for the coffeepot. A mug sat on the counter next to the pot, along with creamer and sugar packets.

  “That’s for you.” He lifted his mug as if to toast. “I’m already drinking mine.”

  “Thanks.” She poured the coffee and fixed it the way she liked, then breathed in the rich aroma. Strong. Definitely the way she needed it.

  Rae slid onto a stool next to Liam. “Did you even sleep?”

  “I tried.” He viewed the screen with intense interest but offered her a quick glance. “I’m just trying to piece this together without enough information. But I’ll give it a rest and make you some breakfast.”

  “You insisted I go to bed. What happened to ‘We can’t think without rest’?”

  “Okay, so you can think, and I’ll try to keep up.” He winked. “Relax. I slept a little bit. I need to shower and get ready. I’ll fix breakfast and then get dressed while you eat.”

  “What about your family? Are they still here?”

  He shook his head. “Early morning for them. I can’t believe you slept through the ruckus.”

  “And I can’t believe you let me. I could have met them at least. I only got to meet Heath.”

  He paused as if considering her words, then shook his head. “I thought you needed the rest. Sorry.” Liam slid from the stool and approached the cabinets, where he pulled out a frying pan.

  She rushed over and took it from him. “No. I’ll cook us both breakfast while you get ready. Zoey needs us.”

  “No, I’ll cook breakfast.” Evelyn stepped into the kitchen and took the pan from Rae. “I have one job around here, and you’d better let me do it.” The woman chuckled. She was too happy for this early hour.

  She eyed Rae. “I see you found Liam. Either that or he found you.”

  Evelyn sent Liam a look. What was that about?

  “Yes, I found him at the resort, just like you told me.”

  “Morning, Evelyn,” Liam said. “I’d never dream of taking your job from you. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Pfft. I’ve been in my room reading my devotionals.” She retrieved eggs, bacon, butter, and bread. “Now, what will it be? How do you like your eggs, dear?”

  Rae wasn’t usually one for breakfast this early either. Her stomach always wanted to sleep in whether or not Rae was up, but today would be long. “However Liam’s having them is fine.”

  “Scrambled.” He drank from his mug. “Thanks, Evelyn. Do you mind if I shower? I promise to be here before you plate the eggs.”

  “Get to it.” She whisked the eggs, a look of satisfaction on her face.

  “I’ll be back.”
Liam stared at Rae.

  For a moment, she thought he might have been going to give her a peck on the cheek. Then he left her sitting there and headed for his room. Something about standing in the kitchen with him had seemed warm and cozy and homey, as if Rae belonged here and they were a couple. She shook off the thought.

  And chased after Liam.

  She caught him at the hallway. “Did you learn anything last night?”

  He rubbed his chin, fatigue evident on his face. “Yes. Simon’s brother, Enzo—his face seems familiar. So I called my old boss. I’m waiting for him to tell me if this is a guy that’s on the DEA’s radar.”

  Rae let his words soak in. “Wait. You called your old boss because this Astor guy seemed familiar? Are you saying that he’s not just a guy you’ve seen around Jackson Hole?”

  Liam frowned. “I’m not sure. Let’s just say that seeing his face jarred me in an unpleasant way. It can’t hurt to find out if he’s someone I should be worried about.”

  “Okay. Well. That’s something. Now, go get ready. We have work to do.”

  “I like a take-charge kind of woman.” He turned his back on her and walked to his room.

  She knew he’d only meant to tease.

  She returned to the kitchen. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Evelyn smiled. “Nothing at all. But if I think of something, I’ll let you know. Go ahead and enjoy another cup of coffee. I’ve poured some for myself, and now I need to make another pot.”

  “Let me do it.” Rae poured the last drop into her mug and made more. “I’m sure you’re surprised to see me here.” Rae explained to Evelyn some of what had transpired that led her to stay at the ranch last night. She wouldn’t want Evelyn to get the wrong idea about her and Liam. Had it been only yesterday morning when she’d driven out here to search for him? She was grateful for Evelyn’s willingness to help her.

  The bacon sizzling in one pan, Evelyn scrambled the eggs in another. “I wasn’t surprised at all. I had a feeling I would see you again.” The woman winked, then focused on her breakfast preparations.


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