Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Clair de Lune

  “Rose,” he said, and she turned round quickly. Her eyes were wide and frightened.

  “Oh my God. No!”

  “Rose, I want to talk to you and explain about that night.”

  “No. I want to go home now.”

  “Oh, but you can’t. You agreed to the auction and I won the bid.”

  “You won’t lay a finger on me. I’ll scream. I warn you, keep your distance.”

  “No use screaming in here. No one will hear you. The room is sound-proofed.”

  At that she made a run for the door, but he was faster than her and he stopped her by taking hold of her. She trembled and shook in his hands, and suddenly it was all too much. He pulled her to him and held her tight in his arms as she tried to free herself. He waited until she had exhausted her strength, and then he loosened his hold on her.

  “You must listen to me, Rose. I need to talk to you. I need to explain. I’ve wanted to talk to you ever since you ran away. I didn’t even know your last name.”

  “Bollocks,” she said inelegantly. “The forms I filled in had all my details on them.”

  Salvador stood and looked at her for a minute or two then he started to laugh.

  “What a stupid fool I’ve been. It never even occurred to me to ask Sue. I’ve tried to find you but had little to go on.”

  He could see that at first she didn’t believe him, but as he spoke and she looked into his eyes she began to change her mind. He offered her a robe and helped her to put it on. Then he drew her over to the chairs by the fireside. Someone had lit the fire and the logs had caught and were burning brightly. She sat in one chair and he took the other. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but he had to make her understand. He couldn’t lose her again, not now.

  * * * *


  She’d know that voice anywhere. Oh my God what is he doing here?

  “Oh my God. No!” I have to get away. I can’t stay here. I have to leave.

  She tried to get to the door but he caught her. I have to go. I have to get free. He’s so much stronger than me. I can’t get free of him. Oh my God what is he going to do? What the hell does he think he can say that will make it better? He left me to Master Edward. He didn’t want me. He wanted Olaf. I was just the entertainment. All the time he was spanking me and arousing me and fucking me he was only waiting until he could have the Icelander. How can he explain that away? Well it’s no use. I can’t struggle anymore and he’s not going to let me go, so I might as well listen to what it is he thinks he can explain.

  “You must listen to me, Rose. I need to talk to you. I need to explain. I’ve wanted to talk to you ever since you ran away. I didn’t even know your last name.”

  He must have known how to get in touch with me. He works at the club, and he knows they keep records.

  Salvador started to laugh.

  “What a stupid fool I’ve been. It never even occurred to me to ask Sue. I’ve tried to find you but had little to go on.”

  No, you think I’m the stupid fool. You expect me to believe you? I don’t think so. You must have known. Those eyes look so innocent and candid. Wait a minute…Salvador didn’t see the forms. He wasn’t there. He was upstairs the whole time. He works at the club, he must know the rules. He looks as if he’s telling the truth. I hope he’s not lying. I want to believe him so much.

  Rose took the robe he offered and accepted his help to put it on. Hope was beginning to dawn, but she fought it. She didn’t want to be hurt again. She couldn’t bear that. She sat down in one of the chairs and looked at him expectantly. What on earth was he going to say?

  * * * *

  “Rose, you have to understand that I’m bisexual. It’s my nature and a fact of life. I’m never going to want to be just with one man or one woman.”

  Salvador saw her stiffen, as if she was expecting a blow. What had there been in her past that made her so afraid of being hurt? He had no doubt that he’d hurt her. Now he had to be very careful and choose his words so she understood and suffered no more pain. He never wanted to hurt her again. All he wanted was to gather her in his arms and pet her, comfort, and protect her. He knew he’d have to go slowly.

  “I want you, Rose, like I’ve never wanted any other woman. When you left and I couldn’t get you back I was so very unhappy.”

  “Not so unhappy that you didn’t go back to Olafur.”

  “I did go back to Olafur. That’s what you have to understand. I want him, too. I have wanted him from the first moment I saw him. He, too, is very special to me. I want you both. I ought to have explained that night. Edward was going to sit and cuddle you while I enjoyed Olafur. I wanted you there. I wanted you to be a part of it.”

  “How’s that going to work? He’s gay, and Edward said Olafur would never fuck a woman.”

  “Rose, my pet, it’s not only about fucking.”

  “Isn’t it? It seems to be for you.”

  “I want to fuck both of you. I won’t deny it. Do you like Olafur?”

  “I like what I saw of him. He’s gay and I have no problem with that. I wouldn’t come on to him to try and make him want me either. That’s unfair.” Shall I tell him I have spoken to Olaf on the phone since then? No, I won’t, that’s our secret and I want to keep it that way.

  “Thank you for your candour, Rose. Olafur is gay and he’s not interested in fucking women. That doesn’t mean he can’t like you or even love you eventually, just not in that way.”

  “So you think that we wouldn’t be jealous of each other?”

  “I would hope not. There would never need to be rivalry. I need you in different ways. You would both be precious to me.”

  “Well it’s not going to happen with Olafur. He belongs to Edward.”

  “He’s Edward’s sub, but he’s not the first. Edward likes to play the field, and will never be satisfied for long with just one.”

  “That’s going to hurt Olafur. He looked sad and somehow haunted. I saw the way he looked at Edward.” Maybe I should have told him, this is getting complicated now.

  “Olafur knows what is happening. What he hasn’t accepted yet is that he won’t change Edward. I suspect that there have already been others, but only brief affairs. The crash will come if Edward plays too often with one other person.”

  “How do you think it would work with the three of us?”

  * * * *

  Salvador could hardly contain his jubilation. If she’d begun to ask how it would work there was hope.

  “Intimacy is not just physical, Rose.”

  “Is it not? You could have fooled me.”

  “I don’t think so. Don’t be flippant. Think for a minute. Have you never connected with someone you knew, someone you’d no desire to have a physical relationship with? “

  There was a pause before she answered. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “It was Olafur that night. I looked at him and felt I wanted to be close to him. Edward told me he was gay, but it didn’t matter, I didn’t want him in that way even though Edward thought I did, and I suspect that’s why he brought me up to that room and to you. He used to play some nasty tricks at school. I can see that now, but then I thought he was wonderful. He hoped to have fun at our expense.”

  “That’s what I mean. You connect with someone on a deeper level. It’s as if you can see into their soul. You want to get to know them, to share thoughts and feelings and experiences. You love them but not in that way.”

  He saw Rose look at him then her gaze left his and she looked into the flames dancing among the logs. She remained that way for several long minutes.

  “Yes, I do know what you mean. How is all this going to affect us?”

  Salvador could have danced with joy. He’d managed what he’d feared would be an impossible task.

  “To start with, it will be just us. Olafur is with Edward. He may or may not stay with him. When the break comes, as it certainly will do, you and I will be here for him
and pick up the pieces if he’ll let us.”

  He’d had enough of this talking. He wanted her now and he didn’t want to wait. He hoped it was not too soon. He stood up, went over to her chair, and pulled her to her feet and into his arms. She didn’t resist. Sighing softly, she cuddled into his embrace. He couldn’t see her face but he felt her relax against him. He rested his chin on her head and breathed in her perfume and the fragrance that was hers and hers alone. He felt his heart swell and he tightened his arms about her. She put her hand up to his cheek and lifted her head to gaze into his eyes. He trapped her gaze, and very slowly his mouth descended on hers. She trembled as he licked the seam of her lips and delicately dipped the tip of his tongue between her lips. Her mouth opened and he pursued his advantage, pressing into the hot, wet cavern of her mouth to explore. She allowed him all the access he needed, and as he stroked and suckled her tongue, she squirmed nearer to him. The robe was so thin that he could feel all the contours of her body and delighted in the way she moulded herself to him. His cock swelled and throbbed as the kiss became more urgent. Cleverly, he withdrew his tongue, coaxing her to follow and explore in her turn. She obliged him and once her little tongue was in his mouth, there was no escape. He pushed the robe off her shoulders and she let it fall on the floor.

  He led her to the bed, stripped off the covers, and laid her down on her back, her head resting on the pillows. For a moment he stood and drank in the beauty of her body. She had beautiful creamy-white satiny skin. Her breasts were full with deep pink areolas and hard little nipples. She’d trimmed her pussy but not shaven it. He’d no preference in that area so he’d let her do as she chose. He ran one finger up the inside of her thigh, and she couldn’t help arching her back. She’s so responsive. He continued until his finger parted her pussy lips. My but she’s wet. So she wants this as much as I do. Lying down between her legs, his broad shoulders held her thighs apart as he played. His tongue swirled over her clit and she shuddered. He held her open with his fingers and flicked his tongue back and forth until she was writhing on the bed. Her gasps and breathy moans were music to his ears. His tongue left her clit and moved slowly down and she held herself still. He tasted her cream, and then his fingers pressed into her cunt, seeking her G-spot. He felt her reactions as he stroked and massaged and she began to sob and wail, lifting her hips to keep his fingers just where she needed them. He withdrew his fingers and rubbed the side of his hand firmly over her clit until he felt her limbs stiffen and she screamed his name as he pushed her over the edge. He continued to stimulate her clit until she started to come down, and then he stroked his fingers over her G-spot, feeling the aftershocks as her pussy muscles clenched around his fingers.

  He withdrew them, reached over for a condom, unwrapped it, and sheathed his cock. Settling himself between her thighs, he placed his hands on either side of her and thrust his hard erection into her cunt. She moaned again, lifted her legs, and wrapped them around him as he rode her. He’d meant to be slow and gentle but found that he was soon driving his cock into her as hard as he could. “Please, oh please,” she said, spurring him on and soon his hips bucked. He couldn’t control his thrusts. He felt the heat of his release then fell down on top of her. She let her legs slip from around him but wouldn’t let him fall to one side.

  “I need to feel your weight on top of me. Please don’t leave me now,” she begged. He lay down on top of her for a few brief moments but rolled to one side, pulling her with him as reluctant to break the connection as she was. He held her in his arms and kissed her tenderly as his cock softened and slid out of her. She protested as he got up to go to the bathroom.

  “I will be back in a minute. Hush now, amor mío.” True to his word he came back with a soft, warm wet cloth to clean her up and a towel to dry her. He took them back to the bathroom and cuddled her into his arms, pulling the covers over them both.

  “What was that you called me?”

  “Amor mío. It’s Spanish, it means ‘my love.’”


  “Do you like it?”

  “Oh, yes, Master Salvador, I do like it. You are Spanish then?”

  “Yes, my Rose, I am.”

  “Where were you born?”

  “I was born in Fray de Dios Street in the barrio de la Macarena in Seville.”

  “Tell me about your childhood, Master Salvador.”

  “Very well, amor mío. My parents didn’t have much spare money. The usual escape of boys like me was to play football or try to be a matador. I didn’t want to do either of those things. We had gypsy blood, and I learned flamenco at an early age from the females of my family. My grandmother, mother, and aunts loved nothing better than getting together in the kitchen of the small flat. They all sang and danced, teaching me until I perfected the techniques.”

  “So did you do that for a living then?”

  “No, alas. I was quite good, and mamá even managed to scrape enough money for me to learn the guitar and I did have a certain aptitude for it. It was an opening of sorts for me, but I lacked the ‘duende’ of the true flamenco artist, so I knew I was never going to be the best.”

  “What’s that dwenday?”

  “It’s not easy to explain. You have it or you don’t. I suppose it means something like having soul, or being able to express a heightened state of emotion in the music, dance and song. You feel it inside as a physical or emotional response to the music.”

  “You didn’t have it then?”

  “No, Rose. I can sing and play and even dance passably well, but I will never be one of the great ones.”

  “That’s a shame, Master Salvador. Will you play and sing for me one day?”

  “Indeed I will, mi vida.”

  “What was that you called me now?”

  “My life, it’s what many men call their loves. You are my life, Rose.”

  “That’s beautiful, Master Salvador. Will you teach me Spanish?”

  “Yes, if you wish. In any case, mamá will want to meet you and she speaks only Spanish. It would be kind if you learned at least a few words.”

  “Am I going to meet your mother, then?”

  “Yes, Rose. I want us to get to know each other and explore what we have. That will mean outside the club, too.”

  “I’d like that, Master Salvador.”

  “Then we’ll start tonight. I find I don’t want to stay in the club tonight after all, Rose. Will you come home with me tonight, or is it too soon?”

  “I will go home with you, Master Salvador. After all, you did win me for the whole evening didn’t you?” Rose giggled and smiled shyly up at him.

  “Come along then. Where are your clothes? You didn’t come to the club in just that bow of red ribbon did you? It’s very cold outside today for that.”

  “No, my clothes are in the ladies’ locker room.”

  “Come along, let’s go,” he said as he took her hand in his.

  * * * *

  Within fifteen minutes she was seated in the very Jaguar car that she’d scratched. She’d had the grace to blush when they got down to the car park but he’d said nothing about it. He’d held to door for her and made sure she fastened her seat belt, and then he got in and drove away. Rose’s car was old. This car was new. The seats were leather and the smell of the inside was rich and heady. They drove to the north of the town and he parked in a quiet street full of large houses, many of which had been converted into flats. He had a second floor flat with four bedrooms, one of which he used as an office. The kitchen was a square room with a breakfast table and four chairs. The units and appliances were polished stainless steel and everything was pristine. I wonder if he cooks? Who does his cleaning? There’s no clutter here at all. The surfaces looked as if they were granite. There was very little on display, and Rose wondered if all that abundance of cupboards was empty.

  The lounge had laminated light-oak floors with a couple of dark-blue rugs. The sofa and a recliner were upholstered in a similar dark blue. The walls were painte
d white, and there were bookcases on one wall. Some family photos were displayed on the mantel over the gas fire. It was a comfortable room, but the whole flat lacked the homey touch. There wasn’t a plant or a flower in sight. If I lived here I’d have flowers in every room and some pictures on the walls. That’s not very likely. He says he wants a triad and me as part of it. Can I trust him? Will he let me down like the others have done?

  “Are you hungry, Rose?”

  “Yes, Master Salvador, I am. I didn’t have much dinner. I was too nervous.”

  “I have a chicken casserole I can heat up for us if you’d like that?”

  Rose was astounded. He does cook. Mind it could be his cleaning lady leaves him some cooked dishes.

  “That would be very nice. Can I help?”

  “Certainly. Come into the kitchen and lay the table.”

  Rose was nothing loth to explore the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. She found plates, glasses, and cutlery with ease. It was as she had suspected. He had lots of empty space. When he had put the casserole in the oven to heat, they went back into the living room and he poured her a glass of sherry. She noticed he had two bottles and that he served her the Pedro Ximénez, taking a very dry sherry for himself. She hadn’t had the rich, sweet wine before. It was thick and aromatic. She sipped appreciatively. When the casserole was reheated they sat and ate at the kitchen table. He produced a long, crisp French loaf and a bottle of Rioja to drink with the casserole.

  “Would you like some fruit, Rose? I don’t have puddings but I love fruit. What I can’t get used to is the lack of seasonal fruit over here. In Spain we eat the fruit as it’s in season. Here you expect and get fruit all year round from all over the world.”

  “That’s because we don’t grow a lot of things that we like to eat. We don’t have the climate. You have so much sun.”

  When they’d finished, they placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and went back into the living room. The flames of the gas fire flickered, and in the warmth they sat and listened to the music of a classical guitar CD Master Salvador put on. Rose leaned against him and he wrapped his arms around her, leaning his head down to kiss her tenderly on the lips. They sat and listened to the music until the CD ended.


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