Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Clair de Lune

  “You must be very tired, Rose. Let’s go to bed.”

  He does want me to stay then? She’d wondered that when he had a sherry then wine with his meal. Then she’d thought that maybe he’d put her in a taxi. How do I feel about this? I want to stay. I like it here and I more than like him. What have I got to lose? Only my heart, yet again.

  “Yes, I’m very tired, and it’s been a long day.”

  “Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  “No, tomorrow’s my day off.”

  “Good, then that’s settled. Come to bed.”

  He pulled her to her feet and towed her into the bedroom. Showing her the bathroom, he gave her a new toothbrush and then tactfully left her. She supposed that soon that would change. If he still wants me after tonight.

  He offered her a T-shirt but, as he was wearing nothing at all himself, she declined. He picked up a couple of condoms and dropped them by his side on the bed, and he gathered her into the crook of his shoulder with his arm about her and kissed her tenderly. His mouth was warm and spicy. She loved the scent of his cologne. His hands were gentle as he caressed her neck then lower to her breasts. His long, elegant fingers tweaked her nipples and she heated at once, feeling the moisture pool in her pussy. He stroked down her body, following with his lips and tongue. She arched her back into his caresses and pressed her head into the pillow as his mouth descended on her pussy. Opening her legs, he kept them apart with his shoulders and devoured her clit, flicking with his tongue as she panted and gasped. He nipped it with his teeth then suckled and she screamed as her orgasm flowed over her, causing her limbs to shake and her head to thrash. He chuckled thickly, his face still buried in her pussy. His tongue continued to play with her clit, and she felt the tingles gather again. How can I come again so soon? What’s he doing to me? She closed her eyes and the starburst fell all around her.

  As she came down, her pussy muscles spasming, she heard the foil rip and after a short pause he thrust his hot, hard cock inside her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and he began to fuck her slowly. Soon his thrusts became more urgent as he stroked his erection over her G-spot, and she responded with sobbing moans of pleasure. Then his hips bucked, he stilled, and she felt the hot rush of semen inside her as his arms, on either side of her, trembled and shook. Allowing her legs to fall, she pulled him on top of her. Refusing to permit his attempt to roll to one side, she held him as his heart hammered in his chest next to hers. He broke free eventually, dealt with the condom, and cleaned them both up.

  “Sleep now, Rose. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rose knew that she and Master Salvador were the talk of the Blood Red Rose. She knew that no-one had expected him to put a training collar on a sub at all, least of all on a woman, even if it was just a bow of red ribbon. It amused her to see that no-one asked him. They tried to ask her, but she refused to answer questions, just referring them to her Master. She went to the club with him every evening and was never far from his side unless he had a scene with a client, when she’d wait in the uncollared subs’ area. She became very friendly with Devil, who was in a similar situation, and they’d chat together as they waited.

  “Do you know Master Salvador well, Devil?”

  “Yes, Master and I have known him ever since he came here.”

  “Do you know how he became interested in BDSM?”

  “Well, as he tells it, chance took him to a BDSM club and he was hooked. He became a Dom. He wanted to travel and needed more than his native Spanish to do it. Teaching himself English and French didn’t come easy, but he managed it sufficiently well to get by in both countries, and then he worked his way north, taking jobs in BDSM clubs or singing and playing in nightclubs.”

  “That can’t have been easy for him. He’s teaching me some Spanish so I can speak to his mum when I meet her.”

  “That sounds serious. I’m so pleased for you and Master Salvador. I hope you will be as happy as Master and I.”

  Rose glowed. Devil and Master “L” were legends in the club. Master “L” couldn’t do without Devil. When he finished a scene with a client he needed Devil to be there or all hell broke loose.

  “Thank you, that’s very kind of you. Do you know how Master Salvador ended up in this club?”

  “Eventually he worked his way up to Carlisle, and here he met Valkyrie, in a club called “Four Candles.” They got on well right from the start, and when Valkyrie set up his own club, “the Blood Red Rose,” it was natural for him to offer Salvador a job as a Dom in residence.”

  “He seems to be very much in demand.”

  Rose’s voice had lowered and become a little husky. Devil looked at her and patted her hand in comfort.

  “Master Salvador is the only bisexual Dom, and although the other Doms will do a scene with a man, Master Salvador really enjoys it and is by far the most popular with the gay community. It doesn’t do him any harm that he is sinfully sexy with those dark, soulful eyes.”

  “No, and it’s not just the men. Women find him attractive, too, with his dark good looks. He’s just so beautiful, Devil.”

  “Yes, and you are the one he has put a training collar on. Don’t go forgetting that. I know how you feel. I hate it when Master has to do scenes, but it’s who he is and I have to accept that. When he’s finished he comes back to me, just like Master Salvador comes back to you.”

  “Yes, I know, but he’s so beautiful, and that Spanish accent with his adorable inability to say any word starting with sp without putting e before it, makes him endearing in the extreme. There’s the added spice of his being bisexual. Many women see him as a challenge.” Rose fingered the red ribbon Master Salvador had insisted she wore as a training collar.

  “Let them try. He won’t like it and he won’t stand for it. He’s no New Age Dom. He demands, and gets, the respect his Spanish and gypsy blood tells him are his due. I repeat, he comes back to you and I’ve seen the look on his face when he is searching for you. There is no mistaking that look.”

  Talks such as these comforted Rose. There was nothing she liked better, if Master Salvador was busy, than to chat to Devil.

  * * * *

  After a night in the club, Salvador was always surprised at Rose’s increased neediness. She hardly got him through the door of her flat when she was in his arms and kissing him like there was no tomorrow. He was flattered by it but a little disturbed.

  “Rose, cariño, what is it? Why do you think you have to throw yourself at me when we’ve been at the club?”

  “I’m sorry, Master Salvador. I didn’t mean to push you.”

  “Rose, mi vida, you aren’t pushing me, There’s something here you haven’t told me. Something I’m missing. Please tell me what it is. How can I put it right if you don’t talk to me?”


  Salvador could see he wasn’t going to get it out of her easily. He sat down on her sofa and pulled her to him. He settled her with her back resting on the chair arm, her bottom on his lap, and her legs resting on the sofa cushions. He said nothing but began to kiss her softly and tenderly. He nipped and nibbled at her neck and her ears and had her giggling and squirming. That wasn’t going to do him much good, but if it was what she needed to relax and open up to him he’d put up with it. He tickled her ribs and she shouted with laughter, wriggling even more and making his cock uncomfortable. Oh but she’s going to be fucked hard and fast when I find out what’s wrong with her.

  “What is it, Rose? Tell me now, mi vida.”

  “I don’t like it when you do scenes with others,” Rose whispered.

  “Amor, I have to. It’s how I earn my living.”

  “I know, and I accept it but I don’t have to like it.”

  “Are you jealous, mi vida?” Salvador asked gently.

  “Yes, Master, I am. I can’t help it. They take your attention away from me. I’m so sorry to be so needy.”

  “Don’t be sorry, mi amor. Just remember that there are two o
f me. There is the public ‘me’, and the private ‘me’. The public ‘me’ has to be polite and willing to talk to all sorts of people in a superficial way. The private ‘me’ talks to you in a very different, more intimate way. The rest will never see that side of me or know what you know about me. You see into my soul, my Rose. Not many people have a connection like that. Do you remember you said you felt that way with Olafur, too?”

  “Yes, Master, I do. I know what you’re telling me and I accept it with my head. My heart is a very different matter. When they take your attention away from me it hurts deep inside me. I have to sit and watch as they get what I want so badly.”

  “Oh, my Rose. My little pet. I do love you so. What is it, Rose? What’s the matter? What have I said? Why are you crying?”

  Rose bent her head and sobbed into his shoulder. She was incoherent, and he couldn’t make out what she was saying. He cuddled her close and rubbed her back. He whispered words of comfort and love into her ears. Very slowly her sobs subsided and she began to calm down.

  “Rose, my Rose. What ails you, mi vida?”

  “I can’t believe that you want me, that you need me and that you will stay with me. What do I have to make you stay with me?”

  Salvador knew he was going to have to tread carefully again. She must have been hurt, rejected in the past and now she doesn’t trust me. Clearly she doesn’t expect anything other than rejection. It was partly my own fault. She remembers, clearly she can’t forget, that first evening and I suppose that she’s waiting for it to happen again. Now I have to convince her she’s nothing to fear anymore. I should never have left her like that with no explanation. I want her to be confident of my love for her and not to fear its loss or my rejection ever again.

  “Rose, mi amor, I have to earn a living and this is the way I have chosen to do it. I have many clients who are gay, because they sense I’m sympathetic. I don’t judge, and I feel the same as they do. They can all tell when your feelings are genuine, believe me. They are not permanent fixtures in my life like you are. They share my time in public and then I come back here to you. I don’t go home with anybody else, you know that. Don’t be afraid I will leave you. That evening was a mistake, an error of judgement. I ought to have explained what I wanted from both of you.” He felt her stiffen.

  “What is it, Rose? If we are to live together, the three of us eventually, you must know I shall fuck Olafur and he me. I don’t want to exclude you from that and send you out of the room. It may be that when I’m fucking you, Olafur will want to leave us together. I don’t know what his preferences will be. I don’t know him well enough for that. I would vastly prefer it if we were all in the same room together when we make love. If one of you leaves it won’t be the ménage that I want. Olafur is gay and not bisexual, so he will never fuck you, but I think you know and have accepted that haven’t you?”

  “Yes, I know and I understand that, but what if he never leaves Edward? Will you still want another man?”

  “He will leave Edward, you’ll see. Edward isn’t capable of staying faithful. Olafur is not the only one for him. Olafur didn’t really want to come up here and fuck me. I saw that and Edward knew it. Olafur did what Edward wanted to please him. I think by the end of the evening, Olafur had changed his mind and could feel the connection between us. He certainly connected with you, and he’s gay so it wasn’t sexual. When Edward finds his next big thing, Olafur will hurt and I’m sure he will come where he knows he’ll get comfort and understanding. That’s with us. We shall have the opportunity to help him and to further the connection. It’s a matter of time, Rose, that’s all. Now tell me, do you feel any safer now? Do you feel confident that we will stay together?”

  “Perhaps a little, Master. I just find it difficult to believe that you want me and will always want me. What do I have to offer you that will keep you?”

  “Oh, Rose I want you. I want you very much. I can’t say it will be forever, as no-one knows what the future holds, but I don’t see a time when I won’t want you in my life.”

  “Yes, in that way I know you do. But it isn’t all about fucking is it?”

  “No, it isn’t. That’s one pleasant part of it, and if that doesn’t work well the rest won’t either. I want to be with you, to talk to you, to get to know all about you. I want us to have a life together, to go out for coffee, to shop, to go to the cinema, to go on holiday. I want to take you to Seville and let my mother get to know you. I want you, Rose, and no other woman will do.”

  Rose looked deep into his eyes. Salvador knew she saw that he was sincere. He also saw that she still doubted. She didn’t doubt him. In fact, she trusted him. Of that he was convinced. He wondered how long it was since she had trusted a man. He knew she did still doubt her own ability to keep him. There must have been rejections in her past that had destroyed her confidence in her own intrinsic worth. She would be asking herself why would he stay with her? What could she possibly offer him that he couldn’t get elsewhere? He had to convince her she had what it took to keep him.

  “Rose, I would like you to leave this flat and move in with me. I would like to remove that training collar and replace it with a permanent one. However, I’d like to wait a while to do that, because I want to have you and Olafur collared at the same time. Can you wait for that?”

  “How long will you wait? Olafur might not leave Edward soon. He might not leave him at all.”

  “He will, Rose. Edward has already found Olafur’s replacement.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I have friends in Birmingham who are keeping watch over Olafur, just in case. I want him to be safe, and if he’s in any danger of harming himself, they will step in to prevent it.”

  “I see. Then I can and will wait. If Olaf leaves Edward and doesn’t come here, what will you do?”

  “I shall go and find him and see what he wants to do. If he doesn’t want to come to us then it will be just us until we find the third that completes our triad.”

  “Very well, Master. I will move in with you and we will wait until the situation with Olafur is settled, one way or the other.”

  “Now, mi vida. You have wriggled and squirmed on my cock until it’s bursting out of my leathers. Can you do something to make it feel better?”

  “Certainly, Master.”

  She got up off his lap and dropped gracefully to her knees between his legs. She looked up at him as she opened his zip and carefully freed his cock and balls. He was obliged to lift his hips and help her with the tight white underpants he wore. She hummed in pleasure as she rolled his balls and he relaxed back into the chair, never taking his gaze from her face. She bent her head and licked the drop of pre-cum from the purple head of his cock. Licking her lips she bent back down and licked around the head, finally dipping her tongue delicately into his slit. She probed deeply and he groaned in pleasure. Her hands rolled his balls as she nipped and nibbled the fat head of his dick. The thick, ropey vein on the side of his swollen erection received her attentions next. His hips moved up to meet her as she ran her tongue over the vein. He felt her watch his reactions, and then when she judged he was ready she took his cock into her mouth and sucked. She couldn’t take all of him so she pumped the base with one hand, using the other to pleasure his balls as her hot, tight, wet mouth drove him on, and soon he was fucking her mouth. His hands fisted in her hair. He held her as he pumped his cock into her mouth. He felt the familiar electric tingles in the base of his spine as he stilled and then the magic of the release. She swallowed all the hot jets of semen that his cock delivered then licked him clean and tenderly tucked him back into his pants and leathers. He patted her now dishevelled hair.

  “Let’s go and have a long soak in the bath, and I will arrange a suitable reward for such a magnificent effort.”

  He was good as his word. Once they had soaked for a while and he had her thoroughly aroused by dint of stroking her breasts with the soapy wash cloth and kissing her witless, he turned her round and
settled her hands on the sides of the bath. On his knees behind her he held her hips and sank his cock home into her pussy. He was not so urgent as she was, and he fucked her long and slowly in spite of her urging, “Harder, please, Master. Harder and faster.” He took his time. When he felt he was almost ready he reached around and rubbed her needy clit with the side of his hand until she came, panting and sobbing in her need for him. He felt her pussy muscles contract about his cock in the aftershocks and changing the angle slightly to ensure he stroked her G-spot, he fucked her until he came and collapsed half on top of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Two weeks later Master Salvador was away from home for a few days. The phone rang and Rose picked it up. It was early for Master Salvador, but she hoped it was him.

  “Can I speak to Salvador Belmonte, please?”

  “Olaf, love, is that you?


  “What’s the matter? You sound upset, love.”

  “I left Edward, Rose,” Olafur answered.

  “Oh, goodness, love, where are you now?”

  “I’m at the station in Carlisle.”

  “Stay where you are, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Rose put down the phone, grabbed her handbag and car keys, and ran out of the flat, locking the door behind her. She got in the car and drove fast to the station. She was lucky and found a space to park very quickly. Then she remembered she’d not asked where Olaf was. There won’t be many tall Icelanders in there. If I can’t find him I can have a message put out. She searched the station and when she still couldn’t find him she made her way back to the entrance, and then to her great relief she spotted the tall, slim blond-haired man standing by the ‘phone kiosks. He had a couple of bags at his feet and he looked devastated. She ran over to him and into his arms. He bent and kissed the top of her head.


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