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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 10

by Clair de Lune

  Half an hour later they were all in bed, Rose and Olaf in their usual places on either side of Salvador.

  “Master, if Hari joins us we shall need a bigger bed,” Rose said sleepily.

  “Yes indeed. If you decide that’s what you want you and Olaf can go and choose it. Now go to sleep.” Gentle snores from Olaf and the soft huff of her warm breath in the crook of his shoulder rewarded him. His subs were asleep. He lay for a while thinking. He was very tired but there were lots of thoughts churning in his head. If Hari did join their ménage would he be an asset to their family or not? Therein lay the dilemma.

  Chapter Ten

  The next evening Rose went to the club with her men. Master Salvador said nothing, so she assumed that Olaf must have discussed it with him. When they had changed, their Dom escorted them to the subs’ area. He was magnificent in his skin-tight leathers, bare-chested with his hair flowing down to his shoulders and shining under the lights. Rose felt her nipples harden and her cream flow as she looked at him. He bent and kissed her and sniffed.

  “Well that is certainly sweeter than all the perfumes of Arabia, my Rose. Olaf, love, take good care of her.” Both of them wore the training collar with a large S prominently displayed. No-one could be in any doubt to whom they belonged. His eyes sparkled with anticipation.

  “I have four clients tonight, two couples. They have chosen public scenes. Do you want to watch?” He saw the effort it cost her to say “yes.” He tipped up her face and gazed into her large, brown eyes. “Don’t be sad, my Rose. I am yours.” Then he kissed her deeply, pulling her close and holding her tightly. His strong hands caressed her bottom and she felt the stirring of his erection against her belly as she moaned into the kiss. She melted into his embrace, wanting the kiss to go on forever, that way he couldn’t… He broke off the kiss, patted her bottom, and turned on his heel. Rose’s head was still reeling from the effect of his deep, passionate kiss. She felt Olaf take her hand as he led her to an alcove and settled beside her on a comfortable sofa, cuddling her close and resting her head on his shoulder.

  Master Salvador stalked over to the alcove leading two male subs by leads attached to their collars. They wore only leather hoods with holes for eyes, nose, and mouth, and leather harnesses. Their hands were tethered in front of them. Salvador towed the subs along and Rose gasped as she recognised the man who followed him carrying an assortment of whips and paddles. When they reached the alcove the subs fell to their knees.

  “You are here to be punished. Twenty strokes with the paddle and six lashes of the whip. You will count and thank me after each one. ‘Red’ is your safe word, use it if you need to. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master Salvador,” the two men chorused.

  “Haldur, get them over the bench,”

  Haldur helped the subs to position themselves over the bench, and then he handed the paddle to Master Salvador. He hefted it and brought it down smartly over the first sub’s buttocks. The “crack” rang out and Rose flinched.

  “One, thank you Master Salvador,” the first sub said. Master Salvador treated him to four more then he bestowed the same on the second sub. Before long their rears were red and glowing. Rose felt every thud of the paddle as if it had landed on her own tender rear. After twenty blows had been administered to each sub, Haldur got them onto their feet. Taking them to the wall he attached their bound hands to ropes which passed through a pulley.

  “Feet shoulder-width apart,” he said. They complied, and he hoisted their arms above their heads until they were standing on tip toes, then he withdrew and handed the whip to Master Salvador.

  “You will count every stroke and thank me,” he said in an uncompromising tone.

  Rose couldn’t contain her squeak of dismay as his arm drew back and then landed what must have been a trail of fire across the first sub’s back. She tried to look away but Olafur wouldn’t let her.

  “Watch,” he said.

  She heard a sharp intake of breath followed by, “One, thank you, Master Salvador,” in a low tone from the first sub. That was the only sound in the alcove. Rose knew that more people were watching, but for her the world was concentrated on the man holding her close and the scene before her. After the third stroke her Dom turned his attention to the second sub, delivering the first three strokes then finishing the count of six for each in turn. When he had finished, Rose was conscious of the audience withdrawing. Haldur released the two subs and took them over to the sofa opposite. He and Salvador ministered to one sub each. They applied salve to the red behinds, wrapped them in soft blankets, gave them water to drink, and talked quietly to them for quite a while. She noticed that one of Haldur and Salvador’s hands were busy under the blanket while they held their subs close. Salvador was the first to bring his man off. The sub curled into his arms as his body jerked and spasmed in release. He moaned into Salvador’s shoulder and was rewarded by petting and praise. Haldur’s sub climaxed shortly after. When both subs had recovered they stood, held hands, and thanked both Doms then walked away smiling happily. Rose watched for any sign that either Haldur or Salvador was emotionally involved with these two young men. All she saw was care, concern, and concentration on the subs’ needs. When the two Doms had cleaned up and they came toward the couch where she sat with Olafur, they wore very different expressions on their faces. Olafur was right.

  “Well, my Rose?”

  “Master, your Rose is feeling foolish. Olaf was right and I ought to have faced this earlier. Now I have seen what you do, and more importantly how you do it, I am no longer jealous.”

  “Impulsive little love. You have yet to see the last two subs. Wait until you do and then tell me how you feel.”

  Rose trembled in trepidation at his words. What is he going to do?

  “The next two are subs in training. Their trainers think they are ready for this public test.” As he finished speaking, two lovely young women approached. They were barefoot and naked with their hands bound behind their backs. They were attached to ropes through a pulley and the ends were held by two older women subs.

  “You are here tonight because your trainers say you are ready to demonstrate your ability to give good head. Fail and you end up over the spanking bench. We will grade you when you have finished.”

  He and Haldur settled themselves on chairs before the two girls. Both Doms unzipped and allowed their cocks to spring free. Rose was pleased to see they were only half aroused. One girl was positioned in front of each Dom. They were allowed sufficient rope to bend at the waist and reach the Dom’s dicks with their mouths.

  “This is not a competition. There are no prizes for bringing your Dom off first. You have to demonstrate you can please a man and bring him to climax. Now show us what you are made of. We will grade you at the end on a scale of one to five. If your score is below three you will be given a chance to redeem yourself with a further five Doms.”

  The girls began to lick and suck. Rose watched Salvador’s face. She well knew what his expression was when she fellated him and she wanted to see how he looked now. The sub suspended over his cock seemed not to know how to give decent head and he looked bored rather than aroused. On the other hand, Haldur’s sub seemed to know what she was doing. She nibbled the huge vein by now pulsating along the length of his dick and Rose licked her lips imagining what it would feel and taste like. The girl licked and laved the swollen purple head and finally took him into her mouth and sucked for all she was worth. Haldur moaned and it wasn’t long before he seized her head and began to fuck her mouth then his hips bucked and he shot his load of cum deep into the throat of the sub. He came with a roar and she continued to suck, licking him clean and allowing his softening cock to slide out of her mouth. He patted her head.

  “Your score is four, pet.”

  “Enough” Salvador said. “Take her to the Doms in training and when she can give a decent blow job she can try again. Her score is two.” There was a gasp and the girl was led away. Salvador detained the t
rainer and had a few quiet words with her. When he had done she hung her head and followed her sub.

  Salvador and Haldur came over to Rose and Olafur. He held out his arms and they flew into his embrace He held them close. He looked at Rose, who nodded, and Salvador motioned to Haldur to join them. They stood for a while enjoying the closeness of the hug.

  “Poor girl,” tender-hearted Rose whispered.

  “Stupid trainer. That sub doesn’t enjoy it and doesn’t know what to do. The trainer should have given her more instruction and practice before exposing her to public trial like that and so I told her. If she doesn’t do better she won’t be training any more subs. Now I am done. Let’s go and get a drink and talk a while.”

  When the three men were seated on the sofa side by side Salvador drew Rose down to sit on his lap, her legs across the other two men. He cuddled her close.

  “Now how do you feel, my Rose?”

  “I feel so foolish, Master. I see that what you do here with your clients bears no relation to what we do. They have your attention for the duration of the scene, but we have your heart always.”

  “Exactly. Now that you realise that there is no need for worry ever again, love. Now we can go forward with our plans,” Salvador said, and Rose could hear the satisfaction in his voice. She looked at him and then at Haldur, who was gazing at her with the light of passion in his eyes. She blushed and lowered her gaze, then hid her face in Master Salvador’s shoulder.

  “None of that, Rose. Look him in the eye. You are going to get acquainted. Tomorrow Olaf and I have some business to attend to. Haldur will come round and spend some time with you then. Is that convenient Haldur?”

  “Yes, Master, I look forward to talking to Rose and getting to know her,” Haldur said, never taking his gaze from Rose. She felt her face heat up as he looked at her. She could read the passion and desire in his eyes and it was okay to reciprocate. Her Master had said it was his wish. He wanted her enlarge their family so no-one was left on the side-lines. Hari wanted to join them. It was kind of Master to give her time to get to know Hari. She felt silly for feeling jealous and envious. It was past time to grow up and enjoy what they had. She was going to start counting her blessings instead of worrying about losing them.

  * * * *

  The next day Rose had washed and dried her hair before she prepared breakfast. She blushed as her two men exchanged winks.

  “Have you decided which dress you are going to wear to dazzle him again, love?” Olafur said. He planted a kiss on the top of her head as he passed her chair on his way to collect more toast. The rest of the morning passed in the same way. The two of them seized every opportunity to tease her, so she was all a-twitter by the time they were ready to leave.

  “Bye, Rosie, have a good afternoon,” Olafur said.

  Her Master clasped her in his arms, kissing her deeply and leaving her breathless and shaking. “Enjoy, little one, there is no pressure or need to hurry. Just enjoy your time together.”

  They left and she could settle to nothing. She flitted around the flat straightening and tidying things that were not crooked or out of place. She almost leapt out of her skin when the doorbell sounded. Looking through the spy-hole, she saw Haldur and admitted him.

  “Please come in,” she said in a far from steady voice. He took her hand, reversed it, and kissed her pulse point fervently again. Rose felt her blood pounding in her veins and knew he must have felt it, too. Releasing her hand, he held out a large bouquet of roses in varying shades from pale pink to deepest rose. She took them and buried her nose in them enjoying the sweet fragrance.

  “Thank you, the roses are beautiful. I will go and put them in water,” Rose said.

  Haldur took a plastic container out of the bag he was carrying.

  “Take these cherries, too, love. They need washing. Can I help you?”

  “Certainly, do come into the kitchen.”

  He followed her and took a bottle of Rioja out of the bag and placed it on the counter.


  “In the far cupboard with the glass doors,” Rose answered. Hari collected two crystal wineglasses as she arranged the roses in a large vase. Carrying the vase into the lounge, she set it on a low table. Hari followed with the glasses.


  “In the top drawer to the left of the cooker.” Rose washed and dried the cherries and placed them in a crystal bowl on a small tray with another bowl for the cherry stones. Hari pulled out the cork then returned to the lounge with her. She placed the tray on the table and he poured out two generous glasses of the red wine and handed one to her.

  “To our better acquaintance,” he said, and they clinked glasses. Rose enjoyed the wine. It was smooth and fruity and a favourite of Master Salvador.


  “Yes, Haldur?”

  “Please call me Hari.”

  “Yes, Hari?”

  “I am very glad to have this opportunity to get to know you better. How do you feel about it?”

  “I’m happy. Now I know that Master just wants my happiness.”

  “I want nothing more than to make you happy. I knew that the first moment I saw you.”

  “So did I, Hari, but I fought it,” Rose said.

  “Really? What was that knock-’em-dead dress and that entrance then?” Hari asked, chuckling.

  “I was angry. I wanted to show Master what he was losing.”

  “Silly goose. He will never let you go. He loves you. You can see that in his eyes when he looks at you.”

  Rose looked at Hari and read the sincerity in his eyes. Why ever did I doubt? She smiled and Hari bent to kiss her lips. His were warm, but firm and demanding, and she wasn’t of a mind to resist him, even if she had been capable of refusing him entrance to her mouth. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped inside, exploring. She tasted the wine and his own unique taste and she moaned into the kiss. Their tongues stroked and tangled. He caught the tip of her tongue between his teeth and flicked the tip of his back and forth over hers. She leaned closer and felt herself clasped against a firm, hard body. He leaned back against the cushions taking her with him, allowing her to pursue the kiss as he released her tongue. Lying on top of him, Rose kissed him deeply and felt his cock swell against her belly. She pressed one knee between his legs, and he grasped it between his strong thighs as she gently rubbed against his balls. His hands on her bottom, he pressed her to him as her hands tenderly framed his face and she covered him with tiny kisses.

  “You have too many clothes on, Rose,” he said.

  Rose got up and held out her hand. He stood, took her hand, and followed as she led him to her bedroom. He threw back the covers as she stripped off her clothes.

  “Now, undress me, love,” he said. She unbuckled his belt, unzipped him, and pushed the tailored jeans down over his slim hips and muscular thighs. Her hands caressed his delicious buttocks as his cock swelled in his tight boxers. Carefully she pushed the boxers down to join the jeans, and as she did so his swollen, throbbing dick bobbed free, standing proud in its nest of pale-blond curls. A drop of pre-cum oozed out of his slit. Rose rubbed her thumb over his cock smearing the pearly fluid over the fat purple head. Then she sucked her thumb. His taste was salty and tangy, different from Master’s but she could easily get used to it. He stepped out of jeans and boxers. She stood and slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. His chest was muscled, with a sprinkling of the white-blond hair that adorned his head and groin. She caressed his chest, running her hands over his smooth skin and tweaking his nipples, until he stopped her. Taking both hands in his, he led her to the bed. Settling her on her back he bent to kiss her lips then covered her face and neck with licks and nibbles as she twined her fingers in his hair. She smelled the lemony cologne he used and liked the way it combined with the scent of his arousal. He laved her breasts with his supple tongue, and when he sucked her nipple into his mouth she gasped.

  “What is it, love? Too much?”r />
  “No, Hari. I’m sorry but I have very sensitive breasts.”

  “Don’t be. Rose, you need to tell me if it’s too much for you.”

  He continued to suckle, but not so forcefully, and she responded, writhing and moaning in pleasure. After driving her wild with his attention to her breasts he lifted her knees and opened her legs. Kissing his way from ankle to inner thigh on one leg, she grizzled when he went no further, choosing to bestow the same treatment on the other one and driving her arousal higher. She felt moisture pool in her cunt as his mobile mouth approached. This time he didn’t stop. His hands parted her pussy lips and his tongue speared her clit. Small stabbing motions alternating with long, strong licks had her begging.

  “More, harder, faster, Hari.”

  “Patience, my flower,” he said and his voice was like a caress. He continued to stimulate her clit as two strong fingers entered her pussy, found her G-spot, and massaged it as he fucked her with his fingers, twisting and scissoring on withdrawal. Rose was so near to coming. She panted and writhed to get his tongue and fingers just where she needed them. Then he bit down on her clit, at the same time thrusting three fingers into her pussy, and she screamed his name as the powerful waves of pleasure washed over her. Her pussy muscles in spasm grasped his fingers as he was about to withdraw, so he continued to stimulate her sweet spot until a second and equally powerful orgasm made her limbs shake and tremble. Only then did he withdraw his fingers and reach for her to hold her close as her frame was racked by after-shocks.

  “Rose, Rose, Rose,” he murmured as he kissed her softly. She looked up at him and then pulled his face close for a sweet kiss. She felt his hot throbbing length and reached over to the bedside table for a condom. He tore the foil, rolled it over his cock, and entered her in one long, strong thrust. He began slowly, but soon his fucking became more urgent. She wrapped her legs round his waist, resting her feet on his buttocks, and let him ride her hard and fast and deep until he stilled, and then his hips bucked and she felt the hot release inside her. He fell on top of her and she held him close, loving the weight of him. Eventually he stirred, and as his softened cock slipped out of her, he went to dispose of the condom. He came back with the bowl of cherries. Sitting cross-legged on the bed he put a cherry between his teeth and bent to kiss her, transferring the cherry into her mouth. She ate it and discarded the stone then took one and offered it to him in the same way.


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