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Reluctant Surrender

Page 16

by Riley Murphy

  That didn’t sound too hard. She let go of her grip on the chair and was just settling back when he added, “No matter what.”

  If he was trying to freak her out it was working. “Are you purposely trying to scare me?”

  “No. Just the opposite. I want you informed, capable and ready to explore. Are there any things you’ve tried before and you don’t like? Anything that’s been done to you that instantly turned you off?”

  She didn’t realize she was drumming her index finger on the chair arm until she noticed him staring at it. Meh, he could have been staring at her leg that was crossed over her other one, because that was bopping up and down too.


  She stilled and a spurt of nervous adrenaline made her confess. “I’m not going to spank you, even if you have a blindfold on. And I don’t like pretending to be a parent. I’m not anyone’s mother, okay?”

  “I’m relieved to hear that.”

  “What? That I don’t have any children?”

  “No, that you don’t want to spank or blindfold me. That would be a deal breaker.” He gave her a pointed look. “You do realize that.”

  Searching his face, she let out a breath. “So you never want a woman to do those things to you?” He shook his head. “Never?” He continued shaking his head. “Ever? Wow.”

  “That surprises you?”

  “Yeah, because John said all guys liked these kinds of things so I just assumed.”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  Hardly, it was more like impressed. Just the thought that there were guys out there who didn’t ever want a woman to baby them was encouraging.

  “No I’m relieved.”

  “I’m glad.” He stood and offered her his hand. “Let’s begin.” Walking her to the door, he explained, “You’re going to go out into the hall and stand there. I want you to slowly count to a hundred. When you reach a hundred take three deep breaths and then knock on the door. I’ll say ‘you may come in’ and once back inside here I want you to listen to what I’m saying and I want you to put yourself in a place—a believable place—where you can react to the situation I create. You need to relax and let your imagination take over. Okay?”

  “I’ve done this before.”

  “What did I say about rolling your eyes?”

  Realizing her attempt to be cute was a bust, she swallowed. “Sorry.”

  “I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior here. It ruins it for me.”

  Hearing that, she wanted to crawl under a rock. Her stomach somersaulted and she nodded. She’d try. For him. So when he left her standing in the hallway counting out a hundred, she concentrated on keeping her nerves in check. She’d almost lost her count twice because all she could think about was how boring and stupid those playacting scenes were with John. Would this scenario Ethan called a scene wreck how she felt around him? She really liked the sexual hum she’d been experiencing since meeting him and she didn’t want to lose it. Not yet.

  A hundred.

  Three deep breaths later she knocked.

  “Come in.”

  She fully expected him to be sitting behind his desk, ready to be the bossy-boss to her meek little secretary. She should have known better.

  “Sit down, Ms. Reneaux.”

  He hadn’t turned around. He stood with his back to her, staring up at the twin Irish setters in the painting over the fireplace. Boy he had a nice butt. She wasn’t going to examine those broad shoulders. They always made her sigh.

  Figuring this was her move, she seated herself and asked, “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes I did.” He spun around to face her. “I know what you’ve done.” He started to come toward her and then veered off. Twisting to look over her shoulder, she saw him go to the door and lock it.

  “I haven’t done anything.”

  “Security tapes don’t lie, Ms. Reneaux. I saw you take that portable scanner. I know how hard times are getting, but that was company property.” He stood close, just behind her and made a tsk, tsk sound.

  “I didn’t steal it.” She scooted forward in her seat to get some distance between them. “I borrowed it. Just for the night. I brought it back the next day, you can check.”

  Suddenly this game was looking up. If she paid attention, maybe she could outsmart him. “A lot of things have gone missing in my company lately.” He put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Computers, scanners, security tapes…possibly even the one that proves you returned the item. Not that the return cleans the slate by any means.”

  Darn, he was good. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have taken the machine home if I had enough time to finish scanning all those copies for you during regular work hours. If you’d given me the extension like I asked for I wouldn’t have—”

  “And why do you think I didn’t give you enough time to do your work, Ms. Reneaux?” He let go of her shoulder and came around, leaning his hip against the desk. “No ideas? Can’t you guess?” He stared right at her. Heating her up until she shivered.


  “Undo your blouse.”

  “What? I will not.” Automatically her hand went to her collar and she shot back in the chair.

  “Undo it.” His voice was steady. His eyes penetrating.

  The game had taken a turn and she had a choice to make. Either she relaxed and went with it or—

  “Ms. Reneaux?”

  She never took her eyes off him. Undoing the buttons, she shook her hair behind her shoulders and let the blouse slide off to pool around her bottom. “Happy?”

  “I will be.” He crossed his arms over his chest and ordered, “Now the bra.”

  She made as if she were going to comply and then stopped. “You know that I returned that scanner.”

  He didn’t blink. “Yes, but no one else does. So, if you want to keep your job with the company you’ll take off that bra. Now. Without complaining.”

  She blushed, averted her gaze and reached for the clasp at her back.

  “Look at me, Ms. Reneaux.”


  “Shhh, keep your eyes on me. That’s right. Take off the bra and starting tomorrow I want you to wear only ones that do up at the front. I prefer cream color over white. It will go better with your skin tone.” His eyes roamed over her, appraising her. “I think a lace push-up would suit you. Eyes on me and take it off.”

  The clasp undid with a snap and her arms locked against her rib cage, catching the sides of it before it fell forward.

  “Come on. Don’t get shy on me now,” he whispered. Coming away from the desk he towered over her. “Do you like what you see, Ms. Reneaux?”

  Ugh. Caught eyeing the growing bulge in his pants, what could she say? She was just ready to tell him her gaze had been locked on the floor when he smiled. A real sinful smile that melted her fears and stroked her from the inside out, causing her to boldly change her planned answer. “Yes.”

  “Give me the bra.”

  She hunched her shoulders and let it slip down her arms. Carefully she folded it before she handed it over.

  “Now the shirt.”

  The second she gave it to him she was utterly conscious of her partial nudity. Totally aware that her breasts were tight and heavy. That her nipples had hardened to stony peaks while the sexual hum played a fine tune, zinging in her belly and lower, making the muscles between her legs clench and squeeze in anticipation.

  He went around the desk and sat. “Gather your hair in a ponytail with both hands and twist it up.”

  She was halfway through doing as he asked and realized how vulnerable and open this position made her. There was no way to accomplish the task and maintain any modesty.

  “You have beautiful breasts, Ms. Reneaux. Round and full. No, keep your arms up. I want to look at your tits.”

  She was sure she was blushing right down to her navel.

  “Even your nipples are gorgeous. Small and tight.” His chair creaked and she shivered. “They’re a delectable peac
h color. I’m going to enjoy them.”

  She closed her eyes and when she opened them, he was right in front of her. “You can put your arms down now.” He helped her and took his time tucking her springy curls behind her ears. “So soft,” he murmured, dragging the backs of his knuckles across one breast, down into the valley and up over the other one. “So pretty.”

  He paid close attention to one breast. Rubbing, plucking and pulling at her nipple until her insides turned to jelly and she wished he’d kiss her or touch her more. “I think you like this, Ms. Reneaux.” He gently tugged once, twice, on her nipple and her toes curled inside her shoes. “Too bad I don’t have more time today to see just how much you like it. Here.” He handed her the blouse. “You can put this back on, but I’m keeping the bra.”

  She wasn’t going to question him. She was hot, flustered and ashamed of herself because somewhere along the line she crossed it and this wasn’t a game to her anymore. Nope, she truly wished in her heart of hearts, that she was the Ms. Reneaux who stole the scanner with a hunky boss ready to blackmail her for sex because of it.

  “I better go.” Her voice sounded husky. Low. Unsure. “Please.”

  He leaned down. His mouth was at her ear as he said, “I want you to buy a new bra. One that does up at the front. Just as I told you. Cream. Lace. Push-up. I also want you to buy a new lipstick. A red one. Bright red, Ms. Reneaux.” He rubbed his cheek against the side of her head and she almost fainted. Her heart skittered and raced. “I want you to wear that lipstick every day. For me. As a reminder that your lips no longer belong to you. I own that mouth now. And soon, very soon, I’ll show you how I intend to put it to good use. Frequent use. I can’t wait.” He expelled a sigh that rocketed though her so fast she was glad she was seated.

  “Go on, little girl. Go back to work.”

  The moment he moved, giving her room, she shot up. She was nearly to the door when he called, “It might be prudent to buy the cream lace panties that go with the bra. You don’t want to disappoint me tomorrow, do you?”

  She didn’t turn around, only shook her head, fumbled to get the door unlocked and whipped it open. When it was closed she fell back against it and took a steadying breath. Her heart was pumping and her nerves jumping. She put a hand to her chest and nearly landed on the floor when he swung the door open.

  “Careful.” He caught her in a back-to-front hug. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” Needing some space, she shrugged out of his grip. His chest was warm and hard against her back. A fully naked under her shirt back. No wonder he’d insisted she take off her blazer before they’d made the trek to the mansion. “I’m fine. Really.”

  “Great. Now turn around and talk to me.”

  She would have, but her blouse was see-through and in the brightly lit hall, well, the delicate garment left nothing to the imagination. Half-turning, she trailed her fingers over a beautiful picture hanging on the wall. It was a black-and-white photo of a woman naked on her knees. “This is intriguing.”


  Slowly, she faced him. She didn’t look him in the eye. More like the chin. “You can see right through my shirt.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  Now she looked at him. Making a face that said hello? she pointed to her chest.

  Completely ignoring the gesture he said, “I want to know how you felt during our exchange. Focus and tell me.”

  She moved to cross her arms over her chest and stopped midway when he arched his brow at her as a reminder. Right. “It was, ah, good.”

  “Good as in it turned you on or good as in believable?”

  She didn’t know what to do with her hands. She started to tuck her blouse in better until she realized that the action only drew the sheer fabric tighter over her breasts, making them standout all the more. “You were very convincing.”

  “Really?” He grabbed hold of her and pulled. “I’m not interested in me. I’m interested in you. How did that little sampling make you feel?”

  She was trying to decide how best to answer. If she told him the truth she’d sound like a desperate hosebag. Maybe she could generalize here. He walked her backward to the wall. Pinning her there. Leaning against her as his bent knee worked to spread her legs. “Are you going to tell me, Colin? Or do I have to slide my hand under your skirt and dig into your panties to find the answer?” He brought his forehead down to hers and whispered, “Tell me. Are you wet?”

  “Yes.” She stared down the line of his nose. “It turned me on.”

  “Great. Are you ready for more?” When she nodded he stepped back and took hold of her hand. “I think you’ll like this next one too. This time you only need to count to fifty. Still take the three deep breaths before you come in. No need to knock though, okay?”

  Before she could respond, he disappeared through the door he’d brought her to. With nothing left to do, she took a deep breath and began to count. When she was finished, she did her three deep breaths and entered.

  “Well, Miss Reneaux. It’s kind of you to finally show up. When I hand out detentions for being tardy to class I don’t expect you be tardy for the detention. For this you’ve earned yourself another one.”

  A thrill went through her, fast as lightning when she saw him. He was seated with book in hand and a pair of polished-metal readers on. They…crap. They made him look sexier somehow. Powerful. Awesome.

  Tearing her eyes away, she checked out the numerous—probably a dozen—chairs with a desk arm connected, that were neatly placed in this mock-up classroom. “Sorry.”

  “Are you? Take your seat.”

  She went to slip into a chair that was situated second to last row when he stood and dropped the book he’d been perusing with a thump on his desk. “Not there. Sit in your usual spot. Right here.”

  Of course he was indicating to a chair in the front row. Directly opposite him. “All right.”

  “Where are your books?”

  Books? She looked around, but didn’t see any nearby.

  “Never mind. You can borrow mine.” He swept up the one off his desk and flipped through it. Stopping on a page he nodded. “Here we are. Start reading at page seventy-one.” He came around the desk and handed it to her. “Loud. I want to hear you.”

  She righted the book, brushed a hand down the warm page and cleared her throat. Without looking up she began to read.

  I stood on the uneven cobblestones. The disjointed rocks cutting into my feet as surely as the wind battered my hair. I was naked and alone in this courtyard, despite the crowd of women cowering and kneeling behind me, because I wasn’t going to yield. I couldn’t.

  I am their queen. This is my kingdom and even stripped as I was of everything but purpose, it was that purpose which gave me strength. I would bow to no man. I would endure the lust-filled threats and ravenous stares from the hordes of triumphant warriors who razed my home with a calm dignity that would shame them. One look, a scant tilt of chin and I let them know my place was above them. I was better than their most revered Master until he rode through the gates and I saw him…

  Before Colin knew it, she was caught up in the story of Catherine and Roen. A fiercely independent queen whose home is vanquished by Roen’s army, but it’s not her home he’s after, it’s her heart that’s his ultimate prize.

  Catherine is his obsession. He takes her, breaks her and turns her into what he wants. For weeks the powerful warrior calmly endures the drama she throws at him. He absorbs her pain and lets her anger bounce off him until he understands her. Then with that ultimate power in his grasp he methodically teaches her to bend to his will.

  His desire comes at me, like the force of the wind that first day in the courtyard and I welcome it. I cherish it. I am stronger now than I was before. He is the light that guides my way. My only purpose. My lord, my Master and I am the kingdom he’s conquered and blessedly rules.

  “Very good, Miss Reneaux.” Ethan took the book from her. “Explain to me what you got f
rom this story.”

  Slowly clasping her hands on top of the desk, she looked at him. “I think the author was pointing out that intellect is a prison for some women.”

  “Exactly. And what happens when she’s freed from that cell? When she no longer, thinks, worries, stresses, doubts or ponders her every action and reaction?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “She’s happy?”

  “Yes,” he said slowly. “Why?”

  Boy, this was as grueling as her grade twelve math classes with Mr. Sneadicker. That teacher had always called on her for answers too. “No guilt?”

  “Partly.” Turning, he walked to the bookcase and returned the book to a shelf. “I think it has more to do with a woman being authentic. True to herself because somewhere along the line, society robbed her of that experience. Made her fearful that if she didn’t conform, didn’t behave, didn’t do what was expected of her and every other female peer around her, she’d be less desirable. Less valued.” He came and stood in front of her. “Do you want to behave, Miss Reneaux?”

  What could she say, put on the spot like this? No? “Mostly.” There, that was a noncommittal answer if ever there was one.

  “Commonplace is boring. That’s why I want to inspire you.” He hooked a finger under her chin and stared down, into her eyes. “I want you to be naughty, Miss Reneaux. Right here. Right now, because I told you to. It’s part of your detention.”

  Her whole body tingled.

  He let go of her chin and said, “Pull up your skirt.”

  She took a steadying breath. Thinking.

  “Come on, Miss Reneaux. Pull it up. I’m waiting.”

  Stop thinking and do it. Grabbing hold of the hem on either side of her thighs, she shimmied and worked the fabric up a good two inches.

  “A little more.”

  She bit her bottom lip and eased it up another inch.

  He leaned sideways so he had a better view. “You can do better than that. More.”

  If she went too much farther he’d be able to see her panties. “Mr. White, are you sure you want me to do this? Someone may come in.”


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