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Reluctant Surrender

Page 24

by Riley Murphy

  “Ms. Reneaux, bring your hands down to your breasts.” After she did, he said, “That’s right. Can you feel how responsive they are?”

  She barely touched herself with her fingers hovering over her breasts. Until skin met skin and a brush of her palm sent her reeling. She shivered and jerked and panted.

  “How about this?” he asked huskily. He was focusing in on that sweet spot inside her as he leaned down and released the last clamp, which caused her world to explode. Just like her blood did as it rushed and pulsed and raced and ricocheted. “Breathe. Breathe and you’ll be lifted higher. Do it.”

  From out of the fog she heard him. She listened. She groaned and flexed and used her body to beg for his attention. Her grasping fists annihilated the paper that covered the table, while her hair skated across it again and again as she shifted, ached, burned and begged. “Oh God. More. Yes. Harder.”

  “That’s right. Good. That’s it. Like this,” he encouraged, moving faster and faster. “Take it. Do it. Fall apart. Fall apart now.”

  Again she did as she was told. Her legs collapsed and her muscles eased all the way open until her body crumbled around his hand. Intense and sustained contractions mercilessly taunted her with the promise of release. Holding her suspended until small strokes began soothing the tension. Soon one mini orgasm followed another, to peak and then ebb, peak and ebb. The slow and thorough process was building inside her. Pushing and punishing until it was too much. She hissed in a breath. “Oh Lord, I-I can’t. It’s— I—”

  “Ride it. Come on. Hips up. Up.”

  She tilted. The extreme tension that pulled from her feet to her shoulders was nothing she’d ever felt before. The residual effects of the lust-filled pain from earlier. The pressure of the clamps had a good hold of her, but there was something else pulsing to life within her. Something dark and seductive. Something that made her commit to the experience. To embrace the pain and revel in what he was doing to her.

  With one rasped-out breath, she gave herself over to him completely.

  Suddenly pinpoints of light shot in flickers behind her eyes as an escalation of adrenaline climbed. Higher and higher. Lifting her just as he’d said it would until she didn’t think she could take any more and then? Everything burst. The lights, the adrenaline and the climb as she spun outside herself. Spiraling as wave after wave of contractions pumped her desire out, warm and wet between her legs.

  “Don’t leave me. Don’t—”

  “I’ve got you. I’ll always have you when you fall for me like this. I won’t let go, but you will. Don’t be afraid. Let go.”

  When she heard his quiet command for her to let go, she did. She held nothing back as she cried out and gave him everything. All of her in that moment and when he groaned because of it, she went over another edge, a higher one, until every part of her trembled and quaked in sublime surrender.


  She thought she may have passed out for a moment or two. She couldn’t be certain. The only sure thing right now was the peaceful calm that settled over her. An inner stillness that hugged her from inside out and made her feel cherished and protected in such a way that it was profound and humbling.

  “Here,” he whispered, gently pulling the gown up to cover her. He tucked the ends over each of her shoulders and added, “That was very good, Colin. Very, very good.”

  She knew he was looking down at her. Waiting for her to no doubt gush over what he’d just done for her, so without opening her eyes she whispered back, “That’s Ms. Reneaux.”

  A second later she heard the smile in his voice as he corrected himself. “That was very good, Ms. Reneaux.”

  Her toes curled and with eyes still closed, she grinned back.

  “You’re free to get changed and go.”

  “Okay, but I might still be dizzy.”

  “It was that intense, was it?”

  She opened one eye and looked at him. “I was talking about the stuff you gave me to relax. It made me a little woozy I think.”

  His smile was ear to ear. “Woozy? Why, are you allergic to Hi-C tropical fruit punch too?”

  “No!” Her eyes snapped open and she frowned at the ceiling tiles until his face appeared above hers.

  “Yes!” he countered.

  She couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing, feeling like the biggest, luckiest idiot ever.

  After a moment Ethan’s voice interrupted her. “Ms. Reneaux?”


  “When you get home, your husband is going to want to inspect my handiwork. He will want you to take off all your clothes. Everything, so he can look at you.”

  Did that mean…? She wasn’t laughing now. She barely let the door close before she shot up, gasping, when the sting of her nipples and lower from the where the clamps had pinched radiated with sensation. Ignoring the phenomenon, she dove into her clothes. She was almost to the door before she realized her shirt was on inside out.

  “Dammit. Control yourself, Colin. You don’t want to appear too eager,” she muttered and then groaned when she saw how badly her hands shook, absently wishing he hadn’t spilled the beans about the Hi-C. It was so much easier being a mess when you could blame it on something.

  She skidded to a halt the second she saw him. He was standing by the front doors without the doctor coat, but she didn’t care. He was still tall, dark and awesome. Dreamy. “Hi.” She waved and felt like a lame ass.

  He didn’t say anything. He just grinned and opened his arms wide. And she didn’t hesitate, nor did she care what she looked like when she ran into them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Colin went through the front door of the boathouse and took off her shoes. It wasn’t until she stood and turned that she noticed Ethan had a bag in his hand.

  “I want you to take this to your room and choose which outfit you want to wear.”

  She spied the familiar logo and smiled. Heck, even if she didn’t see the name she would have known the colors anywhere, Victoria’s Secret. No doubt he’d decided to replace the bra and panties he’d cut off her yesterday. Her insides were all light and jittery, accepting the bag because he’d gone to the trouble.

  “Whoa.” She nearly dropped it. “Sorry, it’s heavier than I thought it was.”

  “I want you to take this into your room and pick out the color you’d like to wear. Then, in nothing more than bra and panties, I want you to join me in the office, okay?”

  She nodded because her mouth went dry and she wasn’t sure she could speak. She’d only taken a step when his words stopped her exit.

  “Oh, and Colin? Leave your hair down, it looks sexy this way.” He plucked up a wavy chunk and rubbed it between forefinger and thumb. “So silky.”

  Colin didn’t nod this time. She was too busy lost in the smoldering depths of his eyes. When he let go of her hair, she whispered, “’K.”

  A scant second later she hugged the bag to her chest and spun around, her knees barely managing to hold up until she got into her room. Then they gave out as she collapsed on the bed. She took a moment to fan herself with one hand, while her other kept a stranglehold on the bag.

  “Colin, you got this. It’s not like you’ll be naked. It will be like wearing a bikini.” She opened the bag and peered in. Clearly he’d picked one style and bought every color there was. When had he had the time?

  She pulled out the cream-colored lace bra and examined. Realizing the clasp was at the front she started to get hot because instantly she remembered the office scene. The one where he told her he wanted her to buy a bra like this with matching panties. Visions of putting on that set started all kinds of inner nerves jingling. She’d be a horny mess before she made it to the family room. Best to pick a different one.

  * * * * *

  Ethan handed Ted the paperwork. “Will you do it before I have a problem on my hands?”

  “Yeah. I’ll find her. I’m just a little surprised she hasn’t shown up.”

  “Me too. Confronta
tion is her forte.”

  “What do you figure—”

  Ethan raised his hand. “We’ll talk about that after.” He stood and came around the desk. All his attention focused on Colin, who’d just arrived at the doorway and stood there blushing to the roots of her hair. She’d chosen the royal-blue pushup bra and matching panties and seeing her in it jacked his adrenaline and stroked the Dom inside to come out.

  “Come on.” He held out his hand and waited. “I only have a few more things to discuss with Ted and then I’m all yours. Until then, though, I want you to kneel in first position beside me.”

  He didn’t move, waiting for her to get over her shock. As previously discussed, Ted wasn’t going to acknowledge her so he hadn’t turned around. Colin was drilling holes in the back of the guy’s head. He knew this first time was going to be the hardest for her, so he’d opted to let her wear the lingerie.

  “It’s okay. Come on now, be a good girl. The sooner I get you settled the sooner Ted and I can wrap up business.”

  She came forward and took his hand. The poor thing, her palm was sweating. “You’re doing great.” He pulled her with him around the desk and then let go of her hand as he seated himself. He fully expected her to kneel, but she didn’t. Instead she made like she was going to scoot around the back of his chair and kneel on his right side. “No, Colin. On my left.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground on his left side. “Always on my left.”

  He helped her down, waiting until she was in the proper position. Kneeling, with her bottom resting on her calves, shoulders back and hands clasped behind her. “Eyes down.” He bent and added in a whisper when she did as he told her, “Beautiful.”

  Sure that she was as comfortable as she could be given the situation he turned his attention back to Ted. They discussed a few mundane things, like remodel plans for one of the clubs and ordering invites for the upcoming reopening.

  “How many did you say would be attending?”

  “Just under a hundred. The guy from the Silver Lake Sentinel wants a pass. He’s hoping to catch one or two of the locals getting down and dirty, I’m thinking.”

  Ethan reached out and put his hand in Colin’s hair. When he made a fist and hung on to her she swayed slightly. He should have called her on it, but he wasn’t going to push her too hard. He could tell she was still reeling from being put on display like this.

  “Invite him and any other locals who show an interest. We’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “Got it.” Ted made a note of this and then looked up. Only his eyes strayed to Colin first. For just the briefest second he looked at her and Ethan didn’t like it.

  “Anything else we need to discuss?”

  “David’s new pet.”

  “The shih tzu?”

  “Yes. He thought he was getting the better end of that deal. A purebred all up-to-date with his shots needing a good home, but I say he got screwed. The animal is one rotten little beast and he insists on bringing it everywhere he goes.”

  “I take it he’s thinking on bringing it up here when he comes?”

  “He said as much so I want you to talk to him. I’m not sharing the cabin with him and that frothing-at-the-mouth bedroom slipper.”

  “I’ll give him a call.”

  Ethan still had his hand in Colin’s hair. He tightened his grip and leaned over to stoke his hand across her breasts, trailing his knuckles over the lace-front bra cups. Back and forth and back and forth until she shivered and audibly sighed.

  He wasn’t sure why he was pushing the envelope at the moment. He’d been pissed when Ted had looked at her. Jealous almost, so why was he undoing the clasp of her bra now with the intent of exposing more of her skin? Why was he sliding the lace aside, moving the straps over her shoulders so the bra slid off?

  You’re staking claim. You want to prove to him and yourself that she’s yours.

  “I don’t mind sharing the place with him providing he leaves the Tasmanian devil in the city.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Ethan murmured, not taking his eyes off Colin as he moved closer.

  Gently he tugged on her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple. “You have gorgeous tits, Colin.” He spoke low and husky, but not so low Ted wouldn’t hear. He was sure his friend heard, just as he was sure he was looking at them. “I want you to go to my room and get one of my dress shirts. One of the white ones. I want you to put it on and when it’s done up I want you to get your laptop.” He cupped one of her breasts fully and rubbed his thumb over the spiked peak. “You can work in here this afternoon. I’m going to see Ted out and maybe after you finish your blog post we can have a game of checkers.”

  When he pulled at her nipple and watched as it eased back into place his mouth went dry and his cock turned to granite. Best to get her out of his reach before he bent her over the desk and really gave Ted an eyeful.

  “Up you get.” He helped her stand and then walked her to the door. Before he let her escape though, he pulled her in for a hug. “You did well, Colin. I’m proud of you.” The second he released her she took off. Practically running up the hall to his room.

  “Jesus, fuck, E, if I’d known The Iron Lady would melt into that I would have gotten out my own blow torch and—”

  “She wouldn’t have you.”

  “Where did the hair come from?”

  Ethan was just about to sit when his phone buzzed. He checked the number and held it up, saying before he answered, “Jade.”

  After a brief discussion he clicked off.


  Ethan sat in his chair. “She’ll be here in ten minutes.”

  “Here, here? Or in the Silver Lake area here?”

  “Here in the driveway,” Ethan said and then inwardly groaned when Colin came through the door. She had on one of his white dress shirts and she looked fuckable as hell. She was still blushing as she went directly to her desk and slid into her seat.

  “No need for you to track her down now.”

  Ted nodded. “I still don’t get why she thinks you’ll—”

  “It’s complicated.” He gave a curt nod in Colin’s direction and then stood. “We can discuss it outside while I wait for her.”

  “Colin?” She twisted in the chair and he couldn’t help smiling. His shirt sleeves on her were flopping all over the place.


  “I have to go out for bit, but I should be back before dinner.”

  “Are we having company?” She pointedly looked in Ted’s direction.

  Coming around the desk he said, “Ted, the lady would like to know if you want to stay for dinner, so now would be a good time to tell her you have plans.”

  Ted scowled. “I do? I mean…” He stood and then turned. “Thank you, but I already have plans.”

  Colin frowned. “You’re sure about that? Maybe you should ask Ethan what your plans are. He’s good at making other people’s plans for them.”

  Both he and Ted stood there for a stunned few seconds as she turned her back on them. Ethan was the first one to recover. He chuckled and clapped Ted on the back. “You see what I have to put up with? She’s bratty when she hasn’t had her porn fix for the day.”

  Colin gasped and spun around. She opened her mouth and then closed it, opting to glare at him instead.

  “No belligerent comeback? I’m surprised. Maybe you are learning.”

  His phone vibrated and he checked the text. Jade was in the driveway. The last thing he wanted was her looking to come inside. He didn’t think Colin was ready for her long claws.

  “Jade’s outside,” he said to Ted. “Go tell her I’ll be right there.”

  “Sure thing. See ya, Colin.”

  “Bye,” Colin called and then hissed in a breath when Ethan yanked her out of the chair for a hug.

  “God, I always thought that shirt was soft, but against your skin it feels like burlap.” He rubbed his jaw across the top of her head. “You’re doing so well with all this. You held your
position beautifully. How did you feel kneeling at my side?”


  “Never that, baby girl. Never that.”

  “Who’s outside?”

  “An old friend.” He sighed and let go of her. “You stay here and do your blog post and I’ll be back soon, okay?”


  He didn’t like her breezy tone, nor did he like the way she shrugged. “Colin, behave.”

  “Me behave? Why? I’m not the one going to meet my ex behind your back.”

  He waited until she plopped back down in her chair before he said, “I’m going to put this immature display down to jealousy and let it slide this time, but in the future we’re going to work on this.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  He wasn’t going to continue on this path because neither one of them would win. “I won’t be long.”

  She turned her back on him and waved a hand over her head as if she were waving a flag. “Take your time. Enjoy yourself. I’ll be right here wearing just my panties with nothing but your shirt…”

  That was the last of her mini-tirade he heard before he opened the front door and left, ready to meet with Jade and find out for himself what she was up to.

  She was leaning against her SUV, talking with Ted when he joined them and the moment she confidently looked him in the eyes and said, “Hello Ethan,” he knew there was going to be trouble.

  “I’ll catch up with you later,” Ethan told Ted before focusing on his ex.

  “Let’s go up to The Carlyn so we can talk.”

  Jade didn’t budge. “What’s wrong with the boathouse? She’s in there isn’t she? That Reneaux woman.”

  Ethan took her by the arm. “Yes, Colin is staying with me.”

  “Is this why you decided against participating in the open theater event?”


  Jade laughed, but it sounded hollow. Desperate. “Proper Ethan White. Sticks to his honor even at the expense of those who love him.”


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