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Unjustly Destroyed (Incapable Part Two)

Page 15

by Marie Skye

  We worked silently for a while before he looked up. “Aaron.”

  I was concentrating on my triple stitch. “Hmm?”

  “Aaron. Sometimes you refer to your stepfather by his name, and sometimes, you say stepfather, or you say father. It’s always three different terms.”

  I paused. “I didn’t realize I did that.” I sat back, thinking. “It’s weird, isn’t it?”

  He shrugged as he focused on his task. “I suppose it’s whatever you feel most comfortable with. He was the only father figure you remember in life. Your birth father died shortly after you were born, so in your mind, he doesn’t exist. Your mother raised you, then later remarried, and all of a sudden you now have a father figure in your life.”

  Before I could figure out a response, he kept talking. “Tell me about your mother. Would she have liked crocheting?”

  I looked down at the sock I was crocheting, and sat it down. “I don’t know, I don’t remember much about her anymore,” I whispered. I stared at the baby sock. “I don’t want him to be my father, or my stepfather. I don’t want him to be anything to me. My mom married him after knowing him for six weeks. She said he would be a great father to me, because I needed that. I needed that structure in my life. Sure it started out good, but then she got sick, and he got mean. That’s when everything started.” My voice trailed off.

  I felt my eyes starting to water as I swallowed the lump in my throat, and I shut my eyes. “I wish she’d never met him. I do. I wish it’d remained just the two of us, and while I know she probably would’ve developed the cancer eventually, none of this would’ve happened. Tyler would still be here, because he wouldn’t have felt sorry for me, and saved me. He would still be here,” I choked out.

  “Death is never easy. We never get over it, no matter what we tell ourselves. Especially those that are taken from us too soon. Their stories are never finished, so you’re left with a bunch of blank pages, wondering what to do with them. You’re unable to fill them because the only words you have, are now just your own. So even though Tyler was taken from you too soon, Emmalin, and his book has ended, it doesn’t mean you can’t fill the rest of the pages with his legacy.” He leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

  “These socks turned out great, Emmalin. Thank you.” I watched as he started packing his things up. Before he left, he kissed the top of my nose. “I hope to see you soon, preferably, because you want to.” He winked at me before leaving.

  I was left alone the rest of the day. Grayson returned to work the next morning. I wandered around the house, bored. I was picking over some of my old things I had in a box when I came across a picture. It was Grayson and Tyler from the event in Florida. They both stood tall with arms crossed and smiles across their faces. I don’t even think they knew I took it. The sun was hitting them just right in the moment, their skin was practically glowing. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath as I stood up, then I got dressed quickly.

  I called down to Heather and asked if she would take me to Mandrake Towers.

  Twenty minutes later, she was escorting me inside, and I impatiently rode the 33 floors up.

  Glenda looked up, startled to see me for the first time in weeks. She quickly stood, coming over to me. “Emmalin. We weren’t expecting you.” She engulfed me in a hug.

  “Is he here?”

  She nodded. “He’s in a board meeting in conference room A. Shall I tell him you’re here?”

  I shook my head. “I know where it is.”

  I turned and rounded the corner, and briefly hesitated before I barged in his most likely important meeting. I grabbed both door handles and opened the door. It took about two seconds for Grayson’s eyes to look up to see what the disturbance was. What he wasn’t expecting was to find me being the reason. The room was filled, and I suddenly realized I didn’t think this through at all, and I ever so slowly started to back out of the room.

  He must’ve sensed what I was doing because he abruptly stood up, and my eyes flashed to his.

  “Emmalin, stop.” I froze as all eyes turned to me. I was now suddenly embarrassed.

  “Everyone out. Now.”

  Someone cleared their throat. “Mr. Mandrake. We still haven’t come to an agreement on the proposal. If we don’t go forward, this could end up costing millions of dollars in revenue.”

  Grayson turned to the person talking. “Mr. Wells, the proposal…”

  “Mr. Mandrake, we’ve gone round and round on this. We have to make a move; they’re not willing to lower the offer for the patent.”

  Grayson stood to his full height and squared his shoulders. I started to wonder if I should leave the room, and began to back away again.

  Without turning to me, Grayson spoke again. “Emmalin, stay! Mr. Wells, what I can’t decide is whether your decision to interrupt me just now, or the fact that you’re conceding that I’m not aware of what’s at stake for the proposal, or the well-being of this company, is more insulting.” I watched as Mr. Wells shrunk back in his chair.

  “Now. I said everyone out.” He spoke in that low, threatening voice that had everyone shuffling out quickly, and had my panties soaking.

  After everyone left, I heard the distinct click of a lock, and I looked back toward the door. My breathing quickened.


  I turned back to face him. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your meeting.” He stood there, not saying anything. Shit, I was getting nervous. “I can bring them back, and we can talk afterwards.”

  He took a step forward. “We can talk now. The room is cleared.” I watched as he unbuttoned his suit jacket, and took it off, laying it on the back of a nearby chair. Next he rolled up his sleeves.

  “Emmalin.” His voice was low and throaty.

  I nervously swallowed. “Remember when I said I was fine?” He nodded. “I’m not. And right now I need you. All of you. Really bad. Can you do that?”

  He walked slowly toward me, never taking his eyes off me, until he was standing in my space, and I had to tilt my head up to look at him. “You never have to ask.”

  I gasped as he lifted me up easily onto the table. “I’ve been waiting for you, love,” he whispered in my ear. He slowly eased my dress over my head and laid me against the table. “Who owns your pleasure?”

  “You do,” I murmured, as his mouth latched onto my nipple, and I arched up. I felt my panties get ripped off, and I was aware I was now completely naked, laid out on the boardroom table. The thought of caring about that completely faded the moment his hot breath hit my clit and I cried out at the first swipe of his tongue. He held me down, to keep me from moving.

  “Fuck, I could eat you all day.”

  My hands gripped his hair as he sucked harder. Three fingers filled me, and I tried hard not to cry out as a wave of pleasure threatened to overtake me. He lightly bit down, and I quickly covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming out, as my core clenched, and my body convulsed. He didn’t stop, and the pleasure continued to drag. My body was sated and limp as I struggled to catch my breath.

  He dragged me to the edge of the table, sitting me up, and filled me easily in one thrust. He held my face firmly in his hand, so I had to look at him. “I always want to hear your screams; do you hear me?” He pulled all the way out and then thrust in hard. “I don’t give a fuck who’s outside that door. When I’m fucking you, I want everyone to know about it. I want everyone to know this pussy belongs to me and only me. And why is that?”

  I moaned as the familiar wave started to build up, and his thrusts became more erratic. “Because I’m yours.”

  “Say it again.” He reached down and rubbed my clit, and I started to see stars, feeling myself let go.

  “Because I’m yours. All yours.”


  “Because I love you.”

  He bit into the column of my neck as he chased his own release. “I love it when you tell me that. I’ll never get tired of hearing it,” he whispered. He started to pu
ll back, but my grip around him tightened, and he chuckled.

  “I do, Grayson. I love you.” I felt the tears fall. I loved this man; I truly did.

  He pressed his forehead against mine and gave me a wry grin. “Just remember who said it first.”


  I just stepped back into my office after leaving Emmalin in my office apartment to shower and change.

  “Did you really dismiss your board meeting for sex? I mean, that’s what the rumors are.”

  I looked up into the speculating eyes of Chace, with his feet propped up on my desk. He had that lazy grin on his face. I straightened my shoulders then walked over and pushed his feet off, and he scowled.

  “So what if I did?” I shrugged.

  He held out his fist. “Props.”

  I rolled my eyes, but smiled as I gave him a fist bump. “Emmalin’s showering right now, so I don’t have long. I’ve been having Ruska keep tabs on Carson. He’s laying low. We’ve been trying to figure out who he’s working with. My initial thoughts were Dale, but Dale has been in London the past few weeks. He’s moved Lydia. But I can’t shake it. I’m not ruling him out. He got to Emmalin already before he left for London.”

  “Fuck man, if it’s not one thing it’s another, isn’t it? She’s been through enough. It needs to end.”

  “Don’t you think I know that? I feel like shit, having to watch her go through this. Like I’m being forced to use her as a pawn in a sick game of chess.”

  “Aren’t you?” I watched as Chace stood up. “I care about Emmalin. That’s no secret, Grayson. You know who’s behind the attacks. At least one of them. Handle it, because if something else happens to her when you had the chance to stop it, I’ll make sure you’ll never see or hear from her again.”

  I slowly rose to meet his gaze. “Are you threatening me?”

  The door opened, and Emmalin walked out. “Chace. Good to see you.” He finally turned to her and made a show of hugging her; one that lasted longer than it should have.

  “You too, beautiful. Good to see you out and about.”

  She smiled as she looked between the both of us, then her smile faded. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Just a friendly chat with Chace. He was just leaving, weren’t you, Chace?”

  “You two are the shittiest liars.” Emmalin shook her head as she put her jacket on. “Whatever it is, boys, figure it out. I’m down to just you two now, remember? So whatever your shit is, figure it out.” She leaned up to kiss Chace on the cheek before coming over to me. I grabbed her close and claimed her, deepening our kiss. She let out a soft sigh. “Thank you. I’ll see you later.” I watched her leave, already missing her.

  I turned to Chace. “What is she to you?”

  He smirked. “Someone for me to ruffle you up, and it worked.” He clapped his hands together. “Now. What’s our plan?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Wait here while I check the place out.”

  I nodded while Heather went inside. I was nervous and couldn’t believe I was doing this. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. After a few minutes, Heather came back. “All clear. Would you like me to go inside with you?”

  I shook my head no. This was definitely something I didn’t need her to report back to Grayson. “If you wouldn’t mind waiting here, I should only be about 15 minutes.” She nodded as she opened the door, letting me out. I walked into the bar, letting my gaze take in everything. It was your normal, typical bar. A little dark. It wasn’t open yet, of course. I turned at the sound of someone clearing their throat.


  I smiled. “Hey yourself.”

  He took a step forward. “So. Am I allowed to hug you, or is that forbidden?”

  I laughed as Caleb met me halfway before picking me up in a hug. He led me over to a table. “Can I get you anything?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m good. How do you like working here?”

  He shrugged. “It’s not bad, actually. My flirting skills have improved, which helps with the tips, which pays for my law school.”

  “Well, you always were good at flirting, Caleb; remember we almost went out.”

  He laughed as a waitress brought us water. “I’m sorry to hear about Tyler. Gwen told me.”

  I nodded, staring at the ice in my glass. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if you could help me with something. Help get something for me, I should say.”

  “Yeah, anything. You name it.”

  “Okay, but no questions, Caleb.”

  He smirked. “Really?”

  “I mean it, Caleb. You can’t ask me any questions.”

  He gave me a lopsided smile. “Fine, Ems. I won’t ask you any questions.” He leaned in close to me.

  I looked around the almost empty bar before my eyes met his again. I leaned in a little closer. “I need a gun.”

  He leaned back in his chair, laughing, then grew quiet when he noticed I wasn’t laughing with him. He looked around the bar before leaning in. “Are you fucking with me right now?”

  I slowly shook my head no.

  “Fuck, Ems, you’re serious?”

  “No questions, Caleb.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “What do you need a gun for, Emmalin?”

  “Lower your voice,” I hissed. “And I said, you couldn’t ask me any questions.”

  He held up his hand as he shut his eyes, and took a few seconds of composure. “Just verify this one thing. Is it Grayson?”

  My mouth dropped. “Jesus, Caleb, no. He would never.” I sighed. “No,” I answered more firmly.

  He nodded and clasped his hands. “You’re sure? Really fucking sure?”

  I didn’t know what I was more thrown off more about, the fact that maybe he was actually willing to help me, or that I’ve never heard him say the work fuck this many times.

  “I know a guy who knows a guy who could probably help you. He’s not cheap.”

  “I don’t care; that’s not a problem. The sooner the better.”

  He eyed me wearily, shaking his head. “Fine. Let me make some calls.”

  Twenty minutes later, I had a number, a code word, and the promise to meet him here, three hours after the bar opened, to ensure there was traffic. Caleb insisted on meeting him with me. He wouldn’t let me do it by myself, especially if I wasn’t letting anyone else in on what I was doing.

  “I’m worried about you, Emmalin.”

  I looked at Caleb from the corner of my eye. “You know, this is the second time you’ve called me Emmalin. Ever.” I turned to face him. “I know what I’m doing, Caleb. Trust me. I’m not harming anyone we know.”

  “Then why doesn’t Grayson know what you’re up to?” He moved in closer to me as more people gathered in the bar. Since I was over my fifteen-minute promise, Heather was also in the bar, keeping a watchful eye, and the last thing I needed was for her to report these antics to Grayson. So I tried making us look as casual as possible. We spent the last three hours playing pool and darts to pass the time.

  “I don’t want him involved,” I said through gritted teeth. “He’s been through enough already dealing with it. I’m going to end what’s going on for good. Now, I’ve let you get away with that one question, Caleb, but please. No more.” He sulkily nodded and looked at his watch. I glanced over at Heather, who was blending in with the crowd, but still keeping an eye out. Shit, I didn’t know how I was going to do this. I guess I didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.

  “I think that’s him.” We watched a tall guy enter the establishment and head to the bar. Caleb took a step forward, and I stopped him. “I can go.” He looked at me with hesitation.

  “Are you sure? Better in numbers and all that crap. Isn’t that what they say?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. If anything happens, you’re not far.” I gave him a weak smile, then I headed to the bar, and sidled up next to the guy.

  Before I could figure out exactly what to say to him, he spoke first. “You don’t look like you come here often.” His voice was low.

  I cleared my throat. “It’s my first time here. You?”

  “Once or twice.”

  I could feel him looking me up and down. He was actually quite handsome. He wore a black hat that concealed his eyes, and I could tell both arms were sleeved with tattoos, but he wore a long sleeve shirt to hide most of it. He had a scar under his left eye, and for some reason, I wanted to reach out and touch it.

  “What’s your name?”

  I shrunk back a little, thoughts interrupted. “Dottie.”

  He smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Ridge. Can I get you a drink?”

  I looked at the bar menu above me, where everything was outlined in chalk on a blackboard. “Um…sure. Margarita sounds nice.”

  He nodded, eyes still speculating me. “Margarita, huh? They have the best tequila here, I’m sure it’ll blend well. What flavor would you like, Dottie?”

  I held my head high. “Mango.”

  His eyes glittered, and he casually stood up, and leaned over to my ear. “Follow me.”

  I followed him to the men’s bathroom, which was small. The door clicked behind us, and he grabbed me, thrusting me up against the wall. My heart started pounding in my ears. “It’s better if they think we’re in here fucking, Dottie.” I nodded nervously. He smirked as he slowly released me and stepped back, eyeing me up and down.

  “So, because I had to be here immediately, there’s an extra $500 for that.” I watched as he reached in his back pocket taking out a case. He straightened up and stared at me, then arched an eyebrow when I didn’t move.

  “Oh right, of course!” I pulled out the envelope I had containing the cash and handed it over. He took it and made a quick count before putting it in his inner pocket.

  “Now, you’re small, so I think this would be the best one for you. Give this one a hold.” He held a gun out toward me, facedown. “I can teach you how to load it.”


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