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Girls on Campus

Page 2

by Sandy Lowe

  I heard a moan and realized it was Kari. Aw, Kari, come on. Don’t let her win. Just when I was certain Kari was about to come all over the redhead’s lap, Kari reached back, cupped the redhead’s pussy, and in one sweet move, slipped her fingers inside. I grinned when the redhead’s legs shot out, stiff and trembling, and her whole body arched off the chair. I heard a yell, knew it was all over. Kari did her nicely, fucking her slowly until she finished. You’d never know it was the first time Kari’d ever done it. As the redhead’s legs slowly relaxed, Kari looked over her shoulder in my direction. She smirked, and I could almost hear her say, “Not bad for a beginner, huh?”

  I gave her a thumbs-up. Smugly, she turned back and kissed the girl. Hell, she’d just topped like a veteran. Apparently, Kari and I were the top tops in the room, since the other couples were all still going at it. Moans, cries, babbling, and curses filled the air. I concentrated on getting my clit back to baseline. Whatever was coming next, I didn’t want to start out at half-mast. First Min and then Kari had me wanting to come as bad as I could ever remember.

  After another few minutes, Rainer’s voice penetrated the haze of sexual murmurings.

  “This round has ended. Those of you who have come will no longer be joining us for the rest of the evening. You will be escorted back to your rooms. We thank you for pledging and for joining the evening’s entertainment.”

  One of the younger sisters came to stand by us. Min sighed and gave me a sweet kiss. “Good luck. You were fantastic.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “And sorry, I guess.”

  She smiled as she rose and gathered her clothing. “Hey, no problem. There’s no such thing as a bad orgasm, right?”

  I sat up and pushed my clothes into a pile while she finished dressing. Across from me, Kari did the same. You all right? I mouthed.

  She grinned. Super.

  I’d seen her naked before, but somehow, the muted light of the boathouse and knowing she must be as aroused as me made her more beautiful than ever. Her dark nipples, tight and small, stood erect on her perfectly oval breasts. Her lean belly sloped down to muscular thighs and delicate calves. My clit twitched, and I gritted my teeth. Really, really bad timing to be this horny.

  As if she was reading my mind, she shook her head in mock disapproval. I could see her eyes laughing. She was enjoying this, for sure.

  I jerked when Rainer’s voice rang out again.

  “We’ve now reached the final point of elimination. Each of the remaining pledges will please have a seat.”

  While I’d been ogling Kari, the sorority members had arranged big chairs like Rainer’s throne in a semicircle. Eight of them. I glanced at Kari, who lifted a shoulder as if to say we’ve come this far, and we took seats side by side in the half-circle. I didn’t know the woman to my left.

  She had to be close to six feet tall, with big wide shoulders, a long lean torso, and muscular legs. Must be a jock, a runner or rower or basketball player maybe. Her black hair was clipped short, her exotic features angled and sharp. Her skin was ebony and glistening, her breasts as full and tight looking as mine felt. She glanced at me out of almond-shaped eyes similar to Kari’s, but she didn’t speak. Everyone was on edge.

  Rainer walked to the center of the half-circle.

  “You’ve all proven your sexual expertise, and for that you will be rewarded. Your only requirement to pass this challenge is to exhibit control and stamina while the sisters take their pleasure. You will refrain from orgasm until each of the sisters has finished. To show you that can be done, I’ll join you in this exercise.”

  The two women who’d flanked her before on the footstools stepped into the circle and quickly undressed her as if they had done it dozens of times before. They probably had. Naked, she settled into the chair facing the semicircle so everyone had a view of what was about to happen. Shar placed the red velvet footstool in front of her and knelt on it. Other sorority members formed a line until one was facing each of us. A brunette—a sophomore, I think—wearing nothing but a slinky black bra, matching lacy panties, and a hint of a hungry smile stepped up between my open thighs. Why did she have to hit just about all of my fantasy triggers, like I wasn’t hot enough already.

  “Begin,” Rainer said.

  Everyone knelt and my breath whooshed out.

  Shar went down on Rainer and, as if at a silent signal, all the others followed suit. I gripped the arm of my chair as a warm mouth closed over me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kari stiffen and I tried really, really hard not to imagine how she must feel right now. I could take it. I’d have to take it. How long could they possibly do this?

  My clit tensed and plumped up as the brunette between my thighs teased and sucked me. Okay, if I didn’t think about it, didn’t look at her, I could do this. I watched Rainer, her expression impassive as the blond head between her legs slowly moved up and down. I could imagine Shar’s tongue sliding between Rainer’s pussy lips the way the brunette’s slipped over mine. Shar reached up and caressed Rainer’s tight belly and breasts, moving from one to the other, thumbs brushing her nipples. Rainer watched me watching her and smiled as if highly amused.

  Suddenly the mouth on me pulled away and I breathed a sigh of relief. Okay, I made it. And then the sorority sisters got up as one, moved in a choreographed game of musical chairs, and another woman took the place between my thighs. Jeez. This one’s rhythm was totally different, faster, harder, fingertips and tongue dipping inside me and then up and swirling around my clit. The increased tempo jacked me up hard and fast.

  Beside me, Kari moaned. My thighs tightened.

  “Don’t,” I gasped, whether an order for Kari or myself I didn’t know. Damn if the woman between my legs didn’t laugh.

  Next to me, the big tough number whimpered. “Fuck, she’s gonna make me come.”

  My vision swam. I was about to come myself. I tried to focus, searching for anything to divert me, and my gaze landed on Rainer again. Her face was set in that same smug expression as if nothing was happening, but I recognized the tension in her body as a redhead this time licked and fucked her. Damn, though, Rainer’s control was amazing. I gritted my teeth, met her gaze. If she could hold on, so could I.

  Blessedly, whatever timer they could hear must’ve gone off because they all moved again. How many times were they going to do this? The few seconds when the contact was gone was enough for me to back myself down, but every time my clit twitched, I was closer.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” Kari whispered, her voice ragged and faint. “I want to come so bad.”

  “Don’t,” I said, and now Shar was between my legs, parting me, caressing the sides of my clit with her thumbs. I made the mistake of looking down as she licked me. Her eyes met mine, hazy and hot. Oh fuck. “Fuck!”

  I wrenched my gaze away.

  Rainer was chuckling. I grimaced, ground my teeth together. Fuck no. Rainer caressed the back of the head of the woman between her legs, her hips slowly thrusting. Goddamn her, Rainer was fucking her mouth as if she had all the time in the world. I didn’t dare try that. If I did, I was going to come in Shar’s mouth in a hot second.

  The big jock next to me shouted, bucking and writhing in her chair. I couldn’t not watch. The sister sucking her off stroked her belly and her breasts until she collapsed, muttering fuck fuck fuck over and over again. I realized I’d cupped Shar’s neck, pulling her mouth harder against me, the way I did when I wanted to come. I forced myself to let go. I heard two other pledges come, one keening as if in pain, the other hooting wildly. Whenever someone orgasmed, the sorority sisters who brought them off dropped out of the line. Thank God. Maybe I had a chance to win whatever this game was. They all switched places again, and then only Kari and I were left. Along with Rainer.

  Rainer, as cool as ever. Her eyes were hooded, her knuckles white on the edges of the chair, her expression remote and superior.

  “I’m going to come this time,” Kari groaned. “I have to come so bad I don
’t care anymore.”

  Paulie knelt in front of Kari. Shar moved into the space between our chairs and a redhead took her place between my legs. When the redhead slipped inside me and started kissing my clit, Shar reached down and played with my nipples.

  “Oh God,” Kari cried. “It feels so good. She’s gonna make me come.”

  “Me too,” I murmured. Enough already.

  Kari reached between us and grabbed my arm. I found her hand and held it. Rainer smiled as if she approved.

  My clit was on fire, a pulsing ember between my legs. I had maybe ten seconds to go. And then I saw it. A grimace broke across Rainer’s face, and she glanced down at the brunette sucking her. Her stomach muscles tightened, etched beneath her skin like carved engravings on a stone statue. She was about to come. She looked over at me, and I grinned, my vision going dark.

  “Now,” I called, the sweet lightning coiling up my spine.

  Rainer shouted, coming at the same instant, and I felt my body go rigid like I’d been electrocuted. I came and came, Kari’s hand still gripped in mine, my eyes locked on Rainer’s. Harder than I ever had in my life.

  Limp and exhausted, I glanced at Kari.

  “Nice job,” she gasped, laughing.

  Rainer rose, as cool again as if nothing had ever happened. Naked, she passed down the line of pledges, kissing each one, murmuring a welcome. She lingered a minute with Kari and then came to me. Bracing her hands on the arms of my chair, she leaned down, but instead of kissing me, whispered in my ear, “Next time you come tonight, I’m going to be the one making you scream. No one touches you again until me. Do you think you can take it?”

  The answer was easy.

  Pledge night was over, but the pleasure was just beginning.

  In the Stacks

  Aurora Rey

  I love going to the library. The smell of old books, chunky wooden tables, hushed voices. I know it makes me a nerd and I don’t even care. The one exception to this, perhaps, is going to the library the night before a paper is due because I haven’t even started the research yet. But even then, it’s not so bad. Tonight is one of those nights.

  When I get off my shift at the bookstore, I stop by my room for a quick shower. Spring is beginning to hint at summer, so I throw on a sundress and a pair of sandals. I grab my bag, making sure my ID and laptop are in it.

  The sun is just setting and campus has the feel of hovering between day and night. People are sprawled on the quad, studying or pretending to. A couple of frat boys are throwing a Frisbee while checking out the girls who’ve just come from getting a spray tan and a blowout for the weekend’s parties.

  I’m not the only one heading to the library, but it feels a little solitary all the same.

  I walk up the steps and past the towering columns covered with ivy. Someone coming out holds the door for me, which is nice; the doors of the main entrance are gigantic and heavy and there is no graceful way to open them.

  After passing the circulation desk and the reference station, I head to the stacks. Literature books are on the B-level, which is the sub-basement. I sometimes think about the symbolism of that, but I really like the B-level, so it’s hard to complain. No one is standing at the row of computers that link to the library’s catalog, so I get to it.

  I jot down a handful of call numbers to get me started and make my way to the row I want. I walk down the aisle, scanning the spines for the right combination of letters and numbers. When I get to the shelf where my two most promising sources should be, I notice a couple of gaps between the books.

  I look down at my scribbled notes, run my finger along the shelf. They aren’t here. Fuck. The entire premise of my paper hinges on an article my professor mentioned about the queer subtext in Nella Larson’s Passing. And, of course, it’s an older piece that isn’t in any of the online databases.

  The prospect of choosing a new topic makes me nauseous. Sure, I haven’t started writing yet, but I’ve thought about it. Quite a lot, actually. While straightening sweatshirts and restocking folders and highlighters, I’d sketched out my thesis and several of my arguments. Without the source documents, though, I am up shit creek.

  I scan the shelves above and below on the off chance someone put the books back out of order. No luck.

  “Looking for something?”

  I turn in the direction of the voice and there she is, standing at the end of the row. We’ve never spoken before, but I’ve noticed her—at the bookstore, in the dining hall, on the quad. A girl couldn’t look like her and not be seen.

  In jeans and a dark gray T-shirt, she manages to look feminine and masculine at the same time. Short hair and long eyelashes, the delicious curve of breasts and straight hips. She’s enough to make my mouth go dry and my insides clench with longing.

  She’s also in my American lit class. I make a point of sitting behind her so I can stare without being caught. I’m not a total lost cause in the flirtation department or anything, but there’s something about her that leaves me tongue-tied and wistful.

  “How’d you guess?” I try desperately to make my voice sound normal.

  The smile she sends me is slow and easy. I bet she’s gotten more than one girl into bed with little more. “Is it the Lesbian Desire anthology?”

  Is she playing with me? Is she writing on the same subject? My night just got a whole lot better or a whole lot worse. “Do you have it?”

  “I do.” The glint in her eye is playful, but also a little dangerous. Is she being suggestive or am I just imagining it? Wishing it? “And I’d probably be willing to share.”

  God. If we weren’t in the library, I would fall into bed with this girl on the spot. Even with a paper due tomorrow. “I’d owe you big-time.”

  I think I catch her looking me up and down, but I can’t be sure.

  “I’m at the table in the corner.” She tilts her head slightly and turns to walk in that direction.

  I follow her, and sure enough, the book I need is there, along with a dozen others, a notebook, and a really expensive-looking laptop. I look at her, focused half on the task at hand and half on the way she looks standing there—casual but also kind of like she owns the place.

  “That’s the one.” I point to it.

  She shrugs slightly. “Like I said, I’m willing to share. But I’m not done with it, so you’ll have to stay here to use it.”

  I’m sure as hell not going to complain about that. “That’s cool. Thanks for letting me join you.”

  “Of course. Nothing worse than an unsatisfying trip to the library.”

  After saying that, she winks at me and moves slowly back to her seat. There is something flirtatious in her tone, her body language. Even if I’m not brave enough to flirt back, my body has no problem playing along. I join her at the table and try not to think about the fact that I’ve gone all hot and bothered.

  She starts typing while I pull out my laptop and set up. I steal quick glances at her every so often. I get my first few paragraphs drafted, which is kind of a miracle given how distracted I am. I need to start putting in citations before I move on.

  I reach for one of the books, using it as an excuse to look at her again. She glances up at that exact moment and I feel heat race into my cheeks. She smirks and looks back at her screen. Great.

  I force myself to focus for about twenty minutes and actually make some decent progress. My eyes do not leave my screen or the book in front of me. When I hear her make a noise, I glance up. She’s stretching and rolling her shoulders.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could use a break.”

  “Definitely.” I stand up to stretch out my back, my rib cage. “I could make a coffee run. Or sodas or whatever.”

  “Thanks, but I’m good. I guess I had a different kind of break in mind.”

  I raise a brow, trying to remain calm. She’s not suggesting what I think she’s suggesting. Is she? “Yeah?”

  Great. Be monosyllabic, because that’s sexy. I search her face, des
perate to find meaning. Instead of speaking, she walks toward me. She comes up close to where I’m standing. I mean, really close. She smells amazing—clean and, much like her clothes, this combination of masculine and feminine that is the stuff my fantasies are made of.

  “Yeah.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, and the way her lips move makes me a little crazy.

  I tear my gaze from her mouth and look in her eyes. What I see in them is both a question and a promise. Fuck. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

  Her gaze flicks down to my mouth and back to my eyes. And then it happens. She closes the small space between us and kisses me.

  Her lips are even softer than I imagined they would be. But after a few seconds, when she realizes I’m kissing her back, her mouth becomes firmer, more demanding. When she pulls away, I’m not sure if minutes or hours have passed. I don’t really care.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that,” she says.

  This cannot be happening. The sexiest girl I think I’ve ever seen just kissed me. And apparently she’s been wanting to. I desperately try to pull my thoughts together so I don’t ruin the moment. “I’ve been wanting you to.”

  “Is that so?”

  She runs her hands up my sides and covers my breasts. The fabric is thin and I’m not wearing a bra. My nipples are hard and tingly. I can barely form words. “And that.”

  She kisses me again, then turns us slightly. I can feel the edge of the table press against the back of my thighs. “Sit.”

  I do as she says. If she said to run through the stacks naked while singing nursery rhymes, I probably would do that too, at this point. Her right hand slides up my thigh. Her fingers move up to my hip. Something flashes in her eyes and I see her swallow. She’s realized I’m not wearing anything under the dress. It’s a pretty passive way to be brazen, but I take it where I can get it. No one’s ever caught me before. That I’ve managed to surprise her gives me a thrill.


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