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Girls on Campus

Page 21

by Sandy Lowe

  “Yeah,” she said. But this was Bennett. Her Bennett. Friends since freshman orientation, they shared almost everything, and Bennett was genuinely the nicest person she knew. That was annoying sometimes. She could never hide for long.

  “I’m calling bullshit on that,” Bennett said, and just like that, her tears started again.

  Sylvie was too exhausted to care. “He said I was a terrible kisser.”

  “He? Oh, the guy. What’s his name, Cameron? He is clearly certifiable. You’re so smokin’ hot I could grill sausages off your ass.”

  Sylvie choked out a laugh. “What did you say?” Bennett thought she was hot? Since when?

  Bennett shrugged and walked into the teacup-sized bathroom they shared. Seconds later she walked out again with a damp white washcloth. “Okay, so the imagery needs some work, but you have to know you’re gorgeous.”

  She sat Sylvie down on her bed and gently wiped her face. The cool cotton felt good on her flushed cheeks, and she closed her eyes and let Bennett work. It was nice to be taken care of for a minute.

  “There,” Bennett said, her voice soft, “better. Now spill. What happened with Cameron?”

  “It’s been three dates,” Sylvie said, picking at a loose thread on the duvet. “I thought it was going great.”


  “We were in the cab, and he asked if I wanted to go back to his room. He was pretty good about it, not pushy.”

  Bennett nodded.

  “I said yes. I wanted to, you know, have sex. I liked him.” She was still bitter about that. “Then he said, ‘Yeah, I’d like that. But is it okay if we don’t kiss?’ I was like ‘What the fuck? What does that even mean?’”

  Bennett frowned.

  “Then he said,” Sylvie took a deep breath, “that he thought I was a great chick, but I was a terrible kisser.” She stared at Bennett hopelessly.

  Bennett looked thoughtful. “Well, are you a terrible kisser? I mean, it seems unlikely, you being so hot and all.”

  Sylvie squirmed. “I don’t know! How am I supposed to know? I can’t kiss myself. No one ever complained before.”

  Bennett nodded. “I guess you could ask him to show you how he likes it. I mean, if you really do want the guy.”

  Sylvie glared at her. “You are so not a girl sometimes, Ben. I never want to see him again. Not ever! The situation is, like, completely unfixable. I’m humiliated.”

  “Hey, I’m sorry.” Bennett rubbed circles up and down Sylvie’s back. “It’ll be okay. He’s probably just an asshole, and if he’s right, well, you’ll figure it out. Everyone does.”

  “Apparently not,” Sylvie said. “You, for example, have girls falling all over you. Flirting and smiling and practically doing handstands to get you to kiss them.”

  Bennett cocked her head to the side, her expression quizzical. “Are they wearing pants or skirts when they’re doing handstands? Because that would seriously impact whether or not kissing happens.”

  Sylvie shoved her. “Not funny.”


  Bennett’s fingers were tracing aimless patterns up and down her spine. Sylvie leaned into the touch. How could something so simple feel so good? She shivered. Bennett was just being a good friend. Comforting her. Not everyone’s mind lived in the dirty gutter hers had called home ever since that night. Now she couldn’t stop thinking about Bennett. Sexy naked Bennett.

  “Maybe you just need to practice. It can’t hurt. Find some willing guy and make out with him for four hours. I bet he’ll come in his pants.”

  “No way.” Sylvie shook her head, glad Bennett couldn’t tell her mind was a million miles from any guy. “It’s too embarrassing. What if I really am bad and he’s too polite to tell me?”

  Bennett squeezed the nape of her neck. She looked so serious, so intense, that Sylvie couldn’t look away. “I’d tell you.”

  Her voice was intimate and Sylvie’s breath caught in her throat. “You would?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean…I just meant that any decent person who cared about you would tell you. In general, you know. Not me exactly, not if you don’t want…” She trailed off and took her hand away.

  “Come on, admit it, you’ve been waiting for years for just the right opportunity to lay one on me, ’cause I’m, like, so gorgeous.” Sylvie hoped it was true, but said it with a laugh just in case it wasn’t.

  Bennett flushed. “You look like a Victoria’s Secret model, Syl, you’re the stuff of fantasies. So yeah, I’ve thought about it. I’m only human.”

  Bennett fantasized about her? Had she come fantasizing about her? The thought made Sylvie’s insides melt. This might be her only opportunity to find out.

  “Well, I think it’s a brilliant idea.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes! You can give me lessons. I mean, if you want to. Do you want to?” At that moment, sitting on the bed with Bennett’s thigh pressed against hers, the answer really mattered.

  “God yes.” Bennett reached up to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “I’ve thought about kissing you a lot.”

  Sylvie was glad she was sitting down because the heat in Bennett’s eyes surely would have knocked her on her ass. She grabbed Bennett’s hands, excited, and not just because she needed the help. Kissing Bennett would be hot. “You’ll tell me if I’m terrible and show me how to fix what’s wrong. God knows, all your girlfriends can’t stop moaning when you get all hot and heavy.”

  “You’ve heard me?” Bennett’s eyes widened.

  Sylvie felt her cheeks burn. “That night last March when I was supposed to stay with my parents, they canceled. But you didn’t see me in bed in the dark when you stumbled in at three a.m. and, well, you guys were pretty into it. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  Sylvie remembered just how into it they were. She’d stared at the ceiling and listened to Bennett’s soft commands for the girl to undress, to turn around, to bend over. She heard every moan, and she’d been wet. So wet. So needy. Her skin alive and tingling. She’d turned to watch them and she had to press her thighs together when the girl came, writhing in Bennett’s lap and begging for more, more, more. Her long red hair tumbled down her back, and she arched her neck against Bennett’s mouth when she came. The girl had slid silently to her knees and licked Bennett’s clit. Bennett moaned, eyes closed, hips jerking. Sylvie slipped her hand into her pajamas and they came together, her heart beating wildly as she watched the pleasure play across Bennett’s face.

  Bennett looked horrified. “Fuck, Sylvie, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Hey, it’s fine. Everyone does it. I got up early and studied in the library for a while. You never saw me.” Sylvie tried to sound nonchalant but knew it wasn’t working. She couldn’t quite remember how to breathe.

  “I wish you’d told me. I would have…I don’t know, apologized or something.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Sylvie said. “I didn’t mind. It was…nice.”


  Sylvie rolled her eyes. “Okay, hot. Soak-my-panties hot.”

  Bennett grinned. “Really?” She shifted a little on the bed in a way that made Sylvie wonder if the jeans she was wearing were starting to get uncomfortable. Could she be turned on? It was time to turn up the heat and find out.

  “Yes really. I came when you did. Watching you thrust into that girl’s mouth.”

  Bennett was silent for a long minute, her fingers curled tightly into the duvet, her eyes a stormy sea. “Jesus, Sylvie.” Bennett shifted again. Yup, definitely turned on.

  If Sylvie was honest, it was the best orgasm she’d had in a long time. Maybe ever. She just didn’t think too hard about the fact she’d had it watching her best friend get off. Or that thinking about it now, and every other time since, made her wet, started a slow pulse that was hard to ignore.

  “It’s my number one go-to masturbation fantasy actually.” Sylvie was enjoying herself now she knew it made Bennett crazy to hear it. “Who knew I liked girl-on-girl
so much.”

  Bennett breathed in sharply. “Fuck. That’s hot. If I’d known, I’d have invited you to join us.”

  Sylvie remembered glancing back before she left that morning and watching them for a minute, Bennett’s strong, tanned arms around the slender pale waist, the girl’s chin crooked into Bennett’s shoulder. And for an instant Sylvie imagined herself in the girl’s place, saw herself wrapped up with Bennett, snuggled close, her thigh pressed between Bennett’s legs. She’d left because she’d wanted so badly to stay and tried not to think about it again. She wasn’t ready to face what it might mean.

  “Come on.” Sylvie needed to change the subject; thinking of a threesome made it hard to form a coherent sentence, and they had kissing lessons to get to. Her nipples had hardened under the red silk cocktail dress. “Please? Do me a favor.”

  “A favor,” Bennett echoed. “You’re sure?”

  Sylvie slid as close as she could get, her thigh pressed tight to Bennett’s. “I’m sure. Kiss me.”

  Bennett did. Softly. Gentle lips brushing Sylvie’s so lightly she thought she imagined it. Sylvie tangled her fingers in Bennett’s short hair and pressed closer. It felt so good. Sylvie needed more. She had wanted this for so long and now they were kissing, without it being weird or having to mean anything serious. She plunged her tongue into Bennett’s mouth. She needed her. She was so caught up, it took her a second to realize that Bennett had eased back, her head tilted adorably to one side.

  Sylvie narrowed her eyes. “What? Oh my God, I am terrible? I’m the world’s most horrendous kisser!”

  Bennett laughed. “No.”

  Sylvie pouted.

  “No, really. You’re just a little too enthusiastic right away. You need to ease in. You know, tease a little. It takes time and a little more finesse to start a fire burning.”

  Sylvie sulked. “I suck.”

  “No, you don’t.” Bennett pulled her closer, her lips an inch away. “We just need to practice.” Then they were kissing again, a little firmer this time. Bennett teasing at the corners of her mouth, her hand cupped against the back of Sylvie’s head to angle her in for a deeper kiss. Bennett knew exactly how to start her fire.

  Sylvie was hot all over, heavy, dizzy. She felt so good. She liked the way Bennett handled her, totally in control of the situation. And because she was, Sylvie let go and just let it happen. When Bennett tugged at her bottom lip, she gasped and opened her mouth. Accepting the invitation, Bennett slipped her tongue inside. She explored Sylvie’s mouth with long slow kisses, dipping, tasting, tugging and flicking with her tongue until it was all Sylvie could do not to crawl into her lap and beg to be fucked. She was so wet she didn’t think she’d be able to hide it. The throbbing in her pussy kicked up a notch…or ten.

  “Wait.” Sylvie broke away, panting. “I can’t. I need…” She wanted to come. She wanted to be alone so she could stroke her clit for the three seconds it would take her to explode. Then she wanted to do it again and again until finally she stopped thinking about Bennett’s mouth moving lower.

  “You’re aroused.” Bennett looked at her intently, her eyes somehow darker, sexier.

  Sylvie dropped her gaze. Did she have to be so blunt about it? Did she have to say aroused? That word, it did things to her. It was so clinical. So sexy. So Bennett. “We should probably stop. I get it now. Slow and teasing. Wait to be invited, it’s not a race. Blah, blah, blah.”

  “We haven’t gotten to hard, demanding, intense kissing yet.” Bennett eased back a little to take Sylvie in. “You sure you want to stop?”

  Sylvie knew what Bennett saw. Her nipples had to be showing through the flimsy material of the dress, her legs were pressed tightly together, her blond hair a tousled mess that screamed touch me. Oh, they’d gotten intense already—the second Bennett had stuck her tongue in her mouth.

  “When your partner is aroused, you can be as enthusiastic as you like. The more the better.”

  “That wasn’t enthusiastic?” Sylvie was incredulous.

  Bennett grinned. “Well, that was measured enthusiasm.”

  She didn’t know what to say. She wanted Bennett to keep kissing her. More, she wanted to know what it was like when Bennett let go, lost some of that control. But if she kissed her again, she’d have to come, and that was embarrassing. They were just kissing. They were friends. Did she want more? Did Bennett? Could they have sex and go back to being friends?

  Bennett’s eyes were gentle, willing her to say something, and when she didn’t Bennett cupped Sylvie’s cheeks in her hands and brushed a thumb against her swollen lips. “If you say no again we’ll stop, no questions asked. But I like that you’re aroused. I like that kissing me makes you hot. I want to keep going. Okay?”

  Sylvie nodded.

  “Come here.” Bennett positioned Sylvie so she was straddling her lap.

  Sylvie groaned when she settled her ass on Bennett’s knees. If she leaned forward an inch, she could rub her pussy against Bennett’s leg. She trembled. She’d never been so turned on. Bennett sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit it gently. Sylvie clutched Bennett to stay upright. She was going crazy. This was too much. Bennett was everywhere.

  “Be good now,” Bennett murmured. “You’re so hot, baby. You need to wait.”

  “I can’t, I have to…” She reached down only to have Bennett tug her hand away.

  “Not yet. Soon. Kiss me now.”

  Sylvie did. Angling her mouth over Bennett’s and kissing her deep. Months of trying not to think about that night, wanting her, not knowing if she should tell her, it all came flooding out in their kiss. Bennett pulled her closer, and Sylvie’s breasts collided against her chest. She couldn’t help but rub her pussy along Bennett’s leg. She knew she wasn’t supposed to but, God. It wasn’t a fair fight. Her soaked panties were a delicious friction. She was tantalizingly, frustratingly close. Bennett plundered her mouth, hands in her hair, down her back, cupping the curve of her ass, pressing her tighter, harder. Fuck.

  Bennett broke away, chest heaving, and pressed her forehead to Sylvie’s. “Wow, Jesus. Just give me a minute.”

  “Why?” Sylvie whimpered. “Please, I can’t stop.” She slid her hands up under Bennett’s T-shirt. “I want to touch you.”

  Bennett moaned. She shook her head but let it fall back as Sylvie swept her thumbs over hard nipples, cupping her breasts, loving the weight of them against her palms. Delicate curves on a muscular chest. “You feel so good. So soft and so hard.”

  Bennett pressed down on Sylvie’s hips. “That’s playing dirty.”

  She smiled. “I like dirty.”

  Bennett grabbed her around the waist and twisted so Sylvie was on her back, under her, surrounded by her. Her red dress was pushed up to expose slim thighs and a tiny patch of black lace masquerading as panties. “You like it dirty? You want it right now?” Bennett’s voice was a growl in her ear.

  “Yes, please now.” Sylvie arched up to meet her, Bennett’s weight wonderfully heavy. Blind with wanting, she wrapped her legs around Bennett’s thighs. Closer, she needed to be closer.

  Bennett closed her mouth over Sylvie’s again, silencing the small whimpers vibrating in the back of her throat. Then Bennett’s fingers were on her, cupping her over the lace. Sylvie surged against her palm and ground herself there. She was so close, about to come. A second later Bennett entered her, easing under the flimsy barrier and sliding inside with one smooth motion, pushing her knees up, going deeper. Fucking her. Hard.

  “Oh God. Yes, fuck me. More. Please, I need…” She was completely, terrifyingly out of control.

  When she pressed her thumb against Sylvie’s clit everything splintered. Sylvie came so hard she thought she might have screamed. Waves of pleasure assaulted her as Bennett thrust and stroked and held her. Then Bennett was soothing her as she trembled and gasped against her shoulder.

  “Oh my God.” She lay weak as a noodle when it finally stopped.

  Bennett eased out and brushed the
hair out of Sylvie’s eyes. “I don’t think I’m in line for the top job yet, baby, but thanks.”

  Sylvie rolled her eyes and wiggled until Bennett slid off her and settled against her side.

  “You okay?” Bennett asked.

  “Oh, I think my kissing skills are greatly improved along with just about everything else,” Sylvie said. “Perhaps we should find out.”

  She edged down the bed until she was settled between Bennett’s legs. The denim of Bennett’s ancient Levi’s was the only barrier between them. She tugged the zipper down and kissed the skin she’d revealed. Bennett was so soft here. Sylvie looked up. “What do you think? Am I getting better?”

  Bennett swallowed hard. “A-plus,” she said, her belly going to rock. “Are you sure? I mean, have you ever…?” She fumbled to finish the sentence.

  “Kissed and licked and sucked a woman’s clit until she comes?” Sylvie supplied helpfully.

  Bennett blushed. “Well, yeah. That exactly, actually.”

  “Nope, but I have a really good teacher.” Sylvie tugged the jeans down and off and halted abruptly. “Commando, seriously?”

  Bennett looked a little sheepish. “There isn’t a ton of room in those.”

  Sylvie made a mental note to give her crap about it later.

  She’d never seen a woman up close before, and looking at Bennett, her breath caught in her throat. She was swollen and red, so wet it soaked her inner thighs. She was beautiful. She was kind of miraculous.

  “You’ll tell me if I’m not doing it right,” Sylvie murmured as she dipped her head to kiss the top of Bennett’s clit.

  “Fuck.” The muscles in Bennett’s stomach flexed.

  Sylvie swirled a fingertip in the wetness, dipping down inside and then back out to suck her finger clean. “Mmm, you taste good.”

  “Damn it.” Bennett was propped up on her elbows watching her, her eyes so dark they were bottomless.

  Sylvie gave her best wide-eyed innocent look. “Something you want?”

  “I want you to suck me. Take my whole clit in your mouth and run your tongue all the way around it. Fast. Don’t stop until I come.”

  Sylvie stared. Well, she had asked. And now she was wet all over again. “You’re seriously sexy when you do that.”


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