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Red Angel (The Angels of Paris Chronicles Book 2)

Page 13

by Anna Santos

  “What happened? Why are you crying?”

  “He’s mad at me,” I said, feeling childish because of the tone of voice I used.

  “He’ll get over it. Give him some time.”

  “He’s jealous.”

  “Yes, I know. He should have let me explain before he tried to kill me.”

  “Well, he…doesn’t like you.”

  “I have that effect on people.”

  “It’s not funny, Philippe,” I said. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine. I heal fast.”


  I didn’t know what else to say to him. It was an awkward conversation. I shouldn’t have been talking to him in the first place. Cedric would get even madder if he found out.

  “You know, Aria, the whole point of me giving up on you is for you to be happy. If he doesn’t make you happy…”

  I pondered his words. My voice trembled when I said, “Do you truly want to make me happy?”


  “Then leave us alone. Don’t call me anymore. Don’t use my parents to see me again. Please, stay away.”

  For a few moments, the silence was unbearable. I knew he was sad at my words. My heart was being slashed from the inside out for saying them. But I needed to stay away from him. I was just a human—or half-human at least— and I needed him away. There was a limit to how much I could reason with myself in order to stay immune to his charm. I knew what he’d done to me. However, I’d also had the chance to get to know him and realize what we could have had together if he hadn’t done what he did. We were connected. I could feel his pain and sense the pull between us. I knew he had feelings for me. I could be naïve, but I wasn’t blind to my emotions. I was even less blind where it concerned Philippe. He was so easy to be with! At least, when he wasn’t the psycho vampire who wanted me gone.

  “I don’t want to be a vampire,” I whispered, embracing my body to ease the pain. My throat hurt, my limbs burned, and I wanted to cry louder and scream until I ran out of breath. “I’m not even sure if I want to be an angel. But I…have feelings for Cedric. He loves me. I know he does. Even if you claim that you’re just trying to ask my forgiveness, I know you…don’t want to let me go. But you need to. Philippe, are you listening to me?”

  “Yes,” he whispered, and I felt the pain that was torturing his soul. I didn’t want to tell him these words. I would rather ignore his existence and forget I had ever met him. At least then, I wouldn’t have to hurt so much. “Aria…”

  “Please don’t,” I begged, afraid of what he might say after the way he said my name. “Just tell me goodbye and let me hang up the phone.”

  “And if I don’t say it?”

  “Then, you’ll make me cry even more. And you said you didn’t want to hurt me anymore.”

  “That’s unfair, Aria,” he protested.

  I smiled between my tears. It was silly how childish he sounded right then. “Life isn’t fair, is it?”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “Then let me go.”

  There was another pause, and I could hear him breathing. My heart was beating slowly because of his silence. Until it happened.

  “Goodbye, pixie angel.” He hung up.

  I dropped the phone on the floor and stared at the void, emotionless. I didn’t cry anymore. The tears dried up magically and my soul became as empty and as silent as death.

  Chapter FOURTEEN


  I had decided that I needed time to myself to think more clearly about what was going on with my life lately. Cedric’s words hurt me deeply. His actions hurt me more. Therefore, I had gone to my bedroom to pack my things—the belongings that were left. I didn’t want to take anything he had given me. Those clothes and gifts weren’t mine, not anymore. I’d been perfectly happy before I’d been thrown inside this world of supernatural beings and luxury. I missed my old self.

  With my clothes packed, I went downstairs to look for Camille. I needed to know the house’s address, so I could call a cab to come and get me. I would probably call my uncle and go back to his house or come clean to my parents and explain to them what was really going on. I was sick of lying to them. Besides, my dad was mad. I hadn’t explained my real motive for not showing up at the Louvre. I’d texted him a lame excuse, but he kept calling me. From the messages he’d sent me, it was clear he wasn’t happy.

  “Where are you going?”

  Camille’s question startled me. I turned around to face her. I had the luggage in my hands and I’d been staring at the front door, pondering whether to tell Cedric or not before I left.

  She walked towards me. “Why aren’t you dressed for practice?”

  “I’m leaving,” I said.


  “I…don’t know yet. But I can’t stay here anymore.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Cedric…is mad at me. I’m mad at him, too. He’s being unreasonable and I’m extremely sad because of the things he did and said.”

  Camille’s eyes widened in shock. “What did he do?”

  I sighed as I clutched my bag with both hands. “It’s a long story. I don’t have the nerve to talk about it right now. Not now that I’m feeling extremely sad. Can you help me get to my uncle’s house?” I made puppy dog eyes, trying to act courageous. I hoped I wasn’t a prisoner and that I could leave. It worried me. And if Cedric doesn’t let me leave? I thought about everything that had happened and everything he’d said to me. I was more and more aware of something disturbing. I wasn’t really free. I couldn’t do what I wanted when I wanted. And that wasn’t okay.

  “I can take you wherever you want to go, but you need to ask Cedric’s permission first,” Camille said.

  I sulked before I boldly told her, “That’s the thing. I don’t need to. He doesn’t own me, and I’m not one of his subjects.”

  Camille waved her hands for me to calm down. “You’re soulmates. You should tell him if you want to leave him.”

  “I’m not in the mood to talk to him. That’s why I want to leave this place.”

  “Don’t you think you’re rushing into that decision? Whatever he did, he probably had a reason.”

  “You’re taking his side,” I muttered. “Why wouldn’t you? He’s your prince, and everybody will make me look like the bad guy in this story. But I don’t care. I know what I did, and I don’t have a guilty conscience. I just want to leave. I don’t want to talk to Cedric. It may seem immature, but I don’t want to talk to a person who doesn’t let me explain or even try to understand my reasons for doing things.”

  “Calm down,” Camille said, edging closer.

  I recoiled. It was an instinctual decision; maybe I didn’t trust her or any one of these angels enough to let me leave this house. I should be “grounded”, locked inside my own bedroom, thinking about the wrong I’d done, in Cedric’s words. “What’s wrong with you, Aria?”

  “I want to leave this house,” I told her. “If you aren’t going to help me, don’t stand in my way.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Camille folded her arms, clearly upset. “I thought we were friends. So now you don’t trust me?”

  “I don’t even trust myself since my angel is against my decision.”

  “She should be since you’re planning to leave your mate. Scratch that, you’re planning to run away. I don’t know what Cedric has done, but whatever it was, you should talk to him before you leave.”

  “I tried to talk; he didn’t listen to me.”

  “Let him calm down and then try again.”

  “I’m tired of being the one who has to understand everything and do everything to please him. I’m a person. I have feelings and dreams. I’m not a child to be bossed around and treated like I’m stupid and ungrateful.”

  “Leaving without talking to him isn’t the mature thing to do, Aria.”

  “What’s going on in here?”

  I turned my head to see Jacob standing on the staircase, looking
down at his wife and me. For a moment, I feared it was Cedric. My heart jolted and I realized that I was afraid of being caught and stopped from leaving. When did that happen? When did I start to see Cedric as a threat and not my boyfriend? Probably when he’d tried to kill Philippe in front of me and told me how dumb and ungrateful I was.

  “Aria is…a little confused,” Camille said, and I understood that she was struggling to conceal my intention to leave from her husband.

  “Where’s Cedric?” I asked.

  “I think he’s on the roof,” Jacob replied.

  I arched an eyebrow at the odd answer. “Doing what?”

  “He always chooses to stay on high grounds when he’s sad.” Jacob walked down the stairs and stared at my luggage. “You two had a fight but that’s no reason for you to leave us. I’m sure Cedric doesn’t want that.”

  “Did he tell you why we had a fight?” I asked.

  “No, he didn’t want to talk about it. He’s…miserable. He doesn’t like to share when he’s like this.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it either. I want to leave,” I told him in a serious voice to make my point. I ignored the voice inside my head that was bothered about Cedric’s sadness. He didn’t care about hurting my feelings, so why should I be concerned about his?

  “Just give me your luggage and go talk to him before doing something stupid,” Jacob suggested.

  I pursed my lips and gritted my teeth. Why is everybody treating me like a spoiled child?

  “You should have given him the same advice; then we wouldn’t be in this situation.” I turned my back to him to head towards the door. “Since no one wants to take me to my parents, I’ll walk. I’m sure I’ll find a place where people can help me and tell me where I am.”

  “Don’t be silly, Aria. I’ll take you, but only after you talk to Cedric,” Camille said, stopping in front of me. I glared at her. “It’s childish. You know it is. He may have hurt you, but it won’t make things better if you leave without warning him or giving him a plausible explanation.”

  Maybe leaving wasn’t a wise decision, but I was entitled to do whatever I wanted. I was a free person. If I didn’t want to be here anymore, I was going to leave. It wasn’t my home anyway, and I didn’t want to owe Cedric anymore favors. I didn’t want to be treated like he’d treated me, either. My parents didn’t treat me like that. I wasn’t raised in a place where people would yell at me and make me feel like crap. Moreover, I wasn’t in favor of using violence to resolve my problems. Cedric had trashed Philippe’s house and he had tried to kill him. Philippe being a vampire wasn’t a plausible excuse for him to act like that. Cedric had no reason to hurt him or me. If he was going to act like that before we were mated, what would he do when he thought we were set for life, and I wanted something he didn’t agree with? The whole point of having a person to love was to share dreams and to be understood. I was feeling everything but that.

  “He didn’t understand me before. Why would he understand my reasons to leave now?” I asked, opening the door and frowning at the weather outside. Illogical as it might be, it was snowing in the summer or maybe I was hallucinating.

  “This can’t be good,” Camille muttered as she stretched out her hand to grab a flake of snow.

  “Why is it snowing? Is this some twisted plan to keep me locked up here?”

  “Of course not.”

  I raised my hand to touch the snowflakes and they melted in my palm. I liked snow—at Christmas that is—not on a summer’s day when I had to walk down the road and look for a way out of here.

  “It’s snowing because Cedric is sad,” Jacob explained.

  I turned to stare at him. “He can control the weather?”

  “Since he became an angel, he can. He made it rain when he was testing his powers. If it’s snowing, then it’s Cedric who’s doing this because he’s grieving. You should go talk to him.”

  “He’s on the roof. I don’t like heights,” I said to Jacob, who shrugged.

  “If you call him from the garden, I’m sure he can come down to talk to you and stop the snow,” Camille said.

  I thought about it.

  Camille insisted. “It’s the mature thing to do, Aria. You’re a couple. You should talk to sort out your problems. Whatever it is, I’m sure you can overcome it. If you still want to leave after your talk, I’ll take you to your parents. I promise.”

  I puckered my lips. I knew what I wanted to tell him. The only question was whether he was ready to listen or not. I was grieving, too. I wasn’t making snow fall from the skies, but I would probably conjure a storm if I could.

  “Talk to him it is, then,” I mumbled and dropped my luggage on the floor. Then I strolled my way to the balcony’s French doors.

  Cedric was on top of the roof, as still as a statue with his closed eyes. It was a pretty sight to see. He was in his angelic form. His white wings were shining blue and white as the snow kept falling on him, making him seem like a vision. He was handsome and seeing him took my breath away every time. Too bad he was stubborn and unfair.

  “Cedric! Come down! Aria wants to talk to you. It’s important!”

  I shivered at Camille’s screams to get Cedric’s attention. I was struggling about whether to call out to him or not. I guessed it was no longer an issue since, thanks to Camille, he knew I was there.

  Cedric opened his eyes, slowly, gracefully, and stared down at us. I felt tiny as my heart raced in my chest. Yet his eyes looked emotionless and far away from us, shining blue. For a few seconds, I thought he was going to ignore me and keep doing what he was doing. Instead, he jumped and dropped himself on the floor, instinctively causing me to panic.

  I put my hands over my mouth but relaxed when he used his wings to prevent the fall and land in front of me. The urge to growl at him for scaring me like that grew bigger. Watching people in high places or freefalling wasn’t something that people who were afraid of heights liked to witness.

  I noticed that he just stood there, in front of me, waiting for me to speak. He crossed his arms over his chest, and I didn’t like what his eyes were implying. He was waiting for me to tell him how sorry I was. He still thought I should apologize. I wasn’t going to. Not again. Not for something I didn’t do.

  “This was a mistake,” I said, glancing at Camille, who bit her lower lip. I made a move to leave, but she grabbed me and stopped me.

  “You are going to talk. And you are both going to lose the attitude,” she warned, pointing at Cedric and me. Then, grabbing our arms, she forced us to walk beside her and sit on the couches near the pool. “I’m going to go inside now, so you can solve your differences.” Pointing a finger at Cedric, she said, “And you better stop the snow because I don’t want our house appearing on the news.”

  Cedric shrugged and stared at his feet.

  I glared at him. He was playing the martyr.

  A few moments later, Camille had disappeared indoors and the silence was unbearable between Cedric and me.

  Chapter FIFTEEN


  I was curious about what she had to tell me. It didn’t seem she was going to ask me for forgiveness. If anything, she looked annoyed. I was aggravated, too. I had every right to be. She had spent her time with that deceitful and traitorous vampire and hadn’t let me freeze him to death. The worst thing was that she had protected him. She had chosen him over me. After everything he’s done to her, how can she want to be in the same room as him?

  Why does it hurt so much? I felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. Why can’t she understand that she’s mine now, and I would do anything for her? Nevertheless, I couldn’t tolerate seeing her with him.

  Aria’s voice woke me up from my thoughts. “Are you going to stop pouting, so we can have an important conversation?”

  “I’m not pouting,” I complained. “I’m sad; that’s different.”

  At least, she was talking. I was done talking. I wanted her to understand that she’d acted wrongly. I wa
nted her to make an effort to comprehend why I’d been so mad at her. I was calmer now.

  “Good thing you’re not destroying everything,” she muttered.

  I sighed at the sarcasm. “You act like I didn’t have any reason to confront Philippe and punch him in the face!”

  Folding her arms, she said, “You didn’t.”

  “If you don’t want me to stay mad at you, please don’t take your former soulmate’s side.”

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m stating the obvious. You acted impulsively and you shouldn’t have.”

  “I couldn’t control myself since my angel was pissed and I was pissed, so…yeah.” I shrugged, not knowing what more to say. I wasn’t proud of acting like that and losing my temper. “Would you like it if you found out I was spending my time with some girl who had feelings towards me and who wanted to steal me from you?”

  She narrowed her eyes as if I were provoking her.

  “How is what I’ve done so different from what you did because I was talking to Charlotte?” I insisted since she wasn’t answering. “I apologized to you because of that, remember?”

  “You have every right to be jealous, but you also need to believe me when I tell you that nothing happened,” she retorted.

  “I believe you,” I said. Her eyes showed that she didn’t seem convinced. “I do. I just…lost it.”

  “I don’t think you believe me, and I’m not pleased by the way you yelled and called me names,” she uttered in a gloomy voice.

  I spared her a look, puzzled by what she was implying. “What did I call you?”

  “Don’t you remember?”

  “No, enlighten me.”

  I was curious about what was making her feel so offended.

  “You called me a whore, Cedric, and…you were extremely rude.”

  Frowning, I said, “I didn’t call you a whore. I said that if you stayed with Philippe, you would be one more of his whores. Meaning, he would treat you like a whore and not like a mate. I, on the other hand, want you to be my wife and my queen. I’ve never treated you badly. I would never reject you, and I love you. So, excuse me if I got mad because you spent time with someone who should be kept far away from you.”


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