Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 13

by Scotty Cade

  Brad smiled.

  “And, Brad, I’m really sorry I fell asleep so soon afterwards, I was just so relaxed. It’s been so long since I’ve had that kind of connection with anyone, and I felt so content that I just couldn’t help it. I’m really sorry, and I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “Mac, it’s okay,” Brad said. “Remember, it’s women who mostly like the cuddle factor after sex, not men. Don’t get me wrong, I love holding you, but I can do that while you sleep. As long as you don’t fall asleep during sex, I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Mac said. “Not a chance of that ever happening. Brad, I never knew sex with a guy could be so hot. I mean, when you started playing with my nipples and did what you did to my ass, man, I thought I was going to fly off the bed. It was so personal, yet so erotic and pleasurable. Who knew? And then when you used your finger, I’ve never had such an intense orgasm in my life.”

  “So I gather you’re okay with it?” Brad asked.

  “Hell yes, I’m okay with it. In fact, I can’t wait to do it again,” Mac said.

  Brad laughed. “Mac, there’s so much I want to show you.”

  And, shyly, Mac said, “Hopefully, I’ll be a good student.”

  “If last night’s any indication, I have no doubts,” Brad said as he jumped out of bed. “But I’ve got to pee. Be right back.”

  When Brad returned, he slid back under the covers against Mac’s warm body. By the time they had talked and finished another cup of coffee, it was noon.

  Mac reached down and kissed that place he loved so much, in the crook of Brad’s neck. He said, “I’d love to stay here all day and do everything we did last night plus a whole lot more, but we promised Zander and Jake that we would go down and check on the lodge, and I really need to check on the plane.”

  “You’re right,” Brad said. “Besides, the quicker we get down the mountain, the sooner we can get back up and right back into this spot.”

  “Amen, brother,” Mac said. “Let’s get a move on. I have things to learn.”

  By the time they got ready and suited up in the ski gear, it was almost past lunchtime. Mac made a couple of sandwiches and stuck them in his backpack, along with a couple of bottles of water and a flask of brandy, just as a precaution. Brad tossed his digital camera in the backpack, along with his lightweight collapsible tripod. They strapped their snowshoes to their ski boots, and off they went. Mac took the lead, and from Brad’s point of view, the scenery was spectacular—the vistas and Mac. They stopped every so often to take a picture or two, and with Mac unaware, Brad shot photo after photo of him. When they reached the spot where Brad had knocked Mac to the ground, Brad set up the little tripod and the timer on his camera and took their picture with their arms around each other’s shoulders.

  They made it down the mountain without any trouble, and first checked on the plane. Mac grabbed a push broom from the inside of the plane and brushed all the snow off of the wings, fuselage, and tail. They disconnected the cables securing the plane, curled them up, and placed them under the pilot’s seat. Together, they moved the little plane from the beach to the dock in preparation for Mac’s trip to get Zander, Jake, and Jack, and then they went to check on the lodge.

  They circled the outside of the lodge, and all seemed in good condition. They went inside, took off their ski coats and boots, and while Mac went from room to room, Brad went into the office to use Zander’s computer to print off their photos.

  Brad had just finished printing the photos and putting them away when Mac found him.

  “Are the computers okay?” Mac asked.

  “Yep, they seem to be. They must have experienced a power outage or power surge, because the online reservation computer shut down. I rebooted it and I’m just making sure it comes up okay.”

  The computer beeped and the screen loaded.

  “Looks good to me,” Brad said as he stood and turned out the light.

  They sat in the breakfast room and ate their sandwiches, drank their water, and even took a sip of brandy for the trip back up. When they closed the front door of the lodge, Brad turned, and there was a gleaming red snowmobile waiting for them.

  “Your chariot awaits, my good man,” Mac said as he bowed and swept his hand toward the machine.

  “Really!” Brad said. “You don’t think they’ll mind?”

  “Actually, this is mine,” Mac said. “I bought it the first winter I spent any amount of time up here.”

  “This is so cool,” Brad said. “Can I drive?”

  “Sure,” Mac said. “Just take it easy until you get the feel of her.”

  Brad climbed in the driver’s seat with Mac closely behind him. Before Mac could give Brad any instructions, Brad had the snowmobile started and in gear. He gunned it, and the machine roared as it raced toward the trail. Brad couldn’t see it, but Mac had the biggest grin on his face. Just one more thing I didn’t know about this man, Mac thought.

  In a flash they were gone. Brad leaned into every turn like a pro and safely maneuvered the vehicle through the tough terrain. Mac held on for dear life, as the red machine roared its way up the mountain’s many twists and turns.

  They pulled up to the front of the cabin at five o’clock on the dot. Mac was the first off as he pretended to open a nonexistent door for Brad.

  “Chivalry isn’t dead after all.” Brad chuckled.

  “Not on my watch,” Mac responded.

  Mac climbed back on the snowmobile and pulled it around to the back of the cabin. He secured it in the storage shed and joined Brad in the cabin. Brad had already removed his ski clothes and boots and was bending over, starting the fire, when Mac came up behind him, threw his arms around his waist, and kissed his neck.

  “I’ve wanted to do that all day,” he said.

  “What stopped you?” Brad asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I guess we were too busy and having too much fun on the snowmobile.”

  Brad knew it was probably because they weren’t in the safety and seclusion of their little cabin, but he wasn’t about to get into that now. Give him time, he thought.

  “Sit on the couch, and let me help you with your boots,” Brad said.

  Mac did as he was told, and Brad helped him remove both boots. Mac stood and Brad unhooked his ski pants and pulled them down as well. He helped Mac with his coat and sweatshirt, and finally they were down to their long underwear and wool socks.

  Mac lit the oil lamps this time while Brad opened a bottle of wine to take the chill off. They sat down next to each other on the couch and sipped their wine.

  “So you led me to believe that you had never driven a snowmobile before,” Mac said.

  “No, I didn’t. You just assumed that I had never driven a snowmobile,” Brad responded. “When we were in Switzerland for Christmas, my parents would rent them and we would take day trips. And when we came here, Jeff and I would use Zander and Jake’s and run all over the area. I have such fond memories of all of those times, and now I have one more fond memory of a snowmobile to store away, and luckily, you’re in it.”

  Mac choked up for a second, and when he could finally speak, he said, “It’s fun creating memories that will last a lifetime.”

  “Speaking of memories,” Brad said as he reached into the crack of the sofa. “I have something to show you.” He handed Mac the photos he had printed off of Zander’s computer.

  Mac looked at the pictures one by one with a big grin on his face.

  “When did you do this?” he asked.

  “When we were at the lodge, and you caught me on Zander’s computer,” Brad said. “I wanted to surprise you, so I made up the cockamamy story about the power going off and on.”

  As Mac looked through the pictures, many of them were of the incredible vistas, but many were of him as well. He was so touched that Brad had taken the time to take his picture, he was starting to get emotional. When he saw the last photo, he lost it. It was an incredible picture of him and Brad. Their
arms were draped over each other’s shoulders, and the lake and mountain range were in the background. If you looked closely, you could just make out his plane floating on the lake.

  Tears began to roll down his cheeks, and Brad used his thumb to catch them.

  “This is the perfect ending to a perfect day, Brad,” Mac choked out. “There’s only one more thing that could make this day any more perfect.”

  “What’s that?” Brad asked.

  “This,” Mac said, as he laid Brad down on the couch and ravaged him with kisses.

  Chapter 24

  MAC and Brad made out like high school kids for the longest time.

  Mac finally said, “Should we take this to the bed?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Brad said.

  They stripped down and climbed into bed and pulled the covers up high. This time, Mac took the lead.

  “Brad,” Mac whispered. “I want to make some memories right now.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  “I’m not quite sure what to do,” Mac said shyly.

  “Just do what feels good, and the rest will follow,” Brad whispered.

  “I’ve never had a man’s dick in my mouth,” Mac said. “I’m not sure how or if I can do it. I really want to try, but I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Mac, relax,” Brad said. “You would never disappoint me. Remember, no expectations.”

  Mac relaxed a little and melted into Brad. He gently kissed Brad on his lips, then his forehead, then his neck. He passionately caressed Brad’s neck and shoulders with his tongue and lips until he could see that Brad had chill bumps all over. He took that as a good sign. He slowly moved down to Brad’s huge pectoral muscles. They were hairy, firm, and beautiful, and perfectly framed his big, brown nipples. He gently tugged on Brad’s left nipple with his front teeth, and Brad let out a throaty moan. With the nipple erect, Mac pinched it between his thumb and forefinger and twisted a little. That move earned him an arched back and another moan. He did the same to the other, with the same response.

  He kissed his way down Brad’s taut stomach, following his hairline. Eventually, he reached Brad’s pubic hair and inhaled his man scent.

  This is hot, he thought. I’ve never smelled the intimate scent of another man. What a turn-on. He continued to take in Brad’s scent, but couldn’t help noticing the raging hard-on right in front of his very eyes. He closed his eyes and thought, here goes.

  He took Brad’s hard cock into his mouth and went down as far as he could. He stopped when he began to gag. He backed off a little and took some time to get used to it. Brad was rubbing his head encouragingly, which gave him the strength to go on. As he relaxed, so did his throat. He began to move up and down the length of Brad’s dick, taking as much as he could without gagging, and found a rhythm. He looked up, and Brad seemed to be enjoying his attempts, which made him feel a little better.

  He tried to remember exactly what Brad had done to him the day before that had felt so incredible. He released Brad’s dick from his mouth and moved down to his balls. He circled Brad’s ball sack with his tongue, savoring the texture and scent. He sucked both balls into his mouth, just as Brad had done, and tossed them gently around in his mouth. Brad planted both feet on the bed beside Mac’s head and lifted into the sensation.

  Mac was hard as a rock, and his dick needed attention, but it was more important that he continue to pleasure Brad in every way he knew how. He gently released Brad’s balls and whispered, “Roll over.”

  Brad did as he was told and slowly rolled onto his stomach. Mac straddled Brad’s ass and saw just how hard his own dick was. He massaged Brad’s shoulders and back with gentle but firm strokes, kissing as he went. Mac slid down to Brad’s perfect hot ass, which was full and round, and Mac simply studied it while still rubbing Brad’s back. He continued to think about what felt good to him and tried to do similar things to Brad.

  He slid down even farther until his face was even with Brad’s ass. He massaged it with both hands as he kissed his way down his back. He finally got up enough courage to part Brad’s ass cheeks and was rewarded with the prettiest, perfectly round pink pucker. He’d never seen a man or woman’s butt hole before, and had never even thought what it would look like, but Brad’s was beautiful.

  He buried his face in Brad’s ass and started licking, as Brad had done to him. It wasn’t what he expected at all; in fact, it was quite a turn-on. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but this wasn’t it. The more he did it, the more he enjoyed it. He used his tongue to circle the opening and then forced it in as far as he could. Brad lifted his ass off of the bed and pushed his ass into Mac’s face. Mac was even more turned on, and he worked harder to please Brad. He didn’t know why, but he wanted Brad’s dick in his hand. He reached under Brad and pulled his dick and balls to the back and began to stroke them.

  “Oh God, Mac, that feels so good. Please don’t stop,” Brad asked.

  And he didn’t. He moistened his finger as Brad had done and slowly pushed it into Brad’s hole. It was so tight, he thought he might hurt him, but Brad didn’t seem to mind. He worked his finger in and out as Brad moaned and moved under him.

  “Mac, fuck me, please?” Brad begged.

  “What do I do?” Mac asked.

  Brad rolled over and said, “I think I saw a bottle of hand lotion under the sink. That will make things easier.”

  Mac retrieved the hand lotion and came back to bed.

  “I don’t have any condoms,” Mac said.

  “Jeff and I were monogamous, and I haven’t been with anyone since he died,” Brad said.

  “And I haven’t been with anyone since Lindsey died, either,” Mac said.

  “I think we’re safe.”

  Brad positioned himself on his back, looking up at Mac. Mac had a scared look on his face, and Brad stroked his arm to reassure him.

  “Remember, you can say stop, and we’ll stop,” he said.

  “Not on your life,” Mac said.

  Brad instructed Mac to put some lotion on his dick and spread some around his opening. Mac did as instructed and looked down at Brad.

  Brad lifted his legs, offering himself up to Mac. Mac positioned his cock at Brad’s opening and pushed a little.

  “Slowly,” Brad said. “It’s been a long time.”

  Mac backed off some. “Tell me when,” he said.

  “Okay, a little more,” Brad instructed.

  Mac pushed in a little more and hesitated. Brad nodded, and Mac pushed all the way in and stopped.

  “Oh God, Brad, you are so tight. This feels incredible.”

  “Give me a second,” Brad said as he got used to the stretch and the feeling of fullness. “Now move slowly,” he said.

  Mac began with slow, short strokes. When Brad seemed relaxed and really into it, he picked up the pace. Brad had both hands on Mac’s thighs, guiding him along. Mac held Brad’s legs over his shoulders while he studied Brad’s face. He bent down and kissed Brad passionately over and over as he filled him.

  Brad grabbed his dick and began stroking, slowly at first, then picking up the pace.

  “I can’t last for much longer,” Mac whispered. “You are so hot, and I am so close.”

  “I’m ready, Mac, go for it,” Brad said.

  Mac picked up the pace until he was pounding Brad’s ass into the bed.

  Brad closed his eyes and yelled, “I’m going to cum, Mac.”

  Mac felt Brad’s orgasm before he saw it. Brad’s ass clamped tightly around Mac’s dick as the spurts of cum, one after another, flew out of Brad’s cock, landing on his chest and chin.

  The sensation was too much for Mac to take. He came just as Brad was emptying his last load.

  Brad watched as Mac’s head rolled back and he let out this guttural moan and pounded into Brad as hard as he could. When Mac had shot the last of his load into Brad’s welcoming gut, he collapsed on top of him.

  His dick slipped out of Brad’s ass, and he
slid to the side, never letting go of his lover. When Mac could speak, he said, “Brad, that was the most intense sex I have ever had. Was I okay? Did it feel okay?”

  “You were terrific, Mac. It felt amazing. I never expected to ever have sex with anyone again, not to mention enjoy it so much,” Brad said.

  Mac smiled because he’d done okay. After all, this was his first time fucking a man.

  Brad relaxed when he saw how Mac took a deep breath and seemed to calm down. He even saw what he assumed was a little bit of satisfaction on Mac’s face.

  Mac looked into Brad’s eyes and gently kissed his cheek.

  “You are an incredible man, Bradford Mitchell, and that was an incredible experience.”

  “Mac, I don’t know what to say,” Brad choked out. “The world works in such mysterious ways. Who would have thought that six months ago, when I showed up at your kiosk looking for a flight to the lodge, that any of this would have ever happened?”

  Mac took Brad in his arms and held him tight.

  “Whatever or whoever brought us together sure knew we needed each other,” Mac whispered. “I’ve felt emotionally dead since Lindsey died, and you brought me back to life. Thank you.”

  They stayed in bed the rest of the night, enjoying each other and simply being content.

  THE night before Mac was to leave for Anchorage to pick up Zander, Jake, and Jack, they were lying on the couch in front of the fire, sipping brandy. Brad noticed that Mac seemed a bit edgy and a little nervous.

  “Is something wrong, Mac? You seem nervous,” Brad asked.

  “To be truthful, I am a little nervous about Jack’s visit,” Mac confessed. “I’m not ready to share this thing between us with anyone just yet, especially Lindsey’s brother, and I’m not sure I can behave myself.”

  Brad said, “I’m not sure how to take that, Mac. I can’t not be who I am.”

  Mac held on to Brad a little tighter.

  “No, I didn’t mean you. I would never ask you to be anything that you’re not,” he said. “I’m just not ready to get into this with Jack, that’s all. I’m living it, and I still don’t totally understand it. I can’t imagine what Jack is going to think.”


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